Waldo and his dog named Woof are walking to the dog show, where Woof gets to win a prize for those dog tricks that Waldo taught him. What they didn't notice was Wenda.
"Hey, Waldo, did you know that dogs have ears?" asked Wenda.
"I knew that before, Wenda. Dogs can hear with their ears." said Waldo.
"Well, why don't you point at Woof's ears, Wally?" Wenda askied Waldo to point at Woof's dog ears.
"Weird idea, but I'll do it." said Waldo as he pointed at Woof's left ear and right ear, causing Woof to hear Waldo very well.
"I pointed at Woof's ears, and I knew he can hear very well." Waldo said.
"Thanks a lot, Waldo. Have fun at the dog show." told Wenda to Waldo, as she walked off.
"We will, Wenda." Waldo said.