It was a dark night, very very dark night, a scared Clyde is walking into a road of grass, only to find out he has won a mansion in a contest, he never entered...

Clyde then looked at the map of his very own mansion to find the way to it, and then he looked up and saw it.

"This doesn't look anything like the one on the paper!" Clyde said. He then cotinued to walk up to it. He pulled on the door handle, turned on his flashlight. "Hello?" Clyde said in a scared-y way.

"This looks really scary..." After a few moments, he calmed himself down, "There's nothing to be afraid of Clyde," he said to himself, "just pretend it's all in your imagination" He then noticed two staircases leading to the same floor, he walked up the stairs to find 2 doors, one on his left and one in the middle, he proceeded to check if they are unlocked but turns out when he tried to open his left one, it was locked. He tried opening the middle one, but no luck.

He then decided to go downstairs to the Foyer to try to find some clues, until he saw something orange, an orange mist to be exact, he then froze because he couldn't believe what he was seeing, he also sees a key inside the mist, shortly after the orange mist was gone and it dropped the key, Clyde then slowly walked towards the key while shivering to pick it up.

"Hmm, I should try this on a door" he said to himself. He walked towards the middle door on Floor 2 and then attempted to unlock it, and it worked. Clyde slowly puts his hand on the doorknob, then slowly twisted it, and very very slowly opened it, when he went inside, he was walking very slowly and his flashlight got shut off, "Aww what? I just put fresh new ones! Well, that's 3 dollars wasted for nothing..." said an upset Clyde, and then he saw an orange ghoslty figure. Clyde screamed because of what he just saw

"YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Clyde fell to the ground and started pulling himself back to avoid the ghost, but then he started to see the ghost get sucked up by a vaccuum cleaner, but it was no oridinary vaccuum cleaner. (You'll know later in the story)

A short professor was catching the ghost with his vacuum cleaner, the ghost then waited for him to get closer, after he did, the ghost gave him one mean punch.

"Ouch..." said the professor, "Ooof... I sure take a lot of knocks in this line of work." "I'm getting too old for this ghost-catching tomfoolery."

"Anyway nice to meet you I'm Professor E. Gadd." "Nice to meet you too." said Clyde, "My name is Clyde." "This house..." said E Gadd. "I swear it seems to have more ghosts every day! "What's a young feller like you doing around here, anyhoo?" suddenly out of nowhere, the same orange ghost came back not just one, but three of them. "Uh-oh! This looks ugly." Said E. Gadd. "All right, youngster, look lively! Follow me, posthaste!" The two ran out of the mansion safely and they both went to E. Gadd's lab, where they proceeded to have a nice talk.

"So your name's Clyde?" said E. Gadd, "I think our paths were destined to cross. Well met, Clyde." Clyde nodded, then he said where are we exactly?" "Hmm? Where's this, you ask?" said E. Gadd, "Why, these cozy quarters are where I do my ghost-studying. Professor E. Gadd's Ghost research laboratory! The Lab, if you're of a shortening mind." Clyde nodded and said, "Well, I won this mansion in a contest I never entered." "You won this mansion in a contest you didn't even entered? Sounds pretty fishy to me..." said E. Gadd, Clyde nodded and E. Gadd proceeded to say, "So, you believe the mansion actually exists then... Strange. I've been living here since I was a lad of twenty or so, and I'll tell you: that mansion appeared just a few days ago! The spirits have fooled you!"

Clyde's face immediately changed to a suprised face, "What?!" he proceeded to say. Then E. Gadd said, "I don't know if it's a dream, an illusion, or what-all, but I surely wouldn't be too happy winning a haunted house!"

Then E. Gadd started to say words that suprised Clyde, "Now that I get a look at you, I just recalled... A kid with white hair, an orange polo shirt, and jeans went up to the mansion without even stopping to chat... and he never returned. Was he a dream, too?

Clyde jaw dropped as he heard the phrase, "A kid with white hair, an orange polo shirt, and jeans," he then said, "Omigosh!, that's my best friend!"

"What?" said E Gadd. "That guy was your best friend? Oh no! That's horrible!" Clyde nodded his head very fast. "Well, you can't save your friend looking like that! No offense, so you'll need to gear up!" said E. Gadd, "Come on, I'll get you something to use and we can go start training!" Clyde then said, "Okay...".

In the training room:

"Wow, this thing actually fits me!" Clyde said, "You bet it does, now lets start training!" said E. Gadd. "Now, this might sound complicated, but I'll try to dumb it down, so basically when a ghost comes up to you, shine 'em with that flashlight of yours, and once their heart appears inside them, then suck 'em up with the vaccuum." "Ah, I see, got it!" said Clyde.

The next thing Clyde knew was the whole room got dark and saw a beam of light appear, a few moments later, a ghost appeared. "AHHH!" said Clyde. He then proceeded to shine him with the flashlight causing the ghost to freeze with his heart open. Clyde then sucked up the ghost with the Poltergust 3000. "Wow! This thing actually works!" said Clyde. "You liked that?" said E. Gadd, "then let's see if you can catch two ghosts!" Clyde then prepared himself for the two ghosts. After they appeared, Clyde did the same procedures E. Gadd told him and sucessfully caught the ghost with no harm. "This is too easy!" He said.

"Oh really? Well then get ready for five!" yelled E. Gadd. Clyde then, got prepared for what was about to come at him, and of course with no harm at all, he caught all five!

"Wow! I'm impressed!" said E. Gadd, "I'd say you're ready to look for your friend now!" Clyde danced in excitement.

There they are at the main room, and E. Gadd asked, "What do you want to do, Clyde?"

"I would like to go to the mansion." said Clyde. "Careful now, Clyde!" said E. Gadd, a few moments later they were outside and Clyde was about to walk up to the mansion, while E. Gadd was waving to Clyde for good luck. Clyde was ready to harm anyone that gets in his way.

This is basically the end of the Chapter of the introduction, The next chapter will cover all of Area 1. A quick note, I kinda rushed into this chapter so it may or may not be great, but I will try to do better in the next chapter.