Turn back! If you have not read A Hand To Hold, don't read this one. You will be confused. Anyways enjoy!
Harry's pov
I still remembered it as if it was yesterday.
I had just returned from school and i was sitting in my room at the Dursleys. I knew this was going to be the worst summer of my life since i still wasn't over the death of Cedric. What was worse was that Hermione was going to be in France all summer with her family. I was really going to miss her but i knew that i would see her before school starts, and we promised to write. I was only back at Privet Drive for a week when it happened...Voldemort returned.
He brought his death eaters and he was ready to kill me. It happened almost instantly. I remembered the moment i raised my wand as did he, our beams of magic connected mine winning in the end. I don't know if it was the emotions i was feeling since Cedric or thinking about her...but i knew i couldn't let him live a minute longer...I killed him...I took his life.
It wasn't until a few minutes after it happened the order arrived.
I told them everything and they congratulated me...congratulations and admiration was all i was given. Eventually that was all gone...i found out the death eaters had killed my family. My aunt, uncle, and my cousin...they were gone. After the intial shock i remembered being escorted to the ministry where i was hounded by hundreds of cameras and newspapers, as well as people crying and thanking me.
I was glad his reign ended but what of the concequences. I have no living blood relatives. They are all gone...but i didn't feel alone.
Everywhere i went everyone was happy and grateful for me. After talking with the ministry and all the newspapers, Dumbledore sent me to stay with the Weasleys for the rest of the summer. I was happy to be surrounded by those who i knew wouldn't treat me differently.
That's where i am now, hero of the wizard world, savior of all magic, it will be a title given to me for the rest of my life.
"Harry?" I got awoken from my flashback as i heard a voice say my name
I looked towards the door to see Ron waiting for me.
"Are you okay? You have been staring off for a while now" Ron says laughing a bit
"Yeah i am just thinking"
"Well we're about to do your favorite thing...go to diagon alley" Ron says sarcastically
I am not fond of leaving the comfort of his house, and he knew that. The attention could get extremley overwhelming sometimes.
"Just perfect. Do you mind if i stay here? I can go tomorrow or something. I think i will stay and write to Hermione. I haven't sent her a letter in a while" I tell him but he just looks at me confusingly
"You realize that you were just writing to her yesterday? You two have been sending letters back and fourth everyday this summer" Ron says laughing
"Just go without me"
He eventually gives in and leaves me. I grabbed my parchment and ink and begun writing yet another letter to Hermione. Ron was right, i sent her a letter everyday. Even if she isn't here to help me deal with everything i still feel close to her. I was looking forward to her returning.
Dear Mione,
I miss you immensely, it has been hard dealing with the everyday struggle without you being here. I know your returning in a few days but it seems like a lifetime away. How has your trip been? I know from your last letter you recently visited the Louvre. I don't know much about art but i know how wonderful it's supposed to be. Anyways i miss you. I know i tell you in every letter but it's all true. I still think of everything that happened last year and it helps me feel better when your not here. I love you my beautiful mione. I can't wait till you return to me.
Sincerely, Harry
I took one last look at my letter before tying it to Hedwig's leg. I also grabbed a rose and placed it on her other leg. I quickly gave her a treat before watching her fly out the window.
After a few hours i went downstairs to see Mrs.Weasley making dinner. The smell of the food makes my stomach growl, i never ate this morning.
"Harry i thought you would have gone with the boys" Mrs. Weasley says surprisingly
"I didn't feel like getting mobbed by everyone today. After my last trip to diagon alley i decided to take a break. Besides i had to write a letter to Hermione" I tell her
"Aww. You two are so adorable. I remember when Arthur and i were so young and in love. Anyways since you are here, do you mind helping me with dinner?" She asks
"Not at all"
After another hour the rest of the Weasleys returned just in time for dinner. We all sat around the table sharing stories of our various adventures. Fred and George were telling me all about their joke shop they were planning on opening with the reward money i gave them. I can't help but look around and think that I am part of a family.
Meanwhile...in France
Hermione's pov
This trip has been absolutely fabulous. Everything here was so beautiful, and of course with the constant letters from Harry, it only made it better. I was sitting at breakfast with my parents while i told them parents the various adventures i had at Hogwarts. I didn't tell them much of Harry, they knew we were dating. My father doesn't enjoy when i fawn over boys, whenever i talked about Harry my dad just says things about how he wishes i wouldn't grow up, if only he knew how grown i already was.
"So you really were stuck at the bottom of the ocean waiting for Harry to save you?" My fathers asks shockingly
"Yes. Don't worry daddy i was perfectly safe. Harry saved me like he always does" I told him, i tried my hardest not to blush
All of a sudden a very snowy owl landed directly in front of me. I had a feeling he would write me today, i mean we have been talking everyday. I grabbed the letter and the rose he left me, it was beautiful.
"Mum can i be excused?" I asked instantly
"Of course. Please tell Harry we say hello and expect to meet him soon" My mother says
I quickly ran over to my room in the hotel and began writing my letter to hin. I knew i would have to write to him right away since Hedwig usually waits for me to send my letter.
Dear Harry,
I miss you as well. Thank you for the rose its absolutely beautiful. So far my trip is wonderful but i'm eager to return to you. I love and miss you and i promise the second i see you i will snog you sensless. I will stay at the Weasleys for a few days before school just so i can be with you, it won't be long before were together in each others arms. Be strong and safe. I know it's hard living in the spotlight but i know you can overcome it. My parents say hello and expect to meet you at some point. I love you with all my heart.
Love, Hermione
I quickly sent my letter with Hedwig while i thought about him, like i have been doing everyday this summer. We will be together soon.
Hey readers! I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my sequel. Please vote and comment, i love hearing what you guys have to say. I will update every few days about.