Alright I'm back. Long AN at the bottom so enjoy. I do not own Naruto or Bleach, nor do I get any monetary gain for any work I publish.

Thought: Kyuubi

Speaking: Kyuubi

Radio/Phone Etc: Kyuubi

Jutsu/Deity: Kyuubi

Scene Change: xxXXxx


A thunderstorm could be heard in the sky above a small town. Strong winds blew and the ground literally felt like it would shake with every flash of lightning and rumble of thunder overhead.

Blue eyes blearily opened with the owner letting out a soft groan. "What the hell happened?" asked a male voice, groggily. Looking around it was clear to see that this wasn't anywhere that he was familiar with.

He was on a futon on the floor with white sheets and a blanket, and for some reason had bandages wrapped around a lot of his body with red spots coming through some places, which he knew from experience was blood. His right arm was still wrapped how he had it showing that it hadn't been bothered with.

Even with his grogginess he was quick to realize that his body appeared to be in an even more deteriorated state than even how Nagato had looked during his last days alive with him; Naruto, also having white hair on his head.

This caused Naruto to seriously wonder what had happened to him for his body to end up in this state. He knew from seeing it that this was what happened when the body was drained of chakra.

Seeing his current state, Naruto knew that it was seriously time to try and get some answers about what was going on, but to start he would have to figure out where he was first and why he was there.

The room he was occupying was pretty barren with only a dresser to his left with a full body mirror next to it and the wall in front of him had closet doors along most of it. There was also a few other things like a table and another futon a few feet away from his.

There was a brown wooden door also to his left, and windows with white curtains to his right and the entire room was a beige color. Looking around the man was sure that he had never seen this room before.

Reaching up his bandaged right arm to his head to try and relieve his extreme migraine to clear his head the owner couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Where the hell am I?" He couldn't remember what the hell had happened for him to end up where he was.

That's not to say he didn't have any memories, just that he didn't know why he was here; nor why his body, his head most importantly, was in so much pain. Just to be sure, however, he decided to ask someone who might know.

"Hey Kurama did you take over my body or something?" He waited for a reply, but after a few minutes with no answer he started to get a little worried. "Hey! Did you not hea-" He could not finish his sentence however due to the fact he couldn't enter the mindscape.

This caused a bit of panic to settle in. Never before had he ever been barred from his mindscape, it was his after all. This was what caused him to try and quickly clear the clouds from his mind.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked himself while trying to stand up. This, however, proved to be a bad idea as his entire body experienced agonizing pain from the attempted motion.

This caused him to instantly fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes while literally whimpering from the amount of pain he was receiving. Out of all the injuries he had received in his life none compared to this.

After a few minutes of adjusting to the pain he felt it recede enough to be bearable. "Okay what the fuck is going on!" Knowing that trying to move would be a bad idea he knew that he would have to try and fix his body.

Therein lied the problem. He knew from both Nagato and the war that his bodies condition happened when chakra was forcefully removed from the body, whether by the owner or an outside force.

Normally all you would need is chakra to replenish the body, and with his reserves that shouldn't have been a problem, so that would mean he was seriously drained if his reserves weren't being replenished yet.

Naruto then decided to take a manual check on how much chakra he had restored, but he was in for another surprise in less than five minutes and the reason was because he couldn't feel his chakra.

Well, to say he couldn't feel his chakra would be wrong. He could feel his body producing chakra, but the amount was barely enough to keep him alive. There was also the fact that his chakra wasn't really moving.

He knew a bit about this feeling. It had happened after his first time using his Rasenshuriken, except now it was his full body which led Naruto to a simple conclusion. His chakra network was destroyed.

This caused even more panic for the young blond. This meant that even if his body did start to produce more chakra he wouldn't be able to use it. That explained why his chakra reserves weren't refilling as well.

Now Naruto knew that he had been in some tough spots before, but he had never been in a situation like this. He was in an unknown area with no access to his chakra, and his body was weaker than it had ever been.

He knew that if he were in enemy territory, as unlikely as that may be with peace being spread across the Elemental Nations, that he wouldn't be able to protect himself. This left him with two options.

The first option was to sit and wait for potentially hostile individuals to come back to the room where they could do any number of things to him without any resistance, though whoever it was could also be a friendly.

The second option was to get up and try to find any information he could while trying not to alert anybody just in case they were hostile. This option came with extreme pain, though this time he would be ready for it.

Taking a few minutes to think about his options Naruto quickly made a decision. He took a few deep breaths of air to calm himself and then tried standing once more. He shouldn't have done that.

Instantly he was bombarded with pain. He tried his best to fight through it, but it was just too intense for him to take, resulting in Naruto once more having his body come in quick contact with the floor.

"Oww! God damn it that hurts!" He exclaimed irritably as he couldn't get anywhere in his current state. He was so busy with the pain and trying to think that he hadn't heard the door that his back was now facing open.

"Oh! You're up. I'm so glad that you're okay." Replied a voice that was somewhere out of view. That problem was immediately rectified as a young teen girl came into his vision.

The girl looked to be a few years younger than him with brown eyes and orange hair, which Naruto instantly liked. She wore a white pajama pant with a white t-shirt and in her hair were to blue flower shaped hairpins on each side of her head.

The most noticeable thing about her though were her larger than average breast, though Naruto would vehemently deny looking at them a bit longer than necessary. "Who are you?" He asked.

This got a truly happy smile from the girl and Naruto couldn't help but notice the pure innocence of it. If this girl really was an enemy then she could put on a friendly façade perfectly from what he could tell.

"Hi! My name's Orihime Inoue, what's yours?" She asked, smile still plastered on her face. It took a moment before Naruto finally got his bearings and realized that she was waiting on a response.

"My names Naruto Uzumaki." Was his curt reply. Naruto expected many thing when he told this girl his name, after all he was now known as the hero of the Fourth Shinobi War, so his name was known throughout the land.

What he didn't expect was for the girl before him to start giggling to herself. He could also tell that she was trying to hold back on letting out a full blown laugh, though he didn't know what was so funny.

It took a few minutes for the giggling girl to finally reign in her amusement, but when she did she looked at Naruto apologetically. "I'm sorry. It's just that your name is a ramen topping and that caused me to imagine a big bowl of ramen introducing itself to me, which I found funny."

This got a raised eyebrow from Naruto. He knew his name came from a ramen topping and he had no shame in that, he was actually quite glad of that fact. He just didn't ever think that someone would find it so amusing.

Seeing the girl still looking a bit sad since it seemed she thought that she might have insulted him, Naruto decided to assure her that he wasn't offended. "You know that is actually quite funny."

Releasing a small chuckle of his own Naruto was relieved to see the sadness leave the girls visage. "So do you have any idea what happened to me?" He asked. This might be the only way for him to get some information.

Sadly, Orihime just shook her head in a negative. "No! All I know is that it just started storming outside, and when I looked out the window you were just laying in the street, so I went outside and brought you in." Said Orihime.

"I would've tried taking you to the clinic, but the storm was too bad. So I brought you up here took you out of your jumpsuit, which allowed me to see how injured you were and I bandage you up a bit, though your arm was already bandaged.." She finished with a blush on her face.

This was the first time she had had a boy, not including her now deceased brother, in her room. And she had stripped him down to his underwear. Even though it was because she didn't want him to get sick she still couldn't help the embarrassment.

This got a raised eyebrow from Naruto. He was now really grateful for all of the things this girl had done for him, a complete stranger. He could tell from the way she was acting that she really had nothing to do with whatever happened to him.

While he was now sure that she wasn't an enemy that left a few more questions. How the hell had he ended up outside, and he still didn't know where he was. "Which village are we in?" He asked. He needed to get a message to Kakashi-sensei immediately.

It took a few seconds before Orihime replied. "You're in Karakura Town." She replied while looking at Naruto worriedly. How did he not know where he was? Did someone do something to him? Was that why she found him outside.

As all of those thoughts went through Origime's head Naruto was having some thoughts of his own. "Where the hell is Karakura Town? I'm sure I've never heard of a town by that name, though we might be in one of the smaller lands."Thought Naruto.

With that Naruto decided to be a bit more specific. "How far are we from the Land of Fire, 'cause I need to send a message to the Hokage immediately letting him know where I am."

The look of confusion that crossed Orihime's face was not a good sign for Naruto, and her answer just cemented that fact into him. "I'm sorry, but we're in Japan. I don't know about any Land of Fire, or what a Hokage is."

Once again worry crept into Naruto's heart. How could she not know what the Land of Fire was, or what a Hokage was. There shouldn't be any village that didn't know one of the Five Great Nations. And what the hell was a Japan.

This was beginning to cause far more question than answers, and Naruto didn't like what was being implied. Once more sitting up, and making sure to take it slow, Naruto looked towards Orihime.

"You wouldn't happen to have some kind of map, would you. I'd like to see something if possible." Orihime just nodded her head before walking out of the room. Naruto just sat there, hoping that what he thought was going on wasn't.

It took only a few minutes before Orihime reentered the room with a book in her hand. Passing it to the blond Naruto noticed the words World Atlas on front of it. "This is what we use to study different maps of the other countries."

Naruto nodded before opening the book in his lap, and immediately he felt his heart drop. Not a single thing in this book looked familiar to what he knew. His world had a single large continent, but this book showed multiple smaller ones.

As he looked at all of the names and shapes of all of the different continents his hopes fell more and more. There was literally nothing in this book that he recognized. He quickly began panicking.

The more time passed, the worst his situation seemed to get. He could at least hold out for someone from the village to find him, but how would they do that if he was apparently in another dimension.

He wasn't even sure if Sasuke would be able to help with this situation. This brought him back to the main question he had been asking since he got here. What the fuck happened to him?

Orihime, seeing Naruto flipping through the atlas in a panic, quickly grabbed Narutos' hands. "What's wrong?" She asked as Naruto finally seemed to calm down a bit and look at her. She could literally see the fear and sadness in his eyes.

If there was one thing that Orihime didn't like was seeing people sad, no matter who it was. With that thought Orihime did something that she wouldn't normally do, she hugged him.

Now, while normally Orihime was a nice girl and tried her best to be kind to everyone, she felt that her normal happy demeanor wouldn't work in this situation. Whatever was going on with her injured guest was hurting him deeply, and it wasn't his wounds.

So she decided to just give him a shoulder to cry on which, surprisingly to anybody that knew him, he did. Naruto just couldn't stop the tears from falling. He had to wonder what bad thing he had done in his life to literally lose everything.

It wasn't long before Orihime noticed that the blond had gone limp in her arms. She moved his body back a little to see that he had fallen unconscious at some point. The pain and stress had finally been enough to put him back down.

Orihime once more laid the young man out on the futon, making sure to cover him back up. She couldn't help but to feel sad for him. Whatever had happened to him had to have been horrible from what she could tell.

She really wished that she could do more for him, but the only left was to take him to the clinic in the morning once the storm had passed. Luckily it wasn't a school night, so she could at least be there for him.

She just hoped that he could find some type of happiness again, because his eyes reminded her of her own when she had lost her brother, only it seemed a lot worse. She really didn't want anyone going through that type of pain.

With that thought Orihime got up and turned off the lights in the room, before going into the other futon that was laid out on the floor. She looked towards the boy sleeping a few feet away from her.

Most people would say that she should be more careful and not sleep so close to someone she didn't even know, but she had been outside the door and had seen what happened to him when he tried to move.

She could tell that he wasn't faking the pain either, and she would've tried to help him, but she was a bit shocked that he was up already. By the time she came back to her senses it seemed that the pain had lessened.

With that thought in mind Orihime had one mission now, to get Naruto to the clinic and see what all was wrong with his so he could get the actual medical attention he needed to get better. She could only do so much, after all.

With those last thought Orihime closed her eyes and fell asleep, having dreams of talking ramen and strawberries, both with funny faces and hairstyles. For the time being all of her sad thoughts were forgotten.


The next morning Orihime woke up a bit early, as she wanted to take her new friend to the clinic as soon as possible. Rising from her bed she let out a yawn as she stretched. Looking over to her right she was expecting Naruto to still be asleep.

It was with a little bit of surprise that she saw his eyes were actually open, but he was looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression. She really didn't want to see him looking like that.

"Good morning." She said, trying to sound as happy as she could. This finally seemed to gain Narutos' attention, though his expression was still blank.

"Good morning, Orihime. Did you sleep well?" he asked in a monotone. Orihime forced herself to remain positive despite his tone and his use of her first name. She didn't really know him well enough, but she'd let it slide for now.

"Yeah! I had a wonderful dream of ramen and strawberries fighting for some reason. It was really funny." She replied with actual amusement in her voice. She remembered how the two foods were in gladiator type battles in her dream.

She had hoped to get some type of positive response from him, but his face remained blank which caused her to frown. She felt like his sadness was somehow her fault. He had had some positivism to him before she had answered his questions and gotten that atlas.

After that he had just shut down. Even though she only knew this man for a few hours she had a feeling that this wasn't how he was supposed to be. "I'm going to get ready so we can go to the clinic."

With that she gathered her few essentials and some clothes and left the room, once more leaving Naruto alone with his depressing thoughts, such as if he'd ever return home again, or get his power back.

To think that the hero of the Fourth Great Shinobi War could be in such a pathetic state was almost laughable, yet also quite weird for the blond. All his life he had had to rely mostly on himself, now he could barely move on his own.

He silently wondered what would become of him in this unknown world while he was so weak. He literally wouldn't be able to do anything unless his body got better, and that wouldn't happen until he could get his chakra network fixed, which he doubted would be possible in this world.

His senses might be a little dull due to his predicament, but now that he was calmer he could sense that Orihime had no type energy in her body and, if she was how everyone else was, then no one would be able to fix him.

He would be a cripple in an unknown world, struggling to survive until the day that he died unless some type of miracle could happen, which he highly doubted. He slowly started contemplating how the rest of his life would be.

It was a few minutes later that Orihime reentered the room with a towel wrapped around her head. She was wearing grey sweatpants, a white t-shirt with butterfly designs and a pair of grey sneakers.

She had decided to dress this way because she knew that she would have to help Naruto make it to the clinic since he could barely move on his own. Luckily she was a lot stronger than she looked.

She had had to carry her brother to the clinic before he died after all, and she was a lot smaller back then while Naruto was almost as big as her brother was. This thought saddened her a little though.

She knew that Narutos' body wasn't in the best shape, and she sincerely hoped that this wouldn't be a repeat of three years ago, which ended in the person she was trying to help dying.

With that thought she once more went into the closet and pulled out one of the boxes within. The box held some of her brothers' old clothes and they were the only boy clothes she had that she could give Naruto to wear, since the clothes she had found him in were practically rags.

She quickly skimmed through the box before pulling out a casual short black pants and short sleeved button up shirt. She would've tried to find some underwear, but she found the thought too embarrassing.

She quickly walked over to the futon that Naruto was laying in and held out the clothes for him to take. "Here! You can wear these for today since all of your old clothes was destroyed when I found you."

Naruto slowly sat up, some strain visible on his face, and took the clothes that the nice girl were offering him. He then tried to stand so he could go and get dressed, but was quickly reminded why that was a bad idea.

Luckily for him the pain wasn't as intense as it had been the previous night, so he was able to get over it rather quickly. Opening his eyes, which he had shut due to the pain, he was surprised to see Orihime with her hand out.

"I'll help you to the restroom so that you wont strain yourself too much." Naruto just looked down at the floor. To think that his life had come to this, after everything he had done to try and live right.

To put it in simple terms, Naruto thought that this was a bunch of shit. He had always tried to do everything right, and this was his reward. He couldn't help but feel a bit bitter at his situation.

Before he could delve deeper into his dark thoughts he felt Orihime touch his shoulder. Looking up at her he saw she had a reassuring smile on her face. "Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay."

Naruto didn't know why, but he really wanted to believe that what she said was the truth, but he knew from experience that life was never really fair. He did give the girl a small smile in thanks, which caused her own to grow.

Getting out of his slump Naruto allowed her to help him up and towards the bathroom. The walk wasn't long, which he was grateful for, though his body wasn't hurting as bad, most likely due to the girl that was helping him.

Thinking about it Naruto really wanted to repay her for everything she had done. If it wasn't for her he might've died in that storm last night, so he really wanted to find some way to thank her for all she did.

As they entered the bathroom, and Orihime showed him where everything was and how the shower worked, Naruto noticed another problem. He was covered in bandages, so how was he supposed to take a bath.

After bringing the problem up with Orihime Naruto made a decision. He would skip the bath for now and, after he had been checked out by a doctor and give instructions how to, then he would take one.

With their new plan set Orihime quickly, but gently, helped Naruto into his borrowed clothes. Seeing that he was now dressed, though he still looked like a mummy, Orihime left the room.

Soon she came back with his Shinobi sandals in her hand. Apparently they had survived whatever happened to him, prompting Naruto to ask if anything else had also survived. He was happy when he found out that his metal plate for his headband had survived.

At least he could get a new band to place it on. This was the last piece of proof he had that his village existed and he wasn't delusional, and he would not let go of it no matter what.

He easily slid the piece of metal in his pocket, along with slipping his shoes on, and was finally ready to go. With that Orihime once more helped in his walking as they left her apartment, with her locking the door as they left.

It was a bit of a struggle for them to get down the stairs, but eventually they managed and were on their way to get him expert help. It wasn't long before the two were walking down the streets of Karakura Town.

It also wasn't long before the two were receiving weird looks from some of the townspeople, though that was to be expected, after all Naruto was heavily bandaged and looking quite ill.

The two teens just ignored the looks however, neither one caring too much about anything more than their destination. Soon the two teens heard someone shouting to Orihime.

It wasn't long before a girl ran up to them. She had short black hair and was wearing black shorts, a blue t-shirt with a white number one on it, or a jersey as they were called, and black sneakers.

"Tatsuki-chan! How are you doing today?" asked Orihime with a smile, as if she wasn't carrying around what looked like a badly injured boy. Of course Orihime was just weird like that.

"I'm doing good." Was her reply. "What's going on here?" She asked, trying to get some information from her air-headed friend. She really wanted to know what was going on here.

Naruto silently watched as Orihime explained everything that had happened last night upward to when he had awoken. He was glad that she didn't reveal how he acted, most likely knowing that he didn't want anyone to know.

This just gave Naruto more things to be thankful to this girl for. Tatsuki took a few seconds to go through everything she had heard before she spoke. "So, you're carrying him over to the clinic then?"

Orihime just nodded with the smile still on her face. "Okay fine, I'll help you, but after this I want to ask you a few questions." She said directing the last part at Naruto. He just raised an eyebrow while wondering if she was trying to intimidate him.

He would've laughed at the notion of the whole thing, but he knew that right now he looked pretty weak. Before anything else could be said Tatsuki walked over to his other side and helped Orihime carry him.

Soon the three were once more walking down the road. This time, with the help from Tatsuki, it didn't take long before the three arrived in front of a building with a sign reading 'Kurosaki Clinic' on front.

Walking up to the door Tatsuki knocked to get the attention of whoever ran the place. It wasn't long before a man poked his head out the door with an exuberant greeting to the teens. His mood instantly got more serious as he spotted Naruto.

"Come inside." He said as he led the three into the building before pointing out a bed to place the once blond on. He quickly grabbed the necessary equipment as he began checking the boy out while questioning what had happened, though Naruto made sure to keep him away from his right arm.

This got the docs attention as he really wanted to know why the boy didn't seem to want anyone looking at his arm, but he had other injuries to deal with that the boy had received, so he let him be.

Orihime had once more recounted the events that had transpired the previous night, and Naruto had told them that he didn't know how he had ended up outside of her apartment, which he really didn't.

After hearing both stories Isshin, or Dr. Kurosaki as Naruto had learned, had told the two girls to go to the waiting area so he could give Naruto a full physical to get some idea of what had happened.

While they were talking Naruto took in the mans features. He was about 186cm and had short black hair with some stubble on his chin and brown eyes. He wore brown pants, a buttoned up brown shirt with black shoes and a white doctors coat.

As the two left the room Isshin turned to Naruto. "I'm going to remove the bandages so that I can get a better idea of what I'm dealing with. We'll avoid that arm of yours if that's what you want." He said with a pair of medical scissors in hand.

After getting a nod of acceptance from the boy he then proceeded to cut off the bandages. He was quite surprised by what he found. The boys' body was covered in lacerations, and his muscles were deteriorated in a way he had never seen before.

This just bought more questions to the Drs mind. Just what the hell had happened to this kid. He had a few theories, but there was nothing he could prove at the time. He would have to keep an eye on him.

After cleaning and rewrapping the boy in a better fashion than he was, he knew it was time for some more serious questions. He did have what he presumed was an unknown minor in his care that had somehow ended up outside in a storm.

Walking over to his desk he grabbed a clipboard so he could write any info down. "Can I ask you a few more questions?" Getting a simple shrug in response he took that as a sign to continue.

"What's your name?" His sons' friends had already told him, but he needed to get the information straight from the boy. It took a few seconds before the boy replied.

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"How old are you?"


"Where are you from?" At this the teen paused. He looked like he was considering what answer to give, which raised a few warning bells for the doctor.

"I don't know where I'm from." That was partially true. There was nowhere on the map of this world that he could say he was from, so he decided to give a slight lie. Luckily the doctor seemed to have bought it.

"Do you know where your parents are, or if there's anyone we can call to notify that we found you?" He asked.

:No! I'm an orphan and there's no one in this world that would care for me. I don't even really know how I'm going to pay for any of this since I have no money." Replied the boy. Isshin could tell that he was being truthful by the way he was acting.

"Don't worry about payment right now, I'm sure we can work something out later." Replied Isshin. He decided to give the boy some medication and let the boy rest for a while so he could have a few words with the two who brought him in.

Leaving the boy laying in bed, Isshin went to the waiting room. After entering he could see Orihime giving him a worried look. "How is he? Is he going to be alright?" Asked the orange haired girl.

Isshin just gave her a reassuring smile. "He's going to be fine thanks to you. His wounds could've gotten seriously infected if you hadn't treated them, so good job." This got the young girl to beam with happiness.

"Can we see him?" She had faith in the mans ability as a doctor, she just wanted to see that Naruto was okay with her own eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I gave him some medicine for the pain and to hopefully stop any infections from happening, so he should be sleeping right now." He could see some sadness in the girls features, but there was still some things that he had to deal with.

"Orihime! Since you were the one that found him I'm going to need you to stick around until the police can get here so that you can tell them what happened. Hopefully, with their help, we'll be able to get some idea of where your friend came from, or at least what happened to him."

Orihime just nodded as she sat back down in her seat. "I'll stay with you." Said Tatsuki. Luckily it was still early in the morning, and the weekend, so she had nothing to do really. Isshin nodded at the two girls before he went to his phone and called the police.

Less than twenty minutes later a squad car pulled up in front of the clinic, and two nondescript officers stepped out. The two walked into the clinic to do their investigation, hoping that it would be an easy case.

After about another hour of everyone being questioned again, the two left with a picture of Naruto so that they could put out an APB to try and see if they could find anyone who knew him or had any info about what had happened to him.

As the two officers left, both Orihime and Tatsuki were mentally tired from the day. Seeing this Isshin proceeded to get the two girls something to drink to ease their worries. "Well I'm glad that's over." He said jokingly.

This got nods of agreement from the two. While they were relaxing Isshin realized another problem. What exactly were they going to do with the boy. Of course Isshin would let him stay in the clinic until he got better, but what then?

If what he said was true then he literally had nowhere and no one. This left a sour taste in all of their mouth. Isshin, as a father, couldn't allow a boy that was only a few years older than his own son be alone.

Before he could make any plans Orihime beat him to the punch. "He can stay with me." That statement alone got her wide eyed looks from the other two persons in the room, but it was Tatsuki who spoke first.

"Orihime are you crazy? I get that you want to help the guy, but don't you think that you've done enough?" She asked, desperately trying to get her friend to see sense. She didn't have anything against the guy, but she also didn't really trust him.

However Orihime had apparently made up her mind already. She had seen his eyes and, after hearing what she had, she knew that Naruto had it worst than her. She knew what it felt like to be alone.

Although, thankfully, now she had a few more friends to help with her loneliness, but they still didn't get rid of it fully. The times when she felt the most lonely was when she was home all by herself.

She didn't want him to go through that. He didn't have anyone, so he would be lonely all the time. She couldn't allow that to happen. Even though she knew what she was saying wasn't too smart, she would not change her mind.

"How are you going to take care of the both of you? You do realize that he's going to need a lot of attention until he gets better, right." Isshin couldn't afford for this young girl to try and burden herself with someone with Narutos' problems, especially when she herself was so young.

Still Orihime refused to budge on her idea. "I get money from a family member that I live off of, and my apartment is big enough for the both of us." She wouldn't leave him alone. Maybe the two of them could get rid of each others loneliness.

Seeing the girl wasn't going to budge, Isshin let out a tired sigh. Orihime was already old enough to make whatever choice she wanted and, as long as the police didn't find anything that showed the boy was a threat, he would let her be.

Tatsuki could also see that she wouldn't be able to change her friends mind, so she decided that she would have to keep a more watchful eye on Orihime to make sure that nothing happened to her.

Seeing that she had finally gotten the two to agree with her, Orihime decided to go and inform her new roommate. She walked back to where they had left Naruto, Isshin and Tatsuki following, to see him sitting up in bed.

It wasn't long before they had explained what was going to happen. "No thanks." That was the only reply that Naruto had given to the suggestion. This caused Orihime to get sad, which pissed Tatsuki off.

"Look, jackass, Orihime is going out of her way to try and help you, so the least you can do is be grateful!" This got narrowed eyes from Naruto.

"I'm only going to be a burden for her. I can barely move on my own. I can't have her give up her life to take care of me." This got somber looks from everyone else. He wasn't trying to be a jerk, he just didn't want anyone to have to be responsible for him.

This raised his standing a bit in Tatsukis' eyes. He clearly wasn't someone who liked taking handouts. She could respect that. "Look! I know you might not want to, but Orihime has already made up her mind, which means there's no fighting her on this."

Naruto looked over at Orihime who was nodding in agreement with her friend. While she sent her a small smile. She knew that Tatsuki didn't like the idea, but at least she was willing to let her go through with it.

Naruto just sighed. He knew when he was outmatched in an argument, so he wouldn't even bother. "So when am I moving in?" He asked in a resigned tone. It was Isshin who answered him.

"Well I'll need to hold you for a couple days to make sure that you're better and for further observance, but once that's through you can go home." Naruto just nodded at that.

"Do you mind if I get a little more rest?" Everyone immediately got the message and left the boy alone. As soon as they left, Isshin, being a semi-responsible adult, decided to take one more go at making sure this was what Orihime wanted.

Are you sure that you're up for this? It's going to take a lot of responsibly to take care of that boy." He was trying to make sure she fully understood. Orihime just nodded.

"I'm willing to take this chance."

And I'm willing to help her." This response from Tatsuki caused Orihime to widen her eyes, before she gave her friend a thankful smile which she returned. With this Isshin saw no more need to interfere.

"Alright! I'll let one of you know when he's okay to leave the clinic so you can come and pick him up, but for now it's getting late, and I have a patient to attend to." Once more the girls got the hint.

The two girls might've wanted to stay a bit longer and hopefully get to see the Kurosaki children, one in particular, but they knew when they were overstaying their welcome, so the two got up and prepared to leave.

After saying their goodbyes the two girls left the clinic and silently headed back to their respective homes. Before the two could separate Tatsuki decided to ask one last question. "Are you sure you're prepared for this?"

This time she allowed her concern to be seen. Orihime knew she was worried and only had her best interest at heart, but she also knew what she wanted, and that was to not be lonely all the time, nor let someone else be lonely.

"Yeah! This really is what I want." Seeing the serene look on her friends face, Tatsuki was finally fully convinced that Orihime was doing this.

"Then I'll do my best to help you." She once more gave her assurance. Orihime smiled before the two reached the street that they would have to separate at. "Are you going back to see him tomorrow?"

Orihime nodded giving her an answer. With that the two decided to meet back here in the morning so they could head to the clinic together. Hopefully this wouldn't turn out bad for any of them.

After saying their goodbyes, the two girls separated and headed home. Reaching her apartment Orihime went up the stairs to her door and opened it before entering the apartment and locking the door behind her.

Instantly she was once more embraced by the feeling of crushing loneliness. This was what she was trying to get rid of, the sense of not having anyone. Hopefully her new friend would help with that.

Seeing as she had nothing else to do she went to take a bath before deciding to go to bed. Even though it was still early in the afternoon she still felt tired from the days events. After her bath she entered her room and laid on her futon.

She could immediately feel the emptiness of the room. The previous night she had actually felt pretty good when she went to sleep, but now she felt alone. She couldn't wait until Naruto got out of the clinic.

With that thought she simply began to drift off to sleep, though her dreams would be a lot less pleasant than they were the previous night. "Get well soon." She prayed to herself, hoping that Naruto would be better soon.

She didn't notice a dark figure with a white mask as it entered her apartment and began moving through the room, nor would she in the months to come. It wouldn't be until a certain incident that she would notice.


Back at the clinic Isshin went back to where he left Naruto to see that he appeared to be sleeping. "They left already." It took a few seconds before his patient opened his eyes, showing that he was only pretending to be asleep.

Slowly sitting up in the bed Naruto scanned the room to make sure that what the man said was true. Seeing that it was he released a tired sigh. "You know that this is a bad idea, right."

Isshin just nodded. While he wasn't fully on board, Orihime was of a legal age to make these decisions on her own, and he had no right to stop her. If she thought that she could handle it then he'd let her try.

"Are you hungry?" His response was a well timed growl from the boys' stomach, getting a small chuckle from the older man. "I guess that answers that question, huh."

Naruto just ducked his head in embarrassment. He hadn't eaten anything in who knew how long, so excuse him for his body's natural response to being hungry. "My daughter should be finished with lunch by now, so I'll go get you something to eat."

This got a raised eyebrow from Naruto. "You have kids?" He wasn't trying to be rude, he just was truly curious. Isshin nodded before walking towards his desk. From there he took one of the picture frames that was facing away from them.

He handed the frame over to Naruto where he could see three other people, aside from Isshin, in the picture. He quietly took in their appearance, since he might be here for a while and run into them.

The first one was a boy with orange hair and brown eyes. He looked to be about 180cm, basing it off of where he stood against Isshin in the picture. He wore blue jeans, a cream long sleeved shirt and white shoes. He also had a small smile on his face.

The second was a girl that stood to the left of the boy. She had dark grey eyes and black hair. She wore knee length black leggings, a white and red t-shirt and red sneakers. She had her arms crossed and also had a small smile on her face.

The last one in the picture was the brightest one for sure. She had short light blond hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress and had a large smile on her face.

Isshin quickly pointed out who was who. "That's Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu." He said while pointing to each child, allowing Naruto to put names to the faces. Yuzu is the one who does the cooking, so I'll go see if she's finished yet."

With that Isshin once more left, leaving Naruto alone with his thoughts. He put the picture on the table nearby his bed before once more trying to stand. He felt the pain again and sat back down.

"Hopefully once I get some food in me I'll be able to regain some of my strength. Then I'll be able to move a bit easier." With that he finalized his plans. After he had eaten and gotten his strength back he would leave. He wasn't going to make anyone take care of him.


Inside the Kurosaki household two young girls were busy doing their own things. These girls were Karin and Yuzu. While Karin was sitting on the couch reading a sports magazine, Yuzu was busy in the kitchen making lunch.

It wasn't long before the two heard the front door open and they looked up to see who it was, expecting it to be their older brother. Imagine their surprise when it was their father who walked in instead.

"Dad! What are you doing back home so early?" Asked Karin. Normally Yuzu would bring his lunch to the clinic, but it seemed he was changing it up. This, however, did gain a big smile from Yuzu.

"Dad! You actually came home for lunch." She was happy at the thought that their family could enjoy lunch together. Now they only had to wait on Ichigo to come home and their whole family would be present.

"Sorry, Yuzu, but I'm not here to stay. I just wanted to know if there was any extra food. I have a patient and he could use something to eat." This caused Yuzu's mood to drop slightly, but she understood her father had a job to do.

That was when she caught on to what her father had requested. Someone was in the clinic? Since when and how didn't she know. "You have a patient?" She asked, curiosity brimming from within her.

This also got the attention of Karin. "Who is it this time? Is it anyone we know?" Isshin just nodded his head negatively.

"It's a boy two of Ichigos' friends brought in. He's in really bad shape, though it's not bad enough where he has to be transferred to the hospital." This just piqued the two girls interest even more.

While they knew they couldn't ask their father anything specific, doctor patient confidentiality and all that, they knew they could get a bit of information. After a bit of coaxing from the two they had managed to get some of the story from their dad.

This also made them curious about how none of them had noticed an entire police car arriving, but they chalked it up to neither one of them really paying any attention to what was going on outside.

This seemed to light a fire in little Yuzu, however. After hearing about the boy in the clinic the eleven year old quickly went about preparing a large portion of food to be carried to him

She always prepared a lot, so there was no need to worry about there not being enough for everyone else. After she was done she grabbed the smaller portion before asking her father to bring the larger one.

She wanted to see this mysterious patient of her father. Isshin could not deny her request. Yuzu was just too adorable for him not to give her whatever she wanted, and this was no exception. He found himself lucky that she didn't use her 'powers' for evil.

Karin, seeing what was going on, also decided to accompany her father and sister to the clinic, if only to see if things were as bad as her father said. She knew her father had a tendency to exaggerate at times.

With that the three present Kurosakis left their home and went towards the they entered the three quickly moved towards the patient area. Once they entered Yuzu couldn't help but let out a silent gasp.

Karin also couldn't help her shock. She had thought her father was trying to make it sound like he was doing more than he actually was, for once she was completely wrong. Both sisters could not believe the state of the boy before them.

As they were observing him Naruto was doing his own observations. It was obvious that these were the two daughters of Isshin from the picture, though he wasn't expecting to meet any of them this soon.

Quickly realizing that they were staring the two sisters looked away with apologetic looks on their faces. They were sure that no one wanted to be looked at like they were some freak or something.

Before they could begin apologizing Naruto spoke. "Hey, you're Karin and Yuzu, right. My name's Naruto." He had seen the look on the poor girls faces and wanted to ease some of the tension.

Hearing his introduction both girls took a step forward. "Yes! I'm Karin, and this is my sister Yuzu. We're sorry for staring." Spoke Karin, apologizing on both her and her sisters behalf.

Naruto just easily waved her off. "No problem. I can see why you guys would stare." He spoke with a small smile on his face, though Isshin could see that it was a bit forced. He really didn't mean for his daughters to do what they had.

Luckily Naruto didn't seem to mind that much, though he would still also apologize to the boy since he had let his daughters in here in the first place. He then remember what he was holding in his hands.

He quickly walked over to the boy and handed him the large portion of foof that his youngest had prepared. "Here! Yuzu made sure to give you some extra so you can start getting some of your strength back."

Naruto silently took the food while sending a thankful smile at the young child. "Thanks a lot. I really needed this since I don't know how it's been since I've eaten." This got a sad look from the family before Yuzu narrowed her eyes in determination.

"Don't worry. As long as you're a patient I'll make sure that you get three filling meals a day from now on." The little girl looked so determined that Naruto couldn't help but find it cute.

He let out a chuckle at her declaration. "Well then I'm glad to be in your care and, between me and you, I feel a lot safer with you watching out for me than the old man." Naruto whispered to her conspicuously

This got giggles from both Yuzu and Karin, while Isshin was shouting indignantly about brats not respecting those who were taking care of them. Naruto once more couldn't help but be amused by the scene before him.

However all of that happiness left when he remembered his current situation. He could tell that everyone he had met so far were good people, he just couldn't bring himself to be a burden to everyone.

He would continue to act like the good patient until later that night, then he would leave. That way nobody would have to be bothered by him. He was sad that he wouldn't get to enjoy any more of the food though, Yuzu could really cook.

After a while with everyone getting to know each other a bit better it was soon late into the evening, meaning it was time for them to go home. Yuzu had left a little earlier than everyone else with the excuse that she had to get started on dinner.

She had immediately taken his and Isshins plates with her so that she could clean them. Naruto could tell that she'd make a good wife some day just by the stories he had heard about the young girl from her sister.

Naruto had also found out a bit about Karin as well from stories told by Yuzu. He really did enjoy the company while it had lasted as they had taken his mind off of his darker thoughts for the moment.

Now he sat alone in the clinic, though he had been told by Isshin that he would be returning shortly to bring him back some dinner which, apparently, Yuzu had gone all out in making.

He didn't really want them doing so much for him, but he was also grateful since he was trying to raise his strength back and the food would surely be helpful in that endeavor. He could now only sit and wait.

He had also told them that they didn't have to come back to the clinic to keep him company, telling them that he would like some alone time to come to terms with everything.

He had almost changed his mind when Yuzu began pouting at him. She was almost like a doting mother, which was funny due to her age, but he didn't want to intrude on the families dinner too.

It wasn't long before Isshin returned with another large helping of food. Handing him the food Isshin could only let out a sigh. "Are you going to be comfortable tonight?" Naruto just nodded.

Isshin then turned around and began leaving to go rejoin his family for dinner, Ichigo should be home soon after all. It was thoughts like this that once more made him feel bad for the boy who apparently had no one.

As he watched the boy begin to eat his dinner he allowed a sad smile to form on his lips. He could tell that the boy was just acting tough, but would let him be for now until he was ready, that's if he could get him to stay. With that final thought he left.


Ichigo Kurosaki was having a rough day. First he had to deal with some delinquents that thought that he died his hair, then he had to help the spirit of a young boy, and then he had to deal with more delinquents since they had brought reinforcements.

It was safe to say that he was really tired and couldn't wait to get home and get something to eat before finally going to bed. As he walked towards his home he easily noticed a figure exiting from the clinic.

Focusing a bit on the figure Ichigo could easily make out the form of his father. While normally his father leaving the clinic at this type of time wasn't unusual, the solemn expression on his face was.

Quickly walking up to catch the mans attention Ichigo was in for another surprise. On any other day he would have to be dodging some type of attack from his father, but now his father wasn't even shouting at him.

This raised a few warning bells in the teenagers mind. What the hell was his father so focused on that he hadn't even tried to do anything to him. He was glad for the reprieve, he just wanted to know why.

"Hey, dad. What's up?" Isshin finally seemed to fully notice his son before him.

"Ah Ichigo! Right on time for dinner." Replied the man, though with a lot less enthusiasm than usual. He had to find out what was wrong with him and get him back to normal.

What's got you so down?" His father released a tired sigh.

"So you noticed, huh? It's about my new patient. I'm trying to figure out what to do to help him." This really got the teenagers attention. While his father was a good doctor he never really had much patients to worry about.

Anybody who he deemed too injured for him to deal with at the clinic was immediately shipped to the hospital where they were better equipped to handle them, so what made this patient so different.

Seeing his sons confusion Isshin led him inside where the story of Naruto Uzumaki and his weird situation was once more rehashed. After hearing about what had been happening while he was away Ichigo was quite shocked.

Especially when he had found out who had brought the boy in and what she intended to do. He would have to go and try to talk to her to try and dissuade her, or he would've if his father hadn't told him that it was none of his business.

That didn't really mean that he was going to listen, though. Orihime was his friend, so he would make sure that she knew what her plan entailed. Maybe he would actually be able to show her sense.

That was something for him to do tomorrow as it was now quite late and it would be rude for him to show up at her house at this time uninvited. He would also try and meet this Naruto character to try and get a read on the guy for himself.

Who knew his Sunday would be filled with so much work. He really was living a very strange life. He just really hoped that things wouldn't get any weirder that they already were, for his sanity if nothing else.


Naruto waited until one in the morning before he decided it was time to put his plan in action. Hopefully by now everyone would be asleep, so he could make his getaway. He slowly raised from his bed before almost falling to the floor.

He quickly caught himself using the bed as leverage. He waited for a minute for the pain to subside, which didn't take too long. After that he slowly made his way towards the exit of the clinic.

He was ashamed to admit that it took him longer to reach the door that he thought it would, and he had to fight through a lot of pain. Finally he reached to door and took a tentative step outside.

He made sure to lock the door back behind him. He then took off in the opposite direction he was brought from, in hopes of getting as far away from all of these people as he could. He had some trouble walking so was using any nearby wall he could for leverage.

His daring escape was a slow going process, which became a lot worse when he managed to trip over an uneven bit of the sidewalk. Naruto could only curse as he was once more hit with a serious dose of pain, but he would not give up.

He slowly forced himself to stand once more. Once he was upright he began his trek anew, though this time he paid special attention for anything that might cause him to trip again.

It was almost two hours later that Naruto had decided to take a break due to the pain he was in, and he once more cursed his weakness. Not just the pain, but also because in the entire time that he had been walking he hadn't made it more than three blocks from the clinic.

This seriously pissed him off. He had been giving it his all, but he guessed that this was what it amounted to nowadays. How disappointing. It was at this moment while he was hunched over trying to catch his breath that someone walked up beside him.

Looking at who it was he really wasn't too surprised to see Isshin Kurosaki standing there with a grim look on his face. This annoyed Naruto for a few reasons. "You knew what I was planning to do."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement, one that Isshin was quick to confirm. "Yes!"

"You still let me go through with it."


"Why didn't you try and stop me?" This question was asked with quite a bit of curiosity. If the man knew what he was planning then he could've taken precautions to stop him. He was a bit surprised by the mans answer.

"You're a headstrong kid, I could tell that about you from the moment we met. I could tell that you wouldn't allow anyone to pity you, so I knew that you would probably try to sneak out, I just had to wait."

Naruto was shocked at how insightful the man was, though he probably had to be since he had three kids. This raised one more question for the blond. "How long?" Isshin could immediately tell what he was asking.

He wanted to know how long he was being followed. "From you left, but I knew if I tried to help you before this point that you wouldn't take it." Naruto could agree with that. Isshin, seeing that Naruto still looked ready to leave, spoke again.

"Look I don't know your life, so I won't act like I know what you loss, but these kids that are trying to help you are good kids and the least you could do is give them a chance. What do you have to lose?" This really caused Naruto to start thinking.

What did he have to lose? Everything that he could possibly lose he had already done so. The only thing left was his life, which he probably might if he tried to continue his escape.

Naruto sighed as he came to this realization. Isshin was talking sense, and the least he could do is give this a shot. What's the worst that could happen in this strange new world he found himself in.

"Can you help me back?" Isshin could tell that the boy was trying to give everything a chance, which brought a smile to his face.

"Sure, no problem. Hey when we get back I'll see about getting you a cane. It should make walking on your own a bit easier." Naruto nodded in acceptance. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.


I'm done. Let me know what you all think about this story which is over 10,000 words. Now I'd like to address one thing as I'm sure that a lot of you are going to say that Orihime wouldn't let some guy in her house.

Naruto looks withered and weak, not like some hot teenager that might make Orihime nervous. The only thing he had at the moment of his normal appearance is his blue eyes, which are now a bit jaded.

This caused Orihime, who has mentioned several time in the manga about her loneliness, to see a kindred spirit. This isn't going to be just some instant love, though they will start getting a bit interested after certain events.

I hope this explains her decision a bit and I also want you all to know that I've posted another Naruto crossover story as well. It would've been three, but my Seven Deadly Sins and Highschool DxD files vanished while I was trying to save them, 10,000 plus words each, gone.

I will rewrite them, along with writing several other crossovers in the future. Sorry for the long AN, but I hope you enjoy my stories. Also my first two stories are not discontinued.

Also this is a harem story with Orihime, Rangiku, Harribel, Nelliel and maybe one or two other girls.