The summary will change with the story's progress. Doesn't make sense for the current summary if the Straw Hats were in the New World, wouldn't it?

Chapter 1: The Second Beginning of a Legend.

Zoro and Sanji rushed towards the execution platform as they saw their captain Luffy kneeling, a blade nearing the back of his neck.

As if it were an act of God himself, a blinding thunder roared, deafening the occupants of the town square. Just before the blade reaches the grinning straw hat's neck, the lightning bolt hit the execution platform and an explosion followed after.

Luffy blinked as he opened his eyes. He took in his stormy surroundings and noticed that he was back in Logue Town!

"Nahahaha! I'm back!" Jaws dropping to the ground, the buggy pirates, the marines and Logue Town residents were stunned at the scene that transpired before them. Dusting his straw hat and putting it back on his head, Luffy was amused. They were already amazed at the miraculous survival of his beheading, but he did more than that this time.

"Surround the town square, corner all the pirates!" he heard a marine officer shouted.

"Run for it!" yelled Luffy excitedly as he, Zoro and Sanji dashed towards their ship. He was so excited at the prospect of starting the Grand Line adventure again! He had a lot to achieve indeed. But it was so hard thinking everything through though. His head hurts. So he has to focus on one thing at a time.

"Where did they run off to?" asked Captain Smoker, two cigarettes on his mouth.

"They're were headed for the western harbour. One of our squads should be there by now, but… the sudden rain has rendered their gunpowder useless. So the squad went back to the station to resupply…"

Smoker clenched his fist at this blunder. "So the harbour is completely clear!?"

He continued, turning to look at the turbulence in clouds above "The winds are blowing west… so if they were to set sail, they'd catch the tailwind. Is this all pure coincidence!? It's as if the heavens themselves want the boy to survive?"

Not on his watch. No pirates will escape his Logue Town while he is still here and well. He'll capture the three before they arrive at the docks!

"Get my bike ready!" ordered Smoker after he successfully rounded up the pirates at the town square.

"Roronoa Zoro!" shouted Sergeant Major Tashigi as she stood in the trio's path.

"You were toying with me all along. To think that you were a pirate all along!" she continued.

"You bastard, what did you do to that lady!?" Sanji was all shark teethed at Zoro. His mind running wild at what Zoro had done based on what the lady said.

"Go on ahead." Zoro unsheathed his sword, sparks flying off from the clash of steel between the two swordsmen.

'Shishishi. It looks like Zoro got a score to settle with Tashigi.'

"We'll wait for you Zoro," said Luffy, knowing full well Smoker was encircling them from the other side and that he had to fight Smoker anyways. He didn't want Zoro to get lost either in the event they could run ahead away from Smoker, shishishi.

Tashigi seethed as she saw the three blades on Zoro.

"The Wado Ichimonji. Kitetsu and Yubashiri. Roronoa Zoro, I shall take back those swords from you so you can't use them to commit crimes!"

"Just try it," Zoro smirked as he unsheathed another sword.

Zoro blocked her sword with Yubashiri and flicked it away with the Wado Ichimonji. He proceeded to stab the wall behind her, the blade reaching extremely close to her neck. Luffy had to hold a raging Sanji in place.

"I can't hand over the Wado Ichimonji to anyone!" his eyes sharped and determined. The Wado Ichimonji was Kuina's, no matter that this woman looked exactly like her.

'Sergeant Major Tashigi lost in seconds…' they heard the marines behind them murmured.

"Luffy, let's go!"

"Why didn't you cut me down!?" shouted Tashigi angrily.

Luffy, Sanji and Zoro all looked at her silently.

"Is it because I'm a woman?"

That ticked Zoro off. Not only that she looked like Kuina, but she also spouted the same bullshit she did!


Zoro had just lost against his childhood friend, Kuina. He had trained for months, lifting inhumanely heavy boulders to compensate his smaller, younger body.

"Damn it!" shouted Zoro as what would be his 2001' st lost.

"Actually… The one who should be upset is me… When a girl grows up, she will lose out to guys in physical strength. I'm gonna fall behind you guys soon… You want to be the world's number one swordsman?" Kuina was holding back her tears.

"I want to be the world's best too… but my chest has started to develop. You're lucky you're a guy, Zoro…" she continued.

Zoro didn't agree with her bullshit. "You're telling me this after you beat me!? That's unfair! I've trained extremely hard without complaint for months and you're saying that as if my hard work doesn't matter!"

Zoro made the point to Kuina that the most important thing was the effort they had put into their dreams. They both made a promise to become the best swordsman in the world. Kuina died soon after, losing her life to an accident.

Flashback ends

"You dare go easy on me in a serious duel just because women aren't physically powerful as men!? I'm a swordsman too! I didn't pick up this sword for fun. Finish me off!"

Zoro gritted his teethes. "It's your face that bothers me, not your gender! Not only do you look like my friend who died long ago, now you go spouting the same bullshit as she did! So stop copying her, you rip-off!"

"Wwhat!? I have no idea who this friend of yours is. I've always lived being me my entire life! Maybe she's the one copying me!?" argued Tashigi.

Luffy laughed. Wow, he didn't know they had chemistry this early already. Captain Smoker arrived from behind them on his motorbike.

"Straw Hat Luffy."

"Smokey! It's been a while!" Luffy greeted the Marine with his grin on his face.

"You know him Luffy?" Sanji asked.

"Yeah, that's Captain Smoker. He's a great marine!"

"Then he's trouble!" Both Sanji and Zoro exclaimed at the same time.

"I'm surprised you know me. You seemed clueless before."

"Was I? Shishishishi" That was years ago for him though.

"Gomu Gomu no... Pistol!" Luffy launched his fist towards Smoker, willing his hand to turn obsidian black. It didn't though. His fist passed right through and retracted.

'Damn it. It looks like my body this time isn't ready for Armament Haki yet.'

Smoker launched his arms towards Luffy. "I won't allow you to set sail from here!"

Luffy sensed Smoker's and dodged it flawlessly. 'But my Observation Haki is still as sharp as before! Of course, Observation Haki doesn't need a trained body. Just a trained, calm mind.'

The marines that were previously rooting for their sergeant major and captain now charged at the pirates.

Luffy glared at the marines. The marines felt their knees buckled at what felt like a wave of force washing over them. Looking up at the eyes of half-hidden by the straw hat, they were sure the pressure came from the straw hat boy. He was looking at them with a glare that screams 'Submit!' into their bodies. Their head started to spin and their vision finally blacked out.

'Conqueror's Haki!?' Smoker was shocked at what he recognized that the Haki was rare and only possessed by people in the Grand Line. Heck, he knew that only Fleet Admiral Sengoku had it among the marines.

"You think you're the only one who can make smokes smokey?" Smoker would have been intimidated by the straw hat boy, if not for the grinning face he is making. Was he playing around!?

Luffy pushed his feet, pumping his blood to flow faster. Sweat started to evaporate from his skin and he produced heaps of sweat steam. "Gear Second!"

Zoro and Sanji were surprised as they saw something their captain never did before. Gear Second?

"I'm a rubber man, I can make my blood run faster by making my legs a second pump and now all my attacks and speed are on another level!" As Luffy finished the sentence, he disappeared from everyone sight and reappeared behind Smoker's back, grabbing Smoker's sea stone Jutte.

"Gomu Gomu no… Jet Punch!" Luffy hit Smoker with his own jutte and the marine was thrown back into the buildings, his bones barely holding the force that hit him.

"Captain Smoker!" Tashigi was the only marine currently left in the straw hat's way. She had never seen Captain Smoker defeated in one shot.

Luffy felt his head spinning and his heart aching. 'Wwhat!?' He wobbled as he tried to keep standing up.

"Luffy!" Zoro quickly dashed to Luffy's side and hold his arm by his shoulders.

"Shishishi. It looks like my body is too weak to hold second gear as well!"

"You Idiot!" yelled both Sanji and Zoro. Sanji smacked Luffy's head.

A man suddenly appeared behind them. Luffy immediately recognised the man's aura.

"That was astounding. I've never thought you have come this far."

"Dad." Luffy smiled weakly, his heart in particular dealing with the aftershock of having high-pressure blood flowing through them.

"I need to ask something from you," Luffy asked.

"Hurry, Usopp! I can see marines closing in on this port!" shouted Nami as she uncoiled the sail's rope. Usopp was lifting the anchor in the anchor room. In the rush, Usopp forgot to close the door to the anchor's room.

"Dammit, where are they!?" Nami looked up and was worried the storm would prevent them from sailing. It was so ideal now; the wind was blowing so strongly westwards.

"I can do that." Dragon nodded at Luffy's requests. Lifting his arms an extremely strong wind blew them all towards the Going Merry.

Usopp and Nami felt a strong wind blowing away their ship from the harbour.

"Luffy!" Usopp's eyes grew forward as he saw Luffy and the others flew towards them.

He tried to catch them, only for Luffy and Zoro to land with their feet on his face. Sanji flawlessly landed on the ship.

"Urrgh, my face..."

"Shishishi. We did it!"

"Not yet, Marine ships are right behind us because you guys took your time coming here," said Nami.

Zoro and Sanji sprang into action as they move to stop cannonballs from crashing into their ship. Zoro used two swords to intercept a cannonball and slowed it down until it stopped. Sanji kicked a cannonball, deflecting it into the ocean.

"What's wrong with Luffy!?" Nami asked out of worry.

"He used a move that he said his body wasn't strong to withstand its backlash," Zoro answered for them.

Luffy slowly stood up, willing his body to take action. As another cannonball flew towards them, Luffy deflected it back towards the ship with this signature Gomu Gomu no Fuusen move.

At the same time, Usopp fired Going Merry's canon and together with Luffy's cannonball, the two chasing marine ships was stopped in its tracks as their mast was hit.

"Yahoo we did it!" Luffy high fived Usopp.

In midst of the storm and fending the marine ships, all five of the straw hat pirates failed to notice a sixth person who got thrown together with Luffy and was knocked out as she landed in the opened anchor room. Another strong gust of wind had closed the door.

Smoker opened his eyes as his men helped him stand up.

"Captain Smoker forgive us, sir! The straw hats have escaped. Our ships could not keep up with them with our mast hit."

"Tashigi! Go to the town square and secure the buggy pirates!" Even if one pirate crew manage to escape from him, he wasn't about to let the weaker ones go.

There was silence. "Sir, we couldn't find Sergeant Major Tashigi anywhere!" answered the nearest officer. He continued, "and the Buggy pirates have escaped as well, because of the gust and due to most of our forces focusing on the straw hats…"

Smoker grumbled. Tashigi must have been abducted by the straw hats.

"Take out my ship, I'm continuing my pursuit for Straw Hat into the Grand Line!"

"But sir! This town is under your jurisdiction. What will the higher-ups say if they hear…"

"Tashigi is probably abducted by Straw hats. You can tell them this. I don't leave my subordinates hanging without help."

"You guys see that light over there?" Nami asked the crew.

"You mean that lighthouse?

"It's known as the 'Light of Guidance'. The entrance to the Grand Line is just up ahead of that light."

Usopp freaked out, "D-Don't you guys think that entering Grand Line amid this storm is a bit dangero-"

"This calls for a celebration!" Sanji put a barrel in the middle of the ship.

"To Find All Blue." Sanji declared.

"To become the Pirate King!"

"To be the Greatest Swordsman in the world."

"To draw a map of the world!" Nami smiled, following after Zoro.

"T… T-To become a brave warrior of the seas!"

"Off to Grand Line we go!"

Tashigi, still passed out from a hit on her head when she flew steadied her breathing as her body started recuperating.


"Grandpa look!" Tashigi smiled as she showed her Grandfather a drawing of a sword.

"Guess what this is, Grandpa!"

"Ohoho with that kind of hilt, that must be Kashu." Tashigi proceeded to show another drawing.

"Tashigi, let your grandfather rest…" cooed Tashigi's mother. Tashigi was always close to her grandfather, sharing his passion for swordsmanship and swords.

"It's fine. It's fine. Here Tashigi. Now let Grandpa draw. If you can guess correctly, I'll even show you a move I know."

Tashigi was fast asleep in her grandfather's sword shop, tired after doing her best to imitate her grandfather's move.

A marine knocked on their shop's door. He was out of breath, probably from running to the shop.

"S-S...Sir, a pirate group has been causing a ruckus in the town square!" reported the Marine.

"You marines! Why are you still disturbing my father! He's retired already." Tashigi's mother pointed her right hand at the marine.

"It's fine. It's fine. I'll head over there right now."

"Father. Please don't. I thought when I had convinced you to retire, you would be safe from all this."

"If I don't do anything, I will regret it if anything happened to our neighbours while we sit comfortably here. With Loguetown being so close to the Grand Line, it's bound to be a pirate's stop. But don't worry, I'll be fine." He gave a thumbs-up to his daughter as he picked up his sword and head towards the town square.

"Grandpa, you're back!" Tashigi ran to her Grandpa and hugged him.

"Did you beat them up?" she asked.

"Ohoho, yes I did. Those youngsters were just typical troublemakers."

His daughter, Tashigi's mother only smiled weakly at him.

"Is this the Nisshin Sword Shop?" A rough-looking man, a pirate crashed through the door of the shop. His crew seemed to walk behind him.

"Yes, welcome!" the former marine greeted. "Although I'd appreciated it if you didn't destroy the door."

"Old man, I hear you got some good swords. Hand them over. I need the best if I want to go to the Grand Line."

The mood of the room shifted. The former marine went serious. Looking down to pick up the sword beside him, his eyes became stern. The man was certainly the worst kind of pirates.

"If I sell you them, what would you do with them?"

"Father!" "Grandpa!" Tashigi and her mother ran to former marine. After taking out the whole pirate crew, the old man fell over, trying to hold his wounds from spouting more blood.

"G-GGrandpa, please stay with us, mother has called the marines here!" Tashigi cried.

"Tashigi, did you know why fought those men even though I know I might lose my life?" Tashigi shook her head.

"If I had given them my swords, they would have used it to hurt others. It would be the same as if I've hurt those people. Listen Tashigi. Swords are made to protect people. They should never fall into the wrong hands!"

"Grandpa?" Tashigi's mother hugged her as grandfather took their hands into his palms and closed his eyelids.

Holding her grandfather's 'Shigure' Tashigi vowed, "Grandpa, I will one day travel the world to retrieve all Meito from the hands of criminals!"

Flashback ends

End of Chapter 1

I hope Tashigi's backstory isn't too boring. Yes, Tashigi will be part of Straw Hats.