The warmth of the room was derived from the high rising fluorescent lights that dominated the ceiling. They hummed endlessly, into the supposed days and nights. Quarte's eyes ached at the sight of them. Always there, always burning into him. There was no escape in the tiny room. Four walls, a bare bunk bed in the corner and one dead bolted door. Quatre sat crouched on the first bed, using the top one a shield from the blinding lights.

When they, they being him and Duo, were first brought to the cell the two had been blindfolded, with their arms were tightly clasped behind them by two unseen men. There was no saying where they were or how many people were guarding them, so an escape seemed close to impossible. An escape on top of rescuing Trowa was impossible.

Quatre sighed loudly to himself, attracting the attention of his cell mate.

"I hear ya buddy," Duo chuckled. Despite his worn and haggard appearance, the boy managed a smile for his blonde companion. Quatre couldn't help but to smile back, it was a weak smile but a smile none the less. "Wonder what's going on out there," Duo thought out loud.

"What do you mean?" asked Quatre.

"I mean, we both know we're not going to be getting out of this cell. Let's face it, we've done a run down of all our possible escapes at least two- dozen times, and we've still yet to fine a way out. Our only hope is going to come from out there," Duo pointed to the tall cell door.

"Heero and Wufei," Quatre mumbled to himself. The two had decided not to join in on the jail break of Trowa. Both being the analytical and cynical ones of the group, they weren't willing to go on their emotions and jump into the lap of danger to save their friend. Quatre sat back on the bed, a vivid image of the argument he had with the two in his head.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Are you insane?" Heero boomed, standing up from his lap top.

"We can't wait," Quatre hollered back, "he might be in danger. He might need our help."

"Well, obviously he'll need out help, he's been captured. You have any idea what OZ will do to an spy?" The room was silent for a moment, Quatre felt his heart sink into his chest. "Torture. They'll torture him till they can get information."

"Lucky us Trowa got captured, he's never uttered more than five word with us, imagine him spilling the beans with a bunch of OZ soldiers," Duo jeered, getting no laughs from his comrades.

"I have to agree with Yuy on this," Wufei finally spoke up, "this is a dangerous mission you're taking on. We don't know how many soldiers we'll be up against, what kind of artillery they have; we don't even know where they're keeping Trowa. This will require time to look over the facts and the-"

"But time is something we don't have," Quatre blurted out, "time isn't working with us."

"I know it's important we get Trowa back, but it will do us no good if we go in there disorganized and trigger happy, we'll just get caught, or worse." Heero turned and looked Quatre dead in the eye. "I've fought alongside Trowa, he's a good soldier, a disciplined soldier. He will hold out until we get there, I can assure you that. But first, we need to make a plan, do you understand me?"

Quatre just turned and walked away. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"They were right," Quatre spoke up, "we came here too soon, we didn't know what was waiting for us."

"Now it's up to those two to get us out of this mess, hopefully they'll figure out a way to get us all out before-"

"Don't even say it Duo, I don't even want to think about it." Quatre put is head in his hands. The light burned so much.

"Wonder why we haven't seen Trowa," Duo said, again thinking out loud, "you'd think they'd keep all us spies and sneaks in one cell, ne?"

"Again, something I don't want to think about." It worried Quatre deeply that they had't seen the French soldier, that they hadn't heard anything about him, even when Quatre asked the guard who brought them food if he had seen a tall brunette boy. Nothing, the guard simply walked away without a word. It was frightening.

"God," Duo yawned, "I'm exhausted, mind if I hit the hay with you?"

"Sure," Quatre replied, making room on the lower bunk for his friend. They had both been sleeping together there for the last few days, pulling down the blankets of the top bunk over them to block out the fluorescent lighting. It wasn't the most comfortable way to sleep smashed together, but neither one of them wanted to face the harsh light from the top bunk.

"I wonder," Duo whispered into Quatre's ear, "if those two idiots ever plan to save us."

"I hope so," Quatre whispered back, "and Trowa too."

"You really worried about him?"

"With all my heart." The two fell asleep to the sound of the humming lights.

It was like some surreal lullaby. They'd hum unwavering, singing the two to sleep, sometimes waking them, keeping them up in a strange trance of half sleep before lulling them back. There was nothing but them, the endless light.

The sounds of their singing were broken though, by the sounds of flesh upon flesh. The sound of a person being beaten, being thrashed, being cruelly mocked. The two pilots stirred from the bed, watching the silhouette of the scene through the blanket of the top bunk. There were two men and a lump on the ground, which they were viciously beating.

"The hell." Duo mumbled in a half daze.

"It's a couple of soldiers, and I think another prisoner," a look of fear spread over Quatres face, "you don't think it's Heero or Wufei do you?"

"God I hope not," Duo murmured. The scene then ended abruptly, both soldiers barked their final cruel insults, then slammed the door of the cell. The deadbolt was heard being locked into place, and then, the humming.

Duo and Quatre immediately hopped out from under their tent to see who the mystery victim was. Though beaten and scarred, it was still obvious to the two who it was.

"Trowa!" Quatre cried out, running to his partner's side. He was in an awful state. His clothes were gone, replaced with worn and faded gray bottoms and top. No shoes or socks. He looked incredibly thin, even for him, pale, sunken black eyes. Course, they were black from the awful beating. His face was recognizable, but badly beaten and a dark purple color. There was blood, coming from his nose and few cuts on his cheek. The two pilots just stared in awe, Trowa didn't say a word.

"Let's get him on the bed," Duo stuttered, helping Quatre raise the other boy to his feet.

"Heero said they'd torture him, but, I don't know why I didn't imagine this. Trowa, I'm so sorry." They laid him on the bed, and watched him take in a few deep gasp. He seemed strangely frail. The other two pilots just eyed each other worriedly.

"He looks really bad Quatre," Duo whispered, "and his breath is awfully ragged, he might have some serious internal injuries." Quatre took a deep breath, looking down at his wounded friend. He pushed a side a few strayed pieces of hair from Trowa's eyes. They were so dark and sunken, bruised, their beautiful green color seemed to fade into nothingness. Quatre soon realized he was crying, tasting salt upon his lips.

"Where are those two?" he said below his breath.

"They'll be here buddy, they'll get here in time." Duo tried to smile, but he was as scared as Quatre.

The two sat silently for a long time, watching their companion lie in agony on the bed, listening to his deep breaths and keeping an eye on his more serious wounds. Quatre's mind was at a thousand places at once. All his memories and thoughts of the pilot streaming through his mind. Pictures of a time where the pilot would nonchalantly look up from working on Heavyarms and wave to his blonde friend. Images of him quietly reading a book, relaxing, having a cup of coffee. Then the reality of a boy who could have quite seriously been dying before his very eyes.

The bleeding has stopped, the two were able to clot it, as for internal bleeding they didn't know if there was any, much less knew what to do if there was. Now, it was just trying to keep Trowa comfortable and alive. He didn't speak to them, didn't manage. But he did cry, a few tears every now and again that worried the two. Duo dismissed them as tears of pain, Quatre could sense something else. The tall pilot was concerned and scared. Something was bothering him. They asked him questions, but Trowa never answered.

"Hey Bud, come on you have to give us something, maybe if you do I'll give you a cookie?" Duo bubbled, trying his damn best to stay upbeat. Quatre smiled a bit, he had given up on words. He sat unmoving, Trowa's cold hands tightly clasped in his own.

The hours stretched on forever. Trowa though, didn't look like he was going to last much longer. The two gave up on trying to coax answers from him, and instead just sat in silence, waiting. They waited for Heero, for Fei, for the soldiers to return, for Trowa to speak or him to pass.

During that time they slept again. Duo propped himself up against the wall, allowing Quatre to rest beside the taller pilot. There was something about the two Duo couldn't quite put his finger on. A strange bond, a closeness that they shared. Though no words were spoken between the two all through those long hours, you could see in their eyes, there was an understanding. Duo marveled at it. It was a rare connection the two had.

Quatre's rest was a troubled one. Although he did enjoy the closeness that he and Trowa got to share, the worry of his friend's health kept him awake. He had pulled down two sheets from the top bunk, letting them hang over the side to block out the light. It didn't do much, but it didn't hurt. The only thing Quatre could do was keep Trowa comfortable. Everything was still during that time, through the fitful slumber, the pilots were able to enjoy some peace and quiet. Until he came.

The cell door flew open, slamming violently on the white walls. Duo jumped from his spot as Quatre sat up to see what all the trouble was. Trowa just lied motionless, his eyes wide with terror. Through the sheets, the two boys could make out a group of soldiers, five at most. Standing among them all was a tall, gangly fellow with an awkward stance. He easily kept Quatre's attention.

"We know you are there," came a voice, "I believe there are three of you now?" The voice was boyish, probably that of a young man not much older than Duo or Quatre. There was a twisted, sarcastic tone to it that made both boys a bit nervous.

"I saw the capture myself. A woman with long brown hair and a pretty little blonde thing." Duo grit his teeth at the "woman" comment. "I'm not interested in you two, for now. I want your little friend. He's been with us for quite sometime, but he's been oh so impolite. Hasn't said a word to us. He gets one last chance, then, well, we won't be hearing from him again." Quatre's heart jumped up into his throat. He turned sideways to see Duo, but the braided pilot's eyes were in a deathly fixed stare. The figure of the tall man was approaching their bed. Quatre felt Trowa's body tense in his arms. The look on his face was like nothing Qautre had ever seen. His beautiful green eyes were wide and round, his teeth were grit and breath was becoming increasingly fast. The closer the figure came the worse it got till Duo took things into his own hands. Leaping out from beneath the hanging sheets, he nearly toppled the tall man and made the other soldiers step back and gasp.

"Just stay the hell away from him." Was all the muttered. The was a stifled laugh from the tall man, then,

"Ah, if it isn't our fair lady. Turns out your not what we were all hoping for." The men laughed. "Oh well, we can always overlook that little problem." In a quick and sudden movement, the taller man had Duo around the throat. There was a cry as the pilot was violently thrown across the room. Trowa tensed, Quatre watched on in horror. He could see Duo's frame slowly rise from the ground.

"Stay away from him," he was barely audible.

"And what are you going to do?" the voice mocked, "take another ass beating?"

"If that's what it takes." Quatre cringed at the sounds of the barbaric beating Duo was now receiving by the whole squad now. It didn't last more than a minute and a half.

"Stop," the taller man commanded, "I don't want him dead." He then turned his attention to the bunks.

Quatre felt his stomach drop as the man advanced toward them. He felt the urge to leap outward like Duo had to protect his comrade, but he couldn't take on that many soldiers alone. What was he going to do?

The sheets were violently pulled back, Quatre felt himself pulled from his spot by his collar, Trowa came out tumbling behind him. The lights burned his eyes, he had forgotten how powerful they were. Reflecting of the white, glaring off every surface, it was almost too much. Quatre cracked open his eyes just a bit and looked up at the figure standing over him.

"I think I recognize you," the cruel voice whispered, "you're that rich boy, the Winner boy aren't you?" Quatre didn't answer, he didn't want to even be here. He could see out of the corner of his eyes Trowa lying on his back on the floor heaving. Before Quatre could do anything the tall soldier was grabbing at his collar again. Quatre felt his body being lifted from the ground, and soon found himself face to face with the tall, young soldier.

His eyes were a soft honey color, quite gentle and serene, with edges brimmed in darkness. His raven black hair fell quite casually around his face, it's tips resting beside his pale and drawn lips. He did look as young as he sounded, sharing many of the same boyish charisma as Duo or Quatre or Trowa did. But his uniform suggested something else, that he was more of a man than a child. He was lavishly decorated, his dark OZ uniform sparkled in the fluorescent with silver medals and charms that meant particularly nothing to any of the boys.

The soldiers standing all around them too were quite young, though gruffed up in their uniforms and five o'clock shadows. A couple of the taller ones were holding Duo down. Already he showed signs of bruising around his eyes, and there was blood trickling from his nose and mouth.

"Let me introduce myself," the soldier smiled, tightening his grip on Quatre, "My name is Captain Aidan Renshaw, one of the leaders in charge of seeking out and capturing the Gundams and their so called pilots. Funny how they just seemed to have leapt right into my lap." To this he added a suspicious stifled laugh then quickly dropped Quatre to the ground. The young Arab didn't speak or stir.

"You're friend and I have become fast friends," the soldier walked over to Trowa's body and kicked him furiously in the chest. Trowa groaned and rolled over. "But sadly, he hasn't told me much about you boys and your silly little space toys. By the way, we do have those in our holding docks. Not that it matters really." This last remark sent chills up Quatre's spine.

"What could you need us for then?" he asked quietly. "You have the Gundams, what more could you need, we're no good." Quatre's eyes strayed towards Trowa, watching his chest heave vigorously, hungry for air.

"We know there are more than just three of you, your friend here isn't one to talk, but OZ does have it's resources. We have pictures of two other Gundams, two Gundams that aren't in our holding dock now." Quatre swallowed hard. Pictures? Whatever happened to those who see a Gundam never live to tell about it?

"We just need to know: where are the other two?" Quatre looked up to see the soldier's brooding brown eyes.

"You think we're just going to tell you?" Duo shouted, "You think we'd give up out loyalties that quickly?" The soldier, Captain Renshaw, didn't even turn to face Duo, rather began to advance towards Trowa.

"This young man here has made it obvious that getting information from any of you is almost impossible. In the time he's been here he's never uttered a word except for," Captain Renshaw suddenly kicked Trowa in the chest, causing the taller pilot to let out a cry of pain.

"You son of a-" Quatre leapt to his feet only to be held down by two other soldiers, much like Duo.

"Out with the old in with the new," Renshaw boasted loudly, then turning back to Trowa, "this old wreck may do us some good." He eyed Quatre carefully. "Even subtle weaknesses can prove fruitful. All you have to do is find it, and the rest is easy as pie."

"You think you can work it out of me? You can beat me all you want, I won't say a word!" Renshaw laughed, his voice reached a strange pitch that made both Duo and Quatre shiver.

"Please, I have beaten your friend senseless and it has gotten me no where. The physical beatings only leave me with a carcass, the psychological beatings though may give me the answers I want." A strange smiled curled on Renshaw's face. "Guards, take the tall one down to the warehouse. He has one last chance." Quatre looked over to see Trowa racked with fear. His eyes were wide open, mouth gaping, body shaking. The blonde was almost certain he could see tears in his green eyes.

"Please, leave him alone." Quatre begged. Renshaw stared at him and smiled. "You truly care for your friend, good. I wonder though if that's enough to save him." A guard came over quickly and threw Trowa's wasted body over his shoulder. Trowa made a stifled cry before he was carried off. The guards holding down both Duo and Quatre threw them violently to the ground. Duo got up and swung at one of them, but was hit in the face twice before hitting the ground. Quatre did nothing.

"Fuckin' A!" Duo screamed, his hands trying to cover up his bloody nose. "What the hell was that about? Hey, Quatre!" Quatre didn't move from his spot on the ground.

"I have no idea." he said silently, "one minute he was here, then it all was a blur.."

"That guy was talkin' crazy, that much I know for sure. Oh, ouch!" Quatre turned to see Duo's bloody nose for the first time.

"Mean guys too. Did you see Trowa? It was like he wasn't even there, like he didn't see me or hear me or feel me. They did something to him, God, I wonder what."

"We're sure to know," Duo said solemnly.

"Yeah, I wonder what kind of psychological torture he was talking about? And on which of us he may use it one." Quatre mumbled the last part. He remembered Renshaw's eyes, always looking at him, always looking so deeply at him. It was going to be him who would be subjected to whatever mind games they had.

"Wonder if we're going to make it out of here." Duo said, getting up to join Quatre's side. The lights hummed in the stillness, reflecting off the dark red blood stains that now spattered the pristine white walls.