Authors Note: This is my first fanfic so please don't rain criticism at me, just kidding, BURN MY SOUL IN THE REVIEWS.I do not own Pokemon but I do copyright this story, I think. And I also own my oc's if there are any. And hope you enjoy or if you don't BURN MY SOUL IN THE REVIEWS.
Basking in the glorious light of the full moon, Ash Ketchum reflected over the countless journeys he had ventured on. Kanto, The Orange Islands, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos and the Alola region. He had won the Alola and Orange Island leagues and had become runner up in the Kalos region but he still felt something was missing. He was still a long way from reaching his dream. Closing his eyes, Ash passed out with Pikachu snuggling close to him. "Ash! Ash! Remember professor Oak needed you today, he wants to visit a colleague in Vermillion city." The 15 year old could hear Pikachu yawning, so with a sigh he groggily slipped on a t-shirt, jeans and his z-ring from Alola and headed down stairs. Delia had prepared breakfast so Ash quickly stuffed it down his throat before jamming blue sneakers on to head outside with Pikachu.
While walking to Oak's lab he spied a familiar face lounging lazily in the tree. "Hey Ashy-boy long time no see. Last time I heard about you, you won the league in Alola which I guess isn't half bad." Ash smirked, "Nice seeing ya Gare-Bear. How come you're not roaming regions or researching." Gary closed his eyes, "Ashy-Boy sometimes I need to take a break and see Gramps." Ash's eyes widened,"Did he ask you to go with him to Vermillion city." Gary's expression suddenly turned serious,"How do you know about that?" The raven haired trainer continue walking,"Gary I'm going there too." "Hold on wait for me," Gary growled.
Professor Oak's laboratory was situated on a large hill with acres of countryside and forest surrounding it. "Hello boys, I hope you will have an exegguting time," Both boys sweatdropped at the faint jest. "Hey gramps are you ready." "Yes of course!" The aged man pulled of a cover to reveal a brand new, extravagant sports convertible car. "Wow professor I didn't know you had this much money to splash out."
"Anything else you'd like?" Asked the professor. "Nah gramps all I want is to touch this car!" Gary eyes furrowed staring at Ash. "What about you Ashy-boy?" "Professor can you send me Gible's pokeball. I feel like out of all the pokemon in my team, he had the least time on it." Oak passed a red pokeball to Ash before grabbing some keys, "let's go."
Vermillion city was a long 3 hour drive. Upon reaching the city. they were instantly greeted by the ultra modern vibrancy of the electric capital of Kanto. "Woah it's almost like the entire city' had a makeover." A new voice peered,"That is because of Zapdos. It's electrical energy powered to the electrical generator for about 5 minutes provides an amount of electrical energy that can keep this city up and running for a year. So we're so grateful that the legendary birds assist us." Ash swivelled his head to see a man in his 30s with auburn hair accompanied with glasses. "Ah good to see you Cerise. Boys this is Professor Cerise my student who we will be going along with while he shows us his state-of-the-art lab." Gary and Ash quickly introduced themselves. "Why don't we get going?"
The lab was a large circular building in the heart of the city. Glass panels welcomed them in to a large open space filled to the brim with light. "Over there is the Pokemon enticing machine. It's still a prototype but It will work on small pokemon like Pikachu." the man pointed to a machine with a small bed."What's a pokemon enticing machine?" Curiosity took the hold of Ash. Cerise answered, "Why don't you perch Pikachu in the machine." "Whaddya say buddy?" Pikachu answered with a 'Pika'. Once Pikachu was set, Cerise closed a lid and pressed a button. Pikachu first started laughing and then calmed down to a content sigh. The machine was working magic by using robotic arms to simulate a massage or whatever pokemon like.
After the machine slowed down, Cerise took Pikachu and handed him back to Ash. Gary smirked," I think my partner would also like a little massage. Go Blastoise." A Blue Turtle equipped with two cannons appeared. "Um Gary i don't think..." started Ash. But Blastoise had already run to the machine and sat on it. Cerise screamed, "No! Don't sit on the bed." The Bed then wobbled and broke, breaking the machine at the same time; the result was a calamity of smoke wandering in the air. Professor oak coughed, "Gary, Ash I think it be best if you two go out and explore Vermillion City." the two teens replied at the same time, "Sure sounds fine to me."
Professor Cerise halted them,"Wait boys before that I would like you two meet my research assistants, Ren and Chrysa. The women named Chrysa came hurrying over to Cerise, "Professor we have discovered the next location point for the raid battle." " Where is it?" "Vermillion Harbour." Cerise turned to Ash and Gary. "Hey You two would you like to participate in a raid battle." The two teens had confusion written over there faces. Professor Oak then spoke up,"A raid battle is a battle where lots of trainers compete to gain a rare pokemon. There have even been sightings of legendary Pokemon. "Legendary's!" Ash shouted. "Hey Ashy-Boy, How about a race to Vermillion Harbour?" Gary took off in a dash with Ash and Pikachu in his heels. Both reached at the same time.
A large group of trainers congregated in the beach. "Pikachu lets do this." Calling on his most trusted pokemon. "Blastoise, stand by." The Turtle pokemon seemed a little bit disgruntled after the mechanical incident. The trainers surrounding the beach engaged in a staring contest before sending out their pokemon. Ash's eyes turned in awe as he saw a Kadabra, Lairon, Gyrados, Steelix and Barbaracle appear. Then bubbling at the water's surface grew more and more constant. Before water spewed from the surface and Lugia popped out. "Lugia?" Ash thought.
So the instance of Lugia has gained our hero's interest. I think I might have made some spelling errors so just tell me about 'em. Once again Peace out.