Darkness Ascendant

Description: (Set during Crisis on Earth-X) During the crisis, Barry Allen was supposed to marry 'the love of his life,' Iris West. He realizes right before the wedding that he has no desire to marry the girl who was his foster sister for almost his whole life. When asked by the preacher to say, "I do," Barry can't do it. His friends and family cast him out and treat him very poorly for his rejection of Iris. Barry is forced to flee Earth-One and he ends up on Earth Fifty-Three(Earth-X). There he becomes the Dark Flash and vows to help the Reich conquer every world in the multiverse.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor the setting in this story. I only own the plot.


Normal Dialogue(Normal)


Pairing: Earth One Barry Allen(Dark Flash)/Earth Fifty-Three Kara Danvers(Overgirl)

Rating: Rated M for descriptions of violence and extreme language. Possible eventual intimate actions.

Chapter One

Barry Allen POV—

Barry Allen is confused. Today, he would marry the love of his life, and yet he feels no joy from knowing that. It is as if he had stopped feeling anything for Iris. As if he had no desire to marry her. But that was impossible, right?

Barry sighs as he tightens his tie and straightens his suit. Behind him, he hears a curtain move and turns around. He can't help but say, "Damn," when he sees his friend Oliver Queen.

Oliver looks at Barry curiously, "You are quiet today, Barry. And you don't seem excited or happy." The Green Arrow says.

Barry sighs, not knowing what to tell his friend. He decides to tell him the whole truth. "I don't know what to say, Oliver."

At that, Oliver smiles. "Barry, when you're up there—."

Barry cuts off Oliver. "That is not what I meant. I mean, I am beginning to think that I don't love her. That I don't want to marry her." He says quietly.

Oliver's eyes widen, "What? What do you mean you are beginning to think you don't love her? I thought you told me you love her more than anyone else in the multiverse."

Barry sighs. "I thought I did, but now that I think about it, I am not sure I have ever loved her as more than a sister. I have no idea what could have drawn me to want to marry her. I don't want to marry her, Oliver." He says.

Oliver just looks at him, dumbfounded. "Wha-wha-what?" Oliver asks, uncharacteristically stuttering.

Barry sighs, "I know. It's too late for me to change my mind now but I don't want to live my life in a loveless marriage, Oliver."

His friend looks at him, taking a deep breath, "I can't believe I'm saying this Barry, but it is not too late until you say, 'I do.' If you truly don't love her anymore, that will be your final chance to do something about it."

Barry smiles at Oliver, "You always know what to say, Oliver. Thank you. I have a lot to think about."

With that, Barry speeds out of the dressing room, going slow enough that his new suit doesn't burn off. He runs to his apartment and reaches into his back pocket for his phone. He scrolls through his phone until he comes to Kara's contact. He clicks on it and then he goes to the 'send message' option. He types, "Hey Kara, I could use some advice right now. Please come to my apartment." He hesitates before pressing send, knowing that once he does, there would be no turning back. His hesitation passes and he presses send.

No more than a minute later, Barry hears a knock on the door. He opens it and smiles. Kara stands before him, wearing a pink dress. Barry can't help but notice how beautiful the blonde hero is. "Come in," Barry says.

Kara complies and walks in. Barry shuts the door behind her and then turns to face her. "Why did you want me to come here?" Kara asks.

Barry sighs, walking over towards his sofa, gesturing for Kara to follow him. He sits down with Kara sitting next to him. "Kara, I don't know what to do. I need your help."

Kara looks at him curiously, "What do you need, Barry?" She asks.

Barry looks down and takes a deep breath, "Kara…I'm being torn apart. All of these people are here for my marriage and I am just now realizing that I don't love Iris. I don't want to marry her." Barry says bluntly.

Kara's eyes open wide, "But…but…I thought you loved her more than anything. More than even your own life. What happened to that?" Kara asks, confusion plain in her voice.

Barry sighs, his eyes beginning to water, "I do not know, Kara. I don't know what to do. I thought I loved her but now I see that I never truly did. I have never had more than feelings for her than that of siblings."

Kara looks at Barry in shock and slowly that shock changes into sadness. The blonde Kryptonian slides across the sofa and wraps her arms around the now sobbing Scarlett Speedster. "I am so sorry, Barry. You of all people deserve to be happy."

Barry sobs harder, his head now resting in Kara's lap with the Kryptonian running her hands through his windswept black hair. Through his sobs, Barry asks, "What do I do, Kara?"

Kara sighs, her hands still running through his hair. "The only thing you can do is be honest. This situation might already be too out of control though. The rehearsal dinner is tonight and then tomorrow you should be walking down the aisle."

Barry's sobs slowly run down and he moves to sit up. The blonde Kryptonian gently pulls Barry so his head rests on her's. "Thank you, Kara," Barry says. "I wish things were different. I wish I had never gotten involved with Iris. I still don't understand what led me to seek her hand in marriage."

Kara sighs, "You are welcome, Barry. You know I will always be there for you if you need me. I'm your super friend."

Barry smiles weakly at her, "I know Kara. It means more to me than you know. I should probably go finish getting ready." Barry says, walking forwards to wrap his arms around her.

The Kryptonian rests her head on Barry's chest, listening to his heart race.

After a minute, Kara says, "What are you going to do, Barry?"

Barry sighs, pulling away from Kara so he can look her in the eyes. "I will have to tell Iris the truth. I can only hope she doesn't hate me for it."

Kara nods. "The truth will set you free." She sighs. "Although if she doesn't react well, you can always come back to Earth-38 with me." She says.

Barry smiles sadly at her. "That wouldn't work. Cisco could just breach everyone to Earth-38 and then I would be captured."

Kara steps back, "This is all assuming Iris reacts badly. Hopefully, she won't and you can go back to your normal life."

Barry nods. "Yes. Hopefully. But Kara, you don't know Iris as I do. She is incredibly selfish and demanding. She calls us The Flash when she literally does nothing. All she does is lead me into traps and be bitchy to everyone around her." Barry stops his rant for a moment before saying sadly, "I honestly do not get what lead me to court her, Kara. It doesn't seem like something I would do."

Kara looks at Barry in surprise before saying sadly, "Oh, Barry…"

Barry brings Kara in for another hug and then he says, "Thank you, Kara. I need to get ready for the rehearsal dinner tonight. I will tell her tonight that I do not want to marry her."

Kara nods her head, smiling. "You're welcome, Barry. Although I am slightly confused as to why you are going to tell her tonight with everyone around rather when it's just the two of you where you can explain your reasoning. Maybe you should talk to your adoptive father?"

Barry nods. "Those are both good points. I will go talk to Joe right now. Thank you again, Kara. If all of this goes well, I should be fine. If it doesn't though, I might have to go to a different Earth."

Kara nods sadly, walking forward to embrace Barry one last time. "I will miss you, Barry. Promise me you will return someday. I can't lose someone else I care for."

Barry looks at Kara sadly, "I'm so sorry about Mon-El, Kara. He may have been in the future but he never should have moved on as he did."

Barry slowly breaks the embrace, gently removing Kara's arms from around his waist. He presses a quick kiss to Kara's forehead and says, "I will always run home to you, Kara. We will see each other again someday."

Barry super speeds out of the loft and to the West house. He phases in the front door. He stops abruptly when he sees Joe sitting on the couch in the front room, a picture in his hand.

Joe turns around when he hears the familiar sound of super speed and a large smile appears on his face. That smile falls away after he sees the look on Barry's face. "Barr…what is wrong?" Joe says, standing up to embrace Barry.

Barry begins to sob, "I am so sorry, Joe. I am so sorry. I am so sorry."

Joe feels confusion, "What are you sorry for, Barr?"

"I don't love her, Joe. I have no idea what has lead us to this wedding. I do not want to marry her." Barry blurts out, flinching as Joe's face turns cold and he backs out of the embrace.

"What do you mean you don't want to marry her? You have been chasing her affections for over a decade. What happened?" Joe asks. His voice sounds calm but Barry can hear his thinly veiled anger.

"I don't want to marry her, Joe. I…" Barry takes a deep breath. "I don't love her like that."

Joe gasps, "Bartholomew Henry Allen. How dare you play with Iris' emotions like this! She is overjoyed to be marrying you tomorrow. I have never seen her so happy."

Barry looks down, shame and sadness clear. "I know, Joe. I don't know what happened. I talked to Kara and—"

Joe's face turns cold at the mention of the Kryptonian, "Get out. I am going to talk to my daughter."

Barry flinches but doesn't try to stop him. The door to the West house slams shut as Joe walks out. Barry lowers himself onto the couch, tears freely rolling down his face. He places his head in his hands, anger and sadness at the way his adoptive father treated him waring with one another.

A half-hour later, Barry still hasn't moved. His usually handsome face is covered in tears and his eyes are red from crying. Suddenly, Barry hears the familiar sound Kara landing outside the house. Soon, a knock at the door causes Barry to stand up. He tries to cover his tearful face as he opens the door by holding one hand up and keeping his head facing the ground.

"Oh, Barry…What happened?" Kara's soft, kind voice asks.

"I am so sorry, Kara. I was talking to Joe and I mentioned to him that I talked to you. He turned cold and distant instantly. I still cannot figure out why."

Kara's eyes widen, "Barry…We need to leave right now."

Barry frowns, "Why?"

Kara pulls Barry out the door and into her arms before launching herself skyward. Barry gasps as he is dragged into the sky in the arms of the Kryptonian. "What is going on, Kara?"

Kara sighs sadly, "Your friends and family have decided that there is no way that you are…well…you. They believe someone is imitating you. They do not believe the true Barry Allen would ever not love Iris."

Barry sighs sadly, "I knew this was the most likely outcome of me being honest. Who is chasing us?"

Kara looks at Barry. "Everyone, Barry. Everyone except Oliver."

Barry's eyes widen, "Including Alex?" He asks sadly.

Kara nods. "Yes. My sister is after us too."

The two fall into a comfortable silence as Kara flies them out of Central City. The peaceful night air has a slightly crisp feel to it but Barry is able to ignore it in Kara's arms.

Suddenly, a ball of orange fire streaks towards them. Kara quickly dodges. "How did they find us?" Kara asks.

Barry's eyes widen, "Cisco has the ability to 'vibe' objects and see where people are. He must have told them."

Firestorm appears in the sky in front of them, "Who are you?" Firestorm asks. "Where is Barry Allen?"

Barry sneers suddenly, unable to hide his contempt. "You fools. I am Barry Allen. Have you never heard of someone second-guessing a marriage?"

Firestorm goes to respond but pauses. Kara quickly says, "He has a communicator in his ear. He is talking to nearly everyone. I can hear them. I hear Oliver trying to stop them. He is even beginning to threaten them."

Barry sighs and whispers into Kara's ear, "We need to go, Kara. I can escape to a different earth."

Kara nods her head, blonde hair blowing in the high-altitude wind. "I am sorry, Firestorm," Kara says as she fires a blast of heat vision at the flying man.

The bolt of blue energy strikes Firestorm in the chest, sending him spiraling out of control. Kara laughs as she hears the new conversation in Firestorm's communicator. "They now do not believe that I am the real Kara. Alex is telling them that I would never act like this."

Barry frowns, "I am so sorry, Kara. I seem to have dragged you into this."

Kara laughs, "I don't mind, Barry. I care about you."

Barry smiles too as Kara slowly lowers them towards a clearing in the middle of a forest. Barry slowly removes himself from Kara's embrace and begins to run in a circle, opening a breach. As Barry does this, Kara turns towards the woods and catches a thrown metal weapon in mid-air.

Suddenly, the forest around them is alight with the attacks of many different people shooting at Kara and Barry at once.

Kara uses her super speed and invulnerability to shield her and Barry from the attacks. The figures of those attacking them enter the clearing. Sara steps forward, "Whoever you two are, stand down. We just want our Barry Allen and Kara Danvers back."

Kara sneers before saying, "You all truly are fools aren't you?! Barry and I are still us. Barry had second thoughts about marrying Iris and he was honest about it. I get that she might have been hurt by that but there is no reason at all to think he isn't himself. And the fact that you think I am not me because I am protecting him? Ridiculous."

Barry calls out behind her, "The breach is ready, Kara."

Kara spares one last look at all of the people she used to consider friends. She sees her 'sister' glaring at her.

Kara turns and watches as stops running in circles. A blue portal illuminates the clearing and Kara takes a step towards the portal.

Suddenly, a gunshot sounds and Kara flinches. Barry looks at her, eyes widening in horror as he sees a green bullet begin to make its way towards her. Barry sprints towards her, begging himself to reach the bullet before it reaches Kara. Before he can reach the bullet, he watches as it impacts with Kara's body right above her left breast. It travels all of the ways through her body and drops to the ground at her feet.

He super speeds over to Kara, catching her body as it collapses to the ground. He looks at the ground at her feet and his eyes widen in anger. A metal bullet lined in a horrible, green material sits on the ground. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Barry yells out, fury and heartbreak in his voice.

His eyes track the path that the bullet had traveled, eyes widening in fury and hatred at who he sees. Iris West stands right next to Joe, a black gun still smoldering in her hands. Barry's body begins to shake in rage and betrayal as he watches the light leave Kara's eyes.

He hears the sound of swinging in the trees as Oliver lands at his side, bow in hand. When he sees Kara's body, he looks back at the group of people facing them, horror and disgust filling his face.

Oliver lowers himself down on a knee at Barry's side, tears welling in his eyes as he sees the body of the blonde Kryptonian. At his side, Barry is sobbing.

Oliver rises back to his feet, turning to all of the people looking at them. He speaks, voice laced with anger and betrayal. "How…How could you do this? You just killed Kara!" He says.

Alex walks forward, horror beginning to dawn in her eyes as she realizes that she might have just lost her sister. Oliver grabs an arrow from his quiver and places it against the string of his bow. "Stay back!" He orders.

Suddenly, the light in the clearing begins to disappear and everyone in the clearing watches as the light travels into Barry's body. Lighting comes down from the sky and strikes Barry. When the dust and smoke from the lightning clears, Oliver's eyes widen.

Barry's body is arcing with red and black lightning as he slowly rises to his feet. His voice is cold and unrecognizable as he says, "I will never forget this. I will be back and make no mistake…when I return, you will all suffer."

Barry leans down and gently picks up Kara's body. He spares one last hate-filled glance at everyone before stepping into the swirling blue breach.

Oliver takes one last glance at everyone before he too walks into the breach.

A/N. I will say right off the bat that I did not want to kill the Kara Danvers from Earth-38. She had to die for some future plot points to work.

I warned you in the description and I will warn you again. This is an Evil/Dark Barry Allen story where he WILL NOT be redeemed. MAJOR CHARACTER DEATHS will occur.

Thanks for reading!