The animatronic woke up in a dark room, seeing light blue flashes every now and then. She looked to her right. There was a glass window there, and she saw herself. She was a white animatronic with long red hair and a green dress. She slightly gasped. She then heard a whirring noise, and she looked to her left, where she saw a white and purple bear, who had a blue bunny hand puppet. She looked as the bear bolted upright, and looked at the animatronic girl. It smiled and looked at her.
"Howdy! Name's Funtime Freddy!" it said, it's voice really silly.
"H-hi, I'm..." what was her name?
Suddenly, Funtime Freddy began laughing. "You don't know your own name?! Ha!" He burst out laughing.
The animatronic girl thought, but nothing came up until a name whispered in her head.
"Clowny! It's Clowny!" the animatronic said.
The Funtime animatronic stopped. "I'm sorry, I beg your pardon?" he asked, his tone suddenly cold.
The animatronic girl, who thinks shes Clowny, trembled. "I'm C-Clowny!" she said. He
Funtime Freddy began laughing again. "You fell for it!" he laughed.
"Freddy, stop! Your hurting her feelings!" the bunny puppet said.
Clowny looked at the bunny puppet, who had its arms crossed and was giving Funtime Freddy a death glare.
"I'm sorry, Bawn-Bawn..." Funtime Freddy sighed.
Clowny looked at the bunny hand puppet, assuming his name was actually Bon-Bon. She smiled at him, and nodded her gratitude. Bon-Bon smiled back.
"Well, Clowny, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Funtime Freddy bowed.
Clowny frowned. "You were laughing at me, now your glad you met me?" she asked.
"It's a thing, I guess..." Bon-Bon said.
"I see..." Clowny looked away.
Clowny began thinking. What is she?
A/N: SORRY IT'S SO SHORT! I have been busy...