Hey! I'm new at this whole Fanfic writing stuff, so sorry if this turns out crappy! I'll try my best thou!! Hope ya'll enjoy it!! Here goes nuttin!

In this story, Sakura is 18, while the girls in the Wolf gang are mostly 19. The main guys, including Syaoran are 20, with the acceptation of a couple being 21! Hope it's not too confusing!

Sakura is a rich well off girl, stuck in a world of fake people, lies and deceit. She wants out. She wants adventure, but can she handle herself when she finally meets up with Syaoran and the rest of the Wolf gang?!?! (S+S, T+E, C+T ect..)

On with the story.

Sakura cringed, a fresh set of tears pouring down her swollen face. She reached up and gingerly laid a finger on the large lump now where her cheek used to be. This wasn't the first time he had hit her. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them feeling like a helpless child. Downstairs she heard something crash as her father continued his drunken rage.

"Why?" she whispered, as she heard his shouts echoing throughout the mansion.


Sakura Kinomoto was popular, beautiful, athletic and the envy of all other18 year old girls in Tokyo. Not only did she have the perfect body, and a great personality to match, but Sakura was filthy rich. She lead the perfect life. at least everyone thought she did.

Sakura sighed as her friends happily chattered around her. Every time she walked down a hallway it seemed all eyes were on her, as was the case today. Everyday was the same. She was stuck in an endless circle of 'the perfect life' fake of fake people, lies and deception.

"Don't you agree Sakura?" one of her friends asked smiling. Sakura nodded her head in agreement. "Yea! He's not bad!" she answered in her regular cheery voice. They all nodded in agreement and continued discussing the topic of the day.

"I bet he'll ask you to the formal!" another added with a wink to Sakura. Sakura shrugged her shoulders and smiled. In truth she didn't care. Here she sat as always with her best friends, yet in truth non of them were friends at all. They never shared emotions, or held meaningful conversations, and each was just as backstabbing as the next. So went Sakura's superficial life, and she was sick of it.


Mei Lin laughed as she and Tomoyo went zipping through the streets. It felt good to have a change of scenery, get out of Hong Kong, and have a little fun! Tomoyo let out a whoop and held her hands up to catch the rushing air. In an instant two sleek motorcycles pulled up beside the car, stifling the girls' laughter.

Mei Lin paled and glanced uneasily at Tomoyo. "They've found us." she whispered. Tomoyo nodded, and held on tight, as Mei Lineed up, trying to outrun their hunters. She took off down the street, swerving through the dense traffic and trying to shake them off.

"SHIT MEILING WATCH OUT!!" Tomoyo screamed as a truck cut through Mei Lin's path. "Fuck!" she breathed and swerved the car into opposing traffic. They're adrenaline was pumping at an all time high, as the girls took a sharp turn off the road an cut across an empty field. Glancing behind them Tomoyo laughed "We've lost them!" she exclaimed in triumph.

Mei Lin slowed down and high - fyed Tomoyo before running a hand through her long black hair and catching her breath. Turning onto a nearby road, the girls continued at a leisurely pace, recovering from the events. "SHIT!!" Mei Lin screamed slamming on her breaks as a motorcycle pulled to a stop right in front of them.

A well - built man got off the bike and walked over to the girls, as another bike pulled up along the side. "And what exactly do you ladies think your doing?" he questioned. Tomoyo smiled sheepishly, "Ummm.n - nothing?" she replied, trying not to look Eriol in the face. Eriol tried to hide a smile as he continued to lecture them in a serious tone. " Oh really? Cause it kind of looked like you two were joy riding to me, and against Syaoran's orders!"

Jess took off his helmet and walked up along side Eriol. "You gave us quite a ride there!" he laughed breaking Eriol's failing attempt to discipline the girls. Mei Lin smiled up at Jess "That? That was just a warm up! Just wait until next time" she said with a wink. Jess swooped down and gave her a quick peck on the lips, "Oh I'll be ready!" he added, before turning back to Eriol. Eriol just shook his head. "Come on, we better get you back before Syaoran throws a fit!"


Syaoran sighed waiting for the others to return. Rika sat cuddled in Todd's arms, talking happily to Chiharu who was leaning on Takashi. Kado walked into the room looking for Naoko, but seeing Syaoran's pissed off face decided to continue his search later on. "Still not back?" he questioned sitting down. Syaoran just shook his head no, and kept his eyes trained on the door.

A moment later Mei Lin burst through the door with Jess. She smiled at Syaoran, which of course was returned by his cold glare. He waited a few seconds before speaking, "Where are the others?"

"Who? Tomoyo and Eriol? I think they're still having at little fun in the car," Mei Lin giggled and winked as Tomoyo and Eriol stumbled into the house, still tightly embrace, a few seconds later. They broke apart noticing the tension and uneasy silence in the room, and Tomoyo looked down at the floor in embarrassment. Syaoran just glared at them, then shook his head. "What were you two doing?!? I told no one to leave the house until I had gotten things settled."

Mei Lin sighed, "We were bored! There's nothing to do here! We just wanted to get out and see the city!" The anger in Syaoran's intense amber eyes increased, warning Mei Lin not to push him any farther. "Fine!" she yelled throwing her arms in the air "We're sorry! We won't go out again with out your consent, but I'm warning you! We better do something soon or I'm going to exploded!!" With that she stomped off to her room, followed by Tomoyo, Rika and Chiharu.

Syaoran sighed when he finally heard her door slam upstairs, yet no emotion touched his face. Looking up at the guys around him he nodded for them to sit. Plans still had to be made.


Sakura sighed as she slowly made her way home. Once again she wished she lived another life. She wished she had a real family, not just a constantly drunk off his ass father, and a mother she hadn't seen since she was six. She wanted excitement. She wanted adventure, but whom was she kidding? Nothing like that would ever happen to her. She jumped, being pulled from her thoughts at the ring of her cell phone. Pulling it out, she flipped it open, and answered in her cheery voice. "Hey!" she replied as she heard Missy's ecstatic voice.

"Hey Sakura!! You won't believe what just happened! Kim and I just ran into the hottest guys!!" Sakura rolled her eyes at her friend's enthusiasm as Missy continued to squeal in her ear. "They gave us tickets to this hot club for Fri, so you're coming of course right?"

Sakura groaned inside. Great. Another boring club with guys hitting on her non- stop all night! "Yea sure!" she heard herself reply, ignoring her inner thoughts. "Great!" Missy squealed 'We'll catch up later! Chow Baby!" Sakura sighed and hung up her phone, what had she gotten herself into?


Mei Lin and Naoko squealed with delight as they rushed down the stairs. Rika and Chiharu bounded down after them, and met up with an impatient Tomoyo who was already waiting downstairs. "Come on!!! Let's go already! I'm dying to go dance!" Mei Lin yelled to the guys, who sighed at the girls' enthusiasm. They hadn't been allowed to go out since they arrived a week earlier, and all of them were itching to party.

Syaoran let out a small laugh at the sight of Mei Lin bouncing around happily, and he quickly placed his guns into his holster. "Let's go," he finally said making all the girls' whoop in excitement. Eriol laughed, hoping onto his motorcycle and feeling Tomoyo's arms wrap tightly around him. Syaoran rode another bike alone, while Jess took one with Mei Lin. The rest were left in two black jaguar's, and various other members tagged along on bikes and in cars. The Wolf gang was headed for a night out.


Sakura gaped when she meet the guys Missy and Kim had brought along. They were all tall, well built and incredibly hansom. Chad was to be her date for the night, and she had to admit she could have done a lot worse. His blonde hair feel slightly over his enchanting blue eyes, and his smile was drawing and welcoming. Sakura blushed as he wrapped his arm around her waste and brought her to the entrance of the club, without even waiting in line.

The first thing Sakura noticed when she stepped inside was that this was no ordinary club. Something seemed different, almost tense. The upstairs was reserved for people of high importance, who sat and intently watched the floor below. She was surprised, when Chad led her up the stairs, and into one of the many booths. She watched the dance floor below, and let the fast pace rhythm of the music sink in while Chad ordered her a drink. That was when their eyes first met.


Mei Lin and the girls rushed to the club entrance, followed close behind by the guys. They got in with out difficulty, and the girls immediately rushed off to the dance floor. Syaoran, Eriol, Jess, Todd, Kado and Takashi slipped into a comfortable booth and began to scope out the club. "Shit" Syaoran muttered, making Eriol look up and notice what he meant. "Bloods!" he breathed with hate. What the hell are they doing here?"

"They must have taken over the place" Syaoran calmly answered, "Come on, let's get the girls."

He stood up, and made his way through the crowds, cautiously glancing around him as he went. He looked up, and his eyes locked with that of an emerald angel. He held her gaze until she was shaken and turned away. Shaking his head, Syaoran continued through the club.


Sakura felt Chad shake her arm and turned smiling at him. "You wanna dance?" he asked. Sakura nodded and they both got up. Making their way down the stairs, they stepped out onto the floor, and began to dance, letting the rhythm and beat of the music flow through them. Chad grabbed her close to him, pressing her body against him as they danced. That was when Sakura first started to panic.

There was something under his jacket. She wasn't sure what it was, but it sure felt an awful lot like a gun. She gasped and took a step back. "What's wrong?" Chad inquired, a flash of worry crossing his face. Sakura shook her head in shock; she didn't know what to say. The next thing she knew a gun went of and screaming filled the air. Chad whipped out a gun, and grabbed her close to him.


Syaoran was still trying to reach the girls when he heard a shot go off. He wasn't sure what had happened, or who had shot first, but he whipped his gun out for protection. People were screaming like crazy as more shots were fired and howls of pain erupted through the building. People began to flee to all exits, leaving the gangs in the heavy heat of battle. Everything seemed to slow down, and come to a halt, until there was dead silence, and tension hung heavy in the air.

A click was heard and Syaoran whipped around to see Chad pointing his gun at him, while holding a scared Sakura in his other arm. "So" Chad sneered, "The great leader of the Wolves, I see we meet again." Chad smiled viscously at Syaoran who glared in response. "Too bad it will be the last time!" he concluded, steadying his gun and aiming it at Syaoran's head. Both gangs stood in shock, no one making a move as their minds raced in confusion.

Syaoran felt hatred and disgust well up inside of him. So this was the end? He braced himself; waiting for the cold bullet to make contact with is skin. Chad smiled, and began to pull the tiger, while Sakura stood in total shock of what was happening. Right as Chad began to tighten his finger on the trigger, Sakura shot forward, and hit his arm, causing him to shoot at the ceiling and miss his mark.

Syaoran gaped at her in amazement, but quickly recovered, grabbing his gun, and moving out of the way. "YOU FUCKIN BITCH!" Chad yelled and slapped her across the face. He once again gained control of his gun, this time pointing it towards Sakura's form, sprawled on the ground. Syaoran quickly gave him a quick jab in the stomach, sending him into a fit of groans, and began screaming for the girls to get out. The Wolves backed towards the entrances, firing all in their way as body after body fell. After checking to make sure almost everyone was gone, Syaoran turned, trying to locate the best way to escape. That was when he noticed Sakura's form on the ground.

He stooped down, and picked her up before running to the nearest exit, with Eriol covering him in a hail of gunfire.

Author's Notes: So! That's my first chapter! How do u like it so far?! Please Review! That way I'll know what people like and don't like! Flames r welcome don't be shy!! Ja ne for now!!