This maybe a onetime deal as I mentioned I am not really a fan of Kairi, nothing against her or her fans but she didn't really appeal to me. Everything from what I heard of the ReMind DLC of KH III says she is cool there and I like her in that (haven't gone past the first bit of that DLC since it involves beating a harder version of the bonus boss that I have yet to defeat in its normal version). I know they toughed Kairi up, even allowing her to be playable against Xehanort but it's understandable in the normal game that she would have trouble against more experienced villains. So especially for my buddy Aragorn_II_Elessar I am using her here. In this fic the Little Mermaid events in the second game never happened (just like another fic I found) and Aladdin and Jasmine were just friends.
Sora and Kairi had known eachother for the majority of their lives, ever since Kairi came to Destiny Islands. Riku was Sora's best friend but there was something between Sora and Kairi even as they were forcibly drifted apart when Sora's adventure as a Key Bearer began.
They had reunited after his victory over the original Organisation XIII and the feelings that they felt towards eachother grew. Kairi began her Keyblade training but falling behind the more experienced Sora and Riku. However Sora had grown confusion since on his first adventure out of the friends he had made on the other worlds, he had grown closest to two particular girls with feelings inside him that were close to what he felt of Kairi:
Princess Jasmine of the desert land of Agrabah: a pretty, confident, kind and bold girl who was not afraid to want to go see the outside world and stand up to the laws of her land that she had to marry a prince before her 16th birthday. She was a Princess of Light like Kairi was.
Ariel of the underwater land of Atlantica was an energetic curious free spirited girl who wanted to explore the worlds beyond much to the disapproval of her father King Triton. Thanks to a magic spell she could now walk on land as a human.
They began visiting and Kairi was growing jealous when she was seeing them with Sora, however they were nothing but friendly to her and the others and honestly she could not blame any other girl for falling for Sora. He was a stupid dork at times but he was adorable, fun, brave, kind and was always able to stick up for anyone that needed help. To be honest she was just grateful that there weren't more romantic rivals.
They were a lot of fun to be around with, she explained about Sora being phased out when he saved Sora by abusing the dangerous power of Waking and let him have it afterwards for risking himself like that, even if it was to save her. Jasmine and Ariel also appreciated how brave and selfless Sora was but they didn't look too pleased to hear that he willingly went through with something dangerous like that.
Then things got awkward when the day she finally was able to tell Sora how she felt about him, verbally at least as pretty much everyone else could have figured it out. Sora freaked out and jumped, running away which she was found hurtful for a second but wondered if something was going on with him to make him like that. She chased him and found that Ariel and Jasmine did the same when they saw him running away like that. They talked and realised what had happened:
It was also the day Ariel and Jasmine admitted their feeling sto eachother. Ariel had found Sora that morning and admitted her feelings for Sora with him asking if he could have time to digest the information, later Jasmine found him and admitted with him nervously asking to get back to her. So when Kairi admitted he finally cracked, trying to figure out what to do with what he was feeling about all of them and before he could decide there was Kairi to give him a breakdown.
They gave Sora time to calm down so they could discuss it carefully; Sora admitted that he really felt strongly for the three of them but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. They told him softly that they would support any decision that he decides. They discuss it with Sora still saying he was torn.
Kairi blurted out "So we can wait until you decide what to do because it's not like you can date all three of us..." Ariel, Jasmine and Sora blinked at it and she shook her head when Ariel and Jasmine with their faces showed they were seriously thinking it over. She was about to state that she was joking and it wouldn't work with the reasons why.
She spent more than ten minutes trying to actually think of a reason why and the four decided to try it out while discussing how to make it work. They would spend days together and some days each of them would get Sora to themselves and they would make sure the poor boy doesn't exhaust himself trying to please them all.
They would give him the space he needed and make sure that he had plenty of time for his other friends and time for himself. When told their friends and family were stunned to be sure but were supportive. Riku joked about Sora being a girl magnet but got heated glares from the trio for that, especially Jasmine as people could see she didn't fully forgive him for kidnapping him for Maleficent during the Heartless Invasion.
Kairi found herself happy with this arrangement and Sora was to (she joked to herself about why wouldn't he be), while she was still a bit jealous because she wouldn't admit it but she thought that her fellow girlfriends to Sora were prettier than she was, there was still little doubt that Sora loved her as much as the other two.
Right now she was sparring with Jasmine with her Keyblade and Jasmine was using a scimitar, Jasmine was doing well with sword training she got from the Guard even if Kairi was able to start overpowering her with her hits. However Jasmine noticed Sora and Ariel who had been watching while sitted on cushions (Sora cheering them both on), Ariel had taken the chance to put her arm around his waist and was taking his chin to meet hers.
Jasmine shouted about Ariel and Kairi looked to see Ariel had taken Sora in for a kiss they were both clearly enjoying, however it was a trick as Jasmine took the chance to disarm her and she just glared at Jasmine. Looks like the kind virtuous princess was not above playing dirty as she smirked to him. "Looks like I win Kairi; come on Ariel it's my turn." Jasmine said walking to Sora her face looking all flirty.
Kairi's glare turned into a smirk as she got in between them in front of the growing red Sora. She then asked "how about we do a new contest, who is the best kisser and Sora be the judge..." Sora fainted with a thud and they all helped him to his feet with Kairi being apologetic even though they were unable to hide their giggles.
I also realised you could make a game of exploring Disney Plus and see what you can find that you never heard of. Show of hands who has actually heard of Mr Boogedy? Also while I still demand the Aladdin Series be added, I would also like for them to add the Broadway Shows of Aladdin and Frozen there as well. I know they might not want to risk ticket sales but come on, I have the DVD of Shrek the Musical (if only they did one of Shrek 2 as well as sequels to Broadway shows are rare and even if they are made they just anger the fanbase as Phantom of the Opera fans I bet can attest)!