A Blighted Zero Idea

The Void, neither born of light or steeped in darkness it is mutual to the actions of both. It neither beckons nor is it invited, in essence, the Void floats gazing upon all things. It is a simple thing that to those guardians willing to look upon forbidden paths of knowledge, is a font worth sipping from.

But within the darkness, the Void is nothing more than the unreachable power belonging to the Ascendant. The real strength of those Deep Gods worshipped in the shadows of Tombships and, founded in the tides of despair and violence created by their worshippers like a plague on the galaxy.

For the light, the Void will depart gifts of power to those willing to sip from that forbidden font. It opens the minds of Warlocks to unspeakable truths, hardens the shells of Titans to endure the grimmest conflicts, and quickens the Hunters blades so they may use the very shadows their enemies rely on against them.

Sometimes the Void will be arbitrary, manifesting one or several individuals who hold it's essence within them. These aberrations are not only attuned to the Void; Their destinies are uncertain until they are claimed by light or devoured in the dark. Within that, those who follow these void-borne anomalies will become...reliant on them, such as The Traveler and its piteous Guardians.

Another would be the Taken and, their recently broken King, Oryx. These two children pestered the Void, one a king crowned through a deal not made through the Void's will but, a deep worm and, the gifter of "Light" who decidedly defends not itself but, relies on those its arrival damned, a truly determined and cunning parasite. These two children's actions caused more damage to the Void's favorite galaxy to watch than it was willing to let go.

And so the Guardians were led to a son and brought his end. The King, in his rage, hunted them and fell from his holy throne. Yet, the light hold's strong, The Traveler remains unharmed, and even with the events of the Red War, all it needed was to awaken. Dominus Ghaul failed the Void, it decided that to face, to punish its belligerent child The Traveler, it would need something more, something grown by it's will, it would need another of those void-borne to do the job right.

That's when a small voice reached it; she was weak, tiny, nothing compared to The Traveler or Oryx, even Ghaul the worthless, but if it could, The Void would have smiled. Isolated in another dimension, so far from the "Light" and The Darkness this one, Louise would do just fine for such a "small" operation. Even better, it didn't need to do anything significant for her; all it needed was to plant a seed, a seed of Blight made from Oryx's soul.

She will grow. She will give rise to a shattered throne, and she will Take and, the Void will allow her to do so.

(In Louise's Mind)

It was strange, Louise had gone to bed expecting another stress made night terror. A clear reminder of the pain she felt every day, the hell of mockings and, quips, she endures due to her failures. Instead, a broken plane of floating debris and cracked stone path greeted her eyes. Rocky spikes, flowing streams of purplish air coiling over both the road and, some of the grass laden chunks made Louise unsure if she should even move from her current spot.

That's when the singing hit her ears, and it was an eerie whisper that filled the windless space. Despite that, the unintelligible song caught her attention and drew her forward. It twisted the concern in her thoughts, making Louise realize just how calming the scenery was. The odd serenity of the black Void dotted with stars that seemed endless beyond the path she walked, made her give a small smile.

She was feeling so tranquil that bravely she could close her eyes and rest when tired from walking, taking a small breather from the smooth journey. Finally, at the end of the refreshing walk, there was a tree with a single strange fruit. It was apple-like, colored black riddled with pale lights like stars, and purplish mists seem to wrap around it.

With the song entrapping her mind and eyes locked to the cursed fruit, she reached for it. And when her fingers brushed it, a wind-tearing scream filled her ears.


Louise shot up blinking with a neutral look, her maid Seista was sleeping in a chair next to her bed, probably waiting for the morning comforting session she engaged in when the pinkette woke up crying. That's why Louise bought her from the school; to be honest, Siesta was such a gentle and kind girl, it reminded Louise of her sister Cattleya. In-kind Seista generously treated Louise and encouraged her that things would turn out fine no-matter how cruel her peers were.

Touching her chest, Louise let out a breath of relief today was the summoning ritual, the final chance to change whatever fate her parents would force upon her if she failed. On this day, she was fated to lose this gambit and fall into being nothing in the world, but Louise is Void-borne. And The Void loves cheating Fate's hands.

After getting dressed by herself, Louise woke Seista with a smile and a hug, making the black-haired girl smile at her master's good mood. Seeing the pinkette off with tidings of good fortune, Siesta had to ponder, "Miss Louise seems to be different today, not even a morning tear? That's good...I hope that this summoning thing goes well for her for both our sakes."

If it wasn't the fact that Louise was near skipping, she unnerved several peers, and a few teachers passing her with the small giddy smile on her face. It was strange since grabbing that fruit in her dream; something in her mind felt cloudy, and, euphoric almost like power was flowing through her.

Confidence was surging in her mind, and energy dripped in her bones, encouraging Louise to bounce around like a madwoman. When she reached the summoning site and the teacher overseeing it, Louise greeted the teacher with a bout of happiness.

"It's nice to see you, Mr. Colbert." Colbert looked in surprise at the young Valliere, her pink eyes shimmering with light that he hadn't seen since her most adolescent years. It made him stiffen in shock, before coughing mentally and giving a calm reply.

"It's good to see you as well, Miss Valliere," he then took a moment before continuing with, "It's even better to see you in such high spirits, however."

She kept the happy persona going returning with, "Yes, well, let's say I had a pleasant dream...maybe it could mean a change of luck for me? Either way, even if I do fail, it's more ladylike to go down with a smile, no?"

"Well, that is certain, and on a low note, I wish you the best." Colbert looked to end the little encounter there; he felt something spine chilling about his pinkette student's tone and, the difference dialect it all didn't scream the usual Louise. Part of him even worried that her peers' abuses had finally driven her to madness, he'd keep an eye on her more today than ever...that's all he could hope to do.

(An hour passes)

The ritual summoning was underway, kids summoning all sorts of strange beasts. Of course, Kirche had looked to antagonize the young Valliere with her newly summoned Salamander Flame. What had come from it, though, was still knee-deep in lunacy Louise started petting the creature and complimented Kirchie, saying it was a beautiful fire befitting for her.

"Eh?" was Kirchie's reaction as the Zero she had endlessly tormented and took shots at treated her as a good friend. While Kirche was left in shock, Louise did a similar stunt with Tabitha and Sylphid. Where Flame was as confused as it's master, Sylphid licked Louise in return for her affections. Tabitha off-handedly wished the pinkette good luck in her attempt to summon a familiar while gazing amused at Kirchie's and, most of the classes look.

That's when Louise stepped into the circle; then, the song returned to her. It echoed in the mind's eye, etched new words into her soul, and whispered maligned chants to gods unknown in her ears. The shadows unnoticeable to man or beast alike grew darker, thicker as Louise began the wordless mutterings.

No knew what to expect, but the summoning circle's outer ring exploded with black fire, outlined with pale white light. The symbols were twisting, curving into new forgotten forms and, the black mist started gathering above her. Suddenly as Louise's voice reached its apex, a bright flash accompanied rushing winds and, a hell borne screech tore through the air.

When it all died down, Louise remained in the middle of the circle but was no longer alone. Amongst the outer rim, five Taken Thralls stood twitching, wondering what their master would have them take first beast or man? Two Acolytes stood with their weapons up, readied to defend as best as front-line soldiers could. Then there was that which was kneeling at Louise's front, her hand petting against the angular as she had done with Flame and Sylphid.

When the creature raised, it stood two maybe three to four heads taller than Colbert. An Abyssal Champion, Taken and malformed by the Blight, turned to face the teacher's panicked gaze. Hostility filled the Taken rank and file; for the new Royalty, they planned to Take it all. Her memories were winding through them, filling with rage and bitterness their entire beings almost ignited by the storm of fury.

Just as the Taken Thralls went shifting to the nearest students and plunge claws in their chests and, the Acolytes aimed their guns towards the familiars to scatter them, Louise opened her mouth. "Down, heel, they won't hurt you, okay?"

The normal Taken stopped in their tracks backing off to better encircle her, though the champion didn't seem to mind her orders. It marched forward, and in a panicked reaction, Colbert cast a fiery spell. Twisting and turning to his command, a blazing snake dived upon the Taken champion. The ax in its hand glowed an eldritch green, and a violent blast of energy allowed it to shrug off the flames.

Just as the shadow of the blighted champion's weapon came over Colbert, Louise gleaned on how to reign in the titanous Taken. "Its name...I see that's why he won't listen to me how unthoughtful I can be?" The champion's blade came descending, as Louise said aloud in a cheery tone, "Haalothir, bad boy Mr. Colbert is a teacher you can't hurt him...especially not him since he's always been kind to me!"

She similarly reprimanded the creature as one would dog in her madness, though it obediently relented shambling to her. Kneeling once more, it took a smaller blade that hung at its side to Louise. The sheathe was bone-like in the form of a claw, and the edge she drew from it had the same shape covered in the dark Blight of the Taken.

She tested it with an unskilled and shaky swing black mist hanging in the air from the slash. "L...Louise wh...what has happened, what are these things?" Colbert stuttered out she didn't immediately respond sheathing the blade while musing that she'd need a lot of practice to use her new weapon.

"They're my familiars!" it was a simple answer that left the color in most of her classmate's faces draining, as Colbert answered his composure, only just returning, "Is that so? May I see the familiar rune confirming this fact?" in his mind, every fiber of his danger sense screamed to not draw near them.

Louise nodded before following the small whispers in her ears and giving a short wave with her left hand. Then the familiar rune ignited on the bodies of all the Taken, unbeknownst to Colbert, who was quickly taking it down on his notepad, was Gandalfr, The Left Hand of God. Her BlightBlight had Taken this characteristic to heart, and, with it, they would be all the more potent.

On the way back to introduce her new friends to Siesta, and more so, give her a pleasant gift for all her hard work, Louise was only stopped once. It was just as she had gone to leave, shakily Kirche asked her why she didn't seem surprised.

Louise gave a small smile in return, replying, "It's nothing much, I just had a pleasant dream is all, an enjoyable dream."

Chapter end

Louise Army Count

Taken Hive - 8

Taken Thrall -5

Taken Acolyte - 2

Taken Knight -0

Taken Wizard - 0

Taken Champions/Bosses - 1

Champion Name - Haalothir Protector of the New Seed

Haalothir Description - He was the first to be knighted by the King's Son, He was first to know of Crota's End, First to inform the father of his son's fate, First to become Taken by the King's blind rage and, First to hear of a King's Fall...now he will be the First to defend the Blight'sBlight's new Seed.

Unique Trait - Crota's Disciple - Sword based attacks are slightly more effective against him, and all other forms of damage are reduced somewhat.

Exotic/Unique Weapons

Crota's Edge - He who wields this blade need's not an oversoul to rend an army, no a mere fragment is more than necessary to fell pitiable foes such as these! Excerpt from Haalothir First Blade of Crota - before he became a Taken.

Special Ability - Shard of the Oversoul - Receiving consecutive attacks, swinging the sword and, blocking attacks with it charges one stack of Howling Winds. Once Howling Winds reaches ten stacks, the next massive swing with the sword instead releases a small blast simulating a shard of the might wielded by Crota's mighty Oversoul.

Claw of Oryx - A sword and sheath pair made from the broken claw of the fallen god Oryx the Taken King. It's a blade made from the Blight that coursed through the god's veins and soul. It's hilt forged from the finest leathers ripped from the god's dried heart.

Special - Taken Apex - Those slain with this cursed blade shall become Taken instead of dying; it has another power, yet only those steeped in darkness may make use of it.

Author's note -

So yeah, I thought the Taken would probably be best next to the basic Hive... maybe the Fallen could work take her being a void as the ultimate Ether generator?

At the end of chapters where she gets unique weapons/ Champion characters, there could be Flavor texts describing their history/past and what their game effects could be if they existed to a small extent.

A constant following of her gathering forces because she will be drawing in more soldiers outside of her world as her presence in the Blight heightens.

Louise is not sound in mind in this fic idea, there will be moments where she snaps out of her madness, but, those traumatic seconds delves her deeper in insanity.