Prologue: Crash Landing to Another Time

For the Nightsisters of Dathomir, today was just the same as any other as they were going about their rituals when suddenly they all felt an immense disturbance in the Force. They all looked to see what appeared to be wormhole materialized out of thin air. Out of it appeared a vessel not seen in over a millennia, screaming as it crashed into a nearby lake, causing the women to scream in fright as it skipped across the ground and lay to rest at the shallows of the lake..

As the ship finally came to a halt, the witches felt the presence of a being so powerful it seeped out to the surroundings and chilled even the Night Mother to the bone.

"What-what incredible power, who in the galaxy could possibly possess such strength in the Force?" asked a Nightsister of her Mother.

"I do not know child, we can only hope he is a friend, I sense great Darkness, Vengeance, Pain, and yet also a small Light in the Darkness, Honor and Love," she told her children, she was the first to enter the ancient vessel, and upon seeing the first being inside she was certainly surprised as she saw who it was as his helm was knocked off, it was only a young man, no older than his early twenties, though he was extremely tall, around six and half feet by her estimates.

But when she gazed upon his armor she realized what she was seeing…a Sith of the Old Days, the most vicious warriors the galaxy had ever known. No fear of the light where the cowardice Sith of present time hid in the darkness. Her heart raced with pure terror but also excitement, she had heard of the prowess of the Old Sith in the stories of the Mothers before her, but to see it for herself...maybe the Old Alliance of Sith and Nightsister could be remade…

With him were several other humans along with a Twi'lek and a Talz, all of them with beaten bodies and broken bones.

"Children, quickly get our guests to safety and heal their wounds," Talzin ordered, her children immediately rushed to obey her orders. As she watched the others she saw that the Sith Lord's wounds, many which seemed fatal were healing of their own accord.

"What a curious young man," was all she said as she lifted the armored being and carried him to her people's home, casting a Force Concealment spell upon him before his power was noticed by the rest of the galaxy.

It took many months for their magicks to completely heal their guests, as if their wounds had been created by the Force itself and didn't want them to heal easily. They worked day and night to save them, and eventually their hard work paid off. One by one they began to wake, the only one who had not awakened was their leader, the Sith Lord himself.

"Ow…I feel like I got torn apart by a Rakghoul," groaned a dazed Vette.

"You aren't the only one," said a familiar voice, she turned to look at Pierce, she didn't feel so bad if he was complaining too. The other three awoke as well and were talking for a bit when one of them suddenly realized something.

"Wait…where's Master?" asked Jaesa, Vette's eyes widened when she realized what that meant. Immediately she and the others jumped up and, despite their injuries and lack of proper motor function, ran to find their leader, thanks to Jaesa's ability to sense others they found him easily despite being in an unfamiliar place. What they saw made them all prepared for a fight.

Wrath was floating in the air with green mist encompassing and twirling around him as if it were alive. Surrounding the airborne Sith were several crimson clad women, all were chanting an unknown language as they worked their spells.

"Children, please, do not be alarmed, we are only trying to help your friend," said an unknown female voice which seemed to also have a demonic voice follow it. They turned to the Mother of the Nightsisters, a kind smile upon her visage.

"What are you doing to him!?" asked an enraged Vette, Jaesa and the others just as angry.

"Your friend has yet to awaken from his slumber, even though his wounds were less severe, he seems to be in a deep meditative state, we are trying to help him find his way home to you," she told them. Hearing this they relaxed but to a wizened eye one would see they were still prepared to move in an instant.

"Where are we?" asked Vette.

"These are the Witches of Dathomir, also known as the Nightsisters, and Allies of the Sith am I correct?" asked Malavai Quinn, upon hearing his voice the others' eyes widened. In some cases, such as the Arcane arts of the Dark Side, the Nightsisters were far more experienced than the Sith, only the Sith Sorcerers knew more than they. They were a terror not just on the battlefield but even off, there was no telling what fiendish actions they could commit on a whim. And their fury was terrifying if incurred upon oneself.

"We were once, long ago, however the Sith of the Present Day are self centered, cowardly, and uncaring of any but themselves," this sentence caught them off guard.

"Wait, what do you mean 'of Present Day'?" asked Pierce.

"We are in a time Four Thousand Years ahead of your own, if I am correct. You are from the time the Sith Empire appeared and attacked the Republic correct?" she asked. They all seemed to go into shock upon hearing this news. They were thousands of years in the future, how could that have happened…then they all looked to their leader.

"He saved us…" said an awed Lana. Mother Talzin raised an eyebrow, that was rather strange of a Sith Lord, to care for others. Then again she was of a time where the Sith cared for nothing. She looked in their eyes and saw that the feeling was mutual.

"He somehow transported us so that we would be safe," Quinn offered his hypothesis.

"He is our Alpha," said Broonmark. The others nodded before their host spoke up again.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Mother Talzin, and this is the home of the Witches of Dathomir," she said, widening her arms to put emphasis on her claim.

"Well it certainly looks worthy of a Witch Coven," Vette stated, getting an elbow from Jaesa.

"Thank you for tending to our wounds, I and my companions also thank you for tending to our Lord," bowed Quinn in thanks, the others did so as well, even Vette who usually didn't do well with formalities or authority figures.

"You are most welcome," Talzin said with warmth in her heart, "May I ask whom we are attending?"

"His true name is private, however," Jaesa began, "His Sith name is Ardrushas Deathwalker, Darth Damocles...though his more well known title was the Empire's Wrath."

The witches that were attending to the Sith Lord lost their focus and he fell onto the table with a resonating BOOM. They all stepped back afraid of the figure before them, they knew of the stories: the Emperor's personal Knight, the one Sith that stood above all others.

Even Mother Talzin looked on in disbelief and shock, "This young man…is the Empire's Wrath? The most feared practitioner of the Force of all time, who existed for a total of five years before vanishing?"

"Heh, leave it to the boss to leave a lasting impression," said Vette, the others chuckled. Eventually it was Jaesa who spoke, "Yes, the man before you is the Empire's Wrath."

The gravity of the situation became clear to the witches, should they heal him, the most powerful and unpredictable Sith Lord ever to live would be amongst the living once more. What side would he take in this new war?

"Well then, let me bring you up to speed about the happenings of the galaxy as of now," said the Night Mother.

[Hours Later]

The group had all been informed of everything that had happened of importance, the Imperials of the group were sad that their Empire was no more, while Vette and Broonmark were more indifferent about that situation, rather that their families were no more was their problem.

"I am truly sorry that I am the bringer of bad news, but know that you will always be welcome here," Talzin told them.

"Why would you extend to us such kindness?" asked the Talz, The Night Mother smiled.

"We may be witches, but that does not mean we are heartless," she told them. To back up her words, a familiar voice spoke on her behalf.

"The Witches of Dathomir are by far some of the most gifted Force-Users in the galaxy," everyone noticed the new frightening voice and turned to face its owner. It had a dark but low growl to it, yet it was calm.

"Very few can state that they understand the Force's more arcane abilities as well as they. Yet at the same time, few can match their dedication to their family, to one another."

Standing before them was the Wrath of the Empire, Darth Damocles in all his glory, his battle-scarred armor reflecting the eerie green glow of his surroundings. The Nightsisters all stepped back in fear as they looked upon the face of the Dark-Sider.

His face held no scar, apart form three claw marks upon each side of his face, granting him a feral look. And yet his eyes did not have the hellish look that they would expect of the Sith.

They were a calm, cerulean blue.

"Way to make an entrance big guy," Vette chuckled as she and the others walked up to him. He stood there for a long moment before dropping to a knee, or would have had five pairs of hands not caught him.

"Whoa easy My Lord, you alright?" asked Pierce, concern in his voice. The Sith Lord only nodded, though his wheezing voice could be heard.

"Four thousand years…" he said in disbelief, his voice back to one of gentleness, this voice only his friends could hear.

"My friends back home will be dust by now," they could hear his voice breaking, in that moment they were about to escort him back to privacy but Mother Talzin's thin hand gently placed itself onto the man's shoulders.

"I am truly sorry for what has happened My Lord, however you should know that the Force chose to spare you, had it not you would have fallen like the rest of the Sith. Only two stand now aside from you, and this is the way they prefer, to hide in the shadows," Talzin told him. She could feel the anger rising in him at hearing his once proud people were now cowards.

"So the Sith Empire fell upon, again, due to their own infighting," he said in disappointment, "If ever there was one thing I was thankful in my role as the Wrath, it was that I kept that at bay."

Every one of his companions understood his feelings, he was proud to be Sith, even though he could cooperate with some that a Sith would normally hate. For example the Jedi, he disagreed with what they stood for, but he had been allies, even dear friends with their Grandmaster.

But to hear that the Sith of today were pure cowards made his blood boil. They would defend themselves by saying they were clever but one could be allied with the shadows without hiding in them, he himself was born in them, never knowing the warmth of family. Once the light was shown on them what would happen? Utter destruction.

"What is it you wish to do first, My Lord?" asked Mother Talzin. The Sith Lord stood to his full height, standing at a full six and a half feet tall, he towered over the tall woman.

"First to thank you for caring for my friends and treating my wounds," he nodded to her in thanks, the Night Mother was surprised to receive gratitude from a Sith. "The other is to say that if you are in need, I will be happy to return the favor."

This made all of the Night Sisters become surprised at hearing this, a Sith Lord, one of the most ruthless individuals in the galaxy…was being polite and just gave them permission to call for his aid?

"My Lord…for the first time in my life…I am at a loss for words," Mother Talzin admitted.

"Sithy here isn't one of your usual Sith. Sure he may not care for the regular crowd, but for those who gain his favor he is a completely different man," Vette told her. Sure enough, she wasn't struck for the lack of respect that was given instead the others chuckled knowing how true that fact was.

Talzin immediately bowed, "Thank you milord. should I call upon you without the danger of exposing you?"

"Simple," he said with a smile, "My real name: Naruto Uzumaki."