Oh, My Merlin! Thank you everyone who is following or has favourited this story so far I did not expect such a response when the plot bunnies just would not leave me alone on this one. I have made a decision and will be posting an announcement in my bio as soon as I have posted this chapter I will for the time being be staying with Emerald Jotun for the foreseeable as I have not proof read any of my other fics despite having a few chapters typed up for each. Thank you all once again and seeing as I have begun typing this chapter up at my 100-follower mark for this fanfic I have decided to type up a bonus chapter as it were. So, enjoy!
Emerald Jotun
As he opened his eyes Harry felt all the sleepy fog that clouded his mind feeling warm and cosy he didn't really want to wake up just yet so he allowed his eyes to drift close for a few moments that is until he heard a rumbling chuckle next to him which made his eyes snap wide open startled. It took a few moments for him to realise he was staring at his father's face as the man smiled widely at his young son, the lad was adorable in Clint's eyes as the boy yawned widely lifting a small heavy hand to his eyes rubbing them quickly.
He put his arm back down and blinked slowly a couple of times before he opened his mouth once again this time to speak softly "Hi dad" a small smile graced his face his green eyes still clouded with sleep Clint's smile turned into a massive grin at his boy even though he was not expecting to hear what his son said as usually you would expect to hear a 'good morning' at least from someone you see when you first wake up.
"Hey, seeing as you are just starting to wake up and" he paused briefly moving his head slightly upwards to look over his sons head to glance at a soundly sleeping Loki he relaxed again setting his eyes back on his boys own curious emerald ones "I know your mom is not going to be waking any time soon and I for one don't want to get out of the bed where it's nice, cosy and really warm" he said with a smirk making Harry giggle at his father snuggling further under the covers until his wide eyes and unruly raven hair were all that was left visible.
Clearing his throat his grin still firmly in place whilst he watched his boy acting so child-like "So how about I tell you that story I suggested last night?" Harrys interest was piqued so asked quietly whilst he was under the duvet Clint heard his sons quiet muffled response "What story is it dad?" he hummed as he thought about his sons question considering what he could tell him before deciding on a story that was innocent enough and something the lad might actually be interested in "Well, how about a story on your mom and I?".
Haraldrs emerald eyes shone bright with curiosity lowering the duvet completely in awe at his father before he nodded his head quickly "Yes Please!" he said breathlessly making his father allow a soft laugh to leave his lips.
"To start with we had already met, and we decided we would take a trip together bearing in mind your mother never told me that he could do magic we had only been together for a few short months. So anyways he told me a couple days before we were going to leave that I needed to pack a suitcase but it was a surprise where we were going, then he tells me he was taking us so I didn't really know what to expect" Clint continued his story making his son giggle when it turned out Loki had used his powers much like he had when he brought Haraldr to New York only when he did it with Clint he had taken them to Barcelona and how much it had startled the man.
Clint had told his son a few similar stories by the time Loki woke up though he remained silent whilst his lover told their son about the time Clint was going to shoot an arrow at some bad guy's (he didn't want to scare the boy to badly so he never mentioned that they were formerly HYDRA agents) but Loki had simply waved his hand completely bored and they all ended up unconscious against a wall of a building.
It made him so happy hearing their son laugh and giggle watching his lover and their son together it was so wonderful for him to see but he knew it may not last as he always worried what Odin would do should he discover he had another child.
He remembered well what had happened the last four times, there was only ever one-time Odin approved any of his children. Even then it did not protect his children.
Hearing another laugh come from his son he snapped out of his reverie remembering each child carefully. He allowed the smile that wished to grace his face knowing that he was completely fine allowing himself to be happy in this moment of his life, he wished to remain happy when ever one of his children was born it had been something he had never been allowed to do before yet here he was laid in bed his lover and son tucked in beside him laughing and giggling.
Clint looked at Loki over their son's head seeing that whilst he seemed happy the man was clearly lost in thought or perhaps even memories which at times usually worried him now though he did not feel the need to be worried.
In fact for once Clint felt at ease as he saw the smile on his loves face was a true one whilst it may seem to many as a sad smile to him he knew it to be a true one; yes, it was a little sad but it was also filled with a type of happiness but it was mainly nostalgic. Which could only mean one thing; Loki was remembering his kids. Loki blinked his eyes connected with Clint's own his smile relaxed to be one of simple pure happiness directed at himself and their son.
"So how about we get out of bed before we tell you a new story Haraldr" Loki spoke from behind the lad startling him as he had not realised his mother had woken up, sitting up Haraldr turned to his mum he grinned at the trickster not knowing that his mother was thinking just how much he looked like one of his older brothers nor of how mischievous he appeared.
Whilst their son was distracted for a moment Clint quickly got out of bed before he swiftly crossed the room to the bureau dresser that Loki had gotten Harrys bed clothes from last night to search for some fresh clothes for the lad to wear.
Clint got to the second drawer finding some clothes that he thought would work – a dark forest green cotton long sleeved shirt with black hemlines and a pair of dark blue faded skinny jeans. He got socks, underwear and a belt as well before he turned back to Harry, Loki had already gotten out of bed and was stood at the side of the bed.
Harry was sat in the middle of his parents' bed cross legged. The blankets and duvet were pooled around him his pyjamas were crumpled from sleeping but Clint's heart ached he was also sure Loki's was too as they realised how small their son truly looked – the clothes dwarfed him completely as he was sat and fiddling with the hem of his bed shirt.
Once Clint had gotten Harrys attention he passed the boy the clothes which he took with him into the bathroom just as he did the previous night leaving the two men alone.
A peaceful silence overtook the room briefly as Loki busied himself with changing his attire, Clint himself looked in the drawer he knew held some clothes of his own. As he was pulling a dark navy-blue shirt out of the drawer he glanced over his shoulder at the trickster god just as he heard the shower run knowing that it would give them quite a few minutes until their son would return.
Loki sighed heavily as he sat on the edge of the bed pulling his slacks on over his legs "Are you going to speak Clint or just leave us in awkward silence" standing back up to button his slacks Clint stopped turning back to the god he frustratedly asked him "What do you want me to say Loki? I'm angry because our son has clearly been neglected at least and at worse abused, we haven't even told him about how he actually exists and when I asked you last night you never said a word so please tell me what do you want me to say right now please I would love to know!".
Turning to face his lover he could see that it was not anger on the archer's face which only served to upset Loki more as he knew the man deserved answers to his questions just as much as Haraldr deserved his own.
"I know Clint but we cant deal with them until later on no matter how much we may want to Harry needs us to help him, protect him- were his parents its what we need to be right now despite our original plans and the reason I never said anything last night is because I don't have an answer myself"
Running his left hand through his hair Clint's face was pulled into a frown his eyebrows knitted together he said nothing allowing the silence to fill the room once more.
As Clint pulled his shirt on over his shoulders the bathroom door opened as neither man had realised the shower had been shut off until that moment their son entered the room once more this time changed into the clothes his father had given him. Harry looked between his parents confused feeling as if something had happened whilst he was gone "Is something wrong?" he asked his parents, Loki looked at his son "Harry we need to talk it's about the comment I made of your father" nodding his head Harry asked what his mother meant by it. Taking a deep breath Loki revealed the last secret to their son "Haraldr you have two fathers'" the boy gaped in shock at his mother as he finally revealed "your other father well it's Thor".