The cold air burns my lungs as I barrelled through the snow-covered forest.

I woke up bare-ass and naked in an unfamiliar place, which can only raise the only possible and reasonable question, how much did I drink last night?

Well, a lot if a sword-wielding zombie is chasing me, a literal zombie, deathly pale skin, general incoherent grumbling, all skin and bones.

I know full this isn't a fucking dream with the cold affecting my bits.

If I ended up the north of the wall, I'm about… well, I'm about to be stabbed and risen as an ice zombie thrall, making this bullshit a wasted experience.

As I ran I felt something compelling me to run towards a cavern, not so much a gut feeling but more of a voice, my mothers voice, the hard arse vet, who wasn't an affection woman but someone who showed her love by being drill instructor instead of a mother.

I stumbled into the cave, hissing and bitching as the rough rocky ground cut up my feet; still, I had no time to take a break or even acknowledge the trio of dead blonde men all with plentiful bites and gouges along with their bodies. Instead, I rushed towards one of the men and grabbed his axe.

I held the axe in my hand, feeling the rough leather against my skin, the stained metal fogged up against my breath.

I crushed my back against the cavern wall hiding away from the entrance viewpoint, I heard the zombie amble around the entrance of the cave, let out groans as it crushed the twigs underneath its feet.

The moment I spotted its rotted flesh make its way into the cave, I crashed the axe head into its skull, only for it be lodged into the top part of it.

The axe wasn't buried deep enough for it to touch the brain, allowing it to still stand.

It's glowing blue eyes snapped towards me, and it leaned back with the sword raised in hand, I was forced to clumsily sidestepped out of the way but I ended tripping down to the ground.

The sword shattered against the cavern wall, but the zombie took no notice and stalked me as I back away still on the ground, it held the now broken sword and prepared to stab me as if it was holding it if it was a dagger.

I closed my eyes and awaited my death, only to open them in a second later as I heard a deep growl emitting from behind me.

A wolf, its black fur almost flawless barring the large scar trailing alongside its body, the fur around it was matted in blood. Its eyes weren't on me; instead, it barked at the zombie drawing the undead's attention on it. Before the zombie could raise its makeshift dagger, the wolf knocked it down digging its sharpened fangs into the flesh of the zombie's neck, as it tore out a chunk of meat a black tar liquid seeped out of the downed form of the zombie.

Wait, the zombie died from a chunk of its neck being ripped out.

What kind of zombie was it?

A pair of yellow eyes glare my way brought me out of my thoughts.

The wolf didn't make a move as it let out a low grumble my way, a sudden chill ran down my spine, and the cold was really starting to hit me now that the undead was well dead and I wasn't running around keeping my body sort of warm.

I reached a hand forward and reach forward even though the wolf was still growling, I know I cannot sit around for much longer so if it's hypothermia or getting my neck ripped out… well, they both suck, but at the very least I could prevent the cold from killing me.

The wolf glared at me but it ever so slowly inched its head towards my hand, it took a quick whiff mostly likely getting the scent of my blood and sweat, but it didn't react, for the most part. Eventually, it closed its eyes rubbed the side of its face against my hand, letting out a sound that could be regarded as adorable, you know if it weren't a beast capable of tearing apart a grown man like its nothing.

Hoping that I bonded enough with the wolf I stood up, and I looked down at it, its eyes met mine, and I swear I saw annoyance in its eyes as I stopped rubbing its face.

Still, despite the murderous puppy dog eyes I was getting, I resolved myself and headed towards the dead men that were already in the cave.

I let out a deep and tired sigh as I stared down at them, feeling a considerable amount of guilt washing over me.

"It's either this or death." I reminded myself.

I stripped them out of their clothes taking notice how odd they were, a mixture of leather and fur but the looked old, not old as in they were old, but as in their style was something straight out of history.

I put on the clothes and adjusted the wrappings and leather bands to fit my body snugly. I didn't hold back the sigh of pure relief as I felt the slightest bit of warmth and protection from the freezing weather with these clothes.

The two other men had weapons of their own on them, a sword and a bow and a quiver of arrows, as well as few supplies that I could salvage.

"At least I have a water-skin," I let out a sigh, "that's empty. Fucking a."

If I ever see my mother again I owe her an apology, I did find a use for the outdated skill, archery.

My legs ached and begged for reprieve but knowing the I have a limited amount of time before the cold ball freezing weather becomes deathly freezing when the sun sets, I need to gather firewood, freshwater and food.

First thing first, I grab the men by their legs and drag them out of the cave, the funny thing was the wolf trailed alongside me, silently walking in step with me.

"So you're just going to follow me around, huh?" I huffed out as I placed the body on top of a hill and gave it a slight kick, "You know you could've helped?"

It let out a whine, and I couldn't help but snort, the snort was quickly followed by laughter, what the hell is going on? I wake up in some bullshit snowy land with a zombie chasing me, and massive wolf following me around like a lost pup.

Speaking of which… okay, gotta give you a name girl, well the only name I could possibly think of for such a good and loyal wolf, that I in no way killed making me feel like a monster… "Sif."

She let out a delighted bark.

I rubbed the back of her ear, "You were one lonely pup, eh?" Wolves are pack animals, and yet I haven't seen an inch of another wolf, which could only mean her pack is dead or they abandoned her. In rare in most cases as a pack of wolves are mostly families, i.e. brothers and sisters, but in some instances, wolves do leave behind some of their members or even outright kill them.

After dumping the other bodies, I scavenge the area for thin stripes of wood and twigs that I can fashion into a snare.

Sif let out a questioning whine, "In case we can't catch anything, the snares should hopefully cover us." I answered her.

If there are rabbits here, I hope.

Alright time to survive this bullshit.

Several Weeks Later

I whistled, and Sif bounded back towards me with a happy jaunt in her steps despite the blood around her maw.

Weeks of living off these lands and trying to survive have been harsh and boring as all hell, no books, no phone, and no one to have a conversation with, just me and my thoughts.

I quickly learnt something significant, I hate myself, and I love Sif.

After all, my stupid fucking mind decided to replay every single embarrassing, frustrating moment in my life making me miss my home and my cushy old life. The only saving grace is Sif, the adorable wolf is the only thing keeping me grounded.

I cupped the underneath of her jaw, giving it a small scratch, before plucking a small patch of furred flesh from her teeth.

"We better find shelter soon, Sif."

Sif suddenly started to growl, and I notched an arrow pointing it towards the bushes.

"Come on out, you undead bastards."

This fucking land is filled with some bullshit monsters, zombies, giant spiders, and weird gnomes like creatures that grew a deathly fear of Sif and her large fangs.

It's either Skyrim or A Song of Fire and Ice with all this bullshit.

Heavy footsteps crunched against the snow and twigs on the ground, and a set of dirty blonde hair, dirty blonde as in dirt-covered golden hair, peeked out of the bushes and a grim-faced woman walked out of the bushes her hand on an axe and deathly blue eyes glaring a hole in me.

Even if she was the first actual person I've seen since getting here doesn't mean I should let down my guard, but even so, I lowered the bow, but I refused to holster it.

Sif let out a deep rumble as she barred her fangs at the woman, causing her eyes to snap from me to the wolf.

The woman raised her arm straight up in the air and clenched her fist, as she did so three other people came out of the tree lines, all brandishing weapons aimed at Sif and I.

As if on queue Sif growled and facing away from the group, "Seriously, what else can go wrong?"

The first woman scrunched up her face as she stared my way before turning away facing where Sif was barring her fangs at, four armed assailants and my trusty companion is on edge because of something else, that is not good for anyone here.

She let out a bark of like command at the trio in a foreign language, and they reluctantly turned away to face the section of the forest that just became eerier as shit.

A forest is in no way a quiet place, peaceful sure, in the day.

One of the rules of the forest, if it's suddenly silent, ever, get the fuck out of there.

A massive thumping sound tore through the area, shit, that is worse than silence.

Suddenly a large log was thrown through the tree line, and everyone was forced to jump out of the way.

Though not everyone was lucky, as one of the men was crushed underneath the massive log, a mass of blood and gore leaked out underneath it, and I was forced to swallow back the bile at the back of my throat.

"Sif with me!" I commanded the wolf, and she fell into line with my feet, enough, so I wasn't tripping over her, but she was close enough to provide some form of cover with her large fangs.

A beastly roar omitted from the trees and a large shape barrelled into view.

"Holy shit," I whispered out in fear.

Giant spiders, fuck it I can handle, they're only two-foot big, an axe buried into its head is enough to deal with them.

Zombies dumb creatures that I do not even need to get close to deal with it, hell I don't even need to get a headshot.

A troll-like monster, pure muscles and at least twelve feet tall… fuck this shit.

Yet the golden blonde hair woman rushed towards it axe in hand.

I should just run, she's kind enough to provide a distraction, I should take advantage and get the hell out of dodge.

Yet I notched an arrow and took a shot at the troll, the arrows pinged off the beast hide, and I cursed what god was listening.

Funny thing is, I think a god was listening because the moment a curse left my mouth a burn like a wound seared onto my hand.

It looked like something straight out of Dishonoured, and I felt a sinister feeling from it, but I don't have the time to worry about it as the troll turned it's attention my way, swatting the woman away with its backhand.

"Sif away." I shooed away the wolf not wanting her to get in the crosshairs of the troll and its massive hands, and with clear resultants, the wolf separated away from me.

Not a moment too soon as the troll swung its massive fist into the space where I was standing, hitting a tree and showering the area in a fragment of woods.

"Come on, you dumb bastard."

I taunted the troll and booked it deeper into the forest heading towards the body of water where I filled up my water skin earlier this morning.

I had managed to cut through the ice layer with Fang, the broken sword of the first zombie I faced that I use as a dagger, I named it as mother's voice manifested as my survival thoughts commanded… yeah, I fucking went insane in the weeks on my own.

'When alone in the forest, you name your knife otherwise the moment when you use it will turn on you.'

I slid across the iced-over body of water, making my way across the middle of it, and I cursed under my breath as I heard the troll thump against the ice as it jumped onto it.

It leapt in front of me and slammed a fist onto the ice in attempts to crush me under his fist, a spider webs of crack spread across the ice, and I knew I screwed myself over as did the beast as it quieted down staring at the ground in what could be described as fear.

I'm dead, I know it, but at the very least I'll take this bitch down with me.

I slammed down Fang into the ice and in a moment of seconds, the cracked ice crumbled under our weight and we were submerged in the icy water.

The troll seemed to have the same thought of mind as it managed to land a backhand on me, skidding me across the icy water.

My body screamed in pain and fatigue as my body lowered deeper into the water. There's no way I'm surviving this on my own, at the very least I took down the troll with me, the last thing I saw before my vision turned black was the beast thrashing around as it sank into the icy abyss.

"My, my." A soft voice giggled something far too sinister to ever be considered innocent, "What an interesting soul. You reek of death, but you weren't claimed." She almost sounded 'pleased,' "Ah weren't. You are mine now." My left hand burned an orange tinge to it with a dark miasma wafted out of it.

My chest heaved as I thrashed arms out, so this is a thing now, waking up in an unfamiliar place butt naked.

What was that?


Ignoring you, mother.

'I'm not your mother, your just hearing her voice because you've gone bat-shit insane.'

Sif suddenly jumped on top of me licked my face till it was covered entirely in wolf saliva, "You're my only tether to sanity ain't ya?"

I pushed her off me and threw off the rough-spun blanket standing up, taking my chance to inspect my surroundings, I'm a cabin of sorts with a brightly burning fire pit and the scent of medical salves and roasted meat wafting in the air.

Sif started to growl at the tarp that was supposed to be a door, the same blonde woman came in expect this time her hair was clean, half in a braid, and in relative comfortable clothes opposed to fur and leather.

Despite further pressing matters, I couldn't help but notice she was pretty beautiful in a rough stoic warrior woman way. Making me quickly realise I'm still naked.

I grabbed the discarded blanket and wrapped it around my waist, and she arched an eyebrow, "It is nothing I haven't seen before, well except maybe the colouring." She gave me slight quirk of her lips, and I pretty sure my olive tanned cheeks were red right about now.

Wait, I know that isn't English, but how can I understand her?

I felt a slight tinge in my left hand.

Sif let out a throaty growl as the blonde inched closer.

She raised a hand in surrender, "Strange companion you have, there." The woman leaned down to a chest and pulled out some clothing, she placed it on a table and slid towards me, "It-"

"She," I cut her off with a heated snap, "and her name is Sif."

She gave another questioning look, "You're lucky the gods aren't vengeful." She said, confusing me, but she didn't allow me to question it, "She's a faithful beast, never leaving your side even when we fished you out of the lake."

That explains how I'm alive, I suppose, "You have my thanks." I bowed my head, and she scoffed.

"What kind of warrior are you? You take on a troll and fell it with either pure brilliance or pure insanity," Pure stupidity actually, "and then you thank me."

"I'm no warrior, just a survivor, and you thank someone who aids you, no matter how uppity they are."

"Uppity?" She questioned with pure bafflement.

Alright, maybe whatever is causing the translation can't compensate for idioms.

I just waved her off and quickly changed into the clothes all the while the woman didn't take her eyes off me.

No shame with this one.

"Who are you?" She questioned when I was finally covered up, she leaned against a table and crossed her muscled arms across her chest, "Your a stranger to these lands that much is clear. you survived for a good while considering the state of your gear, your companion is a native of these lands, yet it sticks by your side as no other wolf would." She reached forward and grabbed my hand, ignoring the warning growl from Sif, "Than there's this, the mark of Hel."


"Aye," Her blue eyes searched mine.

It took me far longer than I'm proud off to figure out she was talking about, Hel, as in the Hel the Nordic version of Hell, or Hel, the daughter of Loki.

The Nordic ruins on every axe I've encountered so far, the zombies I'm pretty sure are Draugr, the comment on Sif name.

I like a 75% sure that I'm in some alternate version of Earth and not in the Elder Scrolls universe, and I really don't know how to feel about that, because let's face it time travel is a white man thing, "Fuck."

"Aye." The woman Viking agreed, misunderstanding my curse, wait Viking was an occupation not the name of the people, ah screw it I'll call them Vikings in my head.

The woman allowed me to stew in my silence for a while allowing me to lament in my self-pity party, "So what do I call you? Or shall I allow the title Trolls-Bane to linger?"

I let a snort despite my mood, "Is that what you've been calling me?" I shake my head, "My name is Asher Gaur."

She nodded her head, "Well met, Son of Gaur."

Oh right, they didn't have surnames, but instead, you were known by your parent's name, "I apologise for the confusion, Gaur is a family name, my mother name was Usha."

"You would go by your mother's name?" She gave me an unreadable gaze.

"Yes, she was a hard unlovable woman, but she was there for me, she taught me how to survive in this world, and it's because of her that I'm still standing."

I noticed a wave of respect wash over her.

"I'm Ingunn Daughter of Bard, and chieftain of Geirland."

"So, what happens now?" I questioned not knowing whether or not I was going to be slave or sorts for this woman.

She must of have known what I was getting at she narrowed her eyes, "Relax, Asher." She tasted the name on her tongue, "You will rest, and then we'll speak of what happens next." She bade me follow as she marched out of the cabin.

As I followed, I knew my life was only going to get more complicated from here.

Several Months Later

"Chieftain. Hunter." A deep voice called out from outside of Ingunn cabin, he seemed panicked as he almost whined for us, rousing me from my slumber though I wasn't allowed to move as Ingunn taut bare body laid on my chest pinning me to the cot, "Your presence is required in the centre of the village."

I brushed away her golden locks and gave her a peck on her forehead, "My love, your duties call." I whispered in her ear.

"As you would say," She mumbled in the crook of my neck, "fuck my duties."

I never saw my life coming to this, laying in this bed with the warrior woman, let alone falling for her, but yet I did, I wasn't exactly welcomed in open arms in the village. A foreigner and a stranger with the marking of Hel on his hand, but it's still a sign from one of their gods, so not to risk the ire of the goddess of death they allowed my presence in their life. Even if I didn't have the mark of Hel, I had Ingunn vouching for me.

The cause vouching become something more intimate over the course of my stay, and the people of the village had no choice but to accept me, else they angered their leader.

A fearsome woman and extraordinary warrior who held her leadership role after her father's early demise.

We eventually disentangled ourselves and dressed and relatively warm clothes, Sif got up from her slumber, giving Ingunn an angry stare as is her usual morning greeting for the woman. Before trotting over to me under my dangling hand, rubbing her head against my hand.

"Why the centre of the village?" I questioned.

Ingunn cracked her neck and gave me a lazy stare, but I could make out the curiosity in her voice, "Could be guest."

Ingunn wasn't exactly shy about who is friend or foe to Geirland, so for any of her people to allow just about anyone in the village without her says so, has to have piqued her interest.

As we approached the centre, I felt the brand on my burn, allowing a withheld hiss escape my clenched teeth, but it didn't do anything to draw my attention away from the two familiar-looking men.

Is that Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston?

"Oh shit…" I'm not just in the past, I'm in a Marvel universe.



I don't own anything but my own OC's.

The story will eventually take place in the modern era.

Eventual strong OC, but not infallible, untouchable, overpowered OC.