I led the way, helping Papa and his smurfs towards Smurfette, Vexy, and Hackus. We climbed up the table and were reunited with them. Vexy and I hugged each other tightly as she said to me,"I was so worried! I thought something bad might've happened to you." I couldn't help but snicker, saying,"Need no to worry any longer. I'm safe, we're safe, that's all that matters." Smurfette hugged Papa while saying,"Papa...I'm sorry. When I was with them, just for a moment, I felt a bit like my old self again and...part of me almost thought you guys would never come back because...I was with the one who created me. I don't deserve to call myself a smurf." Papa reassured her, saying,"Oh Smurfette, life is the most precious thing you could protect. I'm very proud of you." Smurfette was surprised, but happy nonetheless as Vexy and Hackus were surprised that Papa easily forgave her. Vexy asked,"Seriously? No spanking, no smack to the knuckles, you can just forgive her just like that," as Hackus added,"No corner"? He faced us, saying,"Of course. We rise to the amount of love we show and we only dink when that love stops."

As Papa gave me back my guitar, I swung it back over my shoulder while saying,"Besides, it's like what I said earlier "All for one and one for all." We stick by each other's side through thick and thin." Hackus looked like he was crying as he said,"Hackus leaking! Hackus leaking"!! Grouchy came over to Papa, asking,"So, what's ne-," before getting a look at Vexy and saying,"Hey, hello." Vexy gave a nervous wave as I smirked, saying,"Ooh, are you awestruck sis? Is my role model in love"? She playfully shoved me, saying,"You may be a smurf, but you still have that naughty nature in you." I broke into laughter before noticing the lights turned back on. Papa looked up before saying,"Oh no! We don't have much time," with Vanity adding,"Let's get the smurf out of here."

We all climbed down and started to run, but Azareal jumped and blocked our way. We were then cornered by Gargamel as he maliciously said,"And then there were 8." I grew defensive and got my wand out, but Azareal knocked it out of my hands as it smashed when it collided with the wall. Gargamel then said,"Welcome to the party Papa," as he zapped us. While the rest of them were put in the cages of the smurfilator, I collided with the floor on my back, breaking my guitar in the process. I struggled back to my feet as Gargamel said while picking me up,"Oh Sapphire, you were always the wild card. I'm not putting you in the smurfilator just yet." He then strapped me into this weird machine and I was stuck good, no matter how hard I struggled. Gargamel then said,"You will be the test subject in my new torture chair fit just for puny smurfs just as yourself. All you have to do is tell me the formula and you can join your family in the smurfilator. Resist, and this chair will torture you until you spill it out. So, sounds good"? I shouted angrily,"No way! I'm not tell you anything! Not after the way you've treated my siblings"!!

Gargamel then pressed a button a a painful shock was sent through my body. I shouted in pain as Vexy and Hackus watched in horror. Gargamel then switched on his smurfilator as it began to collect the essence from my family. Azareal was manning the torture button as I kept receiving painful shocks. Gargamel then looked at me, asking,"Ready to talk now Sapphire"? I shook my head, despite the pain I felt, and shouted,"Not on my life," as he turned his attention back to the smurfilator. Seeing my family suffer hurt a lot more than the torture chair did. Gargamel walked around, saying,"Look at all this essence. I love your work, really, all of you, in particular, your blue period." Grouchy exclaimed in pain,"My whole body is scrunching," as Papa shouted,"That's enough Gargamel! You have enough"!! Gargamel turned the dial up all the way as he said,"Yes yes, but you see Papa, I want MORE!!! After all, I need enough to power this," before revealing a bigger version of his dragon wand that he called La Wanda. He then filled it up with some of the essence while saying,"Now, what ever will I do with all this essence? Oh, I know! I'm going to rule the world"! He then faced Papa and said,"Oh, and Papa, I want you to know that as my first official act, I am going to create a portal all the way from Smurf Village right into my smurfilator, so you can be with your fellow smurfs forever"!! I winced as the shocks kept coming while shouting,"You won't get away with this"!

He just grinned at me while saying,"But I already have," as he sent a powerful blast that broke me out of the chair, but knocked me unconscious. Smurfette and Vexy screamed out my name as the others watched in horror as I was heading towards the boiling cauldron. Luckily, I was caught just in time by an old man in a white tuxedo suit. Another man, a bit younger than him, was by his side, saying,"I don't think so Gargamel." He then grabbed a stick as they both tried to break the container that had the essence, but were struggling. Finally, they broke it open, but just as Gargamel was about to use his wand, the container exploded, making the pent up essence fall out like fireworks and snow. Everyone was freed and sent flying in random directions and landed in different locations. Vanity landed on a bench, Grouchy landed next to a fire hydrant, Clumsy was top of him, Hackus landed on a bench pole that hit him in the smurfberries as he said,"Hackus real boy" before falling over, Smurfette and Vexy landed on a flower bed while my body was sent flying when the two men landes on the street. The younger one shouted,"Guys! Catch her," as Papa was quick to act, catching me just in the nick of time.

He laid me down and made sure I was ok as Vexy ran over, shouting,"Little sister! Papa, is she ok"? Hackus came over too, asking,"Sister ok"? Papa checked my heartbeat, but before he could do anything else, I began coughing and sitting up, slowly opening my eyes. My vision went from blurry to clear as I saw the relived looks on their faces as I asked confusingly,"Did I miss something"? Smurfette, Vexy, and Hackus were most relived that I was ok as Smurfette said,"I thought we'd lose you. You had us worried sick." I giggled while getting up, saying,"Well, I did promise some smurf that no matter what, I would be ok, and I never break a promise," as Vexy smiled, hugging me tightly. Then, Hackus squeezed me and swung me around while shouting,"Little sister gonna be ok"!! The younger male from earlier asked Papa,"Is everyone alright," as Papa replied,"All smurfy and accounted for." Suddenly, a woman with a little boy was coming towards the two men as she said,"Patrick," while the little boy shouted,"Daddy," and ran and hugged him tight while Patrick came over, saying,"Grace," and hugging the boy, saying,"We did it"!! I had to guess Patrick was the father of the child and Grace was the mother.

Smurfette shouted,"Oh Grace," as Grace and her child headed towards her. When they got to where Vexy and me were, Smurfette, smiled, saying,"I've missed you," with Grace replying,"I was so worried about you." Smurfette then introduced Vexy and me to her, saying how we were her sisters as Grace smiled, saying,"Well I guess that makes you both my sisters too." Those words made me smile bright, but Vexy seemed a bit dazed, almost like she was going to cry, as I asked,"You ok sis"? Vexy asked happily,"Is this what happy feels like," as Hackus jumped down, saying,"Hello pretty lady. I'm pretty too." I introduced Hackus, who was our brother.

Smurfette then introduced us to the humans, saying,"This is Grace, Patrick, and *gasps* your baby"?! The boy came towards us as Grace says,"This is Blue." He was so cute as Smurfette commented,"You did good Grace. He's blue-tiful," as I said excitedly,"Now I'm a big sister too"! Patrick introduced us to Victor who was his father and Blue's grandfather. As Victor pulled his son in a bone crushing hug, Grace said to him,"I'm really proud of you Patrick Winslow," as he said in mid squeeze,"Hyphen Dole," with Papa adding,"Hyphen Smurf." Clumsy offered smurf pounds to us, but once he offered one to Grouchy while asking,"Positive," Grouchy shouted,"Hey get that thing out of here! I'm not pounding anything! I'm Grouchy and I got a lot of pent up anger to vent! Wow, that felt good. I'm back"!

Unfortunately, Gargamel reappeared with La Wanda, saying,"And so am I"!!! We all got defensive, ready in case Gargamel attacked when I noticed a lone wand on the ground. I motioned Smurfette towards it and as Gargamel shouts,"Say hello to my enormous friend," Smurfette lept down and grabbed it, saying,"I don't think so Gargamel," shooting a powerful lightning bolt at him. That sent Gargamel flying far far away, hopefully never to bother us again. Seeing him fly off, Papa commented,"Well, that takes care of Gargamel," as Clumsy exclaimed,"Let's go home"! However, when Papa revealed some crystals, he said,"We still have one small problem. I only have 5 crystals." Smurfette then said,"Well, I promised Sapphire and the others that I would get to bring them to Smurf Village, so, I say no smurf left behind,"as she used her wand to create more crystals, enough for all of us.

Grace smiled, saying,"Wow Smurfette, you're pretty good with that wand." Smurfette responded with,"It's kinda in my blood, which used to concern me. But as someone wonderful once told me: it doesn't matter where you come from, it's who you choose to be." Papa Smurf smiled, saying,"That's my girl," as Smurfette kissed him on the cheek. Vexy and Hackus joined the group, saying,"And you're our Papa," while giving Papa a hug before saying,"Thanks for giving us a new home and a new family. You're a good smurf Papa." He smiled, saying,"And you'll be good ones too. All of you." Now, I wanted to cry in happiness as I said in a happy teary-eyed voice,"Thanks...Father." Hearing me say that to him, Papa smiled, saying,"When I saw you, I knew that there was more than meet the eyes. The way you acted so caring towards around Smurfette, even when you first kidnapped her, you watched her over, making sure that she didn't have to suffer. That was very smurfy of you." I blushed, grabbing Smurfette by the hand while saying,"Well, instead of thinking about what I wanted, I thought mostly about what she would want most: to be with her family."

Soon, we were ready to go as we each grabbed a crystal, said our byes to the Winslow family, and ate our crystal, being transported back to Smurf Village. Though we ended up in a huge smurf pile. I got up and helped some of the other smurfs back up. We saw the rest of the smurfs in the village come over, glad to see that Smurfette was ok, glad that she was back. She spoke up, saying,"We have some new smurfs joining our family. Everyone, meet Vexy and our newest little sister Sapphire," as Vexy and I came up front so they could see us. A smurf with glasses came up to say hi before he got shoved away by a larger smurf who said in a deep voice,"Hi, I'm Greedy. Wanna share a cupcake"?

Hackus came flying in as I introduced him to our new brothers as he gave them squeeze hugs. The smurf with glasses came back again and started talking about how scientifically, Hackus wasn't something, but Hackus gave him a good kick in the pants, earning a lot of compliments from the other smurfs. I then came to Smurfette, saying,"Big sister, I'm sorry that I smurfnapped you from your friends. I knew it was wrong, but still did it anyways." She cupped my right cheek, saying,"It's ok. I forgive you. If anything, I actually should thank you because if did not smurfnap me, I wouldn't have met you, or Vexy and Hackus. I got you a little something. I know it may not replace your guitar but," before pulling out a new, handmade, navy blue guitar. I smiled, accepting it and hugging Smurfette while saying,"Thanks Smurfette." She smiled, saying,"You're welcome...little sister," which made me smile even brighter. A narrator smurf started saying something but music started to overpower his voice and decorations came out. When Smurfette asked about the decorations, we all shouted,"Happy Birthday Smurfette," as we cheered and started to celebrate. Vexy and I started to sing as I played my new guitar, and every smurf started to dance and have fun. Smurf Village is my new home, our new home for me, Vexy, and Hackus, and something tell me we're going to really like it here.