A/N: Another chapter out of the way and it really fills my soul to know that most of you who reads this story is enjoying it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Also, I'm surprised no one commented on the easter leg I laid last chapter. Did you find it?

Disclaimer: As am I sure all of you know, FT is not mine. It belongs to that great guy Hiro Mashima.

"Say it again flame-brain!"

"Any time ice pants!" Another fight is about to start. As usual Lucy tries her best to stop them and Erza sits on a table eating her strawberry cake along with Happy who is munching happily on his fish. Gray and Natsu take a go at each other when the doors open.

Juvia walks in with a smile on her lips, passes Gray and Natsu and sits next to Erza.

"Good morning Erza-san, Happy, Lucy-san."

"Good morning Juvia. You seem happy today." Titania answers her with a soft smile.

"Yes. Juvia has a feeling that today is a good day. She is going to ask Mirajane-san for some breakfast."

"Oh Juvia, can you bring me an orange juice please?" The blonde mage asks when she quits separating the two idiots in front of them.

"Of course Lucy-san. Juvia will be right back." On her way to the bar she squeezes herself to try to walk through Natsu and Gray, bids them good morning and follows her way. Gray suddenly stops punching the pink haired boy and stares at her back.

"Gray! We're not done yet." The other exclaims.

"She just… walked past me." Gray blinks twice, trying to understand once again Juvia actions. She did not stop to try and hug him or asked how he had slept or even tried to cheer him. She just… walked.

"What are you talking about?" Natsu asks joining him in staring at the bluenett.

"Juvia. She just walked past me." The dragon slayer scratches in head in confusion.

"So what?" Erza and Lucy, who are close, smirk slightly at hearing them.

"Are you worried that Juvia has outgrown you Gray?" Lucy asks in a sleekly voice and a smirk.

Gray turns sharply to them a blush appearing in his cheeks, his eyes scared.

"What? Outgrown me? Of-of course not. I'm glad she has. I'm glad."

"Of course you are Gray." Erza answers eating her cake calmly, the image of innocence.

"What the hell do you mean by that?!" The ice-mage screams completely forgetting Natsu but Erza and Lucy continue to smirk not answering him.

"Here's your juice Lucy-san." The woman in question says sitting down next to them and handing Lucy her glass.

"Oh thank you Juvia. Where's your food?"

"Mirajane-san is bringing it." She looks around clearly in a good mood and her eyes land on Gray. With a slight tinkle in her eyes, Juvia smirks. "Gray-sama, you've lost your clothes again."

Gray looks down and realizes she is right. He curses and starts looking for the items not forgetting that the water woman didn't blush or covered her eyes. She… just said it like every other mage in that guild.

Meanwhile in the table Natsu starts eating his height as the girls observe Gray looking for his shirt.

"I have to ask Juvia. What was that?" Juvia avoids looking at Erza as she answers.

"Juvia has no idea what you are talking about Erza-san."

"Well I have. You ignored Gray while he was wrestling, and you did not freak out when he lost his clothes. Normally you would be a poodle by now Juvia." Lucy pips in. The water mage sighs knowing that she must tell them.

"Well… you weren't here last week. Gray-sama had just returned from a mission and Juvia was talking to him, the way Juvia normally did but Gray-sama… he shouted at Juvia." She whispers the last part knowing her friends' reaction.

"HE DID WHAT?!" They both shout and rise from the table. The blue girl raises her hands in a waiting sign.

"Please let Juvia finish. He shouted and Juvia left the guild. After walking around Magnolia, Cana-san came to Juvia and told her that Juvia needed to focus more on herself and show Gray-sama what he's missing. Juvia thought it was a good idea. Yesterday Gray-sama appeared at Juvia's door to apologize. Juvia smiled and accepted it. She knows he was tired and meant no harm but Juvia is still following through with Cana-san's plan." Both blonde and redhead stare at her when she finishes.

"Wow Juvia! That is actually a very good plan." Lucy exclaims as Natsu burps and starts to pay attention to them.

"What's a good plan?"

"Nothing Natsu. Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Lucy dismisses him with one hand.

"Oh… Lucy is mean!" Happy sings above their heads.

"Come on Luce. Let's go on a mission!" The blonde smiles but shakes her head.

"Not now. I'm talking with Juvia." The pink boy pouts as does Happy.

"That can wait!"

"NATSU! LEAVE!" Demon Titania screams, a black aura surrounding her. He flinches and smiles.

"Aye Sir!"

"As we were saying… that's a good plan. Cana really gave it some thought." Erza continues when Natsu walks away.

"Juvia thinks too that's why she is trying it. You should have seen his face when Juvia simply… smiled." The bluenett can't help herself and giggles a bit. Mirajane appears in that moment with a tray of food.

"Here's your food Juvia. What are you giggling about?"

"Uh… Mira! Sit down! You are going to like this." Lucy whispers. Smiling, Juvia repeats the story.

"Cana knows what she is saying. It's a good way to make Gray see that you are not a guarantee." The white demon thought aloud.

"Yes. Juvia agrees." Mira rises from the table with her tray in hand.

"Good luck Juvia. If you need anything just ask."

"Thank you Mirajane-san. Juvia is leaving too." She says finishing her eggs.

"Where are you going?" Erza asks.

"Juvia thinks that today is a fantastic day to be at the pool or walk around the park or just sing." The girls laugh at her antics. "Don't worry. Juvia will be here at night."

"Be careful." Erza adds.

"HAVE A NICE DAY JUVIA!" Lucy screams as she is walking out. Juvia tries to mask her laughter. The water woman knows what the celestial mage is doing.

The young mage walks around the nearest park to the guild where children are enjoying the sunny day. Juvia feels glad that the sun is out. She is not keeping people away from what they enjoy.

Deciding that she should enjoy the day to the most, she runs to her dorm, changes her clothes and dashes back to the guild.

"Mirajane-san, Juvia will be at the pool if you need anything." The bluenett says passing the barwoman.

"Okay Juvia. Erza is there. Natsu and Lucy went on a mission."

"Thank you." Juvia steps outside with her bag and her towel. She spots Erza next to Levy and Gajeel.

"Hello Levy-san, Gajeel-kun." The little woman grinned at her while Gajeel just grunted.

"Juvia-chan! It's nice to see you here." Juvia starts spreading solar screen when Gray steps outside the building into the pool area.

"Let's see if you're your change in attitude did some good right?" Erza whispers and before the water woman could say a thing Erza is raising her arm and calling the ice mage.

"GRAY! OVER HERE!" He looks around and locks eyes with her. She smiles softly at him but on the inside she is sweating and panicking. Gray-sama? In a pool with her? Oh boy.

"Hi Gray." Levy tells smiling. Gajeel grunts again and hops from his long chair.

"I'm gonna go swimming. Shrimp, wanna come?" Levy turns red and mumbles something that only Gajeel can hear but whatever it was made Gajeel smirks and throws her over his shoulder.

"GAJEEL! Put me down or I- "But they couldn't hear what she is saying because he disappeared in the water with her. Gray laughs at their antics and sits down next to Erza. Juvia watches as he takes off his shirt, eyes on the water.

"Well, I think I'm going for a swim too. See you in a bit." With a wink to the blue mage, the mighty Titania rises and leaves them alone.

A/N: Hehe. I love cliffhangers. Review, it makes my day!

lots of love, patetass