Fairy Tail: Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. If I did... oh boy.

It is a gloomy day in Magnolia. The rain covers every inch of the white pavements, turns the grass wet and makes mothers forbid their children from playing in the park. Every one prefers to stay at home than being outside. Everyone but a single woman. She walks alone through every street holding a very girly umbrella, pink with hearts. This very cute umbrella does not match the woman's mood. Every five seconds she sighs. Very long sighs. Sad and gloomy sighs just like the weather. The young female looks up at the sky and closes her eyes wondering why people hate rain so much. Rain brings life. A sudden fury shots through her. People should feel grateful because of rain. If not for rain, the trees wouldn't grow, the rivers wouldn't fill again and the vegetables couldn't grow either. Rain should be more appreciated. And so should she. She is the Water Woman after all. Everything about her is related to water. Her hair is blue, her eyes are blue, and her clothes always have to have the color blue. Her body is made of water.

No. Most people still don't appreciate the weather she can bring with her. Even she had to admit that has been a while since the rain appeared. She knows why. He makes the sun shine in her world. It's because of him the sun appears each morning instead of grey clouds. Today, however the grey clouds reign over the sun. And why, the young woman asks herself feeling more and more depressed each step she takes. It's because she finally realized that he doesn't really want her. A friend. How she hates the word. Coming from his mouth it's the most awful word she will ever hear she's sure of it.

For a long time every time he said it, she would just ignore it. The feeling of hope every time he was willing to talk to her made it ignore his protests when she dreamed of their wedding in front of him. Today was a completely different story.

The guild hall was a bit empty since Class S exams were coming and the members were taking any chances to take missions. The resident barwoman, Mirajane was cleaning some mugs with her ever present sweet smile. The doors to the hall opened and a voice she recognized everywhere screamed.

"Hey Mira!"

"Gray! Glad to see you back. How was the mission?" He smiled slightly and sat in a stool in front of the white haired mage.

"Piece of cake."

"GRAY-SAMA! JUVIA MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" His face suddenly acquired a very deep shade of red as the bluenett latched her onto him.

"Juvia… You don't need to hug me like that."

"Of course Juvia needs to. She missed you very very much." Mirajane was trying her hardest not to giggle at Juvia's obvious affection and Gray's grumbles.

"Yeah… well… uh thanks Juvia." At his words her eyes sparkled.

"You very welcomed Gray-sama. Juvia would like to hear all about your mission." He tried to free from her grip on his arm but no luck. He had no escape.

"Maybe tomorrow Juvia. I just want to relax." Excitement could be felt from the water mage.

"Juvia can help you relax Gray-sama. Yes… Juvia can give you a massage or cook you something or take you to the nearest spa or-"

"I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE!" Juvia and the entire hall froze at the strength of his scream. He regretted it almost instantly when he saw her face.

"Oh. Yes, Juvia understands. Juvia is being very nagging and boring. Of course Gray-sama wishes to be alone. Juvia is just an annoying friend." He opened and closed his mouth thinking of something to say that would take the pain from her expression.

"Juvia, you're not annoying." Her head rose hope filling her inside. "You're a very good friend." The bubble of hope vanished. That was it. Juvia was a friend. A good friend. She blinked twice and let a soft smile grace her lips.

"Thank you for those kind words Gray-sama. Juvia appreciates them".

Not looking around she turned on her heel and left the guild. Just as she put a foot outside, rain had started.

So now, Juvia is walking around Magnolia trying her best not to cry. It is hard. The love of her life kept turning her down. He brought the sun with him and happiness. He brought friends and Fairy Tail to her. She owned him so much. Juvia was suddenly glad for rain. It helped cover her tears.


"Cana-san! What are you doing?" The card mage is running her way, wet as one could be. Juvia moves a bit so the other woman can get under the umbrella.

"You don't have to be like that because of Gray." A cute blush gains over Juvia.

"What?... That's not- Juvia is not- because of Gray-sama." Cana laughs heartily.

"Of course not Juvia. Silly me." She throws one arm around Juvia's shoulders and makes them walk again.

"Gray's not an ass most of the time but he was to you even if you were being a bit annoying." The bluenett feels an urge to look at her feet.

"Juvia knows she's annoying. Juvia is used to hear those sort of things."

"Juvia! You are not annoying! You love everyone one very much and that is a gift. It's why you like to be around Gray all the time. You love him and you are willing to do everything for him."

"Oh yes! Juvia will do everything for her Gray-sama." Cana smiles a bit at her reaction.

"See? If he doesn't want your love or doesn't take the time to see it then his loss. You need to focus more on yourself Juvia! You're the important one."

What a strange thing to think.

"Juvia is important?" Cana rolls her eyes and huffs.

"Hell yeah! If we want to conquer the opposite sex we need to have self-esteem."

"Juvia guesses she never thought of it that way. Gray-sama occupies a lot of her time."

"Too much time!" They reach Fairy Hills. Juvia smiles at her friend when they pause at the gates.

"Thank you Cana-san. Juvia will think about everything you said but right now Juvia just needs a hot bath." Rain suddenly stops and sun peeks.

"You do that while I get back to the guild. I need a drink." The rain woman giggles as she watches her friend walk way. Cana-san always needs a drink.

Entering her room and filling the tube Juvia starts to think about Cana's words. Maybe she is right. Juvia is important too. Just as important as… Gray-sama. That was a frightening thought. According to Cana she should start living her own life and not a life that revolved around the ice mage. Should she do it? Juvia thought lowering herself in the hot water.

She did not have to change who she was but she might stop trying to change his opinion of her.

A/N: So let's start this ride shall we? Promising first chapter? Not so much? Review and I'll know!

lots of love, patetass