This is a rewriting in English version of my previous work so that English speaking readers do not have difficulties to follow my Spanish version translated in their language. In addition, I received one of the last comments from surely an American, that he had problems to follow since he claimed that he confused gender with the characters, and therefore I decided to correct it.

With that, I hope you enjoy.


There was a lot death around him. The ground where an open-air hill elevated was littered with the corpses of brave warriors who were killing each other in a pointless dispute that would jeopardize the future of the kingdom that both their brothers, parents and friends fought so hard to achieve, and now each brother was facing each other for the belief of a new future.

Among them, a lone masked warrior in silver armor and a small red outfit, pounced on any enemy who dared to stand in his way. He pushed aside to any discomfort he saw with his large sword, whose blade was mostly silver, while the hilt was crimson red. Other than its natural red color, most of the blade was stained with the blood of its enemies. He kept swinging and brandishing his great sword towards the numerous obstacles that stood in his way without help from anyone. No one could stop him from continuing his way to his destination. He would spill the blood of every fool who dared to stand in his way.

It was there, when he looked up to see the person who wanted to cross his sword with him, shadowed, looking at his opponent with dislike without showing any sign of emotion. He was standing on top of the hill in a posture that indicated he was waiting for him. The lone warrior smiled under his helmet when he finally saw his opportunity and immediately went to confront him. Not without first encountering with another annoying obstacle, which he immediately dispatched with his sword.

Now that the path was clear and the warrior's objective was still in place, he could finally finish what he started. With that in mind, the warrior raised his bloodstained red sword to the sky whose image reflected right in front of the sun.

"Onīchan, it's time to get up!"

The high-pitched female voice came to the room of a certain teenager who was still sleeping in his bed, and his pet, a talking teddy lion was also lying on a shelf above the teenager's bed.


The second scream made the teenager flutter a bit on the bed and finally lazily raised his torso sitting on the sheet. He had his head down with his characteristic orange hair slightly covering his eyes. He cocked his head to the side to look out the window at a shower of Sakura blossoms blown away by the gentle breeze, announcing the arrival of spring. After a little while watching the beautiful spectacle of the sakuras, the orange-haired and brown-eyed teenager lets out a huge yawn and then gets up to start the day.

Then, he heard a small yawn and the teenager vaguely turns his head to look at the modified soul inside the teddy lion known as Kon, waking up he.

"Aaah, how well I slept." Kon groaned as he looked at his owner and roommate. "Is it spring already?"

The teenager still had a sleepy expression but answered anyway.


And so, Ichigo Kurosaki, 17 years old, 3rd Year High School Student, and former Substitute Shinigami got off the ground.

"Weeell, here we go with our typical family breakfast before starting the day." Exclaimed the as cheerful and jovial as ever, Isshin Kurosaki, sitting at the dining room table with his children and their respective breakfasts.

"You've been saying that every year as usual." Karin said sarcastically as she shoved her gohan (white rice) into her mouth with chopsticks, her expression as serious as ever.

"Oh, come on, this is a very special moment." Isshin kept cheering without flinching at the words of his mature daughter. "You should be happy about that."

"It is right, Karin-chan, in addition to the fact that it is already a few weeks before the holidays are over." Yuzu Kurosaki said, being on her father's side sharing the same enthusiasm. "I am looking forward to the Hanami."


"Sure, I'm sure we'll have a great time there." Isshin continued speaking to liven up the atmosphere and continued talking about his plans that they were going to make to celebrate that it is spring to Karin's great annoyance, who had no choice but to sit and listen.

On the sidelines from the conversation, Ichigo was left alone deep in thought. The image of that great red sword still flashed in the teenager's mind in all its glory. He still could not get the that strange dream he had in the last night out of his mind, and though he could not recall more the details anymore, it somehow seemed significant for him.

'What was all that...?'


Her sister's voice brought Ichigo back to normal and look a Yuzu, who looked at her a little worried.

"Dō shita no?"

Ichigo did not know what to say about it when he saw the reactions of his apparently worried sisters's. He did not want to make them worry about some affair that he did not know about yet.

"You've been in a trance since you sat down, is something bothering you?" Karin asked a little concerned too.

In a way, Ichigo had been acting strangely for a little while due to the mystery dream, he had, and despite remembering almost nothing, for some reason he could not take off that last part of the head.

Oh, no, it's nothing!" Ichigo lied with a little smile. "Don't worry, nothing's wrong with me."

Yuzu did not know if that was a good sign, but to Karin, was telling that something was disturbing her brother's mind. Instead, Isshin decided to change the subject.

"Well, girls, where was I going? Oh, yes, we could also carry anything like-

Are we already with that?" Karin interrupted a bit annoyed.

And once again, father and daughter started arguing again as usual while Ichigo and Yuzu could not help but smile slightly at the scene. The little father-daughter discussion ended soon after, and the entire Kurosaki family began to quietly have their respective appetizers. After 2 minutes, the family finished breakfast, and they hurried to leave home and go to their respective destinations by separate paths; Karin and Yuzu went together towards their first day of new high school year.

Yuzu last saw her brother and raised her hand to wave goodbye.

"Onī-chan, have a good day!"

Ichigo looks back at his cheery sister and gives a warm smile before waving his hand.

"I Will. You take care, okay?"

She nodded happily before rushing to catch up with Karin, as Ichigo went his own way alone. On the way to school, Ichigo took the time to think and reflect on the events of the past winter. It had been 2 years since he and his friends foiled the plans of the traitorous Shinigami, Sosuke Aizen and his army of Arrancars to conquer the Soul Society, and all thanks to their last resort; the Final Getsuga Tenshō, who consequently completely lost his Shinigami powers, including his ability to see and feel spirits around him, going back to being an ordinary human.

At first, he did not know whether to feel satisfied or not. Since his powers of Shinigami was something he did not want since he meet Rukia Kuchiki, the short girl who changed his fate, since he did not want to risk risking his life fighting the hollows, but soon he got too used, despite having obtained them by accident, in the end it turned out to be a blessing for him, since with that he turned the person he always strived to be, the Protector number 1. Thanks to those powers, Ichigo was able to save many lives (well, actually dead) including his family and friends like a superhero. But in the end, he had to give everything to defeat his staunch enemy. And if that were not too much, the fact that he had lost his spiritual sense, meant that he could no longer see his friends of the Soul Society, especially Rukia.

He actually felt very comfortable with his Shinigami powers, were it not for the presence of his inner Hollow who tried countless times to take over his body and destroy everything he loved. Since he lost his reiatsu, he also stopped noticing his presence and that was a good thing, but at the same time he also stopped feeling the old man Zangetsu, the embodiment of his Shinigami powers, who had taught and guided him in all the battles that occurred.

Now the only ones who made spiritual sense were his father, Karin (the latter increased his reiatsu a little in these 17 months) and his friends at the Karakura Institute. The truth was a bit frustrating for the hero of the war against Aizen, but in the end he had to accept it and live life as if nothing, without fear that another war similar to the previous one would break out now.

After several minutes, Ichigo arrived at the campus of the institute compound and saw a large number of students in the same Ichigo school uniform, congregate to enter the campus. Everyone seemed very happy about the arrival of spring, although Ichigo didn't seem to be, not because he was depressed or something. It has always been so.

"As quiet as ever, Kurosaki."

Ichigo looked up to see one of his classmates and comrade-in-arms during the Winter War.

"Yo, Ishida."

17 months after Aizen's defeat, Uryū Ishida had not changed too much physically, except that he let the bangs grow from the right side of his face and the rest was hanging next to his left ear.

"I see that your hairstyle looks like always." Said as he adjusted his glasses slightly.

"Uruse e. I also see that you have changed your look, right?" Ichigo countered by looking at his partner's new hairstyle.

"Well, someday I had to change my style for a change. You should too."

Ichigo just snorted at the idea. Like he gives cared the fashion.

Thus, both friends and rivals stopped arguing and entered the campus together with the others.

Once inside the hallways of the building, Ichigo could not stop thinking that was now Uryū in charge of fighting the hollows that were prowling around Karakura and he could even skip classes for that task. He was not really envious, but he was a little worried that he was interfering in the work of Rukia's substitute, that afro-brown-haired Shinigami who didn't remember his name, although he claimed that he belonged to the elite or something. Either way, he was delighted that Uryū did a good job despite sometimes getting along with him.

Just ahead of him was a boy he also knew well standing as if waiting.

"Ohayō, Ichigo."

"Yo, Mizuiro."


Just as thought, a brown-haired boy ran wildly like a child when he saw his mother return, passing through a crowd of students perplexed by his career, and then he jumps towards the orange-haired teenager who catches him squarely with a movement of arms that consisted of wrapping his neck in a key.


Once the energetic teenager was detained, Ichigo held him in place without realizing that he was cutting off the air. Mizuiro looked at this with an apathetic look as Uryū adjusted his glasses seeing the scene.

"Well, I'll see you guys later." Mizuiro said as he kept walking forward, leaving the 3 of them alone.

"Yeah. See you at lunch!" Ichigo replied as he saw Mizuiro walking away. Poor Keigo desperately tried to free himself from the grip that was suffocating him, but the iron grip of the orange haired boy was too much.

"Ichigo! Ichigo!" Keigo gasp half suffocated.

"Kurosaki, you are drowning him." Uryū warned as he pointed to a poor Keigo on the verge of death. Ichigo had time to notice and finally released Keigo from the grip.

"Warui..." Ichigo apologized while Keigo caught his breath.

Once this comic scene was over, the 3 entered their classroom where they saw more familiars faces.

"Ohayō, Kurosaki-kun!" Orihime Inoue greeted as cheerfully as ever. Like Uryū, the beautiful and bubbly girl had changed slightly being a bit more beautiful and a well-developed bust, even her hair became fuller and wavier. Her bangs naturally frame her face without her hair clips and hang over her ears. She stops wearing her hair clips and instead keeps them clipped onto the left collar of her school uniform.

Yasutora Sado said nothing but nodded in response with an "Hmm."

Ichigo could not help but smile when he saw his friends again after so long. He approached them to keep them company.


"It's been a long time." Chad said.

"Yeah, since the last time a few months ago." Ichigo replied.

This brings me back so many memories of when we came back from the Soul Society after save Kuchiki-san." Orihime said almost fantasizing about the memory of that time when they met in this place after their great adventure in the Soul Society.

Ichigo cringed at this thought of Rukia. Rukia one of the many people he cared about, but the only besides his family he loved. He wondered what he was doing in Soul Society with Renji right now.

A few minutes later classes started, and everyone returned to their respective seating. Several minutes passed since classes started and the teacher giving lessons, Ichigo had time to immerse himself in his own world. He was still debating whether it was the right thing to have lost his Shinigami powers. Although he had already made it clear some time ago that he would no longer get involved with the hollows and lead a normal life, he was still pondering if that was really necessary as he would not see Rukia and his-

His mind was again disturbed by the image of that great sword that he saw in his dreams.

It was getting more and more persistent that the image will shine in his mind as if he did not want to let it go and, it was causing Ichigo a strange headache.

'Kuso, why do I still have that on my head?'

"Kurosaki Ichigo." The stern voice of his teacher brought him back to reality and noticed his tutor, who did not seem to be so happy about his lack of attention. "Does history class bore you?"

Ah, no, it's not that." Ichigo replied nervously. "Gomen."

The professor said nothing more as he returned to the subject.

"Well, here had we stayed?"

Once safe from the professor's anger, Ichigo was able to focus on his affairs in peace, but he could not help but get rid of the frustration at having that image in his head. Unknowingly, both Uryū and Orihime noticed the growing frustration in Ichigo's head, and the girl latter could not avoid but worry too much.

Hours later

After classes were over, all the students left their respective classrooms and walked through the hallways to go homes. Among them, Ichigo kept thinking that it was that strange dream. For a moment he thought it was a zanpakutō or something, but he dismissed the idea, since it didn't look like a common katana, and rather looked like a foreign sword. From the look of it, it looked like it was made of some material made of silver, something quite strange since swords were always made of iron or steel.

The hilt was decorated in crimson as was the base of the blade, giving it a bloody appearance, while the rest of the long blade was silver. More tan a sword, it looked like a large saber that vaguely reminded him of Zangetsu, but it didn't look too much like his zanpakuto, either. No, this was different. It was certainly something he had never seen before.

And if so, why did his image appear in his mind as if it were something familiar?


Just as he left the campus, Ichigo turned back to see Orihime's worried face and Uryū beside him.

"What happen?" Ichigo asked a little confused.

"That's I would like to know that." Orihime replied a little unsure.

"Since classes started, lately you haven't stopped inattention as if something was bothering you. What's wrong with you?"

Ichigo immediately realized that they had felt his discomfort, surely because of his incredible spiritual perceptions. Inwardly, he did not want to worry them about something so insignificant, so he decided to make an excuse.

"No, it's nothing." Ichigo lied, but they did not seem convinced at all.

"Are you sure? You looked a little tense before." Uryū said.

"Is it true, are you sick?" Orihime asked concerned.

"I tell you it is nothing." Ichigo replied with a little seriousness. "I am-

Before he could finish the sentence, he stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at his friends' expressions, and he knew that he could not leave them so worried until they knew what was happening to him. With an irritante sigh, he decided to speak.

"Okay, fine, I'll tell you." Ichigo reluctantly said before focusing on tell them what he remembered.

"You see, before, I had a strange dream while sleeping." Ichigo started in front of his friends. "I don't remember too much as everything was blank, but all I remember before waking up was that I saw a strange sword floating in the dark."

"A sword?" Orihime asked a little confused.

"Was it zanpakutō?" Uryū asked in return.

"No, it doesn't look too much like a zanpakutō." Ichigo replied almost immediately. "It didn't look too much like a katana. Rather I think it was foreign."

Uryū nodded a little mentally at the information and wondered if that had anything to do with the problem.

"And what's the problem with that?"

"Well, despite it being the first time I've seen it, I can't get it out of my head at all times." Ichigo replied as he rubbed the back of his head as if it hurt a little. "Every time I get lost in my thoughts, that image always appears no matter how many times it happens, and I'm getting fed up."

"Did you see something similar to that?" Uryū asked with intrigue.

"I already told you that this is the first time I've seen something like this, and as far as I know I know I didn't see anything like it." Ichigo replied with a bit of discomfort. "The truth is that it is very rare for me, but..."

"Maybe it's that you miss to Kuchiki-san." Orihime said suddenly. This caused the former Shinigami to would shrink a little at the mention of the name. "I'm sure you would be missing both to Kuchiki-san and Renji-kun, that's why which is why you dream of swords."

Ichigo tried to consider this for a moment and the truth is, he did not see the point. True, he missed Rukia and the rest of Shinigamis who had met and formed a bond with them, but he also didn't know if that was why he had that lingering image on the head of that sword that was certainly not any zanpakutō or something similar.

"Do you believe?"

"Hai." Orihime replied without hesitation.

"I don't believe." Uryū intervened making the 2 turn towards him. "The truth is, I'm not sure what's going on, but I think you should get rest for a while and forget about that."

"I guess you're right." Ichigo replied agreeing. "Well thank you very much, ishida. Bye."

With the conversation over, Ichigo prepared to continue the march home alone. However, before he took the first step, he suddenly heard Inoue's voice.

"Ano, do you want Ishida-kun and me to accompany you home?" Ichigo and Uryū they suddenly looked at the girl.

"Accompany me?" Ichigo asked surprised.

"Hai, it would be nice if we were all three together." Orihime insisted with a nervous smile.

"Okay, come on." The orange hair boy gave a good answer for Orihime's joy.

"Arigatō, you wouldn't mind, would you, Ishida-kun?"

"Well, the truth is, I don't have anything planned today." Uryū replied approvingly.

With everything decided, the 3 left the campus together and headed towards the Kurosaki Clinic. Everything seems to be going very well for everyone on this beautiful day, but without anyone's knowledge, a strange storm was looming over the city sky.

Research and Development Institute – Soul Society

Everything seemed to be going well within the Institute of Research and Development of the Soul Society with each member in their respective positions keeping well-guarded the order of what it happened, either in the Soul Society or in the world of the living. After the War against Aizen, there was no hollow or Arrancar activity that threatens the security of both worlds, but that was no reason to be relaxed, as it was not yet known what was to come.

But still, Rin Tsubokura did not firmly believe that a different threat was coming, and simply lay back in his seat in the room of the center eating a candy thus neglecting his work.

Just as he was going to open another candy, suddenly the alert sound of the klaxon was activated automatically, alerting everyone present. Rin checked he terminal and her eyes widened in puzzlement.

"A signal has appeared!" Rin warn urgently, alerting from operators. "Position 3600 to 4000, right in Karakura Town."

It did not take too long when the operators tried to verify the information, furiously typing in their respective monitor keyboards. For a moment, they thought it was a second coming of the Arrancars, however, seeing the full information, their expectations were wrong.

"What happened!?" Asked newcomer Akon, 3rd assistant to the Twelfth Division and Vice-President of SRDI.

"Come here, Akon." Hiyosu urged as he kept typing terminal. "We have detected an anomaly in the world of the living, in Karakura Town."

"I hope it's not another Arrancar." Akon spoke as he walked towards the front operators.

"No, this time is different." Hiyosu replied, drawing the attention of the unalterable Vice-President. "According to our data, the amount reiatsu along with its essence, it seems that is not linked at all with the Arrancars. I cannot indentify in the data source."

Although he did not show it, Akon seemed genuinely intrigued by this and took a close look at the terminal. His eyes became well focused as he read the data, and then s strange uneasiness and confusion washed over him. As Hiyosu reported, the strange anomaly that was approaching Karakura was not an Arrancar, but it was also not a Shinigami or Quincy, and it was so unknown that they could not even identify it.

What was it?

Karakura Town – World of the living

Halfway to the Kurosaki Clinic Ichigo, Uryū and Orihime stopped when they noticed strange disturbances in the sky. They looked up and saw strange gray clouds swirl above them like a hurricane.

"What's going on?" Orihime asked worried about this strange phenomenon.

"It will have something to do with climate change." said while still watching the disturbances.

Ichigo could not help but continue to peer into the cloudy sky and had a hunch that something was going to happen. It did not take long to confirm, when he suddenly saw something start to plummet out of the clouds toward his very location.

"WHATCH OUT!" Ichigo yelled as he pulled Orihime out of the way, and Uryū did the same. Once out of the way, the object fell and impact the sidewalk a few meters in front of teenagers, causing debris and dust to rise. Orihime summoned the Shin Shun Rikka to create a magical barrier that blocked dust and debris from the shattered pavement in the air.

The teens were well protected behind the barrier, and just moments later, when the dust cloud began to settle, they could barely see a long, motionless object still blurred by the dust cloud. Whatever it was, it had a vaguely familiar shape, but they still were not completely sure about that. When the last specks of dust disappeared, Orihime annulled the barrier to see better, and thus the object was revealed to the naked eye.

Their surprise was enormous when they saw that the object that had fallen from the sky and hit right near them was a huge sword that stood up in all its glory with the point of the blade embedded in the dented pavement. It had a blood red color hilt and a long silver blade.

The first to be surprised was Ichigo who could not help but open his eyes in total shock as he recognized the shape and color.


Uryū and Orihime were also at a loss for words, not for same reason as Ichigo, but rather when contemplating such a strange object that it looked like some kind of saber that they had never seen before.

"What is that?" Orihime asked a little shocked.

"It looks like some kind of sword or something." Uryū replied. "I don't think it's a zanpakutō."

The 2 of them followed in silence as their minds tried to understand what was happening and what that was. Ichigo was babbled something while his eyes were still fixed on the form of the sword embedded in the ground.

There was no doubt...

"What is it, Kurosaki?" Uryū asked barely listening to the babbles of the orange hair boy. Orihime also turns to Ichigo also clearly concerned. Ichigo made no reply as he continued to stare at the sword.

"Oi, can you hear me?" Uryū asked once more with concern.


After a moment, he finally speaks.

"T-that sword was already I've seen before." He said in a low voice but was heard by Uryū and Orihime.

"What do you mean?" Uryū asked without understanding.

"It is the same sword that appeared in my dreams."

Both Uryū and Orihime widened their eyes in puzzlement upon hearing that and then turned their attention to the still encrusted sword. So that was the sword that Kurosaki saw in his dreams. Ichigo could not believe what he was seeing. It was certainly the same sword that he had seen in this dream and whose image had stuck in his mind in all its glory.

He could not understand what was happening and why that sword had appeared so suddenly, and on top of it falling from the sky.

It was quite surreal that something like this happened without-


He thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly felt a strange pain on he right hand. He immediately grabbed that hand with the other tightly and groaned as if it was burning.



There, Ichigo felt a strange burning sensation but it was not as painful as he expected. He did not know what was wrong, but he just hoped it would not last that long. Suddenly the pain disappeared immediately, and Ichigo withdrew his other left hand and his eyes widened in puzzlement. It was supposed should to have a burn or sting on top of the hand, but instead there was just a strange tattoo that glowed with a strange red fluorescent light. Uryū and Orihime also froze upon seeing the shiny mark on Ichigo's hand.

Neither of them was able to ask a question when suddenly a strange spotlight of crimson light emerged from the ground where the red sword was, covering the latter with the glow. The focus of light rose upward like a pillar and was so bright and blinding that the teens were forced to cover their eyes.

They could feel a strange force emanating from that glowing column of light like a torrent of reiatsu for those with a well-developed spiritual sense like Uryū. Ichigo pushed aside his arms slightly to see what was happening and he could barely see how a strange figure rose from the ground where de sword was inside the colum. In a matter of seconds, when the figure emerged entirely, all the light around him vanished as if nothing had happened, and he only left behind the figure that had emerged.

When Uryū and Orihime pulled their arms apart to see him too, they were totally frozen by what they saw.

There, a few meters from where the 3 teenagers were, there was a single figure of knees down on one knee. Appeared to be a knight of small stature, clad head to toe in imposing silver colored steel armor, and a long crimson colored skirt protruded below the waist that almost reached the feet. Over his arms the crimson chain mail stood out from the rest of his body while his hands and forearms were covered by a pair of silver gauntlets. Above his head he wore a helmet the same color as the breastplate that completely covered his head in an unusually menacing shape with horns included on each side that bent and pointed upward. Anyone who witnessed this character up close, one would think it was a demon.

Moments after showing up, the mysterious knight drew themselves up to their full height, standing straight and proud. However, what most caught our protagonists attention was that 'he' held the same red sword over his hand, the colors of which matches the armor, and whose tip was nailed to the ground.

After this, an intense silence formed in the environment as the 3 watched the mysterious demon-looking knight in front of them and wondered who he was. From the way he looked, for a moment, Uryu and Orihime reminded them a bit of Ichigo when he adopted that terrifying horned hollow appearence when fighting the Cuarto Espada Ulquiorra. However, they knew that he was not a hollow.

Ichigo was also wondering who this strange character was, since it was the first time, he had seen him. It definitely didn't look like a hollow or an Arrancar. So, who was it?

Then there was a clicking sound. Ichigo and the others noticed parts of knight's helmet had detached, near the neck. With a series of metallic clangs, the knight's helmet magically split down the middle and separated into various pieces, all of which combined with the rest of the armor, revealing the face of its wearer underneath. And to everyone's surprise, was feminine.

That's right, the wearer of the armor was an overly beautiful woman in her teens with a fair-skinned complexion of European descent. Her hair was soft blonde, aspect rebellious and pointed that had been styled into a updo hairstyle with two braids going along the side of her head to the back where the rest of her hair was left hanging in a wild horsetail. Had a face slightly androgynous but based on her features it is easy to tell that she is female.

Suddenly, she opens her eyes revealing that they are a bright emerald green color that caught the attention of our protagonists the most.

It was then that she began to speak.

"My names is Mordred, I'm the one and only true successor of King Arthur Pendragon!" The warrior introduced herself with a strong and dominant tone that detonates pride.

Ichigo and the others could only observer surprised and confused at the warrior's introduction, who called herself Mordred.

Then, the knight called Mordred abandoned her formal expression and adopted a wild smile on her face.

"Now then, I ask you. Are you the one, who is my Master?"

To be continued...