"You looked so beautiful today."
"I miss you already."
"I wish you were here with me."
"I hate that your with someone else."
"I can give you everything, just come to me."
"I don't want anyone else but you."
"Don't ignore me Marigold."
"Blocking me won't work. I'll never give up on you."
"I will always be able to find you."
I scrolled through the messages and then set my phone down in front of Victor. He looked at me and then picked it up. There were pages upon pages of these. I had no idea who they were from. I responded at first, with the customary, wrong number, so sorry bit. And when they kept coming I blocked the number. And then it just came from another one.
"The runt know about this?" he asked, still scrolling.
"No," I shook my head. Logan would freak out. He's so protective of me sometimes it's suffocating. But just when I think I can't take it anymore, he eases back and I can breath again. I knew it wasn't healthy. It was something we needed to talk about, but then this happened...
"I'm scared, but I don't know if I should be or not. I don't want to worry him if it's just me overreacting."
"When it start?"
"The first one came when I was packing up the Bronco with Logan in Georgia."
"That was two weeks ago."
"An ex-boyfriend?
"I have exactly one of those, and he is on an aide trip in Africa. And to be honest our split was totally amicable, we're still friends. I have no idea who is sending those. Or why."
"You told them you were with someone," he mused as he read. "And to leave you alone."
"I did and then I ignored them in general. But now I'm getting like fifteen a day. It never stops."
"Ya got ta tell the runt," he set the phone down. It chimed and I winced. I knew who it would be. Victor flipped it over and typed in my password, which confused me as I never told him. His face got dark and he got up, walking away with my phone.
"Guess that solves that problem," I covered my eyes for a few moments, and took a breath. Why was this happening? I thought if I ignored it, it would just go away. I was obviously wrong.
"Vhat is wrong?"
I looked up to see Kurt looking at me with concerned yellow eyes. I opened my mouth and closed it, unsure what to say. But I was saved from saying anything when Logan came rushing into the room, angry and worried.
"Why you keepin' somethin like this from me?" he waved my phone around.
"I thought if I just ignored it, it would go away. I was obviously wrong."
"Damn right you were," he slammed my phone down in front of me, cracking the screen. I rolled my eyes up to look at him. "And you goin' to Creed instead of me? I'm your man, you got problems you come to me."
"Right, because your handling it so well," I felt the tears begin to well in my eyes, but I kept them at bay. Barely. My phone dinged.
"What does that mean?" he looked at me, face not softening.
"I didn't go to Victor looking for a fix. I went for advice," I glared at him and my phone dinged again. I grabbed it with shaking hands and turned it off. "I'm sorry you felt I went behind your back, it was not my intention to hurt your feelings."
I slid off my stool and walked out of the kitchen. I made for the back door and fresh air. I walked across the grass, the breeze gently blowing my dress around me. I ended up near the large pond. I was always drawn to water, I loved it so much. I walked down the small dock and took a seat, sliding my shoes off and hiking my dress up. I let my feet dangle in the water as I got lost in my thoughts.
Every time I felt I was moving forward with Logan, something would happen and little red flags would go up in my mind. He was wonderful with my grandparents and they genuinely seemed to like him back. But that temper of his, it worried me. What if he directed that anger at me physically?
It was the reason I hadn't slept with him yet, despite our many, many heated make out sessions. But to give my body to someone was a really big deal to me. I had saved myself for someone special, despite the taunting and jokes at my expense. It really didn't bother me. It was my body, I could do as I pleased with it. And that meant deciding who and when the time was right. I wanted it to be Logan. Lord did I want that. But I didn't want to be wrong.
"Sticking your feet in the water is literally your way of burying your head in the sand, you know that right?"
I turned to smile at Megan over my shoulder.
"Coming from miss, I'll just teleport away from my problems."
"So we both suck," she laughed and held a hand down for me. "But I've got a better way of dealing with all that tension and stress than looking like a romance novel character."
"Shut up," I teased as I took her hand. "What are we doing?"
I walked hand in hand with her back up to the mansion, laughing and giggling at one another like school girls. I brought her hand up and kissed it quickly.
"I know," she sighed and turned, pulling me to her in a tight hug. "I don't know what I'd do without you either."
"I feel like ever since I went to Georgia things have started going down hill," I mumbled to her. "Logan clings to me like a wet nightdress, I can't turn around without bumping into the man. I thought it was sweet at first, him showing up at breakfast and right before bed. But now it's like he's trying to suffocate me."
"That's because you are ovulating," I turned to look at Roslyn who was leaning against the open french doors. She was wearing a long sun dress the same color as her hair. She looked fantastic.
"Wow, you look amazing!" I grinned. "Wait, how do you know I'm ovulating?"
She smiled and tapped the side of her nose gently.
"I am never going to get use to this feral stuff," I sighed.
"It's not just ferals who notice. Multiple studies show men find woman more attractive during that time. It's probably due to our bodies producing more estrogen and less progesterone."
"Did you know that?" Megan looked down at me.
"Some of it, from biology and health class."
"Megan do you mind if I steal Goldie for a little while?"
"Sure," she leaned down and kissed the side of my head, before teleporting away.
"I have a feeling," she indicated we should walk and I did. "That Logan hasn't bothered to tell you much about what being a feral means."
"No," I shook my head. We were headed for the small patio table and chairs that had been set up under the large tree in the back.
"I figured as much," she sighed and took a seat. I did the same. "Dating is difficult for a feral for a few reasons. The first, we have heightened senses. Smell, taste, hearing, touch and sight. For example, I know you are ovulating. I can smell it. I can see your skin has this gentle glow, and it's not from the all your sun bathing. I can hear that your voice is softer than usual. Regular humans don't know why they find a woman more attractive during this time, but I do. I can see it, hear it, and smell it. And so can Logan.
I let out a sigh but remained silent. She smiled at me.
"The second reason dating is difficult is because there are times when it's hard for us to control ourselves. We have a baser side, Goldie. It's instinctual, it's savage, and it always wins out. One way or another."
"What does that mean?"
"Sometimes I'll be sitting out here and I'll smell a deer, or a rabbit and the urge to run it down is so powerful that I will run back into the kitchen and devour a raw steak."
"That's where all my meat has been going!?" I know I sounded incredulous. But I have been trying to solve that mystery for weeks. I have pull forty pounds out of the walk in freezer and put it in the cooler and like magic, it's gone the next morning.
"Yes, that's one of us," she smiled, her canines bared. "I'm sorry."
"Ya'll could have just told me and I would have made sure their was extra pulled every day."
"That's very kind of you," she adjusted herself, crossing her legs in the other direction. "But you can see what I mean."
"You spare the creature, eat my raw steak instead."
"Exactly," she laughed out. "The urges win, every time."
"Okay, so control was number two, what's three?"
"Oh, we're not done with two. It's not just our predatory urges. We have mating instincts. And a libido that doesn't quit. Victor tracked me from Nevada to New York when he realized I was his mate. There is nothing we can do, it's not a choice we make. It's biological."
Her eyes got large, showing off more white the longer she looked at me.
"Logan you idiot!" she growled under her breath. "I thought at least he would have explained this part to you."
"What part?"
"A mate is...well it's our partner. Victor is mine, just as I am his. It's difficult to explain to a human...you know what. I have an idea." She pulled her phone out of seemingly nowhere and then set it down on the table. I heard ringing immediately.
"Hey Ros!" a woman's voice came over the line.
"Hi Maisy! Are you busy right now?"
"I'm actually in the car, headed your way right now. So I've got nothing but time."
"Okay, so I'm here with Marigold, Logan's mate. Only he hasn't told her anything and I'm trying to explain what it means and I thought maybe if it came from another non feral it might make more sense."
"Of course! Hi Marigold! I'm Maisy McCoy, Hank's wife and mate."
"Hi there! It's a pleasure to meet you, sort of."
She laughed.
"Oh, I like you already. So this is all going to be my opinion, and based entirely off of Hank and my relationship. So here goes."
I sat and listened as Maisy described their first encounter, how it made her feel. And how quickly she warmed up to him, literally. And how she broke it off with her emotionally abusive fiance, who had cheated on her pretty much the entire time they were together.
"I think I made it three days. Yeah, three days after meeting Hank before I had him in my bed." She laughed. "That's embarrassing, please don't think less of me."
"Never," I smiled. "It's your body, and you can do whatever you like with it."
"Preach!" Maisy laughed and Roslyn grinned. "I don't know why Logan hasn't talked to you about it. Maybe he's afraid it will drive you away. I would understand if it did."
"I ran," Roslyn nodded.
"You did?" I looked at her.
"Hell yes. I didn't want to be tied down to one man for the rest of my life back then. I was eighteen. I had plans. I was driven. And then Victor ambushed me in the kitchen, kissed me and it was all over. He was all I could think about. I dreamt about him. And to this day he is the only man on this earth who holds any appeal for me."
"So," I began and then cleared my throat. "I'm Logan's mate, that's what you're saying here?"
"Yes," they both replied.
"And he's in this for life," I swallowed. I could already feel the panic starting in me.
"If you really are his mate, which I have no reason to believe he would lie," Maisy began talking but this ringing in my ears had started and I was having trouble hearing her. "Rest of your life...no one but you..." And that was it.
"Oh, she's waking up!" I heard voices. I cracked my eyes open, not sure what was going on. Roslyn was leaning over me, her face concerned. On the other side was a brunette I had never seen before.
"Nice to finally meet you," she smiled and I realized it was Maisy.
"Pleasure is all mine," I smiled back.
"How are you feeling? You've been out for a few hours."
"Like someone tied a knot in my tail," I sighed and scooted up. Maisy laughed and Roslyn shook her head.
"We'll have to get Rogue to translate that for us," Roslyn patted my hand. "Logan is out there, pacing holes in the rug. It was all I could do to keep him out of here. Do you want to see him?"
"Oh for heaven's sake," I slid off the bed and padded over to the door. It flung open before I could even reach the knob.
"You alright?" he asked, looking down at me.
"I'm fine, you on the other, have some explaining to do."
"That's our cue," Roslyn slipped past quickly.
"It really was nice meeting you," she grasped my hand gently. "Lunch, tomorrow?"
"That'd be great."
"I'll handle everything. See you!"
When they were gone my smile dropped and I looked at Logan.
"Sure you're alright? Don't think I've ever seen you frown before."
"Because frowns are for in your house, not out of it. Why didn't you tell me about this mate stuff?"
He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.
"When I thought Roslyn was my mate, I laid it all out on the table. And she ran. You ain't feral. I had no idea how you were going to take it."
"Hank told Maisy."
"After he attacked her," Logan looked down at me. "Marked her. And I'd die before I ever did something like that to you. This needs ta be your choice. I, need to be your choice."
"So you haven't marked me, taken me as your mate because you want me to ask for it?"
"Yes. I want to be with you for the rest of my life," his gorgeous hazel eyes were fixed on my own. "I thought I understood what finding a mate was like, especially after everything with Roslyn. But when I caught your scent in that apartment you two shared in Georgia, it knocked me on my ass. Literally."
"You were at my apartment?"
"Picking up Megan for a mission. I caught hints of it in the hallway, but I wasn't prepared for when she opened that door and it came pouring out. I almost made it to the door to your room before Megan teleported us out."
"I don't remember that."
"You were sleeping," he smiled. "I could hear your heart beating, slow, calm. Peaceful. I didn't want to push you, or make you feel trapped. I want you to come to me. On your own terms. Accept me, like I accept you. It's the only way I'll take you."
"I love you," I spoke it as the first tear leaked down my face. "But I'm scared. You get so angry Logan..."
His face crumbled and he dropped to his knees in front of me. He had his head bowed down, his hands buried into my dress in fists. When he looked up his face was frightening.
"I would never hurt you," even his voice was deeper. "I know I get mad. But I ain't never mad at you. I get pissed when you get hurt, or scared. I think I could have done more, protected you better. I get mad because I think I failed you."
I put my hand on the back of his head.
"Logan I'm an adult. And that means I am responsible for myself, not you. Everything that has happened to me since I met you has been directly related to my own choices. And considering one of those was to date you, I'd say I'm making some pretty good ones."
He smiled and got to his feet.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell ya, should have known you'd handle it just fine."
"Remember that next time you want to keep something like that from me," I went up on my tip toes to catch his lips. He made that throaty growling noise I loved so much and wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss. His facial hair gave me beard burn something fierce, especially on my neck. He thought it was funny, and honestly it was so worth it. Because kissing Logan was...like nothing I had ever felt before. He lit me on fire, made me feel desirable, I had held out for months. I pulled back away suddenly.
"What's the matter?" he asked, his eyes looking a little glazed.
"Today marks six months since we've been dating," I told him.
"Oh yeah?"
"Should I have gotten you something?"
"No, it's not one of the important dates."
"What are the important ones?" he began kissing my neck and I almost blanked.
"The day you start dating, when you get engaged, your wedding."
Logan had slid one of my straps down my arm to gently kiss and nip at my shoulder and across my collarbone.
"Tell me when to stop," he mumbled, doing the same thing to the other shoulder.
"Never," I whispered and he froze. Then he lifted his head up to look at me, pupils blown wide open.
"If I make love to ya, that's it. I'm here for life."
"I know," I smiled at him. He moved quickly, hauling me up bridal style and brought me over to the bed. He kissed me as he laid me down, climbing on top of me.
"I have a confession," I moaned out when he began massaging my chest over my dress. His mouth was on mine, making it difficult to speak to him. "I've never done this before."
He froze for a moment before kissing me again, slower.
"Just got talk to me," he moved down my jaw and to my neck, nipping and sucking. "Tell me what feels good and what don't." He pulled away to look at me. "And if something don't feel right, or you're hurtin' you tell me to stop and I'll stop."
I nodded.
"Nuh ugh, this is important. Say it."
"If something doesn't feel right, I'll ask you to stop."
"And if it feels real good feel free to let the world know too."
I laughed and so did he. But it cut off quickly when he moved down to my chest. He pulled my dress down, my bra included and began to play with my nipples. He sucked on one while gently pinching and rolling the other. The heat had begun to pour between my legs. I has been turned on before, but never like this. I could feel my underwear becoming damp.
"Logan," It was part surprise, part pleasure. One of his hands had went under my dress and was rubbing me through my underwear.
"Like that?" he asked.
"Yes," I stammered as he moved a little faster. I moaned loudly and then slapped a hand over my mouth.
"Don't you dare," he growled and pulled my hand away with his free one.
"What if someone...oh my god," I couldn't even finish with out moaning. He had slid his hand under my panties and was rubbing my clit. I could barely remember how to breath. He was watching me closely, which made he try to control my face the best I could. Leaned down to kiss me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I sucked his lower lip into my mouth, which earned me a groan from him.
"I can't take it anymore," he growled, sitting up. "You gotta get that dress off."
I sat up as well, unhooking my bra and tossing it to the floor somewhere. I pushed my dress down to my hips and then laid back, intending on scooting it down. But Logan's warm hands grabbed it from me and pulled it down. He was shirtless and it was the first time I had seen his chest. Like the rest of him, it was tight and chiseled. My favorite part was the hair. Like his forearms, his chest was covered in dark hair that ran all the way down to where his jeans sat.
"What are you staring at?" he teased, as he undid his belt buckle.
"You're the sexiest man I've ever seen," I told him. He moved quick, yanking his jeans off and tossing them. He wasn't wearing underwear. "You go commando a lot?"
"Hate underwear," he grinned as he moved between my legs. I watched as his cock bobbed, the base buried in more of that dark hair. I wasn't sure if he was large or not, I had never seen one in person before. He ran his hands up and down my legs, kneading my thighs before going higher, gripping my pink underwear and sliding them down and tossing them somewhere. Now I was fully naked before him and terrified. All these things started racing through my mind the longer he stared at me.
"You're fuckin' beautiful," he mumbled, his eyes roving over me.
"Thank you," I squeaked out, unsure of what to do now. I wasn't totally inexperienced. I had kissed and down some light petting. Nothing under the clothes. But now we were fully naked and he was just staring at me. Megan never said they stared at you like this!
"What do I do now?" I asked, figuring it was best to take the initiative. He seemed to snap out of it and smiled that devastating smile of his.
"Now?" his smile became one of mischief. "I'm gonna bury my face between your legs."
And he did exactly that. He had to hold me down, as I bucked my hips and tossed my head back. I had never felt anything like this before. He was licking and sucking and it was bliss. I moaned and cried out for him, grabbing a handful of his hair and the other buried in the comforter.
"Logan!" I wailed when I felt it coming. That knot, that pressure was building, expanding, burning through me until suddenly, it exploded. I cried out his name as my eyes rolled back and my spine came up off the mattress. He wasn't content to leave it there, I felt one of his fingers slide into me, even as I my body shook and spasmed.
"That's it darlin'," I opened my eyes to see him hovering over me. "It only gets better from here."
"Then what are you waiting for?" I asked him breathlessly, rolling my hips as he added another finger. He snarled and caught my lips. I could taste myself on his tongue and it was strange but erotic.
"You sure you want this Goldie?" he pulled his fingers out of me suddenly and grabbed my hips, lifting them slightly.
"I want you," I nodded.
He moved slow and I waited.
"Breathe Marigold," his voice was strained and his grip on my hips was bruising. I could see veins sticking out on his neck and forearms. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as he kept coming. It didn't hurt, I felt full. Stretched. Then there was a stinging. I gasped and he looked up at me.
"Sorry darlin'. That's the worst of it."
If that was all, then I would be fine. I heard tales of how bad the first time hurt and I would be a liar if that didn't keep me away from..my thoughts vanished as he pushed a little harder and fully seated himself in me. He didn't move, his chest rising and falling rapidly.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm in fucking heaven," he rumbled out and began to move. Slowly at first, he only pulled a little of himself out of me and slid back in. It was amazing. But then his hips began to move faster, and more of him pulled out before slamming back in. I cried out, my toes curling when he hit something just right.
"I love you," his smile was sweet as he kept hitting that spot over and over. It was all I could do to hold on to the covers as he rocked my body. My chest was bouncing and the sound of his skin slapping into mine got louder and louder. I felt it explode over me, there was no time for me to say anything or warn him. I just wailed out his name as my body clamped down on him. He let go of my hips and laid himself over me, kissing me and thrusting into me. He grabbed my leg and pulled it towards his hips. I got the message and wrapped my legs around him.
"Oh god Logan I'm coming again," I gasped and he kissed me harder. He moved faster, the headboard knocking against the wall now joined the all the noise we were making. But I didn't care. I was with him.
"Marigold," he groaned. "You're so wet, so tight. Fuck!" he roared just as I fell over the edge. I dug my nails into his back as he continued to thrust through both of our orgasms. He fell still, head resting next to mine for a moment, before pulling himself out of me and rolling onto his back.
"You alright darlin'?" he asked, rolling onto his side so he was facing me. I was breathing hard so I nodded instead of talking. He brushed a piece of my blonde hair away from my face and I smiled.
"Is it always like that?" I asked, slowly rolling onto my side to face him. He reached over me and grabbed the edge of the pink comforter and draped it over my rapidly cooling body.
"It gets better."
"Better? Than that?"
He smiled and leaned in to kiss my forehead.
"Yup. First time is always a little awkward, neither of us know what the other likes. You're new to it so you're still figuring that out. Somethin' I'm more than happy to help with." He pulled me closer to him and I laughed.
"If it's with you I'm sure I'll love it."
"You trying to make me hard again?"
"That gets you hard?"
"Everything you do gets me hard," he snorted. "Especially when you're laying here, complimenting me."
I went to turn my head and huffed when I realized I was laying on my hair. I made an irritated noise and propped myself up so I could gather it all up from under me.
"Honestly, sometimes I just want to cut it all off."
"What?!" Logan's eyes widened.
"It can be such a pain," I dramatically threw it all behind me and flopped back down on my side.
"I think it's sexy."
"Until you sit on it when you're trying to go pee."
He tossed his head back and laughed.
"Har har, just you wait..."a knock on the door stopped me in my tracks. I looked at Logan with wide eyes. "You have to get it."
"Ignore it."
"That's rude," I chided him. "Besides I can't get it looking like this."
He raised an eyebrow at me as he sat up.
"I think you look amazing," he replied casually as he slid his jeans up.
"Thank you very much, but I am a southern woman and there are three things we just can't abide by."
"Oh?" he asked as he walked over to the door and opened it. Victor was on the other side and Logan immediately closed it on him. My mouth fell open and I got up quickly, grabbing my blush pink robe and throwing it on. I opened the door.
"I am so sorry," I told him as he walked in without an invitation. He looked down at me as he passed and Logan was on him in a heartbeat, grabbing a hold of his shirt and hauling him away.
"Logan! You mind your manners when you're in my room!"
They both looked at me and and I crossed my arms. He let him go.
"Came to check on fun size," he brushed invisible crumbs off his shirt and turning to look at me. "You alright?"
"Right as rain," I smiled. He nodded.
"Fuck off Creed," Logan snapped and I blinked a few times before getting mad. Creed held a hand up in my direction, a smile sliding onto his face.
"He's pissed that I scented you. But I was just checking to make sure you were alright. Roslyn and the nerds were worried. You're human."
"Why send you?" Logan barked out.
"Because I'm the only one that could stop you," he looked over his shoulder at him. "And you better believe that if it comes to that I'll fucking rip you apart."
"That's rich, you accusing me of not being able to control myself. I'd never hurt her!"
"Thank you," I smiled up at him. I didn't understand all of the conversation, or didn't want to. But it still made my heart swell a little.
"My wife loves you," Victor looked down at me. "My sons adore you. You know how to keep your head when things get bad and you take a bullet better than most trained men."
I was pretty sure that meant he liked me, but Roslyn said he was one of those, actions instead of words people. I would have hugged him had I not been wearing just a pink robe. Or just had sex.
He turned to go but I called his name and he turned around.
"Promise me something?"
He lifted an eyebrow at me.
"Don't ever tell anyone you saw my hair like this."
He laughed as he walked out, closing the door behind him.
"You don't think he'll say anything, right?"
"About yer hair?" Logan trying really hard not to laugh, and it showed.
"I told you. Three things I can't abide by."
"Right. And those are?"
"One: Bad hair, heels or nails. Two: Bad manners," and I looked pointedly at him. His grin was getting wider.
"And three?"
"Cooking bad food."
Logan laughed, his eyes crinkling as he did so. He looked so happy right then, and my heart hammered in my chest.
"What's the matter?" he asked, cocking his head to the side a little.
"I love you."
He came over and pulled me into a tight hug.
"I love you too."