Cry Me A River

Category: Romance/Fluff

Summary: Donna Paulsen, queen of the stage, and owner of Harvey Specter's heart, cries when she's happy.

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Donna Paulsen, queen of the stage, and owner of Harvey Specter's heart, cries when she's happy.

It's the only time Harvey knows—with absolute certainty—the welling up isn't part of a cheeky, strategic act. Like when she's trying to coerce him into believing she really can't cook or convincing him that drinks out with her theatre group will be fun, when all he wants to do is stay wrapped up in her arms on the couch.

He married an actress, so scrutinizing her pleading tactics with a critical eye is something he's trained himself to do. Even though nine times out of ten he gives in at the first sign of a sniffle because three years into their marriage, and he's still never totally sure if he's being playfully conned. When in actuality, the theatrics don't matter either way. As Mike likes to affectionately remind him—he's whipped. If Donna asked for the world on a silver platter, he'd invest every resource into getting it for her, and wouldn't think twice about it.

Which is how he knows when she's truly happy, and not just teasing him.

Because the cute little pout she wears when she tugs his tie or toys with his hand disappears. Instead, her bottom lip quivers, drawing into her mouth, and she can barely get words out. Like when he'd finally admitted his true feelings in Mike and Rachel's apartment, or the day he'd proposed, telling her he didn't want to wait to be married. And the second time they shared their vows, in front of their own friends and family.

The silent declaration of her happiness always starts with the lip first, her chocolate irises swimming with moisture next and pooling with words that don't make it out or tremble when they do, hitting the air in a broken whisper. Because she can fake selling dinner with her mother, but when she feels loved, it's written all over in all the small creases around her eyes, and that's how he knows the tears dusting her lashes aren't anything to be concerned about.

Sometimes he thinks it's because she radiates a natural glow. That on the rare occasion he catches her off guard, she needs another way to express the emotion she's feeling. An outlet that isn't her bright, beaming smile... but stirs a rush of moisture instead.

Before they'd gotten together, he'd never really understood why people cried at weddings or when someone showed them a baby. But when Donna tears up over something he'd once thought didn't warrant crying, every so often, his gaze mists over as well. When Mike and Rachel announced they were going to be parent's, at Marcus and Katie's vow renewal. Donna's reaction always sets him off because she's happy, and that's the most important thing in the world to him.

Which is why, when she hangs up the phone and turns toward him, her eyes bright and her bottom lip trembling, he's grinning from ear to ear before she has a chance to say anything.

She doesn't need to tell him their family is about to be extended. That the adoption agency just called with the news they've been waiting to hear… Soon they're going to have a toddler crawling around the house, and half-the-time he's not going to know why their little girl is crying—if she's hungry, bored, sad, happy. And right now none of that matters. Because he's going to learn the difference, and he pulls his wife into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head and holding her tightly.

Donna Paulsen cries when she's happy.

And Harvey Specter does too.

AN: I haven't forgotten about WD (or Torn :P) This was just a short reset away from the angst, but I will have some updates in the next few days.

I hope everyone is well and staying safe xx :)