Next morning Hadrian was hiding in the shadows of alleys as Kreacher said that he heard Bellatrix will be here in the early morning to gather some ingredients for illegal potions on behalf of Snape for Dark Lord and as he was waiting he saw Bellatrix land on her feet by port key and he immediately shot Propofol through slingshot to make her unaware of her surroundings till he takes her to another manor and gains answers for her crimes.He landed on his feet at the manor which he turned into Prison for time being in Greece which has not been used in ages and old magic is here strong and it sings and bends to the command of the Lord and Master of the manor and House. when he landed he felt magic wash over him welcoming to the land and he immediately took Bellatrix to one of the rooms he designed especially for her.When he was readying everything Bellatrix woke up and looked around groggily and when she saw Hadrian she started to struggle with invisible binds and screeched like a banshee gaining Hadrian's attention and he looked at her smirking also he cast truth spell so that whatever she speaks or forced to speak only truth."Hello Bella," Hadrian cooed while Bellatrix tried to stand up only to fall face-first into the ground."How dare you, Potter? My Lord will not leave you alive," Bella screeched and Hadrian just shook his head."Bella, you shouldn't talk about your Lord of the house in that way, anyhow now you are no more a Black being formerly one you are still under my control and now you will suffer in my hands for killing my father and former Lord of the house, it is my promise," Hadrian said and Bellatrix looked at him in shock."No you are filthy half-blood, you cannot be my lord," Bellatrix screeched and Hadrian just shook his head before taking out his wand."ulcus cutis" Hadrian shouted and Bellatrix felt her skin boiling at the highest temperature and she screamed loudly due to pain while Hadrian enjoyed her screams and pain which soother his pain up to some extent."Now ,Bella, we will talk like civilized citizens, if not you will more pain and Cruciatus curse will look like ant bite in front of it do you understand?" Hadrian asked lowly and Bellatrix nodded her head in fear because for the first time she is feeling scared even which was impossible for Dark Lord to scare her but here a 16-year-old teenager is making her shiver in fear and causing her pain which is greater than what her Lord puts her through."Well, What is your Lord's instructions to his Death Munchers while he stays in France for a couple of days?" Hadrian asked and Bellatrix looked at him in shock that how did he know."How did you know that My Lord is in France?" Bellatrix asked."Well Bella, Elf Aro is my elf but belongs to Black House who works under my command, of course, I know where your Lord is now that I answered your question, answer my question Baby Bella," Hadrian cooed while Bella looked at him before answering."My Lord is planning to attack Hogwarts before Christmas holidays starts on the last day also he is training few of seventh year Snakes, Eagles, Badgers and few lions so that they will attack from within meanwhile they will be getting trained by Nott, Yaxley, Malfoy and Snape even my husband and brother-in-law were there too but as they were killed by My Lord himself for their incompetence, now only these four inner serpents will be the ones to train them in Forbidden and Dean forests, one batch will be in morning 5:00 to 9:00 and another batch will at night 1:00 to 5:00 and if they disappear then that means our Lord called them and we shouldn't disturb them or our Lord during that time," Bellatrix answered and Hadrian was smirking as everything was getting recorded."Okay, do you know who are the death eaters in Hogwarts in students at present?" Hadrian asked."No, we don't know except the people who were assigned to train them also there are some people who are from other countries and waiting at the border for our signal so that they can come and help us in the war," Bellatrix confessed and clamped her mouth shut once she realized what she said while Hadrian smirked."How are they planning to come into our borders while having the dark mark? and who is helping them at the border?" Hadrian questioned."The Auror Marcus Macmillan is our Lord's Spy who will help them to enter our borders," Bella confessed and she looked at him with wide eyes."What is the signal Bella to indicate that he should allow those people through our borders," Hadrian asked."We will send one of the death eaters in ministry who are Dark sympathisers with the pendant I'm wearing and who the person will be unknown to us till, except dark lord, not even Marcus will know who the person is," Bellatrix said and immediately Hadrian took out the pendant from her neck stuffed it in his pocket."Bella does one person will get their mark if they are under imperious or any other potion or spell or they should be fully right in their mind to get the mark?" Hadrian asked."They should be fully conscious and in their own mind to get the mark, imperious, potions or spells will not allow the mark to take over," Bellatrix confessed."Good to know Bella and now you will be here till I feel otherwise and you will see what hell is before death itself," Hadrian answered and walked out leaving Bellatrix there itself who started scream again.Hadrian walked out and called for Kreacher so that he can take him to Tonks residence before Amelia and Remus left for Ministry so that he can submit the report to her as well as discuss the next step of the plan."Good Morning people," Hadrian as he entered only to see Remus and Amelia was just going step through the floo and they stopped seeing him."Rian, what are you doing this early here?" Dora asked."Well, I'm here to give you the report about Bellatrix Black and also our next step for this war" Hadrian answered and immediately everyone settled in seats while Hadrian handed the report to Amelia who read and gasped after reading what was there in the report."This is very serious Hadrian, we need to do fast if not we are going to get washed in the blood of innocent," Amelia said and others were reading what was there and they felt same."I have an idea Amelia, Cub," Remus said and they looked at him in question."We will send one of our people to border and we will be hiding, there itself once they all cross the border we can arrest them because Marcus will have the list of people so it is easy for us and today itself we will clear Auror department so it will be not a problem to make them work under our guidance with strict orders of Amelia," Remus said."That's good Remy and Amelia here is the chain and I think I have a plan to stop Yaxley and others from training lower death eaters," Hadrian said."Remus plan is wonderful we will put that into action and Hadrian what is your plan?" Amelia asked."We will ambush them and will kill main heads there itself and lower rank Death eaters will be held in prison until the war is over and they are punished for their crimes as there will be no one who can inform Dark Lord there is no need for us to worry," Hadrian asked."That is a great idea so tomorrow who will be leading the group?" Andy asked."Remus will be head of one group while other will be guided by me as Amelia will be busy with Ministry so it is for us to ambush them with a team of Aurors and before killing main heads we need to record their truths and confessions," Hadrian said."Yes, this will help us to control the war from our end also it will leave dark lord vulnerable enough to kill him for once and all," Amelia said and Hadrian nodded his head."Okay I need to leave as today I have an appointment with real estate agency," Hadrian said and Ted along with Andy and Dora looked at him in question."Well, I'm selling the extra properties leaving only a few of them because it is very annoying to maintain all of them and for being in high standards there is no need to have more properties in our names," Hadrian answered their question."Okay and Hadrian takes care and stay safe," Andromeda said."I will and Aunt Andy I want you or Uncle to contact our Black Family Manager and ask him to tighten the wards around the property as Dora is staying with you people and we don't know when those Death Munchers will attack even for fun," Hadrian said before leaving and Andromeda accepted his words as that was true.~~~~~~~~Here In Burrow, everyone once again gathered there as Kingsley had something to announce and also Minerva have something to inform others, everyone settled for meeting and Minerva started to commence on it."Good morning everyone, this emergency meeting in order without prior information is Kingsley and I have something to inform which is very important ito nform everyone," Minerva said."What is it, Minerva?" Molly asked and Minerva looked at Kingsley to take the stage and she moved aside."Well, I can no more work for order because I or anyone else here who worked for Ministry has to swear an oath on their magic and I can't reveal the contents of the oath but I'm no more allowed to share any information regarding Ministry or Wizengamot outside the Ministry without express permission from higher officials, " Kingsley said and everyone looked shocked at the revelation."What! But who is doing all of this?" Molly shouted which made others cringe at her loud voice but they kept silent."Amelia is taken charge of the department and she is making us work like a machine and she also warned us that till war gets completed wiped out we have to work our asses off no matter what also we are no more to capture the death eaters or the sympathisers once we record their confessions, kill them on the spot, " Kingsley said and there was a pin drop silence around."Kingsley, do what you have too and follow Amelia because my instinct is telling me that everything is going to be fine in a few days, " Minerva said.After that meeting, everything moved in a blur that no one understood until the end, every day the Prophet was filled with a short description of crimes committed by Death eaters who were captured and then we're killed on the spot making it encounters, each inner circle death eater was pulled out into light before getting killed in the hands of Aurors guided by Remus and Hadrian, while Amelia along with few other people purged Ministry totally from top to bottom without leaving even the minor departments and was shocked to see almost 3/4 th of the ministry was corrupted by Dark Lord and half of them was under an imperious curse so that they will not rebel against the dark lord which made Amelia pissed off and created new paths for each department with help of Hadrian and Twins who had devious minds in this regards that every employee of Ministry was in a tight spot but couldn't do anything because Amelia was current Minister of Magic.Hadrian was busy with his own life, one side was his fight with death eaters, looking after the properties, attending the Wizengamot, spending time with his soon to be a wife whom he loves with all his heart and with family all the while he was planning the end of Voldemort.Minerva was made temporary Headmistress until another one is appointed while the board of governors with the help of Amelia who has taken the modified curriculum of Hogwarts from Hadrian has implemented as students are missing from Hogwarts only leaving Sixth and Seventh years there.Now Hadrian is waiting for Remus and Amelia who are at Ministry for the last circle of death eaters confessions who were caught today and they came to know they are last because Yaxley had a list of all the death eaters, including junior, Inner circle and new recruits as he is the one who looks after that matter, to explain about his plan."Rian, come and have snacks, " Dora called out pulling Hadrian from his thoughts."Coming Dora, " Hadrian called out and just then floo flared to life indicating the arrival of people and out came Ted, Remus and Amelia who were looking exhausted but happy."You people are happy today, " Andy made a statement."Of course Andy, today each and every death eater is captured and punished according to their crimes also only Dark Lord is left but he belongs to Hadrian but today is a day for celebration, " Amelia said."I know, actually ,I have a plan to destroy him, " Hadrian said and everyone looked at him eagerly to know the what was his plan."What is it Ri?" Andy asked."He will arrive with an army that is for sure, he may not have Wizards and Witches, but he will have Dementors, Giants, Wolfs and Vampires who have sided with him again this time, " Hadrian said in thought."You are right Hadrian, what do you suggest I can say as Minister I have power as well as privy to the knowledge on how to destroy or create Dementors so they are not a problem because tomorrow morning first thing on my agenda is to summon every Dementor and destroy it, " Amelia said."That is great Amelia but what about Giants, Vampires and Werewolves?" Ted asked frowning."I have an idea Uncle, I found award that constricts particular creatures to that place even they cannot cross only the ones who cast can release but they can be seen by others, and I think that ward is good for Giants as there is only one colony where 25 Giants are leaving in Nothern side of Britain in the forest, " Hadrian said."That is awesome Hadrian, it will help us greatly also it will make Voldemort even weaker, " Andy said."Now Wolves and Vampires are left, " Dora said."I think in the case of wolves, we can capture them in the same ward until the war is finished then we can release them but Vampires a bit complicated, " Remus said with a thoughtful expression on his face."I think there is the only way for us to stop them that is Solaris Potion supply in the market till the War is completed and Wizarding World coming to a calm pace also the supply from border should also be stopped, " Dora said."You are right Dora but we can't stop them from brewing which will be a problem again, we need to find another solution for this," Remus said in thought."Why don't we use the night to lure Dark Lord and others including them but we can use Solaris Spell to burn them even they are criminals who committed crimes," Hadrian said."You are right once this war gets cleared we can see that their laws placed which will help creatures leave peacefully, and Hadrian how do you plan to lure Dark lord out?" Amelia asked."The day before Christmas holidays starts I'm going write an open letter inviting Voldemort and his cronies to Hogwarts by challenging him openly which will bruise his ego and he will try to kill me before that I want you people to lay the wards around the Hogwarts for Wolves as well for the Giants in the mountains," Hadrian said."That is a good idea and I will Minerva that she should gather all the order members at Hogwarts on that and you should ask the goblins to lay the wards which will keep Hogwarts from getting damaged as you are their ally," Remus said."That is a great idea Uncle Moony by them even Dora will also be there and the war damage will be minimum," Hadrian said and after that, it was relatively calm pace till the two days before Christmas holidays.Meanwhile, here Voldemort was unknown to the happenings in Britain as he couldn't feel anything because of his continuous magic fluctuation and death of his Death Eaters are the destruction caused by Hadrian to him, he woke up rudely by the insistent pecking on the window and he looked up to see an owl carrying a Daily Prophet which annoyed but what he read made him scream in anguish and anger at Hadrian Potter.Challenge To Dark Lord VoldemortDark Lord,Tom Marvolo Riddle also known as Dark Lord Voldemort, you have tried to kill me on numerous occasions by yourself or used your minions{they are no more if I say so which is giving me immense pleasure } for that but you always failed, you killed my parents, your pet Bellatrix Lestrange killed my father making me an orphan.Toady I Hadrian Potter{formerly known as Harry Potter} challenge you to come and face me at Hogwarts with your minions day before Christmas Holidays starts at 5:00 in the evening, we will see who will win the war the darkness or the light.It is an open challenge to you(enemy) by me(nemesis), accept the challenge and be a feared dark lord or become a coward and lose your reputation before our people.I will be waiting for you at Hogwarts with my companions who wanted a piece of you.Hadrian Potter.