By the time we arrived at the museum, I could barely breathe. As we neared the doors, my stomach rolled and dived. I hesitated. Mal noticed my anxiety immediately.

"You want to go home, yes?"
I nodded tearfully.

"Then let's go,' She waved me closer. The others pressed their faces to the window. But Carlos glanced back at me, something like pity dashed on his face. He didn't say anything though. And that suited me. I joined them, peering in at the array of magical objects.

A guard spun idly on his chair. Behind him, stood a large ornate spinning wheel. It appeared common, but I could recall the tale. I knew what It had done.

As the guard turned slightly, the chair squealed.

We wrenched ourselves from the door, ducking into the shadowy wall for cover. False alarm.
Mal was the first to move back. Her breath hitched as she came to see the spinning wheel. It was her mother's. Probably a big moment for her. But we had no time for that. I just wanted to grab the wand and leave. My fingers clawed the window.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay scoffed, turning to Carlos. The pair of them giggled amongst themselves.

"Yeah, It's kinda dorky," Carlos sniggered.

Mal frowned.
"It's magic, it doesn't have to look scary,"

I spoke up, my voice rising down to an odd lilt.
"No… she's right. The worst magical objects are the ones you see every day… they take you by surprise, and do worse than make you sleep,"

I saw Carlos' smile fade. Shit.

"There you go," Mal said as she flipped through a book. I hadn't noticed it before. When she next spoke, I knew exactly what it was.

"Magic spindle, do not linger, make my victim prick a finger," She murmured.

My heart stopped. A spell book? Why did she have a spell book?
Although, perhaps it made sense. Her mother had Cast a spell on Aurora..

We waited a second. The guard shifted in his chair. But he did not move.

"Impressive," Jay called.

"I got chills," Carlos said. They both chuckled.

"Okay, you know what?"
"Prick the finger, prick it deep, send my enemy off to sleep." Mal said, staring intently into the museum, setting her jaw impatiently.

At once, the guard leapt from his chair, staggering, hunched over towards the wheel. The magical object gleamed. Then his arm was out, reaching for the needle. As soon as his finger came into contact with the sharp end, he threw himself to the ground. He curled up underneath the spindle, eyes jammed shut. Impressive.

I heard Mal gasp.

"Not so dorky now, huh?" She said.

Beside me, Carlos' smile vanished. For a second he stared at the guard's sleeping form.

Mal Pulled at the door handle. It wouldn't budge.

I felt in my pocket for a pin, swallowing my nerves. The door rattled.

"Stand back," Jay said, his voice confident and clear.
"Make it easy, make it quick. Open without a kick,"

As my hand found the pin, the doors flew open, and Jay crashed into the ground with a thump. He rsat up, quickly. Oh, never mind. I shoved the pin away. Heat crept to my cheeks. Stupid idea.

"You coming?" Mal cackled, strutting past Jay, who sprawled on the ground, dazed.

I followed quickly after Evie, not wanting to be left behind. I wanted to make sure he was okay, but I couldn't go back now.

I kept my eyes forward.

We eased past the guard in a line. I trod lightly, trying to make as little sound as possible, my heart thudding against my chest, in my ears, so that my head pounded. When I made it across, I let go of the breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. Carlos and Jay were last. The guard stirred. Jay slunk past, panicked. Carlos took his time, skirting around the edge of him, so slow that Mal began to get impatient.
"Carlos!" she hissed.

He quickened his pace.

Soon we were stumbling blindly through ornate corridors. My throat was dry, as if all moisture had deserted my tongue. I swallowed, but my saliva only coated my throat, and didn't ease the aching.

Evie lead the way, holding out her mirror like a lifeline. In a way it was. Without that mirror, we'd probably be caught. My clothes stuck to me. We couldn't get caught. No. Not now.

We turned into a flight of stairs. It took all my effort not not to stumble. Carlos and Mal bounded behind me. My foot slipped on a step, but I caught myself, gasping. I gripped the banister and threw myself back up the stairs. The fear of being knocked into, and the panic of being in the museum itself made my stomach flip.

I stumbled into the hall. The others had frozen, staring stock still. Across the marbled hall, were arching pedestals. I stared into the cold eyes of their parents. I gulped.

We stepped closer together.

"Mommy?" Evie whispered, her eyes glistening. Her mother stood tall and proud, dressed in exquisite taste, and offered the rosy apple.

"Killer," Jay mumbled, breathless.

Jafar's scepter was poised at attention; he was crouched down, like a great, glittering cat, ready to pounce, his heavy cape like an arched tail, hands of claws. To his right, Cruella De Vil sneered under her heavy matte make up. Her dark eyes glinted, seeming almost real. She was draped in a thick fur coat, red gloved hands scratching at the empty air.

"I'll never forget Mother's day again," Carlos gulped, his voice shaky. He couldn't look away.

Mal stared at her mother, her pride sort of melting away. In the new light, her lips trembled; she looked up in submission, miles away from the girl who'd made me enter this museum.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jay finally spoke up.

"Well, the wand's not here. Let's bounce," He clapped his hands together, stepping backwards.

I nodded quickly, spinning around to follow him. The villains stared at me, their gaze penetrating and icy. Like they were judging me for even being in the presence of their children. I shook off the feeling. I was glad to get out of that room.

As we left, I stopped.
"Wait… Where's Mal..?" I mumbled, staring wide eyed at the others.

"She needed a minute. Don't worry. She gets like this sometimes," Carlos said, shrugging. This was of some comfort, but it still made my heart pound.
She would be okay. No monsters around here. But maybe that wasn't true.

Glittering black eyes,...a flash of silver. The dagger yanked out …. His limp body. Blood seeping out from his chest. I shook the image away. She would be okay.

I heard shouts from behind me. Carlos and Jay rolled around on the ground, fighting each other for something. But I turned away. My mouth went dry. They were going to get us caught.
And- and we'd never go home. Sam and Dean would never- they'd never even know.

The floor seemed to sway under my feet. I pressed my head against the nearest wall, sucking in deep gulps of air. I could feel it now, the familiar surge of power pressing against my skull.

They couldn't see me like this.
I crossed into another room, wandering down marbled hallways until the boys shouts faded. And slowly, and surely, the feeling began to ebb away. I wasted no time looking over meaningless artefacts in cases. If the wand was here, it would be upright on a pedestal for all to see. It was the wand, after all. Then, after some time, I found it. My breath hitched.

The wand was suspended mid air, rising up and down slowly, like a kite caught in a gentle breeze. Gold leaves wound around the wand, starting with gold which curled into a light blue bulb, like a bluebell, or a pumpkin carriage.

This was it. Our ticket home.

I pumped my fist in the air and surged through the corridors back to where I began.

The boys were still fighting. Evie was nowhere to be found. Probably got bored of their antics and went to look for the wand.

"Guys," I called.

They ignored me.
Carlos pulled the black object out of Jay's grip. But it was snatched back and thrust high over Jay's head. Carlos jumped on his feet, hands outstretched. He was much shorter than Jay. Yet somehow, taller than me.

Guys!" I let my voice rise.
They still ignored me.

I looked up. Evie peeped her head round the door.
Letting out a sigh of relief, I staggered towards her.

"I found the wand,"
She perked up immediately.

"You did?" Evie's face lit up.
When I nodded, she turned back to the boys.

"Guys.. Mara found the wand," She said at the top of her voice.

They scrambled off of each other immediately, wide- eyed.

Really? I sighed.

Evie patted my shoulder,"I'm going to go and look for Mal," she murmured.
And just like that, I was left with them. It wasn't that I disliked Carlos and Jay. But their arguing made me uneasy.

"So, you come here often?" Jay joked, leaning to one side. He grinned at me.

" Oh!…. I uh.. come here all the time," I said quickly,"Their security, by the way, is awful.."

"Yeah, doesn't he use the cameras?" Carlos said.

"All the better for us if he doesn't," Jay grinned.

When Evie returned with Mal, the girl seemed shaken up. I wanted to ask if she was okay; It could be a warning sign. But I pressed my lips together and lead them down the hallways, trying to think of the right way. I paused at a crossroads, brushing aside all thoughts of demons, or Crowley for that matter. Then I took another turn.

"Yes," I whispered,"It's just down here,"

We bounded down the stairs, all of us giggling and whooping. But my smiles did nothing to ease the pain in my chest. If we were caught now, they'd realise our plan immediately. And didn't they have security cameras?

Again, I stared back at the wand, tugging at the hem of my shirt down, fiddling. My heart roared in my ears, my shirt sticking to my back. This was it.

Jay was the first to make a move.

"Jay, don't!" Mal yelled.
I knew what he was about to do. Fear coursed through my veins like electricity. I jerked my hand out to try and stop him. But it was too late. He ducked under the barrier, fingers outstretched, ready to snatch the wand out from thin air.

Instead, he was thrown backwards. The siren wailed. I jammed my hands over my ears.

Then, I felt it again. The power pressed painfully against my skull, travelling slowly through my body, pounding against my skeleton like a bird, drowning in a heavy sea. Fear held me in fierce grip. I nearly cried out.

Then something ….overcame me. I was too tired to resist. My hands fell from my ears. I held out a shaking hand. A flash of gold, and my fingers enclosed around something heavy.

I stared at the wand in my hand, panting. Then I caught a reflection in the dark windows. Gold eyes glinted back at me. I gasped and dropped the wand. Jay stared at me from the ground, his jaw slack. Their eyes were all wide, nearly popping out from their heads.

I swallowed, trying to slow my breathing. They had seen. They had seen It all.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Tears threatened to spill over my cheeks. I wanted so badly to run. I longed to just go to Sam and Dean. I knew I could teleport, but I'd never done it intentionally, and I had to face this.

Before they could say a word, I turned away, hugging my body.
"Let's go…" I mumbled. This was going to be a long night.

I lead the way home for once; I couldn't bear to look at them. As I walked, I tried to ignore the ache of my throat. The sting of cold night air was a comfort. So I focused on the way the wind flew against my cheeks, tugged at my shirt, and toyed with the wisps of dark hair which collected around my ears. Anything to drown out their whispering. Probably about how they could be rid of me. They were scared. They'd be mad not to be.

They ignored me for the entire journey. Wait, maybe that was a lie. I ignored them, and they left me alone. Still, I secretly wished they'd try to talk to me. When we finally arrived, I half- rejoiced at the sight of the heavy oak doors. I was about to move, when Mal stopped me.

"What was that?" She asked.

I looked up wearily.
"Can we talk later… please? I'm tired (and afraid)," I said, pleading.

She was about to reply, but I turned again and found myself curled up underneath the covers, staring at the wall next to my bed. I settled under the warm weight of the blanket. I hadn't bothered hanging up my clothes- I had thrown them off and dressed quickly in the plaid shirt. Drawing the covers up to my chin, I sighed heavily.

Mal and Evie followed soon after, pattering across the room, busying themselves. Before long, we were all in bed. The room was cloaked in darkness, save for the comforting glow of my bedside lamp. Oddly, I was a little afraid of the dark. But then again, anything could jump out at any moment. I shifted. But that was the least of my worries.

Oh God. What had I done? I bit my lip, realising I couldn't hold it in any longer. Silent tears dribbled down my cheeks. I smushed my face into the pillows, my chest heaving with every sob, or muffled cry. My head swam with tears, melting and aching- raw- my forehead sticky, trying to stifle another gasp. I didn't realise I'd fallen asleep until it was too late.

The nightmare was always the same. Familiar red eyes, burning like coals in the dark. I always stepped backwards, but they'd never fade or seep into the darkness. In fact, they only glowed brighter. He emerged from the dark, first a head, leering at me, then an outstretched hand.
His face was twisted, distorted, but the eyes were always sharp, and they tracked me.
And then he grabbed my arm and the blood came back, and the screams ravaged my ears, the faces of torn men, women, screaming for me to just stop. Darla, from the grocery store, Mr Fluffers the cat, and a stream of nameless faces, their mouths stuck in constant pantomime of fear, wide popping eyes. Until I was screaming with them.

I jolted awake, still clawing at the sheets. Evie and Mal were at my side, bleary faces peering at me from the darkness. I heard Mal run to turn the lights on. Suddenly the room was lit with blinding light. I blinked, my vision blurred with spots.

"Are you okay?" Evie asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

I took a deep breath, and nodded. My eyes ached.

"You sure? You were screaming," Mal said, with a touch of concern beaded in her voice. It was kind of strange. They'd known me a day- less than a day. And even Mal seemed to care, even if it was just a little bit.

As I stretched my arms out, I shoved all thoughts of my nightmares, and my Father away. I shuddered, and cocooned myself once more.

"A bad dream..," I waved her away, swallowing, despite the ache.

"Mal, look at this," Evie said, her voice hushed to an urgent whisper. But I could hear her.

A wave of relief washed over me as Mal turned away. I tried to snuggle into bed again, but somehow, it felt wrong.

"How?..." Mal seemed confused.