Defective One

Chapter 1 Experiment

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Deep within the void of space the Horde armada was flying through space to conquer another group of planet. Aboard the Horde flagship known as the Velvet Glove the leader of the Horde, Horde Prime sat in his throne deep in thought. Prime had a massive army of drones and clones to serve him and aid him in his mission in conquering the universe and spreading his light and order through it. The clones were connected to a great and powerful hive mind, so Prime was able to transfer his command and will instantly to them and he could connect to his clones to see and speak through them, which made it easier to deal with enemies from great distances and deliver speeches to his loyal clones. Prime was also in the process of developing special microchips that could be attached to people's necks connecting them to the hive mind and allow Prime to take control them. The conquer took a little joy at the thought of crushing any foolish resistance with an army of it's own people. The chips would make the process of conquering the universe much quicker and efficient. Eventually everything would be connected and under Prime.

Prime stood up from his throne and decided to go for a little walk around his flagship. Clones stood in the hallway on guard duty and bowed to Prime as he passed them, glad to have a brief moment in his presence. Prime smiled at his clones behavior and their absolute devotion to him. The clones were a very affective army and there was very little chance of any of them turning against him. Prime entered one of the cloning labs on his ship and began to look through a fresh batch of clones growing in their pods. He stopped in front of one pod as he was struck by a little bit of inspiration for a little experiment. What if there was a clone that was capable of making decisions of their own without the reliance of Prime and the hive mind? Would it be capable of adapting to situations and coming up with strategies in the field of combat? If a clone could do that then they would become an affective officer and a valuable asset to the Horde. And if not they would simply parish or Prime would do away with them. It would be no serious loss, Prime could simply make more.

"Congratulations Little Brother, you have the honor of being my little experiment." Said Prime as he plugged the metallic tendrils into the pod and began to alter the clone's brain functions.

Prime also decided to make a few cosmetic changes for this particular clone to make it stand out from the rest of the clones. The clone was given blue hair, red eyes, red teeth, and red lips. Feeling satisfied with his work Prime disconnected his metallic tendrils from the pod and left the lab. It would be a few days before the clone wars ready to leave the pod. Unbeknownst to Prime, his tampering with the clone had created a genetic defect in clone's DNA. The computer system would normally pick up defects like this, but due to the tampering the clone registered as a different being and the defect wasn't picked up. The clone was going to be different from the rest of it's fellow clones, both mentally and eventually physically.

To be continued.