Chapter 5: Rewriting History
"Don't look so sad Maria, after all, you had no other options." Akita mused as the robots worked on the time tub. Maria was sitting in the corner of the abandoned factory they had rushed off to before going into the time stream. There was still a few calculations that Akita wanted to make, due to the fact that the time stream was already messed up.
"Now, are you certain that you'll be able to reverse the damages done by Maria?" Black Heron asked and Akita smirked.
"Yes, but if you really want to change things in your favor, I can make that happen, if you give me your Third Eye Diamond. With that, I can create an even more powerful army! The duck family will have no choice but to surrender to F.O.W.L!" Akita exclaimed boldly. Steelbeak and Black Heron seemed to consider it, but Maria jumped up in protest.
"No! You promised that you'd reverse the time stream and leave my parents and everyone else alone!" She cried but Akita chuckled and shook his head.
"Apologizes, but if there is a better option, I will take it." He said simply and stood over Maria.
"You may remember your parents stories that they told you, but I have lived through it. And with the time tub I can do this thousands of times if I wanted to! So enjoy these last moments you have, one I'm done, you won't even remember this." Akita growled and walked away. Maria looked down in shame, feeling so useless and he was right, he knew most of the actual details about his past and she...
Maria's heeds then shot up in realization and turned to the time tub and there was a gleam in her eyes.
"The stories..." She murmured, getting an idea.
Fenton was in the Gizmoduck suit and surrounded by most of the McDuck family as he wheeled towards an abandoned factory. Thanks to Gyro's device that they used to find Maria the first time, they figured out where she and the future Akita were. Though they didn't know how long they had until they became lost to time. He clutched Maria's bracelets and necklace. Hopeful that he could get them to her in time. Gandra then walked over to him and gave him a nudge.
"Hey Suit?" She asked. He turned to her and noticed she had a worried expression.
"What's wrong?" Fenton asked, lifting his visor up so she could look into his eyes. Gandra sighed and rubbed her arms nervously.
"Look, I don't know whats going to happen...worst case scenario we lose, the time stream gets reset, and I'm back to working for F.O.W.L..."
"Gandra, don't talk like that. We're gonna win, I know we will!" Fenton said, stopping and placing both hands on her shoulders.
"It's not that simple, we don't know exactly what will happen when the Third Eye Diamond gets destroyed, and maybe time will I just wanted to do this just incase I won't be able to..." Gandra said and trailed off.
"Gandra wha...?" Fenton was cut off by Gandra grabbing his face and kissing him on the beak with her eyes squeezed shut. Fenton barely got enough time to react and she pulled away quickly.
"Don't say anything...just incase." She muttered and quickly walked towards the front of the crowd.
"Webby, please tell me you got that." Huey whispered, having seen the whole thing.
"" Webby admitted and Huey looked down is slight despair and Scrooge called over to them.
"Careful everyone, we're here." He announced and everyone looked over to the old factory and they looked down at it. Nothing seemed to be happening at first. That, and they was a hill behind it so if the F.O.W.L agents attempted to attack, there would not be much cover for them. Della then cleared her throat.
"Okay, so what's our next...?"
The roof of the factory was blown clean off along with the walls, revealing Akita, Steelbeak, Black Heron and Maria, who were all shocked and still. Right above the Time Tub was a swirling vortex with lightening shooting out of it.
"...move." Della finished.
"Is that a Timephoon?" Louie asked in a mix of disbelief and horror.
"Yes, but it appears much don't think." Gyro paused and gasped. "An artificial one, there must have been a button on the time tub that could make one."
"Who would be stupid enough to create a Timephoon?" Huey asked.
"No wait, it makes sense. This is the perfect distraction!" Louie countered.
"Whatever it is, let's go before those freaks hurt my grand-baby!" Officer Cabrera cried and rushed down and the rest of the group quickly joined her.
Maria gasped in awe as the Timephoon became much stronger and noticed that the Third Eye Diamonds we're unattended and quickly rushed over and managed to snatch one but, Akita grabbed the other one.
"Nice try, now hand over the other one!" He demanded and Maria clutched it to her chest and glared.
"Very well." Akita said and suddenly a flash appeared before him and a figure appeared that was wearing wild west attire and a Sheriffs badge.
"Whoa there, now what is going on here?" He questioned and Maria's jaw dropped.
"Great-Grandfather Marshall?" She gasped, knowing there was probably a few more 'greats' in there, but couldn't recall how many at the moment.
"Huh, well hello there young lady. May I ask where I am?" He greeted, tipping his hat and Maria could barely make out words before Akita shoved him aside.
"Out of my way!" He cried and attempted to garb Maria again, but Sheriff Marshall stood in his path.
"Hold it right there, no little girl is getting hurt on my watch!" Marshall declared and Maria quickly ran off as her future parents and their friends rushed over.
"Curse me Kilts, Sheriff Marshall?!" Scrooge gasped and he waved.
"Oh, Scrooge McDuck! Good to see you!" Marshall cried and another flash appeared and several other figures were surrounding Maria.
"Huh, General Washington? Where are we?" A duck asked in confusion.
"I'm not sure Hamilton...this is an unusual situation." George Washington replied and the other ducks took out rifles and pointed them at the two Founding Fathers.
"Get them!" They cried and Maria quickly rushed away from the right and Huey gasped excitedly.
"Wow! George Washington and Alexander Hamilton in the same place! This is awesome!" He cried.
"How many people are going to get sent to our time!?" Della questioned as another appeared.
" this is strange." The duck in a lab coat mused while rubbing his beak.
"Ludwig von Drake!" Scrooge gasped.
"Seriously?! How many people are going to come out of that thing?" Black Heron cried and aimed her arm at him, only for Beakley to tackle her down.
"I'm not going to let you get away so easily this time!" She declared and Steelbeak noticed that Maria was heading to a staircase that managed to stay standing.
"Oh no you don't!" He cried and rushed towards her, only to be hot in the side by Gizmoduck. He groaned and got into a defensive position.
"Robots, get Maria!" Steelbeak ordered and every robot turned to Maria and rushed over to her.
"NO!" Everyone cried out in horror. Akita smirked, but it faded as soon as Gandra punched him square in the jaw, forcing him to drop the Third Eye Diamond and Officer Cabrera grabbed it.
"Scrooge, catch!" She cried and Scrooge was quick to catch the diamond and Akita growled as he rubbed his jaw.
"Robots, get the Third Eye Diamonds and don't destroy them!" He ordered. Another flash then appeared and it was by Maria, she looked up and gasped as her eyes widened in admiration.
"Isabella Finch!?" She gasped.
"Um...yes. And who might you be?" She asked, before Maria could answer several of the robots surrounded them.
"Uh, long story and I don't have time to go into the details...but I need to destroy the Third Eye Diamond! My future depends on it!" Maria explained and Isabella looked at the diamond and noticed the copy in Scrooge's hand.
"Let me guess, time travel?" She asked.
"How do you..."
"I've had an interesting life." The original Woodchuck explained and was quick to side kick a robot and turned to Maria.
"I'll get the other diamond! You figure out a way to destroy the one you have!" She cried and rushed over to Scrooge.
"Hey! Over here!" She cried, waving her arms. Scrooge tossed the diamond, but Akita saw this and shoved her to the side and snatched the diamond.
"No more games!" He declared, only for Boyd to fly with his jet feet and slammed into his creator's chest, causing Akita to wheeze and drop the diamond. Boyd then tried to crush the diamond in his hands, only to find that the diamond did not even crack under his iron grip.
"What? But how?" He asked and Huey thought for a moment.
"The time stream is all out of wack, so if this is the future Third Eye Diamond then it can't be destroyed unless the one Maria is holding is destroyed." He explained and paused for a moment.
"WHY IS TIME TRAVEL SO COMPLICATED!?" Huey exclaimed, gripping his head as his own explanation confused even him.
Meanwhile Akita had realized that Maria was holding the current Third Eye Diamond and quickly rushed over to her, only for another flash to appear and an angry looking cave Duck now stood in front of him.
"BUBBA!" He cried and used his club to hit Akita in the head. Apparently he just needs to look at someone to tell if they are bad news. Maria looked around frantically and noticed a fallen piece of metal and gripped the diamond tightly and rushed over to it.
"No stop her!" Akita cried, but the Duck Family managed to hold off the remaining robots. Though Akita slipped past them and was about to grab Maria, but she picked up the piece of metal and held it above her head.
"This is for my family!" She cried and slammed the metal down on the diamond, causing a blast to course through entire area. As soon as the light touched the robots and past figures, they vanished.
"NOOOOOOOO! YOU FOOL!" Akita yelled and everyone else cheered.
"Yes! We did it! In your face 'inevitable future'!" Della cried and they all laughed as Fenton removed his suit. Suddenly a loud clank was heard and he froze and turned to see Maria had dropped the metal scrap and collapsed on the ground.
"Maria!" He cried and rushed over to her with Gandra and his mom not far behind. He quickly leaned over her and attempted to pat her head, only to his hand to go through it.
"W-what?" He gasped and noticed that Akita was in a similar situation. "What's going on!?"
"The future where Akita took over no longer exists, so neither do I." Maria explained and clutched her chest as she became more translucent.
"No...nononononono NO! This can't be happening! You can't just die!" Fenton cried and Boyd rushed over.
"Isn't there anything we can do?" He asked hopefully and Maria shook her head.
"No...there isn't. My future, is no longer a reality." She said simply and tears streamed down her face and she closed her eyes. "I'm weren't supposed to even see me!"
", don't say that. I'm glad I got to meet you." Gandra said sincerely.
"But I..."
"Ssh, just rest sweetie." Officer Cabrera hushed and Maria smiled softly and Fenton reached out his hand and it hovered over hers. Maria gave a soft smile as Akita let out an enraged roar as he disappeared. No one really cared, as they were focused on Maria and those with hats removed them as they watched sadly.
"I love you guys, and I would do this all again for you." She said and closed her eyes as she vanished into the air, along with the bracelets and necklace that her father was holding. Fenton felt himself collapse in grief as he sobbed softly. Gandra wrapped her arms around him, trying to keep her own tears from falling.
Everyone else lowered their heads.
Fenton was walking home and had a decent day at work today, however a tonight was nagging in the back of his head. Gandra has texted him a few hours ago that she wanted to talk and when he asked what about she didn't respond.
So either he was in trouble, or there was something very serious.
Once he arrived he opened the door to see Granda setting the table and the smell of pasta came to his senses.
"Gandra?" He asked and she turned towards him and smirked.
"Hey suit, welcome home." She greeted. "Hope you're hungry cause I made dinner! And yes I'm surprised that I managed to make this without burning your house down."
The two laughed at that and Fenton smiled softly, but it faded when he saw the look in her eyes. It was as if she was afraid of something and he walked over to her and calmly wrapped his arms around her.
"Hey, Gandra what's wrong?" He asked and she sighed before looking up at him.
"I've been thinking...about Maria..." She admitted and Fenton tensed up.
It had been 2 weeks since she had vanished from existence and it was not an easy topic to bring up. By rewriting the future, she didn't exactly die, but she wasn't really alive anymore either. It was difficult to comprehend and Fenton struggled to adjust to this idea of a future that may or may not be possible. The silence was then making Gandra regret bringing up the topic.
"Sorry, forget it. I shouldn't have brought it up." She said, breaking away from his hug and looked away as she gripped her shoulders.
"'s not that, I just...I just didn't expect it. Listen, I know it was...interesting, to learn about a future that is a possibility, but if there's something you want to talk about..." Fenton was then cut off by Gandra turning around.
"It's not just that...I...I want that to be our future." She admitted and Fenton's eyes widened.
"You...what?" He gasped.
"I know it seems selfish, but meeting Maria and seeing those memories from Texter...I...I liked that idea. You and me, being together...but I was so scared that if I told you that after'd just think it was just to meet Maria and nothing more, but that isn't just the reason!" Gandra insisted and took a deep breath.
"I'm not ready to settle down, not yet, but I've never felt this was about someone before...and...ugh, I've never done stuff like this before. I'm making this weird huh?" She let out a slight chuckle, but then frown and Fenton then gave a soft smile and wrapped his arms around her in a hug.
"It's okay Gandra, I get it. And...I'm willing to wait until we both are ready." He said and Gandra gave a gentle smile and hugged him as well.
"Thanks suit. That means a lot. Sorry I made it weird."
"Don't be, I get it." He chuckled and the two laughed and pulled slightly apart and looked at one another with a sincere smile. Fenton's eyes sparkled and Gandra laughed.
"What?" She asked.
"I love you."
Gandra's eyes widened, not from horror, but from just plain surprise. She took a few breaths as she realized that Fenton was not joking, he was telling her right now. Well, all she needed to do was respond.
"I love you too."
And the two pulled into a kiss, ready to face their future together.
I wanted to give you guys a nice chapter. I hope you liked the ending...
SIKE! There's gonna be an epilogue, it probably won't be long, but there's a little more of this story I want to get out.
I hope Maria's death wasn't too sad...there was a plot I had in mind where reality would go back to canon and everyone would forget everything that happened in this story.
I don't think you guys would have forgiven me for pulling that one.
Anyway, since there is still one more chapter, please leave a review! I want to see your thoughts on everything. And hope you enjoyed the cameo's of the famous Ducks that appeared. Originally there was gonna be a lot more, but I restrained myself since I wanted to get right to the point.
(I suck at writing action scenes with a lot of people, or ducks in this case.)
Can't wait for the final chapter! Please review! Now let's look at last chapter's reviews!
puppydogs68: I made up that line on the spot! Sorry about Texter, I do like him and Maria, promise!
Guest: I'd like to say things did turn our alright. As for who I ship, I'm flexible, but what I really like is Dewey x Webby, Louie x Lena, and Huey x Violet. I like them and think they are all really cute. As for Maria's're gonna have to wait a little. ;)
Ambi semi-nerd (Guest): Ohmygosh! Your review was so sweet and made my day! Thank you so much! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter