Chapter 4.5

She gave him time to think, quite frankly he was still too stumped by the turn of events. He couldn't even bother to tease Potter when the Dementors made him faint for a second time. Honestly, he feels like fainting himself. He still checks the map from time to time. It seems, she too ceased exploring hidden chambers. There was still two or three of her running about Hogwarts, and he chuckled at the fact Hermione was literally studying in the library and sleeping in her dorm at the same time.

He's gotten to admire her dedication, her schoolwork was still refined beyond extraordinary, however it was now obvious she's holding out her true potential. Nobody knows she's a Parseltongue, even if the bumbling duo knows of her snake. He wonders what else she has to hide.

Aside from her exemplary schoolwork, Draco had always found her intriguing. Ever since settling his freshman eyes on her petite form with that cascading river of curls and chipmunk like smile, she always seem to be in his periphery, and he can't stop looking. Hard not to actually, especially on their first year when she waves her hand frantically. She was a walking conundrum, like – a riddle. And as he stare at one of her floating names on the map, Draco saw something else. Something that perhaps, Hermione won't need his blood after all, and he could not wait to tell her what he's found. For all that feeling of trepidation and uncertainty, Draco is still all too willing to fall down the rabbit hole with his Alice. He learned that one from one of her books. Terrifying those muggle stories, even a children one at that.

"You found him? Along the edge of the forest?"

"Yes Hermione, the map did show me..." But she cuts him off with a sharp look.

"Need I remind you Draco that the last time we've both been in the forest. I ended up in the infirmary."

"It's not like that, obviously we will not charge like Gryffindors." He rolled his eyes. She could be quite the drama queen.

"I am a Gryffindor Draco." She deadpans.

"Well you're bad at it. All this secrecy and snooping says otherwise. Besides, you're not valiant enough nor gallant enough to be one."


"Hermione, you wanted to use my blood. Salazar knows how much you'd need. Not to mention the ritual part you wanted from the mass murderer." Oh. Well, he's not incorrect. She did almost need a gallon for all the trial and error she was about to do, but she was willing to provide him a blood replenishing potion!

She scowled at his all too knowing look and snatched the parchment from him, but he was too fast for her tiny thieving hands.

"How is he doing that?" She said, her question drifts them from the incoming fit they were about to have.

"He disappeared again! Is he going inside some unknown chamber like you?" Their heads huddled close, eyes focused on the map.

"I highly doubt that." She looks pensive for a second before talking again. "I have a theory, but I need to borrow the map first." She tried to snatch the map again, but Draco stretched his arm upward away from her grabby little hands. Narrowing his eyes at the witch in annoyance, he knows once she borrows the map he'll be left behind. No way, he won't let Alice explore on her own.

"How about this." He tries to negotiate. She's still jumping for the map and he's stretching even more. Cute little witch, forgetting to use magic on him. "We both test that theory of yours and we BOTH fall down the rabbit hole?"

"What?" She stopped harassing his person and blinked owlishly at him.

"I'm not giving my map Granger. I found it first!" Still, he was not deterred by her puppy like eyes.

"Fine! You'll sit with me in Transfiguration." She huffs in annoyance.

And so the new duo, despite having a TimeTurner, arrived to class at the last-minute, "forced" to sit down beside each other.

'Sorry Harry.' She thought. The poor guy sending them confused looks, and Ron, the predictable boy he is, can't stop scowling at the blonde beside her. They're in for an incoming feud, and she'd bet Lil Alfalfa they'll blame Draco. Ah, the perks of being the Ms. Know-it-all, incapable of breaking rules.

When she asks Professor McGonagall, sweetly of course, to turn herself into a cat, the professor was all to willing for a little show and tell. And there you have it! Theory proven, the map cannot detect an Animagus.

She wonders what Sirius could be. The mass murderer could be any given forest animal, one that can survive among the Forbidden Forest's creatures. She lists off most of the creatures listed in Hogwarts A History, and it was well-nigh impossible that the escaped convict could be a magical creature. So no, not the rampaging Hippogriff next to Hagrid's hut, definitely not among the Thestrals near the school's stables. That's leave it to something ordinary.

"Draco… latin for dragon. Right?"

"Mhmm.." He distractedly said. He was trying to balance an apple on one hand and a book on the other, not really paying attention to the witch. Honestly he was quite content where they are, their counterpart was in Potions and they are now under a tree by the lake while their schoolmates are none the wiser.

"Why is that though? Are your parents fond of dragons."

"Yes.. and no. I was named after a constellation, a Black Family tradition."

"But your mother is named after a flower."

"Technically her name is taken from a part of Greek Mythology. The female version of Narcissus."

"Oh… is she narcissistic then?" The boy just glares at her.

After a few more peaceful moments, "The brightest star visible from any part of Earth is Sirius in the constellation Canis Major" she voiced out her musings.

"Yes, and your point is." He said, still reading from his book while biting into an apple.

"Canis Major, the Dog Star… a dog Draco! We're looking for a Dog Animagus."

Well, that's it then. Theory debunked.

"Hermione, is it true you're spending time with Malfoy?"

"WHAT! Why would you spend time with Malfoy, Herms?- Aaahh! Harry! Heelp!" The two didn't even look back at their friend, his nose turning purple spreading outwards his face and down his neck. He looked like a blueberry, it was not cute at all.

"Malfoy's not that bad Harry. At least he's interested in cross referencing our essays and he actually like most literature that I read in the library. Besides, he's rather fascinated with my flash cards and even made his own!"

"Ohhh!" Harry gasped. "Are you telling me he's a nerd like you?" He said with a grin.

"Yes Harry. Malfoy's a nerd." The two laughed along the corridors ignoring their protesting friend behind them.

"What's a nerd?" The blueberry asked, trailing after his friends.

AN: Hi just fare warning. This is a dark story that will have horrifying scenes in it. Not in the next few chapters but soon. Hermione and Draco are both OOC, truly truly ooc and their romantic relationship will not be explored soon.