Kusuo Saiki POV

My name is Kusuo Saiki. I am an average high school student with supernatural powers. I attend PK academy, a school that attracts an ungodly amount of exchange students.

There has been Reita Toritsuka, a psychic medium, Aren Kuboyasu, a former gang leader, Metori Saiki, a selfish rich kid, and Mikoto Aiura, a seer of sorts. I don't think there's any more, but I don't care enough to check.

One particularly blissful, uneventful day, there was an exchange student.

Just great.

Rumour has it, she's a girl, and a cute one, at that. Isn't that lovely.

I would rather not listen to rumours, but I have no choice. I can read everyone's mind within a 200 meter radius.

The teacher came in, with a scowling student trailing her.

I was shocked.

She was pale with blue-grey hair, covering one of her teal eyes, and a light blush, but that's not what surprised me. What surprised me is that…

She was NORMAL, even though she had the same antennae that I had, as well as black glasses and a choker of the same color. And she was wearing pants. All of the girls wore skirts, but… eh.

Still scowling, she wrote down her name.

Chimei Tekina. Sounds cute.

"Well, Tekina, you can sit behind Takahashi, the boy with green hair." The teacher said. I'm pretty sure nobody knows her name.

We did our subjects, and went home for the day. Tekina somehow went without talking the whole day, even though many boys were flirting with her.

Outside school, Tekina seemed to be waiting for someone.

It was going great until Teruhashi decided to be friends. Guess how that worked.

"Hello, Tekina, right?" Asked Teruhashi. Tekina nodded her greeting.

"My name is Kokomi Teruhashi. Would you like to come to my house today?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. Ever." Tekina said simply, and walked away to lean against another wall.

B-but… HOW!? Teruhashi screamed in her thoughts. I have never been… maybe she's having a bad day. Should I cheer her up? No, no you should not.

Well, completely disobeying my willpower, she walked right on over to Tekina, who pursed her lips and thought didn't I blow you off already?

"You seem kind of sad-" Teruhashi began.

"It's my face. What, has nobody ignored you before? Wow." Tekina interrupted. Teruhashi froze at her tone, which droned on. Not unlike mine, actually.

"I… erm… well… I… you see…"

Tekina only childishly blew a raspberry and walked away to another wall.

I have never seen anybody's likability so low.

Huh. These idiots just don't get it, do they. They leave me alone, I leave them alone.

Anyone who was absent that day would have probably thought she was mute or something, because she never talked.

I didn't get the privilege of seeing Teruhashi so disgruntled again. Tekina was completely left alone for the next few days. I was jealous.

My annoying friends pestered me this way and that.

I have never wanted to switch places with someone more in my life.

Chimei Tekina POV

I am a dandere.

That's the only way I feel I can accurately describe myself.

Dandere: completely antisocial until alone with the right person.

I am not locking myself in a broom closet again.

Blowing off Teruhashi… I'm pretty sure that was a reflex. I don't care that she's pretty. Teruhashi, I mean.

She acts so perfect.


She is not nice. She's so… annoying.

For the next two days, I was ignored.

If you count glaring at someone ignoring, which I do.

Beggars can't be choosers.

If I had wanted to be ignored, I would have just killed everyone on earth. Wouldn't have been too hard.

I am psychic. Sort of.

I have kinetic powers. They are:

Aurakinesis (aura)

Azure-pyrokinesis (blue fire)

Difficultaskinesis (difficulty)

Gyrokinesis (gravity)

Haemokinesis (blood)

Necrokinesis (dead)

Odynokinesis (pain)

Pathokinesis (emotion)

Toxikinesis (poison)

Toxi-pyrokinesis (poisonous fire)

Typhokinesis (smoke)

Most of these are dark, and can be easily used to kill someone.

I wear antennae to almost completely nullify my emotions, which are the main cause of my powers. Other than willpower. Obviously.

Well, I was walking to class, when I bumped into someone. My first reaction was KILL THEM but I realized it was Saiki. I nodded. He did, too.

Oh, I forgot a power. Psycho-telepathy.

I can read any psychic's mind.

Oh no… Nendo's coming. Good grief. That voice was flat and deadpan. I stared at Saiki with widened eyes. Why is she looking at me like that?

I blinked.

Well okay then. Saiki's a psychic. That certainly changes things. I thought.

Saiki looked at me, bewildered.

-Nendo got lost because plot-

While I tried to form a decent thought, one appeared for me, though not mine.

How the FRICK do you know that?

I bit my lip. My thoughts betrayed me.

Psycho-telepathy I read psychic's minds PLEASE DON'T KILL ME.

I failed to mention that I can hypothetically control his mind. If I… you know what, nope.

Meet me on the roof.

Okay. Please don't assassinate me.


After that… pleasant encounter, I went to gym class, though I don't remember much of it. My memories of things I don't particularly care for are like water through a paper. Soggy. Blurred.

I remember Saiki getting hit in the face with a basketball. I actually almost smiled. Then quickly scowled. I have a reputation to uphold.

After that, because for some reason gym was the last class of the day, I went to meet Saiki on the rooftop. I was early, so I watched an anime, The Seven Deadly Sins, on my phone. I watched one episode before he got here. I scowled at him.

"What are you watching?" Saiki asked telepathically. I showed him the phone.

My second favorite anime. I thought. Other than My Hero Academia, but I don't have hulu on here.

He sat down next to me.

"What the frick are you doing?" I asked, though there were some… colorful profanities being screamed in my head.


"No shite, Sherlock." I snapped irritably, though, he must not know, I was oddly comforted by the unneeded guesture.

"It was not unneeded." The curses I said would have made anyone within earshot bleed from the ears. Both because of my curses, and that I control blood and the cause of my powers are emotions.

"What powers do you have?" Saiki asked. I answered, oddly enough.

After the long list, I asked "what are yours?"

That was a mistake.

"Pyrokinisis, levitation, telepathy, blablabla bla BLAAAA superpowers BLAA BLABLAblablablaBLA teleportation BLA..." I tuned him out involentarily. Until he said "teleportation."

"What… ? You can teleport!?" I asked. Bored for most, excited for me.

He nodded.

Usually I'm a dandere, but when your crush- AQUAINTANCE- says they can teleport…

Casually, at that…

Nope nope nope.

I think I fainted, because I know that I didn't teleport to my room, and Saiki's sitting there. Stalker.

"Am not."

"What happened?" I asked. Saiki shook his head.

"You… said 'nice' and… fell asleep? I guess. But… you wouldn't wake up. So I brought you here." He said, blushing cutely. No. Not cutely. Ugly… ly.

"Gee. Thanks."

My room was an odd place. It had a neat bed, a wooden desk with a notebook and a tin full of random stuff on it, and a few posters of surprisingly dark animes on the grey walls.

"Nice place you've got here." Saiki commented dryly.

"Shut your trap."

We talked for a bit before I remembered that I am a dandere. Stop being so nice!

I didn't stop being nice.

Saiki eventually left, and I was left with my thoughts. So I sang a nice song.

"There's a darkness upon me that's flooded in light

In the fine print it tells me what's wrong and what's right

And it comes in black and it comes in white and I'm frightened by those who don't see it.

When nothing is owed or deserved or expected

When your life doesn't change by the man that's elected

If you're loved by someone, your never rejected

Decide what to be and go be it.

There was a dream

And one day I could see it

Like a bird in a cage, I broke in and demanded that somebody free it

And there was a kid

With a head full of doubt

So I'll scream till I die and the last of those bad thoughts are finally out."

Little did I know, a certain pink-haired psychic was listening.

Kusuo Saiki POV

What do I think of Chimei Tekina? I thought.

Psychic, powerful, dandere, maybe friendly?

And then me…

Psychic, powerful, kuudere, maybe friendly?

Our only difference is that she hates attention more than I do.

Kuudere is "acts cool and unemotional but shows sweetness later on."

Dandere is "acts antisocial and doesn't talk to anyone until the right person shows up."

I think I just died then.

Tekina said she was a dandere.

She talked to me.

She is a dandere.

Connect the dots.

She… likes me.

I didn't understand why I was so flustered.

I never understood romance.

Chimei Tekina POV

I never understood romance.

It's… strange. The definition of love is "an intense feeling of deep affection," but the definition of romance is "a feeling of excitement and misery associated with love."


Why do people risk it all?

Why are people so naiive as to fall for someone, and not SAY SOMETHING!?

Now I understand. Fear of rejection.

Or just inexplainable embarrassment.

In anime, the tsundere often is awkward around their crush.

It's odd, because they say real life isn't like anime, though the only reason I understand emotions is through it.

I don't know what to think.



Oh shite…

Valentine's day is tomorrow.

I'm. Going. To. Die.

Kusuo Saiki POV

At school, there was a buzz in the air. Today was Valentine's day. The day I usually hate most.

I sat at my desk. When I reached for my book, I felt something.

It was a gift card for my favorite cafe.

With a sticky note.

It said in neat handwriting:


I found this and I thought you should have it.

It's not because I like you or anything.

Why would I, you're annoying?


-Chimei Tekina. :P

I blushed. Tsunderic little…

Cute, though. I thought, looking over at her.

She tapped "F. U." In Morse code with her foot. She also telepathically screamed it at me.

Something like

"WHAT THE HECK YOU PERV I WILL MURDER YOU WHY ARE YOU EVEN BLUSHING I SAID I DIDN'T LIKE YOU STOP BLUSHING HOLY HECK YOU LITTLE-" her rant was littered with curse words, and a large string on the end.

A week after that, I didn't talk to Tekina, I had cheap coffee jelly, and I was wondering how she knew this was my favorite cafe.

well I'm writing this at four in the morning so yeah. Saiki x OC. Original, I know. It's probably bad, it'll be better. Unless it's actually good, then it won't get better.


PS Chimei Tekina means fatal I think. You'll soon find out why -MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA-