Chapter 1

'Father, can I talk to you about what options I have for study next year?'

Adrien was in the final year of school, eighteen years old and was churning over in his mind what he might want to pursue as a future career.

'Certainly, Adrien,' said Gabriel. 'You will be studying business in order to be ready to join me in the company. Obviously you will have to study part time so that it doesn't interfere with your modelling. It has all been arranged.'

Adrien froze in horror. He stared at his father, struck dumb with shock.

'I-it has been arranged?' he eventually managed. ' were never going to ask me what I wanted to do?'

'Your part in the company has been planned since you were born, son, I thought you knew that.'

Gabriel didn't even turn to look at Adrien. He continued to stand with his back to his son, facing out of the window.

Something inside Adrien snapped. His face grew dark. His voice was calm and low.

'I did not know that. It's very good of you to inform me that what I might or might not have wanted to do with the rest of my life doesn't even begin to matter to you.'

'Adrien, I know what is best...' began Gabriel sternly as he turned to face Adrien, his expression cold and unyielding.

'No!' interrupted Adrien, his voice raising with emotion. 'It's always been what you want to do. You've never considered what I might want to do, never cared that I might hate everything you make me do, just as long as it gives everyone else the right impression of what we are. It's exhausting spending my whole life pretending to be the son you want me to be. Knowing that who I really am will never be good enough for you. I don't think you even think of me as a person. I'm just a commodity. Property of Agreste Fashions to be wheeled out and made to perform like some kind of puppet. I've had enough. I don't want any of this any more. I'm leaving. I'm living my own life.'

The emotion on Gabriel's face transitioned from stunned surprise into fury as Adrien walked towards the door.

'If you walk out of that door you will never come back again. You will never model again. You will be finished. Nothing.'

Adrien stopped and looked over his shoulder.

'Yeh, that's kind of the idea.'

Adrien kept walking until he was alone in a side alley. He sank onto the floor.

'Wow,' said Plagg, floating out of Adrien's shirt. 'Are you ok?'

'Yeh. I needed to say that to him. I should have said it a long time ago.'

'So, what are you going to do now?'

'Don't know.' Adrien smiled. 'But...I like that. I've never not known what I'm going to do before. I'm going to enjoy it for a while.'

He spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Paris and eating ice cream from Andre's famous cart. He could eat what he liked now that he wouldn't be on his stupid model diet that always left him wanting more. The thought of food made his mind wander to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. He smiled and turned to walk in its direction.

It was getting dark by the time he reached it and the shop was closed. He looked up at the building and couldn't see any lights on.

They must have gone out, Adrien thought to himself.

He remembered suddenly that today was Marinette's birthday. They probably went out to dinner somewhere to celebrate.


The image in his mind of his schoolfriend made Adrien smile. His hand ran behind his neck as his thoughts lingered on Marinette.

Well, if he wasn't to have any croissants, he might as well look for somewhere to sleep for the night. He only had a small amount of cash on him so a hotel was out. His father never permitted him to have a bank account of his own so Adrien knew he was going to have to find a job of some kind, too, if he wasn't going to end having to go crawling back home. He could never do that.

He thought of Nino's place. He knew that his best friend would be more than happy to let him crash with him for a couple of nights, but he didn't feel much like company at the moment. Not until he thought things through properly. There was also the possibility that if his father started to look for him, Nino would most likely be the first port of call and he definitely didn't want to be found right now. He would have to find somewhere to sneak into. Like an alley cat.

He found a quiet corner behind a shop.

'Plagg, claws out!'

Chat Noir explored the rooftops of Paris looking for somewhere he could crash for tonight before figuring out what the hell he was going to do with the rest of his life tomorrow. He was in a district of Paris that he wasn't very familiar with. There were a lot of clubs and small theatres. He could hear revellers calling and laughing in the streets below as they went to and from their evenings entertainment. Along the rooftop ahead he noticed an attic window open and looked cautiously inside. It was dark, but Chat could see large objects under sheets and boxes stacked against a wall. He glanced to the other side of the room and noticed a pile of four old mattresses. This would do. Just for the night. He climbed through the window and de-transformed.

He fed Plagg a piece of camembert from his shirt and lay back on the pile of mattresses looking out of the window. He could see the moon, full and shining. He stared at it for a long time, his mind a blank as he became almost mesmerised by the quiet, peaceful light. He had never really looked at it properly before and he found it very restful. Plagg, sensing that his master needed to be left to his own thoughts, curled up to sleep next to him.

The sound of footsteps coming towards the door of the attic room and the door handle turning snapped him out of his trance. He realised too late that he didn't have time to hide as the door opened and the middle aged woman in a long black dress who entered the room was startled when Adrien scrambled to his feet.

'I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break in.' He spoke in a rush, holding out his hands. 'I saw an open window and thought I might sleep here for the night and look for something more permanent in the morning. I... I kind of have nowhere else to go.' He ran his hand around the nape of his neck as he looked down at the floor, downcast. The sad expression on his face sparked pity in the woman.

She smiled.

'It's ok. I actually have a spare room if you want something more comfortable. You don't seem like a crazed maniac, so I'll take the chance.'

And not unattractive, either, she thought to herself.

'Seriously? That would be awesome.' Adrien's face lit up, then suddenly faded again. 'I, er, can't pay you anything in return. I don't have any money or a situation is kind of spur of the moment.'

'We can talk about it in the morning. You look like you could do with something to eat and then a good night's sleep. My name is Carmen,' smiled the woman, offering a hand to shake.

Adrien paused. He wasn't sure if he wanted to give his name in return. She hadn't shown any signs that she recognised him, but he didn't want to take the risk of the association by giving his real name. He thought quickly.

"Luka,' he said as he offered his hand in return.

'Welcome to The Paradise, Luka,' Carmen smiled.