Inspiration: Devil May Cry 5

Tigures were seen stumbling in a dark place. One of them had a cane and it's tapping was heard echoing."The truth is, I wanted to be protected and loved..." said a limping Vernal.

"Ok it seems were starting strong." said Blake.

"Hey it's that girl Verbal." said Nora.

"I think her name was Vernal."

"Are you sure."

"But I was alone and my only choice was to survive." her breath was heavy. Yang was giving her support but she was also out of breath.

"I wonder what happened that made her so weak." said Yang.

"Maybe the two of them were ambushed." suggested Ruby.

"They don't seem injured so that can't be it."

Vernal then collapsed. "V, you gotta rest." said a concerned Yang.

"So the other one is me." said Yang.

"Why is it so dark?" asked Ruby.

"Maybe they're underground." suggested Pyrrha.

"Yang..." said Vernal as she slowly got back to her feet. "I will tell you...everything. There is no demon named Urizen."

"So we got demons again." noted Qrow

"What kind of name is Urizen?" said Weiss.

"Kinda sounds like 'your reason'." Yang said.

"Only a woman who threw away her humanity in an endless pursuit of power. She is Qrow's older sister."

Groans were heard from the Beacon staff

Qrow facepalmed."Damn it Raven what did you do now."

"It can't be that bad." said Pyrrha.

"You wouldn't know this Pyrrha but when Qrow's sister is involved nothing goes well." said Jaune.

"Qrow's older sister?"

"Yang doesn't know her ?" asked Ruby.

"It could be possible that they never met in this universe." said Oobleck.

"Or it could be a different person entirely. After all we were told we might find ourselves related to different people. " added Port.

"Yes, and her name is Raven."

"Nevermind it's the same person." said Port.

The setting changes to a place in broad daylight. We are then shown a large field. Qrow then drops from the sky. He was dressed in a long red faded jacket and black leather pants. On his face was the beginning of a beard.

"Where did he come from?" asked Glynda.

"I think he dropped from something but theres nothing in the sky." said Ironwood.

Qrow looked around before he spotted a large figure wrapped in vines. It stood under a large tree that had a single red fruit that was dripping blood.

"What the hell is that thing?" asked Yang.

"It looks like a... tree?" said Ren.

"I think this is that Urizen we heard about." said Oscar

"So your saying that thing is Raven?" asked Pyrrha.


"Raven..." Qrow whispered to himself.

Qrow got back to his this time in a more confident tone said. "Hey, is that the damn fruit you've been jabbering about, it doesn't look so special to me."The creature ignored him as it patiently stared at the fruit.

"Well that's just rude." said Ruby.

"That's Raven alright, a personality as gentle as sandpaper." said Qrow.

Qrow was a little dissapointed by but he kept his demeanour. "Yup, this where it all started. That day mother saved me and left you behind."Qrow's tone changed to a slightly angry one. "The thing you don't know is,she tried to save you too, she kept searching and searching... till it killed her."

"That escalated quickly." said Blake.

The creature finally spoke in a deep booming voice. "I have no recollection of this tale, or this place."

"Cold and uncaring, she must have been fun to have at parties." said Blake sarcastically.

"Hello pot meet kettle." responds Ren.

"It's all an illusion, created by this extraordinary fruit." it says as it reaches for the fruit. "It's power you see, is all I ever wanted, and with this..." she then picks the fruit from the tree.

"Somethings never change, even in other worlds." says Glynda.

"Makes you wonder, if her thirst for power will ever be satisfied." adds Ironwood.

"Probably not." says Qrow.

"No..." yelled Qrow as he ran towards the creature.

"I will have everything!" it says as it eats the fruit. The vines surrounding Urizen begin to fall of and the tree scatters to dust.

"That can't be good." says Jaune.

"It just dropped it's vines, it can't be that bad." says Oscar.

"No sister, you don't have everything. That last shred of humanity you still had? You just lost it!"

Urizen's skin begins to crumble as several yellow eyes open up. Teeth like protrusions appear all over its skin."That is nothing but the pitiful cries of those without strength."

"Here we go again with the 'survival of the fittest' talk again." said Qrow as he rolled his eyes.

"Come to me, brother. I shall enlighten you Qrow!"

Qrow pulls out a pair of pistols and begins to rapidly fire at Urizen who doesn't seem affected.

"I don't think those pea shooters are gonna do much." said Qrow.

He then pulled out a shotgun and he unleashed a barrage of shells into the demon.

"I think he's just trying to keep some distance between the two of them."

"You ready to do this Raven. It all ends here."

"Here it is the final battle." said Jaune.

"Scatter!" says Urizen as it releases a shockwave that pushes Qrow back. She then raises her fist before bringing it down on Qrow who creates a forcefield to absorb its impact.

"Ohh Uncle Qrow can use a force field." exclaimed Ruby.

"What are you getting excited about Ruby it's just like our Aura?" asked Yang.

"Exactly, it's a way of fighting that's normal for us. We could learn new tricks by watching him."

Urizen raises it's hand causing a geyser of energy to burst from the ground. Qrow dashed away before they could hit him leaving behind a red blur.

"Hey look another one with super speed." said Weiss

"Okay wonder what else he has in his bag of tricks." said Nora.

Qrow then summons a pair of demonic looking gauntlets and pauldrons. This was Balrog, the fiery king of hell.

"So he can will weapons out of thin air." noted James.

"This version of me is fist fighter, meh it's more of Tai's style." said Qrow.

"You know, you're kinda right Ruby maybe we can learn a few new tricks by watching." Yang said.

Qrow then dashed towards the demon and knocked it back with a punch.

"Either the gauntlets increase his strength or he is already super strong." said Ren.

"Both actually." said Vermillion.

He then summons a pair of grieves before unleashing a barrage of kicks.

"Hey maybe you can try adding kicks to your fighting style, Yang." said Ruby.

"Ignite the flame!!" a demonic voice yelled. Balrog then catches on fire

"Did those gauntlets just speak?" asked Weiss.

"Those 'gauntlets' are known as devil arms, which are basically weapons obtained from defeating and subjugating a demon." explained Cobalt.

"So the devil arms are like familiars." said Blake.

"Yes but most of them don't speak. Balrog here is an exception as he offered himself to Qrow out of his own free will."

"Why did he do that?" asked Pyrrha.

"He realised he couldn't defeat Qrow, so he chose to learn from him by fighting alongside him." said Cobalt.

Qrow then starts bobbing and weaving dodging Urizens hits.

"So his style is more focused on avoiding attacks and countering." said Bartholomew.

"It requires patience and that's not my forte." said Yang.

Urizen then digs it's foot into the ground before launching the debris at Qrow. The debris then hits Qrow head on knocking him to the ground.

"That was dismal." said a slightly disappointed Balrog.

"He's right you know." said Glynda

"That was really embarrassing." said Bartholomew.

"What did I say about talking?" Qrow says as he swaps Balrog for a three handled Nunchuck.

"Aww I was starting to like Balrog." says a pouting Nora.

"He's got nunchucks like Sun."

He then begins spinning them making loud whooping noises before swinging them at the ground. Columns of ice spring from the ground.

"He can use ice now, just how many abilities does have?" wondered Ironwood.

Qrow leaps into the air turning the Nunchucks into a staff along the way. He then unleashes flaming strikes at the demon's head causing it to fall to it's knees.

"He's super fast like Ruby, can use Ice like Weiss mostly does, he's got fiery gauntlets like Yang and now he's got a weapon like Sun's. At this point I won't be surprised if he can make clones like Blake." say Jaune.

"Oh he can he just chooses not to." said Vermillion.

Not missing a beat he then brings down the staff onto the creature's head. He separates his weapon into a three sectioned staff which he coats in purple electricity. He then extends the weapon wrapping it around Urizen electrocuting the demon.

"Now he has electric abilities like Nora." said Nora.

"Wow Qrow this version of is smorgasbord of abilities." says Oscar.

The demon gets back to it's feet then teleporting in order to create some distance between them.

"Urizen isn't down yet." said Port.

"This is the strength you've jabbering about? because if it is I'm not impressed."

"That's hitting beneath the belt, I find myself liking him even more." said Qrow.

"Was it even worth the trouble?"

"He's trying to get it angry, by poking a nerve." said Blake.

"If this Urizen is anything like Raven it won't take it lying down." said Qrow.

That cocky attitude; that arrogance, seeing it again after so many years, it made Urizen want to vomit. "This is... this is true power. The power I've sought for so long."

"You've been chasing it for eternity... and yet its nothing but useless shit."

"Hopefully he didn't push her to far." said Pyrrha.

"Won't she just get sloppier if she's angry?" asked Yang.

"She might, but she also could get more aggressive with her attacks." said Pyrrha.

Urizen then starts charging a large blue orb of energy before throwing it at Qrow.

"See she's changed her strategy." said Pyrrha.

Qrow responds by pulling out a rocket launcher and firing at the orb destroying it.

"Where did he get that rocket launcher? The nunchucks and guns I understand; the gauntlets I can forgive, but I cross the line at a rocket launcher." said Weiss.

As the explosion clears Urizen had disappeared. The demon then appears from behind Qrow, kicking him across the field. It then launches multiple ghostly swords at Qrow.

"Oh crap." said Qrow.

Urizen then summons multiple balls and beams of energy firing each one at the hunter.

"Oh no!" yelled Ruby.

"She's going all out." said Ren.

The swords then impale Qrow pinning him to the ground as he then gets pelted by the balls of energy.

"Looks like my lucky streak came to an end." said Qrow.

Urizen then continues the barrage summoning two large crystals and using them to fire beams of energy at Qrow.

"Uncle Qrow lookout!" yelled Ruby.

"I'm right here." said Qrow.

Qrow then teleports freeing himself only to be met by the demon punching him. Qrow then creates a glowing red platform which he uses to springboard towards Urizen. He then summons a pair of large twin buzzsaws.

"He can teleport aswell, that's useful." said Pyrrha.

"Where did he keep those?" asked Weiss.

Qrow brings the two saws down to attack Urizen who dodges by backfliping.

"I didn't see that coming." said Pyrrha.

"She's pretty agile for someone that large." said Nora.

"Fast too."

The twin saws merge to form a red motorcycle with a bat motif. This is the Cavaliere R the saws that sunder evil.

"This is just getting ridiculous first a rocket launcher now a motorcycle, what's next?" said Weiss.

"It's got a weird design." noted Blake.

"I don't know it looks kinda cool." said Yang.

"The wheels have blades on their tyres. Doesn't that make it uncomfortable to ride?" wondered Ironwood.

Qrow charged towards Urizen and attacked using the motorcycle's wheels.

"The bike is a weapon too, Okay I've seen it all." said Weiss.

"That explains the blades and the strange handles sticking out." said Bartholomew.

Urizen's attacks kept missing as Qrow performed donut around it. The front wheels of Cavaliere tore into Urizen's shin before the bike went up the demons leg causing more damage. The bike flipped of the demon and made some distance between them. Urizen wasn't bothered in the slightest as his wounds started healing.

"So she can regenerate. That might make things troublesome." said Glynda.

"I just realised something," said Ren."Qrow was turned into a human pin cushion yet here he is still walking and breathing just fine."

"Yeah what's up with that?" wondered Nora.

"I think he regenerated just like Urizen." said Ren.

"He is related to Raven and she isn't human at all. Maybe the same goes for Qrow." said Oscar.

"Wait are you saying Uncle Qrow is a demon?" asked Yang.

"Of course it makes sense how he was able to pull weapons from thin air. He was using magic, like that platform he used." said Bartholomew.

"Then there is his strength and speed, they are leagues above what most faunus and humans can do." added Ironwood.

"But Qrow looks nothing like Raven." said Jaune.

"Maybe he is like Alucard, part human." replied Bartholomew.

Urizen then fires multiple beams and blasts at Qrow, who responds by creating a forcefield. Urizen then unleashes a salvo of blast,beams and energy geysers. The force of the attack causes Qrow's forcefield to crack.

"If Uncle Qrow can heal from anything why was he blocking and dodging?" asked Ruby.

"Maybe there is a limit to how much damage he can take before it becomes too much for him." replied Port.

Qrow was running out of options he needed to do something and do it fast. He started glowing a bright red colour.

"I wonder what trick is he gonna pull from his ass this time." said Qrow.

"It's gotta be something really cool." said Nora.

"Maybe it might be a tank or a turret gun." said Ruby

"If it is I wouldn't be surprised." said Weiss

"No,he actually sold the turret gun."

"Why?" exclaimed Ruby.

"He needs to pay the bills somehow."

Then with a red flash a new creature stood in his place. The creature was taller and wore a jacket which was actually his wings wrapped around his body. Spikes sprout from its shoulders and elbows. It had four black tipped horns sticking out of its head. It had a beard of spikes and a red chin. The lower half of it's face was black while the upper half was red. From its crest white was exposed.

"That settles it Qrow is a demon." said Bartholomew.

"He looks so evil." said Ruby.

This was his devil trigger. Qrow then used his enhanced physiology to strengthen the forcefield. He then dismissed it as he flew towards Urizen. He summoned Balrog and punched Urizen in the face before swapping to Cerberus and spun the nunchucks creating and firing multiple shards of ice.

"His voice sounds so cool but it's hard for me to take it seriously when he is making all those noises." said Jaune.

"He has to be the least intimidating demon I've ever seen." said Nora.

"But you've only seen two demons." said Ren.

He then summoned Dr.Faust a white Stetson hat and a flaming scarf. Making finger guns he then fired multiple shots from them like a machine gun.

"A hat that turns finger guns into actual guns, okay that is pretty cool." said Weiss

"It's also pretty stylish." added Pyrhha.

"That is badass!" yelled Balrog.

Qrow then threw the hat at Urizen causing it to rapidly slash at the demon. The hat returned and started floating beside him providing supporting fire.

The hunter then charged at the demon and started kicking it. Urizen tried blocking but Qrow's punches struck with greater force. The strength of Urizen's earlier volley was added to his own.

"What's wrong Raven? This is no time to hold back."

"It would seem so..." Urizen then teleports away before creating two giant glyphs. The glyphs then start revolving while firing beams.

Qrow simply strikes a flamboyant pose and starts glowing a bright red.

Red meteors fall from the sky and they start pelting Urizen. A bright red explosion consumes the whole area.

"That was amazing!" said Nora.

"I agree but the pose was a bit much." said Blake

"Don't be ridiculous the pose was epic."

"APOCALYPTIC!!" Balrog yelled even louder than before.

"It really was." said Nora.

"If Qrow could fire meteors why didn't he do it in the first place?" asked Glynda.

"It requires the crystalized blood of demons to work."

Urizen struggled back to her feet. " are you so powerful? you've never lost anything!"

"It's not about loss...strength is a choice. Fighting like hell to protect what's important. "

"That's quite a noble reason to fight for." said James.

"You threw away everything you have ever had... no wonder you have no true power."

"Qrowww!" Urizen screams as it charges an even more powerful shockwave." This is the end!"

"It would seem so." Qrow then summons his ultimate weapon. The Devil sword Qrow. Also known as the new legendary devil sword.

"Did you seriously name your sword after yourself?" said Ironwood.

"His father did a similar thing when he created the legendary devil sword Branwen."

"So their inflated ego is genetic."

Several ghostly sword appeared around Qrow as he swung his blade. He tore into Urizen's body bringing down the demon.

"It would be so cool to have a sword like that." said Jaune.

"I know right, multiple slashes in one sword swing." said Ruby.

"I just think it looks cool." he replies.

"That blade isn't just for show."

Qrow then impaled himself with the sword. A bright flash of light was seen and a bestial roar was heard.

"What just happened?" Qrow asked.

"Why did he stab himself, and was that thing we heard?" asked Pyrrha.

When the light cleared a badly damaged Urizen was seen flying across the field as now human Qrow slashed his sword at it.

"They're siblings? why are they fighting each other?" Yang's disembodied voice said

"To see one's justice through, a man must fight for it. Even if the one who stands before him is his kin." responded Vernal.

Qrow then leapt at Urizen driving Qrow through it's chest eye. Urizen screamed in pain as Qrow shoved it even deeper.

"That's ridiculous!"

"I agree." said the Yang.

"Yeah family is far too important." added Jaune.

"What if your family stood in your way." asked Ironwood.


"If your younger sister was trying to kill hundreds of people and the only way to stop her was to kill her, what would you do?"

"I would never hurt Ruby."

"Then you will let hundreds of innocent people die to let one guilty person get away."

"Hey! my sister would never hurt let something like that happen right Yang?"

Qrow then leapt off it, pulling his sword out as Urizen fell to the ground defeated.

"The children of Branwen disagree on the very reason of their existence."

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Pyrrha.

"They have conflicting ideals which means they can't co exist."

"They must fight."

"Qrow!" shouted Yang as she and Vernal finally arrived.

Yang wore a long dark blue hooded jacket, a tattered red shirt, combat boots and trousers. Her hair was styled into a faux-hawk but her most noticeable feature was a cybernetic arm. Vernal wore a long sleeveless jacket and a corset vest. Her body was covered in tattoos and her hair was white. She wore several accessories like a silver chain of skulls of skull and a silver cane.

"My hair! what have I done to you!" shouted Yang.

"If it makes you feel better Yang I like the get up." said Ruby.

"I look like an edge lord!"

"I don't know, I think Vernal is the edgy one." said Jaune.

"I don't think it looks that bad." said Blake.

"You would think that wouldn't you." said Qrow.

"You're late, just finishing up." said Qrow.

"Is that really your sister?" said Yang.

"I'm afraid so."

"She was behind all this.Your own flesh and blood."

"Right again."

"Qrow just sounds tired of it all." said Jaune.

"In the last throes of defeat I see." said Vernal.

"You..." said Urizen as it weakly raised it's head.

"She still has some life in her." noted Port.

"Is no one going to stop her, she looks like she could collapse at any moment." said Ruby.

"V, get back! Things are about to get really messy." said Qrow.

"No! Please, let me. I want to end this battle with my own hands." said Vernal. Qrow reluctantly let her pass but he kept an eye on, he always felt uneasy around her.

"I wonder what's got him spooked." said Pyrrha.

"Normally I'd assume he was worried she'd try to kill him but look at her, she can barely raise an arm." said Qrow.

"Do not struggle. For if you can't even defeat me you've already lost." said Vernal as she limped towards Urizen. She was getting weaker and weaker, she needed to get to Urizen quickly. With every step her skin crumbled even more.

"I will not lose, not to Qrow."

"She really doesn't like you." said Ironwood.

"I need power... more power." those words were so familiar to Yang. She heard them when she first awakened to her demonic heritage.

"I know, we are one and the same you and I."


In that moment Qrow realised something. When they first met V said "I have no name, I am but two days old." Urizen had appeared two days before. She knew everything about him and Raven. "She is your reason for fighting." she named the demon. She knew about were he grew up. But how would this be possible.

"What did he realise?" wondered Bartholomew.

"The Yamato can separate man from devil."

Does that mean?

"But you've lost me and I've lost you. Yet we are connected by that one feeling."While thy branches mix with mine, and our roots together join." she raised her cane preparing to end Urizen.

"She's quite the poetry fan." said Glynda.

Qrow had to stop this, he had to prevent her coming back. He started running towards them, but he was too late.

Vernal brought down her cane stabbing Urizen's eye. A blue beam of light fired into the sky and Qrow was sent flying.

The sky and the horizon cracked like glass, the illusion had been broken. As the glass fell a figure stood there calmly.

"What is this?" asked Yang.

"You can say that again." Yang said.

"Raven!" said Qrow as the figure turned to face them.

The woman in the black coat turned around to face them. This is the woman responsible for the destruction of Vale and the one who took Yang's arm.

"So it doesn't matter where I lose my arm to a katana wielding maniac." Yang said.

This was Raven Branwen, the alpha and the omega.

Raven walks towards Vernal's book. The V turning into an R as she picked it up.

"You got some pretty big cojones coming back, you just don't when to quit!"

Qrow then charges towards Raven, just as he brings down she deflects it with her katana.

"She must be really powerful to easily deflect a sword that big."

"Especially if Qrow is the one swinging it."

She then hits him in the gut with her blade, as he flies back Qrow grabs the sheath before throwing it back at Raven. She manages to slide her sword back into the sheath but the momentum knocks her back.

"They're so cool!" said Nora.

"Get out my way Yang." Qrow shouts as he charges at Raven again.

"She wasn't even standing in front of him." said Yang.

"I think his was trying to act tough."

Raven then teleports meeting him halfway. The two lock blades with Qrow struggling. "Defeating you like this has no meaning."

"She has no interest in this fight at all." said Glynda.

"Come on, Raven let's do this."

"Heal your wounds, Qrow. Get strong. After that will settle the matter." She effortlessly knocks him back, before opening a portal.

"That is the longest way of telling someone to get good I have ever heard."

Before entering the portal she looks at Yang. "Thank you Yang." Yang was confused by all that had just happened. Raven then entered the portal before disappearing.

"Dammit!" Qrow yelled.

"If that's your sister, what happened to V?" asked Yang.

"She returned, to herself." Qrow said as he started walking away.

"I thought you didn't like me speaking in riddles, yet here you are doing exactly that." Oscar said.

"Ozpin? you've been pretty silent." said Ironwood.

"I've just been paying close attention that's all. I must say I didn't expect that twist."

"That won't be the only twist you'll be seeing."

"Go home Yang. This doesn't concern you."

"Like hell! I lost my right arm because of her!"

"This is not your fight. I need to stop her that's all that matters."

"I'm not gonna let you have all the fun Qrow."

"You don't get it!"

"Lemme guess, I'm deadweight? You can shove that-"

"That's not it."

"What is it then?"

"She's your mother!"


"She really didn't know." said Pyrrha.

"I had a feeling the first time I saw you I just wasn't sure." said Qrow.

"So she didn't know Qrow either."

"And then I saw how the Yamato reacted, and I was certain. She's your mother"

All these years she suffered, being called a demon. For so many years she was treated like a plague. Was it all true?

"Looks like Yang had a rough past."

"Now,she needs an asskicking, but I can't have kill your old lady."

"My mother?" she had so many questions. Why did Raven abandon her, where was she all her life and most of all who was her father?