
"My suit itches," Jay winced as he scratched his back as discreetly as he could, his face grimacing at the irritating sensation. Erin chuckled beside him, quirking her eyebrow at him.

"I thought you had nice suits," Erin quipped, referencing to the conversation they had long ago. Or as Jay liked to think, the beginning of their story. After all, it was the night of her high school reunion that Erin had let him in for the first time and opened up about herself. Jay could still easily remember how beautiful she looked that night, the warm lights surrounding her like her own personal halo. He could still remember how his breath hitched in wonder at the way her eyes glimmered in the lights as she told him something personal about herself. Gave him an answer to a question he had asked her but she hadn't seen him as worthy of the answer just yet. At least not until that night. Jay could still remember him sitting there in his own suit, a glass of whisky on the table, and just thinking he wouldn't mind spending the rest of his life sitting across the table from Erin and just listening to her talk.

"I do," Jay shot back, still scratching his back and now his neck. "But this was a last minute thing and it's been a while since I wore a suit. Fuck, I forgot how much I hate this suit."

"Hm," Erin let out a hum before turning her body to him and bringing her hand to his chest, tracing her index finger over his pecs lightly. "At least you look hot, babe," Erin drawled, giving him a seductive look. "I want to get you out of that suit as much as you do."

Jay swallowed, resisting the urge to slam Erin against the nearest wall and just have her. He tsked, narrowing his eyes at her. "You're evil."

Erin gave him a self-satisfied smirk at his reaction and lightly patted his chest. "Oh yeah," she agreed. "You wouldn't have me any other way."

Jay could only agree there with her.

"Let's just do this quickly and I promise, I'll reward you for your hard work later," Erin promised before taking a step back, putting some distance between them. Jay nodded, straightening himself up and trying to look more presentable. After all, they were entering a room full of important people. At least for Erin's career.

"Thanks for coming with me, by the way," Erin said, smiling. Jay reached down to lace their fingers together. "I know you hate these things."

Jay really did. The idea of hobnobbing with wealthy people wasn't Jay's idea of a fun evening but as the FBI was holding its third annual charity gala and Erin's position in the organization meant that her presence was required, Jay was more than happy to accompany her as her date. Plus, an evening of drinking expensive liquor while ogling his stunning girlfriend in a killer dress wasn't all that bad.

"Don't worry about it," Jay replied, squeezing her hand to emphasize his point. "I'm here for you, babe."

Erin smiled then took a deep breath, preparing herself for an evening of trying to charm people to open up their pocketbooks and donate their money. Jay squeezed her hand again, showing his support silently and they entered the ballroom.

Jay looked around the large room and guessed that the upper echelon of Chicago's society was gathered here tonight. It wasn't as though Jay would recognize any of them anyway so he just tracked a waiter down and took two glasses of champagne off the tray for him and Erin. He was going to need a lot of liquor to get through the night.

"There's my boss," Erin told him, her eyes focused on a distinguished looking older man across the room. "I should go say 'hi'." Jay took the glass from her and placed both of them on a table nearby so they could greet Erin's boss. He followed behind her as they made their way across the room.

"Mr. Brennan, how are you?" Erin greeted, shaking her boss' hand.

"Erin, you're here. Thank you for coming," the man greeted jovially. "We could use all the bright stars we have and show them off. I just already know that we're going to get a lot of donations for our department because of you."

Erin smiled and Jay beamed at the compliment Erin's boss gave her. "Thank you," Erin replied, blushing under the praise. "Mr. Brennan, I would like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Jay Halstead."

Jay shook his hand firmly. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Brennan."

"Likewise," the older man returned. "What do you do, Mr. Halstead?"

"Please, call me Jay."

"Jay is a detective in the Intelligence department," Erin answered, looking and sounding proud of him.

Mr. Brennan gave him an impressed look. "Intelligence. I've heard that it's a very difficult department to get into. You must be one hell of a detective."

"He is," Erin answered, her eyes beaming with pride when she looked at him. Jay could only smile, trying not to preen under all the compliments Erin was showering him with.

"Well then I won't be doing my job if I at least didn't try to recruit you. Ever think of joining the FBI? We could use all the great agents we could get."

"To be honest, I hadn't really thought about it," Jay replied honestly. He was content with his career right now. He had plans to go further in his career than Intelligence but he hadn't really paid that much credence to it just yet. He always figured he had more time to think about what else he wanted to do, thinking he was still young and that taking the Sergeant exam could be for the future.

"You should think about it," Erin's boss said. Jay nodded. "Okay, I see some important donors coming in and I should really go greet them. Erin, come find me in a little while so I can introduce you and show off one of the brightest stars we have."

"Of course," Erin replied. Jay shook his hand and her boss left. Erin turned to Jay with an inquiring look on her face. "He had a point," Erin started.

"What?" Jay questioned. "You mean, me working for the FBI?" Erin nodded, giving him a look that said 'why not?' "I don't know, Erin." Jay sighed. He loved being a detective and he loved working for the Intelligence. He loved being on the streets of Chicago, taking down bad guys that roamed his streets. He loved being able to wear just a t-shirt and jeans instead of suits and slacks.

"Hey, no pressure," Erin cut in, holding Jay's arms. Apparently she could see the conflicting thoughts on his face. "It was just a thought."

"Yeah," Jay nodded, giving Erin a small smile. "Maybe in the future. Maybe."

"Whatever you do, you know I'll be proud of you right?" Erin asked, her eyes searching his. Jay's smile grew wider, lightly placing his hand on her hip, pulling her closer to him.

"I know. I mean you just gushed over me in front of your boss," Jay snarked. Erin scoffed.

"I did not!" Erin returned, indignant. "I just told him the truth. That you are an amazing detective."

"Oh stop, my ears are burning," Jay teased, earning a smack on his chest from her. Jay laughed, shaking his head softly at her. He wanted to kiss her but didn't think it was the best idea to show his affection at what was a work event for her. Speaking of which, it was probably a good idea to pull his hand off of her hip also. "Sorry," he apologized for getting too carried away. He knew Erin's desire to remain professional in front of her co-workers.

Erin smiled up at him, giving him an appreciative grin while his eyes remained on her, just taking in all of her beauty. She was breathtaking, dressed up or down and Jay could only count himself as lucky that he was the one she had chosen to stand by her side.

"Erin." A new voice interrupted their moment and Jay turned to look at who was the one that interrupted them. His mood soured immediately when his eyes landed on Harrison, the other man scrutinizing Jay up and down.

"Harrison," Erin greeted, the man stepping forward and laying a soft kiss on her cheek. Erin's eyes turned to Jay, watching his reaction. Jay tried to maintain a nonchalance expression on his features, trying to look irritated and irked as he was feeling about the unwelcome intrusion.

"Wow, you look gorgeous," Harrison breathed out, his eyes skimming over Erin's body. Jay bit down his possessive growl at the blatant way this guy was checking his girlfriend out in front of him. But when Harrison's probing eyes lingered a little too long on Erin's cleavage and his wandering hands started itching closer and closer down, Jay had enough.

"Harrison, right?" He cut in, stepping closer to Erin and making his presence known. "Good to see you again."

The grin on Harrison's face faltered slightly but the man was quick to recover. "I wish I could say the same but I don't think I recall meeting you."

Jay smirked at the way Harrison was trying to dismiss him, like Jay wasn't memorable enough to remember. "You've met a couple of times before," Erin interjected. "This is Jay Halstead."

Harrison looked like he was trying to think of where he had seen Jay before. "Ah right. The detective. I'm sorry but I guess seeing you dressed in a suit threw me off. I'm not used to seeing you dressed this nicely since you were in just a t-shirt before."

Jay ran his tongue over his teeth, trying to hold in his retort in. He felt Erin tensed beside him.

"As I was saying Harrison," Erin continued, placing her hand on Jay's arm. "This is Jay Halstead, my boyfriend."

Jay held back his smirk when he saw the smug look on Harrison's face fell at the title Erin introduced Jay with. "Jay, you remember Grant Harrison. He's one of my co-worker." Jay didn't think it was possible for the other man's face to fall even further but it did as Erin categorized him as just a co-worker, not even an acquaintance.

"We're more than co-workers," Harrison chuckled uncomfortably. "We're friends!"

Erin just pressed her lips into a thin line, not giving Harrison the reply he was looking for. Jay tried not to look smug at the way the guy was flailing in front of them.

Harrison cleared his throat, obviously deciding that he had enough humiliation for the night. "Excuse me, I see some people that I must see."

Erin just nodded, giving him a tight smile before the man scurried off. Erin turned and met Jay's eyes. "What" she asked, seeing the small smile on Jay's face. Jay shrugged and looked at her knowingly. "I didn't do it for your benefit." Jay raised his brow, indicating that he wasn't buying her explanation. Erin sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, maybe I don't like the way he was trying to look down on you."

Jay forgot just how protective Erin could be about the people she cared about. He loved her more for it.

"Uh-huh," Jay just hummed, knowing that Erin would probably knock him upside the head if he made a big deal of it. But he held her hand, holding it lightly in his own to show that he appreciated it all the same. He couldn't stand Harrison, even from the very first moment he met him. He didn't like him especially after Erin told him about the brief history her and Harrison had. There were times where the bouts of insecurity would begin to seep into Jay's head and he'd think that Erin deserved someone better than him. She deserved someone who was more successful, someone who had a better career, made more money, and dressed better. Maybe someone more like Harrison.

"I love you just the way you are," Erin expressed, trying to reassure Jay. "You in your t-shirts are a million times better than whatever fancy and expensive suit anyone else wears."

Jay's heart threatened to fall out of his chest at her words, happiness taking over his body. Erin did deserve someone better than him. That was a fact. But he knew there was no one else in the world that would love her as deeply as he did. That was another fact he knew to be the absolute truth.

"Alright, you're making me blush here Erin," he quipped. "I'm perfect, I know."

Erin scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe I wouldn't mind you being less of a smartass," Erin shot back.

"Nah," Jay shook his head. "You wouldn't have me any other way and you know it," he repeated her earlier words to him. Erin just rolled her eyes again and let out a small hum, letting him know that maybe she did agree with him.

As the event went on, Jay hung back towards the back of the room by himself. He didn't know anyone besides Erin there and he gave up on trying to make small conversations with other people at the part a while ago. They were just too different to hold any sort of long and meaningful conversation. So he looked for reprieve near by the doors that led to the garden outside and preferred to blend into the background. Beside, it gave him the perfect vantage view to watch Erin.

She was killing it, as far as Jay could see. Her boss paraded her around the room, introducing her to different people and Jay could see each moment they all succumbed to her charm and her wittiness. They were putty in her hands, listening intently with big heart eyes as Erin magnetized them.

"She's really something isn't she?" Jay turned and found Harrison coming up to him. "Makes me wonder what she's doing with you." Apparently, he was looking to go round two with Jay.

Jay chuckled sardonically. "I don't think jealousy goes well with Armani there, Harrison" Jay shot back calmly.

Harrison scowled at him. "And sarcasm doesn't fit whatever cheap suit you're wearing, Halstead." He turned his eyes to Erin across the room, who was completely oblivious to what was happening. "Erin's going places. Places that are beyond where she is right now. Places that are too high for someone like you to go with her."

Jay glanced at Harrison. "But not too high for someone like you?"

Harrison shrugged. "I mean, you got to admit it. We do make a better match. We work in the same place, have similar career aspirations and potential."

Jay pressed his lips together. "And there's your problem Harrison," Jay began, turning his body to face Harrison head-on. He was so done with the guy. "You guys might make a nice match on paper but that's not real life. Erin's with me, not you."

Harrison smirked. "You sound so sure of yourself, detective. I wonder if you'll be just as sure if you find out that Erin and I had a past of our own." Harrison dropped his voice, like he was trying to taunt Jay. "That we've been more than just co-workers like Erin had said earlier."

Jay laughed, knowing that Harrison was thinking it was a bombshell that he just dropped in Jay's lap. That Erin lied about the extent of her relationship with Harrison to Jay.

"Yeah, she told me," Jay replied, the smirk on Harrison's face dropping. "She also told me that you always wanted more than what she was willing to give you."

Jay didn't like being territorial and he especially didn't want to treat Erin like a property or a trophy to be won. But he also hated the smugness of the man standing in front of him and the not so subtle jabs Harrison was making about his relationship with Erin. There was nothing in the world Jay was more protective of than Erin and their relationship.

"If she wanted more with you, then she would've told you that a long time ago, Harrison," Jay continued. "But she doesn't. You need to respect that and move on. Taking shots at me isn't going to change anything here. I'm not going anywhere."

"You're not good enough for her," Harrison sneered.

"I agree," Jay returned, meaning it. "But as long as she wants me in her life, I'll be there. Like I said, I'm not going anywhere."

The sneer remained on Harrison's face before the man stalked off, fuming. Jay just watched him leave, feeling a little bit bad for the son of a bitch. Jay knew what it felt like to lose Erin. To have to watch someone he loved live her life without him.

He returned his eyes on Erin, a soft smile coming over his face as she was still in a deep conversation. Harrison was right about one thing. Erin was meant for so much more.

Jay didn't know how much time had passed when Erin found him later in the garden. She placed her hand lightly on his shoulder to get his attention, startling him out of his deep thoughts.

"Sorry," she apologized. Jay shook his head, waving off her apology, before taking her hand and gently pulling her around the bench so she'd sit down next to him. "What are you doing out here?"

"Getting some fresh air," Jay replied. "Just thinking."

Erin studied him closely, her hand reaching up to softly brush his hair back. "You okay?"

Jay nodded, giving her a small smile to convey that he was fine. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry about leaving you by yourself," Erin apologized. "I didn't think it would take that long."

"No," Jay waved her apology off. "It's really not a big deal." He knew she felt bad about the evening and about dragging Jay with her. But Jay didn't see it as an annoyance. He was happy to be here with Erin, even if the event wasn't exactly right up his alley. "Besides, I was having a good time watching you."

Erin gave him a questioning look, waiting for him to elaborate.

"You were amazing in there, Erin," Jay began. "Seriously," he stated when Erin started to protest. He wanted her to know just how proud of her he was. "They were hanging on to your every word. I wouldn't be surprised if you pulled in most of the donations tonight."

"You're biased," Erin replied, still not being able to take praises well. "So what were you thinking about out here by yourself?"



Jay nodded. "Yeah, you and us." He reached for her hand and held it. "You know I haven't told you this but sometimes I think about just how much I miss you."

"Miss me?" Erin asked.

"Yeah," Jay replied. "I miss you being in Intelligence. Us working together. You watching my back and me watching yours like the old days. Sometimes I miss that so much and I want you back in Intelligence, thinking that's where you belong. But then I see you like this tonight and I've seen you in action as the leader and you're…..you're just killing it, Erin."

Erin kept quiet, letting Jay get out his thoughts that had been on his mind.

"I want you by my side all the time, at work and at home. And sometimes when you have to travel and go away for work, I just miss you so damn much. I've gotten so used to sleeping next to you every night that I can't sleep properly without you there. But that's all me being selfish and only thinking about me and what I want."

"You're not selfish," Erin refuted. "I've known and loved you for years and you can never be selfish, Jay."

He held her face gently and gazed into her eyes. "I want you by my side," Jay repeated. "But I know this is where you belong. You are meant for this, Erin. And this is just the beginning for you. You're not going to stop at being just the leader for the task force. You are going to take the world by storm, I know it. And even though I might miss you like crazy when you have to travel and I miss driving around with you in our truck, I know I'm lucky like hell that I get to be with you at the end of the day."

Erin smiled, her eyes tearing up at his confession and she pulled him in for a soft kiss. "I don't want anyone else beside you," she whispered against his lips. "Only you."

Jay smiled, brushing her face softly with his fingers and resting his forehead against her. They were caught up in their own little world, the rest of the party fading away in the background.

"You'll have me," Jay promised. "As long as you want me, you'll have me."

Jay sealed the promise with a searing kiss, pouring all of his love for her into the act. Erin let out a soft moan, Jay matching it with one of his own. They finally pulled apart, breathing heavily, as they finally remembered just where they were at.

"We should get out of here," Erin suggested, shivering slightly in the cooling weather now that she wasn't surrounded by Jay's warmth. He pulled off his suit jacket and placed it over her shoulder. He stood up and offered his hand, Erin smiling as she joined him.

"Let's go," Jay said, their hands joined as they made their way out of the party. He led her down the corridor of the hotel, away from the ballroom where the event was.

"You're right, this suit is itchy," Erin said. Jay laughed.

"I should get you out of it ASAP," Jay teased, wriggling his eyebrow suggestively to her. He hurried their pace, wanting to get home as fast as he could so they could spend the rest of the night getting each other out of their clothes. He was startled when Erin pulled on his hand, stopping their steps.

He turned to look at her questioningly. Erin opened the small clutch that she was holding and pulled out a hotel keycard.

"Good thing I booked us a room upstairs then," Erin said, smirking. Jay parted his mouth in surprise before pulling Erin in his arm and dropping a heated kiss on her lips. "Surprise," she whispered.

"Damn good surprise," Jay could only mutter before reconnecting their lips together. He kissed her hard, intoxicated by the taste of her, his hands wandering all over her body.

"Mmm," Erin moaned before pushing him away slightly. "Let's get to the room first, Jay," Erin said, her voice sounding broken with needs. "Now I promise you earlier that I was going to get out of that suit tonight and I intend on keeping my promise."

Jay laughed, anticipating and excitement swirling together in his stomach at what was to come the rest of the night. "Lead the way, babe."

Erin took his hand and led them away. Jay would follow her anywhere.

AN: I am really sorry that I haven't updated my stories in a while. And I just wanted to thank everyone that did reach out, expressed their concerns and wished me well. Fortunately, I am well and healthy.

It's just that I'm no longer WFH since my office has re-opened so my schedule has been out of whack for the past couple of weeks as I readjust to actually having to go into work. It's been harder than expected to make the transition back to my old schedule again but I'm getting better. I haven't given up on my stories yet and hopefully will get back to more regular updates. So thanks for being patient and I hope everyone stays healthy and well out there.