START NOTES: As promised here is that other ending I mentioned. This is definitely the last chapter I'll post for this series, but I want to update you all on what I have next in-store. However, It'll be in the endnotes, sorry it's a little cheeky, but you didn't come here just to see me talk, at least I hope you didn't. :p

I hope you like this chapter! See you at the end!

Makoto opened his eyes and found himself in a strange place. He sat up and noticed that he had been laying down on a large tree stump. He figured he was in a forest of sorts with tall trees covering the area in a lush green scenery. He could hear birds chirp in the distance along with the sound of water running down a stream. It was peaceful and quiet which was a stark difference to the bustling noise and grey color of the city.

"Where am I?" He said to himself.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" A voice called out to him from behind.

He was startled and turned to meet the stranger. Except he was no stranger, Makoto immediately recognized the figure standing just a few feet away from the tree stump he found himself on. It was Ryoji, he was still dressed in usual clothing accompanied by his signature yellow scarf.


"In the flesh. Or better yet spiritually? I suppose it doesn't matter," he laughed casually. "You look surprised. Did you already forget when I visited you on the rooftop?"

"Rooftop?" Makoto asked. "Oh, that's right…"

The rooftop, the place he had spent his final moments with Yukari. He remembered the warmth of her arms as she held him tightly. The feeling of regret weighed heavily on his mind, as he now remembered that he hadn't told her that he was going to die. Ryoji had shown up the last minute to prevent him from doing so, and he was at peace, but the more he thought about it; the more he questioned whether it was truly the best decision.

Not only did he break his promise to Aigis, but he most certainly broke every promise of wanting to be with Yukari. He failed her, and now she most likely hated him. Why would she mourn the liar who hid his death from her in the first place?

"You're thinking about her aren't you?" Ryoji asked suddenly, drawing Makoto's attention to him.

"Yeah… Although she probably hates me for lying to her…" he cast his eyes downward in shame.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Come with me, I have to show you something." Ryoji said as he walked deeper into the forest.

Makoto hesitated for a moment. He wondered what Ryoji meant by his words. For all, he knew he left her filled with a hopeful empty promise of staying with her. He knew how much she despised people just walking out on her for seemingly no reason. And now there was no way of telling her just why he had to die.

"Are you going to stand there? Come on, that thing I have to show you isn't going to be here forever!" he shouted from a distance.

"Y-yeah I'm sorry… hold up I'm coming!"

The blue-haired teen followed Ryoji along a straight path that was covered by large trees blocking out the sunlight. Ryoji had gone quiet, only wearing an oddly peaceful smile as they got closer to their destination. He wondered where they were headed. All he could see was that the path seemingly extended farther out as they continued their walk. A bright light waited at the end of it. Makoto wondered just what this thing was that Ryoji wanted to show him.

By the time they reached it, he had his answer. There was a large golden door to his left and a seemingly never-ending red steel bared-fence to his right. He looked to Ryoji who was only looking at him with complete curiosity.

"You know, I'm surprised you haven't asked what this place is, or why I'm even here."

"Well I'm dead, aren't I? Isn't this like some sort of afterlife or something?" Makoto said flatly.

"Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that you haven't questioned anything because you think you're dead…?" Ryoji couldn't help but let out a chuckle. He knew Makoto was unique, but even still the young teen managed to surprise him all the same. "Huh. You really are unique I guess. But regardless no, you are not dead. You're still alive actually, well partially."

"W-what did you say?" He said in shock.

"Seriously? That surprised you?" Ryoji sighed. "Anyway, let me start by telling you what this place is. This is Tartarus, or rather what Tartarus actually looked like before it assumed the form of the tower."

"I-I don't understand, what does that have to do with me being alive supposedly?" he asked.

"Well, let's just say that because you sealed away Nyx, this place was restored to its natural state. However, there are two things left that don't belong here… Those things are this door on your left and red fence to your right. You have to choose which to pass through one if this place is to be completely restored. If you choose the door you'll surrender yourself to Nyx, and prevent The Fall from ever happening. But if you choose the fence you may get the chance to live, however, it could provoke Nyx into taking it out on humanity-"

"Then I choose the door," Makoto said, interrupting him.

"Are you sure? You realize that you still have some time to choose, right?" Ryoji looked at him with concern. "You know she's suffering right now right? She's praying that you come back to her right now as we speak."

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"Take a look over there." Ryoji pointed to the red fence.

Curious Makoto walked over to the red fence. As he approached the tall barricade he noticed the other side of it beginning to morph. When the image before him finally settled he saw himself lying on his bed in his room. He saw Yukari come into his room as she sat next to him.

"The doctors said that they couldn't figure out what was wrong with you… They said that there wasn't any trace of an illness, but that somehow you are dying…" Yukari's voice broke. "T-they're wrong, they have to be! Please Makoto, you have to prove them wrong, I don't want you to go…"

"N-no, she shouldn't be crying! Ryoji, tell me this isn't real!" he yelled at him.

"Unfortunately, it is." Ryoji looked down, putting his hand to his chest. "It's been a week since you fell asleep on that rooftop, your friends thought you were tired, but when they realized you weren't waking up they panicked. Mitsuru, however, figured it had something to do with Nyx and myself, so she arranged for doctors to see you in secret. Ever since, you've been hanging in between a state of life and death."

"So a coma?" He asked.

"Not exactly, but if it's much easier to understand than yes."

Makoto looked at the image in front of him again as he gripped the red steel bars in anger. He wasn't angry at his circumstances, he knew what the choice he made meant. But he was angry at himself for hurting her, for making her believe that he would be there with her. He thought it would've been enough to just make her smile every day, but he was incredibly wrong about that. It didn't matter how happy he made her if ultimately he was going to shatter all those moments with his death.

Still, he knew now that being selfish and choosing to be with Yukari would only lead to everyone's death at the hands of Nyx. Even if the process wasn't immediate, he would still have to dread the day she returned. And there was no guarantee that they could defeat her a second time, after all, he had to surrender his life in order to win. He backed away from the fence and looked towards Ryoji.

"I, I-I choose the door… I can't risk all of their lives for my own, Ryoji." He spoke in a lower tone.

Ryoji couldn't help but chuckle at how serious Makoto looked right now.

"What's so funny?" He looked at Ryoji with an annoyed look.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just can't believe how resolute you are when you didn't even let me finish," He continued to laugh at the blue-haired teen.

"What do you mean by that?"

"What if I told you there was another way? A way where you get to go to her and not worry about Nyx?" Ryoji smiled at him.

"I don't understand, how is that even possible?"

"Man you're so dense sometimes. He's saying that he'll take your place, dumbass," A voice called out from behind them.

Makoto turned to meet the voice and he instantly recognized the person dressed in a very familiar red trench coat. He was standing near a tree with his hands burrowed inside the coat.

"S-Shinjiro-senpai?" Makoto looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah, yeah it's me, I'm a ghost or something like that, but that's not what's important right now," Shinjiro said as he walked closer to the blue-haired teen. "You need to go see her and make her smile again."

"But… Nyx."

Shinjiro didn't bother reasoning with Makoto and instead punched him across his face. The hit sent Makoto to the ground almost instantly.

"What the hell was that for?!" Makoto yelled at Shinjiro, gripping the side of his face.

"Didn't you hear me? I just told you that Ryoji over there will take your place and that you have to go to Yukari," Shinjiro spoke in an annoyed voice.

Ryoji let out a sigh, "Well I was hoping it wouldn't involve any violence, but he's right Makoto. I can take your place, and before you ask how, it's because of the human part of me that exists now. Because I spent so much time inside you, I gained a piece of your soul and made it my own."

"I can't let you do that though! I made the choice to die, why should someone else have to pay for it?!" Makoto raised his voice against Ryoji.

"You are one stubborn son of a bitch, you know that?" Shinjiro spoke out.

"That's enough, Shinjiro!" Ryoji's voice suddenly got louder. "Makoto, look the reason I am doing this is that I want you to live happily. You obviously want the same, but you think that sealing away yourself with Nyx is more important for the rest of humanity. So to that extent, you'll sacrifice your happiness so that others may live. But I'm here to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way because I can offer myself. And if it's of any comfort, I wasn't supposed to be human anyway, but because I am now, I have the chance to stop Nyx and an even greater threat than her." Ryoji paused for a second, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "Look, you want to be happy with Yukari, don't you? Then go do that, she's waiting for you. All you have to do is pass through that fence and you'll be back there."

"Yes, of course, I want to be with her but-"

"No, no more 'buts' it's okay, haha," Ryoji laughed. "Just go, I promise Nyx won't ever threaten your world again. And if it's because of me don't, I will one day be reborn and who knows, we'll probably meet again in another life." Ryoji smiled at him happily.

It was the first genuine smile Makoto had ever witnessed that didn't have an underlying meaning from him. Makoto would have preferred to sacrifice himself, but it seems that no matter what he chose Ryoji wasn't going to let him. In a way, it was Ryoji paying his debt to him and his friends for tormenting them during December. Makoto didn't see it like that, but he figured that Ryoji might have seen it that way. Regardless, he still couldn't help but wonder what would become of Shinjiro now.

"Hey, Shinjiro-senpai, what about you?" Makoto asked.

"What about me?" He gave Makoto a confused look.

"Can't you come back with me and return to life?"

"No, the ship has long sailed. I died protecting Ken, and I don't think I would've had it any other way," he chucked. "Besides, someone needs to watch Aki and prevent him from messing up constantly."

"I suppose so," he said calmly.

Makoto wondered how many times he would have to experience the feeling of being at peace until he was finally at peace with himself and his decisions. He shook his head and looked to Ryoji who had already opened the door and was stepping inside.

"Hey, Ryoji."

"Yeah? What is it?" he asked.

"Thank you," Makoto said.

Ryoji smiled and waved a hand as he disappeared into the void of the door. It was a bit sad for Makoto, but he knew he would get to see him again someday. He was given his second chance at life and he wasn't about to let it go to waste. He walked towards the fence and was beginning to phase through it when he heard Shinjiro reach out to him one last time.

"Hey, Yuki. Make sure that Aki finally asks Mitsuru-san out. I swear it's so painful to look at that guy sometimes," Shinjiro laughed. "That guy probably reads all those dating advice magazines, but does nothing with them, but yeah tell him to pull the trigger already."

"Yeah, I will." Makoto smiled.

He saw Shinjiro wave goodbye as he disappeared into the forest, slowly fading away. Makoto stepped through the large barrier and a bright light blinded him before his vision faded entirely to black. He was finally going home - this time permanently.

"Yuka-tan… hey, it's been hours already you should get some sleep while you can," Junpei said quietly.

"No, I can't… W-what, what if he dies while I'm in my room… I-I can't leave him…" she cried, her eyes were a deep red from the tears that stung her face.

She had practically been crying and praying all day that Makoto would wake up eventually. But it seemed that no matter what she tried he remained fast asleep. She wanted to know why this was happening, it just wasn't fair to her or him. They fought together so that they could finally live happily together, but no matter what fate seemed intent on ruining those chances.

"Hey Junpei, do you think that if I died right now, that I would be with him?"

"Don't say that! You know that taking your life isn't the answer!" he yelled at her.

"Then what am I supposed to do?! No matter what every single time something goes well it always means something worse is coming! And this time it's his death! So how Junpei, why isn't dying the answer to it, TELL ME!" She screamed in anger.

Junpei only felt himself getting angrier with her outburst, but he had to relax. He too didn't want his best friend to die, and he knew what it felt like to lose the one you loved. And even if it was for a short time, he still knew exactly what she was going through.

"Yukari, listen to me," he said, placing his arms on her shoulders. "He's going to make it, you just have to keep believing in him. He's never failed us and that isn't about to change. He's stronger than this, I just know it."

"That's easy for you to say, you got lucky and Chidori came back to life, but I didn't do what you did for her, I forgot about why he was important to me, Junpei. I-I didn't save him…" she receded into him as he held her tightly.

Junpei didn't know what else to say, other than that his friend needed him right now. Anyone could do what he was doing right now, but he was the only one with her at the moment.

Aigis stood outside the room as she heard the two talk amongst themselves. She felt guilty for keeping Makoto's secret after he failed to tell her. She wasn't angry with Makoto for not telling her, after all, what she asked wasn't something that could be done on a whim. Regardless, she still felt responsible and felt like she needed to take action. She walked inside to find the two friends still in their embrace.

"Yukari-san. There's something I need to tell you," she started. "It's about Makoto-san."

"Oh, Aigis… I didn't see you come in." Yukari pulled away from Junpei and wiped away her tears. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this, but what is it? Is it news from the doctors?"

Aigis shook her head to her disappointment. "N-no, it's a bit more personal a-and I think I should tell you."

"W-well what is it then?" Yukari sounded more nervous. She wasn't sure if she was ready to hear what Aigis was about to say, but whatever it was it had to be better than what she was looking at right now.

"M-Makoto-san h-he…" Aigis hesitated. She wasn't sure anymore if telling her the truth would anything, but bring her more misery. She mulled over her words, but before she could say anything she noticed something had moved behind Yukari. She put her hands to her mouth as tears began to stream down her face from sheer disbelief. "He's alive."

"What?" Yukari looked at the android confused.

Before she could say another word, Aigis pointed her finger behind Yukari. She turned around and saw him - Makoto was sitting up and smiling at her.

"It's been a while," he said softly.

Yukari didn't think it was possible for her to cry more than she already had, but she couldn't control the waterfall that flowed out. She jumped on to his bed and hugged him tightly.

"You're so damn stupid! Of course, it's been a while! I seriously thought I lost you again!" she said, sobbing into his shirt. "Don't you ever do that again! You idiot!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to cry, I swear I only wanted you to smile." He felt himself cry as well as he held her in his arms.

He looked out the window, and then his two friends, smiling happily at him. He couldn't believe that he was this close to throwing away the life they all fought for. But he reminded himself that he had Ryoji to thank for this in the end. If it wasn't for him he most surely would have died in the coming days. But now he didn't have to worry anymore, he was saved after all, and now he could truly dedicate himself to making Yukari smile forever. It's the only thing he saw worth doing anyway.

ENDNOTES: A mutual suggested that the song "My Testimony" from the movies would work well with this type of scene and well I can definitely agree with that! There's just something with that song that would make moments like these that much more special. (Can't say the same for everyone, but I hope the feelings resonated with you!)

Anyway, about what I have planned next. I'm thinking of revisiting canon again but in a much more different way. I don't want to give away too many details, but let's just say that it'll be through Yukari's POV. This will be a long fic and it'll most likely be updated as sporadically as this entire series has been. Don't know how good of a thing that is, but if you're willing to stick with me for another year and a half, then welcome abroad! In between that project though, I do have a P3 and P5 cross over in mind, it is a one-shot and it'll involve ShuYuka, but the other one well let's just say that if you have been following my P5 stuff, it'll be super obvious as to which ship I'm referring to. And besides that, there's ShuYuka week as well (Yes hi! I'm the lead mod behind that, but there many more talented and kind people helping me manage it. So in short, there's still a lot of ShuYuka content from me coming because dammit this ship needs way more representation than it gets! (Hopefully, my writing can show it, we'll see!)

I think that's all I have to share for now, so I hope this series meant something to you if you've been following it since last year. It's meant a lot to me, and I'm very happy I managed to finish it. Until the next one, I'll see you all later. Have a good day/night, and stay safe!