Review Replies:

While the weakness against electricity is on purpose in order to give Jaune a flaw; a way to allow his large Aura reserves a way to break quicker, I DON'T see how FIRE is a weakness against WATER. Turn part of his body into water, and he smothers and douses the fire; even quicker if he draws from a source of water he is in contact with.

So, Lancaster or Dragonslayer eh? I wasn't planning on Jaune actively hating anyone except those who were in the Branwen tribe and other serious criminals in due to those "kinslayers" being bandits.

I was already planning on water puns, but in SERIOUS moderation in comparison to Taiyang and Yang.

As for the weapon name, Ferrum Mors can't work as it you recommended since it doesn't repair itself from iron in blood like the original Kubikiribocho.

Possible Names for Jaune's Sword: 1) Executioner, 2)Nex Mors (Violent Death), 3) Obruo (Overwhelm), 4) Letum (Annihilation). These are the choices so far.

I am loving that people are liking the story so far. All I will say in the future is that the Adam T. tag is NOT for show, as I am planning repeated clashes between the bull and Arc swordsmen. Immovable Object vs Unstoppable Force.

Hunter of the Water

Chapter 2: Initiation

"I'll...keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge-to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose – direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." A man in a green and black suit said as he looked over a large crowd. Jaune pulled Executioner off his back as a woman with green eyes in a white blouse, purple cape, and black skirt stepped forward and started talking about where the acceptance test would take place and where they would stay for tonight.

Yang and Ruby watched as he tensed and suddenly turned and pointed Executioner against a bronze and red sword held by a beautiful redhead with green eyes and bronze protective, but somewhat revealing armor. "Pyrrha Nikos." Jaune said, "So you ended up here as well." With a grin, Jaune pulled Executioner back onto his back. This grin revealed that his canine teeth were wider, triangular in shape similar to a shark's. The newly identified Pyrrha shifted her sword into a spear and then folded it into storage form.

"Not only were you the first to treat me as a normal girl instead of a celebrity. Also, I was...unsatisfied with how you suddenly walked away from our spar." Pyrrha said as Jaune narrowed his eyes and glared at her. Jaune's right hand clenched around the handle of Executioner.

"After you broke the rules of our combat." Jaune said, making Pyrrha look at him with confusion clearly readable on her face. "We agreed to spar as swordsmen, as in, with only our swords. As soon as you turned your blade into a rifle, you broke the agreement." At this, Pyrrha clearly looked embarrassed as Ruby and Yang snickered at the interaction.

"Then. I'll be looking forward to the next time we spar as swordsmen, just like you agreed." Pyrrha said, as she outstretched her hand. Jaune looked at her with a stern look before relaxing and shaking her hand.

"Agreed. Though let's not do it till AFTER we pass the initiation exam." Jaune said as Pyrrha nodded. He walked down a corridor lined with rocket lockers until he reached one and pulled out his scroll, double checking that it was the one he was assigned and entered the code he was given. He gave a sigh before putting away Executioner and looked at the pajamas in his hands; a dark blue pajama bottom with light blue wave patterns, and a light blue t shirt with a shark on it. Shutting the door, he rushed into the bathroom to change before reemerging and putting his combat clothes and all but two water bottles in his locker and re-locking it.

He stared at the reflection in the mirror in the bathroom as he refilled the water bottles from the sink. As he was doing this, Pyrrha, in bronze colored pajamas, was sitting in the meeting hall with Yang-who was in an orange tank top with a red burning heart logo and black shorts, and Ruby-who was in white pajama bottoms with pink roses all around it, a black tank top with a pink heart logo, and a Grimm sleep mask on her hair. " met Swordsman before?" Yang asked as Ruby nudged her for the nickname.

"Swordsman? Oh! You mean Jaune!" Pyrrha said. With this she seemed to stare at the ceiling for a few minutes, making the two Rose Xiao-Long sisters worried. "Word around Mistral was that Jaune Arc was one of only two survivors of the Arc family after a raid by the Branwen Bandit Tribe led to a huge swarm of Grimm overwhelming the settlement as they fought against the bandits." Yang's eyes turned red as she imagined her birth mother running along with bandits and cutting down civilians. This wasn't the first time Yang had heard word of the Branwen Bandit Tribe...but only recently did she find out that her birth mother-Raven Branwen-was a part of it.

THIS was the woman she had wanted to find and bring back to help care for Ruby?!

"Six sisters and both his parents died ordering him and his last sister to run. It's...weighed heavily against him." Pyrrha said, getting the attention of a man in a green and pink kimono. He closed his pink eyes as a similar memory flashed before his eyes and his hand came to rest against a young ginger woman in pink shorts and a white shirt with the word "BOOP" in pink. A woman with a black bow in a black yukata listened in as her yellow eyes with narrowed pupils stared at the group. Not knowing of her words being eavesdropped upon, Pyrrha continued.

"He and his sister Saphron traveled, training against the Grimm until they reached Argus. By now, Jaune had what he calls Executioner on his back as Saphron met and fell in love with a woman named Terra Cotta. Word is after the two women were married, Jaune went to a hospital to provide the genetic material needed for the two to have a child together with the Arc blood. Yet, when asked he denies ever going through the actual 'birds and the bees' with Terra, saying that Terra is in love with his sister and that it would be weird. Keeps saying something about life not being a manga." At this, the black haired girl in the yukata had blood dripping from her nose as she shifted through the pages of a book.

"But I got off topic. Anyways, Jaune started taking odd jobs to help get money for Saphron's house; alongside Terra working on the communications systems we use. However, there was one type of job he excelled in. Bandit capture or elimination." Pyrrha's eyes glazed over as a small smile worked her way onto her face. "That is where I first met Jaune. One of my sponsors wanted me to work with some officials to capture a group of bandits, only to hear a single blonde person had gone on ahead..."

Pyrrha Nikos charged ahead with a group of law officials behind her as they charged to where the information suggested the bandits were gathered, her sword and shield ready. How could a single person be stupid enough to head their on their own, especially not one who was not an official Huntsman?! When they arrived, they gasped at the sight. There had been reported to be about forty bandits. There were the forty bandits, soaked, laying on the ground unconscious as the terrain had large holes from explosive dust, deep gouges from blades, and lots of water layering the ground as mist was thinning from the area. Above the unconscious bandits was the one blonde man holding a large, butcher-knife shaped sword. His shirt was in tatters, suggesting that he had taken hits from their guns, blades, and clubs as such weapons lay scattered around the battlefield. Yet, not a single scratch was upon the young man's body.

"Hey, you finally made it." He said, hefting the large blade onto his right shoulder, "Sorry. These guys didn't put up much of a fight. Don't worry. I didn't kill them." He gave a loud yawn as he leaned backwards-stretching his back. "Don't worry. Thanks to my Semblance, Blades and the like don't work on me."

"I'm Pyrrha Nikos. I was...tasked with helping bring these criminals in to the local law enforcement." She said, keeping her shield raised and sword ready.

"The name is Jaune Arc. I won't get in your way then." Jaune said, "I just happen to hate bandits and criminals. This gives me a way to train and vent any frustrations." Jaune said, as the law officials started handcuffing the criminals. "Say, that didn't give me much of a workout. Would you care to spar with me? Swordsman against Swordsman?

"And that is the spar Jaune was talking about you breaking the rule by turning your sword into a ranged weapon?" Ruby asked, starry eyed by the description of the battlefield. Pyrrha nodded, looking off with an expression showing both embarrassment and fondness. "So...what is his Semblance?"

"I...don't know to be honest." Pyrrha said. "And I won't be giving away his fighting style from the spar. Either he uses his Semblance as a last resort, or I hadn't yet pushed him far enough to use it."

"A little of both, to be honest." Jaune said from behind her, causing all three girls to yelp, then Yang to snicker as she saw the word "Sharks are Jawsome" on his sleepwear. "Though I respect that you are keeping my Semblance and fighting style a secret. I can't have too much information get out in case we have to spar against each other." At this he cast an intense look at the three girls, "But know this. As someone who learned the Art of the Blade from the woman known as the Grimm Reaper, I won't hold back in my spars. I can do no less for my allies in order to push them to their limits and surpass them."

The next morning the potential students found themselves on gray pads overlooking a large forest as the man from yesterday-Professor Ozpin stood to the side watching over them. "For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest. You all will be launched into the forest, making a landing strategy of your own. You will partner up with the first person you make eye contact with. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path...or you will die." At this, a student at the far end was launched from the springboard he was standing on towards the forest.

"Now this is where the fun begins." Jaune said, pulling Executioner off his back and watching as some people shifted what springboards they were on last minute. Then, Yang was launched-using the shotgun gauntlets on her wrists to propel herself faster. Than, Pyrrha was launched as she looked calm and poised. Ruby was launched next as she unfurled her scythe and shifted it into a gun-like shape. Jaune, to his right, heard a white haired girl in a white dress grumbling, but paid it no attention as the board underneath him groaned and he found himself flying through the air. He grabbed a water bottle and took a long sip from it before he re-strapped it to his belt and his cheeks puffed up. Then, he launched a powerful stream of water from his mouth and used it to slow his fall as it punched through a tree and dug a powerful trench in the ground; the splash made as the ground resisted the powerful blow left scratches on nearby trees (1).

Jaune landed safely as he panted slightly and grabbed another water bottle, quickly draining it of the liquid within it. Placing the empty reusable bottle back on his belt, he held Executioner pointed at rustling foliage as a familiar blonde stepped out and was grumbling as she worked on straightening her hair. "Sorry about the excess spray. I thought everyone else was farther away." The blonde woman looked up, and lilac met blue.

Through the scope of a rifle, a redhead watched as the two eyes met and bit her lip, before the scope moved to look upon a young girl in a red cloak.

"No problem. After all, you said you thought no one was this close to you." Yang said, eyeing up the boy in his combat gear that he wore in the airship yesterday as he rested his sword against the ground. "I guess we're partners, guess blondes DO stick together."

"Well, we will certainly be making a splash." Jaune said, making Yang look at him for a moment, then the water left from his 'landing method' before she started laughing. Jaune's face turned serious as he moved forward and shoved Yang to the side, making her turn and watch as her partner's body was sliced in two by the powerful claws of an Ursa Major...only for the boy's torso to turn into water and reattached the two ends with no visible sign of damage to himself, let alone his clothing! "Sorry Yang. You weren't paying attention. I heard this overgrown teddy bear running at us as you were laughing." Jaune said as he held up Executioner, lazily blocking the second paw from coming down as he laid on the one that had "bisected" him.

"You-you..." Yang stuttered.

"Didn't Pyrrha tell you that blades don't work on me?" Jaune asked, "This is my Semblance: Water Body. I can turn my entire body into water, making blades, bullets, and other weapons pass through harmlessly, reattach lost limbs, merge with bodies of water, and manipulate any water I come in contact with." Yang's eyes widened as she processed the words her partner just told her. With such a Semblance, any attempts at slicing him apart or smashing him would be useless. One cannot cut apart or destroy liquid water.

Hey, just because she liked to party and have fun, didn't mean she was dumb! Then...another thought came to her. That Semblance must use up a LOT of Aura and water when activated, so he must have a LOT of Aura to make reattaching himself look effortless. This was also why he carried so many water bottles. Jaune just jumped off the Ursa's paw and landed in the remaining water in the trench his earlier attack dug. "And we happen to have water around us, just ready to respond to my Aura." With this, a faint white glow surrounded Jaune as he stretched a hand at the Ursa Major and it swirled together in the form of a Bull Shark and rushed forward at the bear Grimm, as if leaping (2). The shark's body was unaffected by the bear Grimm's strike; instead it clamped it's apparently sharp teeth around the Ursa's head-severing it from the Grimm's body. With that, the water seemed to "explode" outwards, spikes of water piercing through the Grimm's body.

"Wow..." Yang could only stand there wide-eyed as something as..."harmless" of water was used to utterly destroy a large Ursa Major, "Heh. I could have taken him." Jaune gave her a smirk as he did a somewhat teasing bow with an arm outstretched as if saying 'ladies first'.

The sun hung high in the sky as the blonde duo arrived at some stone ruins with gold and black chess pieces. Standing there was another duo; Pyrrha and Ruby. The two were seemingly talking to each other as they approached. Ruby looked up and her silver eyes widened as she started waving. "Jaune! Yang! Over here!" Jaune chuckled as he glanced to Yang.

"I guess my sister was waiting for us." Yang said with a happy grin.

"Pyrrha thought that these relics had something to do with team placement, but we didn't know if you two wanted to team together." Ruby said, holding up a golden chess piece. The two blondes glanced at each other as Jaune nodded towards her. Yang gave him a large grin as she picked up the second golden chess piece. As the makeshift 'team' was celebrating, a large Grimm burst through the trees. "Great. It followed us." Ruby said in a disappointed voice as the large Deathstalker scuttled towards them, blinded by what looked like dust bullets in a couple eyes. A large claw swung at them, as Jaune ducked and swung Executioner upwards, nearly severing the limb as it spewed black ichor.

"Guys. I have an idea." Ruby said. "Pyrrha, you and I will work on blinding it. Jaune, you sever it's stinger. Yang, punch the stinger through it!" The three gave Ruby a quick nod as Jaune leaped past the claws trying to grab onto him and landed on the Grimm's back. Pyrrha and Ruby shifted their weapons into gun form and started firing at the Deathstalker's eyes as Yang's hair started glowing and her eyes turned red. Jaune took another long gulp from a water bottle as his right arm, holding the handle of Executioner, suddenly enlarged like a large bodybuilder's. He swung the cleaver-like sword and sliced through the injured claw from the beast's back. The stinger went forward and Jaune turned, spitting out a large, pressurized blast of water that curved around his front and sides like a wall (3). The stinger slammed into the water, bouncing off of it and Jaune sliced upwards with his now bodybuilder-like arm and severed through the stinger, as the tip landed between bone plates.

Jaune leaped off the beast as his arm returned to normal, making a gun-like symbol with his hand as a powerful pressurized blast of water pierced through a gap in the remaining claw's bone plates and black ichor spewed everywhere from the entry and exit point. Jaune turned and held executioner upwards, panting slightly, as the sight of his partner with a blazing gold aura leaping onto the stinger and punching it through the Grimm's body.

As the four huntsmen in training regrouped, gazing at the two chess pieces in Ruby and Yang's hands, another group of four had been watching them from the tree line. A man in a green Chinese-style shirt with black hair. A black haired woman with a bow in black and white clothing. A girl with ginger hair in gray and white top with a pink skirt, and a white haired woman in a white dress.

"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark." Professor Ozpin said as he stood on a podium with the four armored hunters in training standing beside him. "You four brought back the black bishop pieces. You four are Team CRDL (Cardinal). Led by Cardin Winchester." As the four boys cheered and walked off the stage, Russel bumping into Professor Ozpin as Cardin shoved him. Ozpin muttered something after turning off his microphone before he turned it back on as Ruby, Pyrrha, Yang, and Jaune walked onstage. When the man had seen the young Arc's Semblance, be recalled how villages had ranted about how the young man had taken down bandits and eliminated Grimm without a scratch.

Now he knew why. With this, he was glad he had visited the young man when he visited his sister in Argus and invited him to Beacon.

"Ruby Rose. Jaune Arc. Yang Xiao-Long. Pyrrha Nikos. You four brought back the white knight pieces. You four will are team RAYN (rain). Led by...Ruby Rose. Now, if you wait nearby, I have something to ask you and the next team." The four huntsmen in training looked pleased as Yang ruffled her little sister's hair and Pyrrha clapped politely before they all walked off the stage, standing next to it. It had been tough deciding between the young silver-eyed huntress in training and the water using Swordsman. Jaune was willing to risk bodily harm to protect his partner. However, how Ruby effortlessly made the plan to take down the Deathstalker, he knew who was going to be team leader.

Finally, the last trio approached. "Lie Ren. Nora Valkyrie. Blake Belladonna. Weiss Schnee. Your four brought back the white rook pieces. You four are Team RNBW (Rainbow) led by...Lie Ren. At this, Weiss Schnee, the girl in white, looked upset. As RNBW followed Ozpin offstage, he motioned Team RAYN to follow him.

"This unusual circumstance." Professor Ozpin told the two teams, "but before initiation there was an...altercation between upperclassmen, which damaged a few of the dorm rooms, which means there aren't enough to house every new team. I was...wondering if you two were willing to share a larger room usually used as a staff room. This of course, like the dorm room, has an attached shower and bathroom."

"It seems fine to me." Lie Ren said as he glanced at Jaune, inwardly thanking Oum that this gave them a chance to talk about their...similar past.

"I'm fine with it too, Professor Ozpin." Ruby said, as she gazed at her sister, "I only have one request about it."

"Oh? And what is that Miss Rose?" Ozpin asked.

"Is there any way to get bunk beds in our shared dorm?"

I was researching water moves that wouldn't be too out of place for Jaune to pull off by taking in a lot of water.

1) Piercing Water Stream. Jaune uses his unique Semblance beforehand to take in and store a large amount of water. He then launches a large jet of water from their mouth strong enough to pierce through plants and/or dig a shallow trench into the ground. This was inspired by Water Release: Water Trumpet.

2) Water Shark Strike. The user manipulates a volume of water with their hand; by thrusting their hand in a direction, the manipulated water is sent in that direction. As it moves, the body of water takes the shape of a shark, with additional water following in its wake for as long as the user keeps their hand thrust out. Because of how quickly the shark moves and because of how much water there is, it does extensive damage when it impacts something. Users can also ride within the water shark as it moves, allowing them to travel faster than they're able to swim. This was inspired by Water Release: Water Shark Bullet.

3) Wall of Water. The user uses water either from a source in contact with their body or spat from their mouth at the ground, which circles around them and rises upward to create a wall. The water wall defends anyone within its perimeter from attack, with the wall's strength being determined by how much Aura and water is in it. Users control how long the wall lasts as well as how much water it's made with. Because the water is clear, the wall doesn't obstruct the user's vision, allowing them to make their next move uninhibited. The wall's initial formation, if timed correctly, can be used to fend off opponents, flinging them away as the wall rises. This was inspired by Water Release: Water Formation Wall.

Yes. I did not make Canon Teams, but this isn't canon. HOWEVER, I did make a way for the two teams to interact closely as "sister teams" if you will.

Fun Fact: The original idea had Jaune being the reincarnation of Suigetsu. He would have met his past self in an accident as he nearly drowns. However, this idea was scrapped as I wanted to keep Jaune's core need to help others. Suigetsu is someone who is somewhat cowardly against a highly skilled shinobi (Orochimaru) and was stated to have a penchant for decapitating foes as stated by Kisame Hoshigaki.

In this, I wanted to keep that ability Suigetsu had, but had it awaken with his Aura when attacked by an aquatic Grimm. As his soul cried out in defiance that no water grimm would eat him. That turned the very thing that helped attack him; water...into his weapon.