Author's Notes:

Bon-odori – a mini festival where the focus is on group folk dances

#1 – Poor Yahiko. He takes so much abuse. I should really be nicer to him.

#2 - Kaoru's Miso isn't poisonous because she got tons of practice cooking for Enishi, who actually told her what was wrong with it. Unfortunately, it's the only thing she can cook without the possibility of property or health damage.

#3 – I realize that I made Yamagata waaaaay OOC, but all I wanted was a Meiji government official who wasn't Saitou, and his was the first name that I remembered.

#4 – Sorry this chapter took so long to come out, but real life has a tendency to get in the way sometimes. I was also having separation anxiety with this baby of mine, even though I wanted to finish it. Plus, I realized that I had originally planned the fic to be more Sou-chan-centric, so I tried to address that too.

#5- A big, huge, monstrous, glorious, "THANK YOU" to all of the people who took the time to review, and even to those who just read this story. I really appreciated all of the nice things everyone said, praise and criticisms alike. Not too bad for a first story, huh?

#6 – Look forward to a sequel. A little teaser is beneath the reviewer responses!

-- If you would like me to respond to your review for this chapter, please include your email addy or say "please write me" or something. ^_^;;

Reviewer Response

Star-Eyed Kal'enedral - ::wants a Shi-chan plushie:: I like *my* Aoshi better than canon!Aoshi. ^_^;

LadyChrisA - Shi-chan began to grow on me. Unfortunately, I didn't include his lovely emotions this time. Oh wells.

Eikou - I know Shi-chan isn't crazy. ^^; I just didn't want anyone to think so cuz he heard voices....

Lord Cirenmas - Whee! Thanks

SSB - Praise! Praise! Whee! Thanks. ^_^ That's one vote for Saitou...

Jen - Kaoru-chan rules. ^_^ Thanks for the review!

Chiruken - That's two votes for Saitou. ^_^ ::super huggles:: Thanks for reviewing every chapter! I always looked forward to your nice, happy notes. ^_^ I have to go watch Bob the builder now...

Silver Goddess - This is the end of this one, hon. ^_^; Thanks for the review!

Silver Rune - Yay for Shi-chan, his emotions, and a sequel. ^_^ Thanks!

babyg2988 - You "love it very much?" ::clings:: Can I keep you? You're good for my self esteem.

Dallisse - Everyone likes Aoshi's emotions except Shi-chan himself. ^_^;

marstanuki - "A masterpiece?" ::super clings:: Can I keep you too? Kaoru is the one character that I'm pretty sure of my characterization for. ^_^;; Thanks for the review!

AngelOkibi - You would? Look below for a teaser then!

Mary - I didn't intend to put any romantic interest between Soujrou and Kaoru at all. ^^; I'm one of those who will, unless there is some sort of Insidious Plot Device, always put Ken and Kaoru together. ^_^

mystic wolf - Delurking is a good thing! I must follow your example and do it more often. ^_- Can I keep you as well? LOL! I love Hiko-sama, but I worry about writing him all weird....

Cat H - Thanks for reviewing every chappie. ^_^ Whee! A vote for Saitou AND Hiko-sama. You rule. I will do my utmost to terrorize them both.

chris - Shi-chan in a frilly apron ranks up there with Shi-chan as Elvis as my favorite images of him. I really wish I was better at fanart. I don't know how long Saitou would put up with being chased around before Kenshin and Sou-chan would have to beat him up. ^^; It's a great idea though.

Lilfrozenfire - Don't feel bad, I'm just happy you took the time to read it. ^_^ Borrowing Darling and beating me with it is counter-productive, as my wrists and fingers ache from typing the final chapter (which is SEVENTEEN pages long, typed mostly in three marathon sittings). Sou-chan and Shi-niichan wouldn't be happy with you either. ^_^ I'm glad I made you laugh though. It makes me happy that my odd humor isn't weirding people out.

Seien - Shi-chan is very deep. ^_^; I tried to include more K&K waff, but Aoshi/Misao WAFF will mostly have to wait for the sequel. whee~!

whyndancer - Another delurked reviewer? Damn, Shi-chan's emotions are like little nets that convince people to hit the little review button. ::uber hugs:: You love it, you love me? ::uber uber hugs:: Can I keep you too?

XP-DarkAngel - She did! Kaoru's super neat. Thanks!

Dragona - Hear that, boys, you have another fan! ::Admiration, Inner Peace, and Romantic Love all appear:: Thank you!

LunaAngel - Shi-chan grew on me, because I can control his emotions. ^_^ But yes, in most cases I do in fact prefer Sou-chan (who shines in the this glorious world of fanfiction).

Sinnymun - ::steals witchy hat:: Mine! Mwahahaha. ^_^;; thanks for the review, hope I didn't disappoint with the K/K WAFF. ^.^;; Shi-chan's emotion strike again!

yume - ::uber hugs:: I'm keeping you. I'm not going to ask. ^_^;; thanks for the review!

tin - Yeah, having Soujirou pass out wasn't one of my more brilliant ideas. ^^; I hope you continued long enough to read this! Mwa!

Teaser for "Adding For Good Measure"


Yumi stiffened slightly against Shishio's chest as they watched over the battlefield in the bowels of Hell. Their conquest of Hell was going well, thanks to Houji's incredible organization skills and Shishio's charisma. The whispering voice she heard in her head belonged to an unknown woman, one who was visiting her "grave."

You two are probably outraged that Himura Kenshin's wife is visiting, but it was important to Sou-chan so I came. I know I wanted you to burn in Hell for all eternity for what you did to us, and I'm not sorry about that, but it's not like I can punish you now. Knowing you, you're probably trying to take over Hell, or something equally complicated. I wish you luck in that endeavor, but you can't have Soujirou. I'm keeping him; don't even think about trying to get him back.

"What's wrong, Yumi?" Shishio looked down at his woman, eyebrow raised beneath his bandages. She had always been more sensitive to happenings above ground, lingering worries keeping her attuned to what went on. That sort of thing didn't interest him anymore. He had more important things, like his conquest of Hell, to think about. Eventually all of his old enemies would end up in Hell with him anyway, and when they did they were going to be in for a nasty surprise. Yumi relaxed against him again as the voice faded away.

"Battousai's woman came to visit us. She said that she wishes us luck on our conquest, and that the boy won't be joining us in his afterlife."

"So Soujirou decided upon the path of my sempai, huh? Well, we don't need him anyway. We have plenty of demons that are just as powerful." He smirked as he walked towards the battlefield, Yumi on his arm and his sword drawn. "Besides, there's no such thing as a fifteen minute limit down here. I'm already dead."
