And we're back! Hope you all are doing good, what with everything still going on in the world. Most if not all of you said I should continue this story so that's what's going to happen. To my knowledge I don't think I've read a story where Bandit's secret was used as a quirk or special power in some other crossover, if there is please refer them to me as I'd definitely like to read them. Anyways here's chapter two I hope you all enjoy.

Early morning the next day Midoriya went through his usual routine of brushing his teeth, getting a light workout, and showering. Once he'd dried himself off he dressed himself in a black button up similar to the green one from yesterday. The besides the color another difference between the two was the symbol this shirt had on the back. A white upside down cross decorated the back while the rest was plain. His pants were similar as the previous ones, black with grey straps at the bottom.

Putting on his watch he grabbed his phone and checked the time. "It's almost 10. They should be here soon." He thought to himself as he headed downstairs and began tidying up his home. A few minutes into his cleaning he stopped as faint voices could be heard from outside. They were here.

He headed outside and managed to catch the end of a conversation. Something about him being loaded if his house was anything to go by. Their conversation stopped as they finally noticed him walking their way. There in front of his home were three people. Two of which he knew personally and one that he only knew of.

First was Aizawa the man looked more tired than he did as a kid but still looked relatively the same. His hair was slicked back into a short ponytail. He wore a dark blue long sleeve V neck shirt, black pants and matching shoes.

Next to him was Yamada who similarly to their friend also had his hair in a ponytail and wore a white shirt under a black jacket and blue jeans. He too looked the same even after all these years, though he did have a small mustache now with the middle bit missing or really light.

Finally the most pleasant on the eyes was the sole female of the group. Unlike her two male companions she had her hair down freely and he noticed it still somehow spike out at the edges. She wore a black blouse that looked like they were trying to hold her breasts in with some difficulty, blue jeans and some black shoes.

"Aizawa, Hizashi." Midoriya began as a smile started to grace his face. "It's been a long time." Hizashi likewise lets a giant smile appear on his face as he pulled Midoriya into a bro hug while Aizawa did his best to hide his own smile. A futile effort as even he couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from curling upwards.

"Ahem…" Everyone turned to the woman to see her looking at their blond friend who blinked as if he'd remembered something important.

"Oh that's right." The man motioned towards the black haired woman. "Midoriya this is Nemuri Kayama, a colleague of ours. Though you might know her better as.." he stopped as his green haired friend finished for him.

"The 18+ only hero Midnight. It's a pleasure to meet you." He greeted. Midnight smiled at him, though her smile was more sultry than his two friends.

"Oh it can be." She replied. Midoriya's eyes widened slightly at her boldness. He'd met some pretty forward women in his life but damn. Getting himself composed he turned around and motioned for them to follow him inside.

"Please close the door I have the air conditioner on." He told Hizashi as he was the last to enter the house. As they walked through the halls of his house he heard Midnight comment to Aizawa that there was some pretty pricey stuff inside. It was true he'd done well for himself. Being a pro hero paid well but not nearly enough to afford a house like this. Luckily for him his side job paid much more handsomely.

The amount of money people were willing to pay to have their quirks removed was amazing. An old man had even called him a quirk exorcist once. Good times. He was broken out of his musings when he heard his name being called a little loudly.

"I'm sorry what was that?" He asked the group.

"You're religious now?" Hizashi asked. "I'd have never imagined it."

Midoriya tilted his head slightly in confusion. He hadn't said anything that would give them that impression. The group made it to the living room and he motioned for them to take a seat in the couch across from him.

"He's referring to the Saint Peter's cross on your back." Aizawa clarified. "I'll admit I'm a bit curious myself."

The green haired man blinked and chuckled. "Oh sorry I have that on almost all of my shirts and no one has ever said anything so sometimes I forget it's there. The cross is not so much for me as it is for the villains I face. I'm sorry would you guys like a drink? I haven't seen my friends in years I think this calls for a little celebration."

The blond man smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Aizawa nodded, while he wasn't much of a drinker he occasionally had a sip or two on special occasions. The green haired man turned to the final member of their little group who looked slightly surprised that he was waiting on her answer. "Sorry I thought you were asking them since you two seem to go way back."

"It's to celebrate sure, but at the same time it can also be to hoping we can be great friends too." He clarified which drew a real smile from the woman.

"Well in that case I'm all for it." The three teachers watched the green haired man retreat to another room and a minute later came back with four glasses and a bottle in hand. The bottle was metallic gold with a spade design on the front with an A in the center of it.

"I've been saving this for a special occasion." Midoriya announced as he popped the top off and began filling everyone's cups. Sitting down he took a sip. "As for the cross it's more for the villains. They do what they want, when they want with no regard for anyone else. However, when I find them their arms will be stretched and I'll carry them where they don't wish to go."

Though not a religious man himself Aizawa recognized the words from the gospel of John. They spoke of the kind of death that Peter would suffer. The man decided not to further question it as religion wasn't his favorite topic. The next few minutes were spent between them enjoying each others company, exchanging stories and recalling funny events from their childhood.

Once the glasses were finished it was time to get down to business. Aizawa cleared his throat. "Midoriya, as much as we've enjoyed ourselves we do have something to discuss." The youngest of the group nodded and sat up a little straighter.

"The League of Villains. They're led by a child named Shigaraki Tomura." He began. He looked down to see the blond put down a tape recorder and continued. "Though I've been told their real leader is someone else. Shigaraki's right hand man is a warp quirk user named Kurogiri. He looks like he's made out of smoke, not really sure what he really looks like.

They don't have too many members at the moment, they're relatively new and are still growing. The attack on UA was most likely to try and get their name out there to attract some bigger players. Their main goal is to kill the symbol of peace and drive the world into chaos. Though they're small now if not stopped they will get bigger." He explained.

"They had a bunch of third rate thugs with fourth rate quirks when they attacked the USJ. It only makes sense they'd want to expand." He replied before speaking again. "If you don't mind me asking how do you know this?"

Midoriya smiled "I have two agents working for me. One infiltrated the league and one who has various connections and gives me information on what they're doing. I can't give you guys names I'm sure you know why."

The trio nodded. Getting a name, even if it was heroes, could compromise the agent's position.

"Anything else you'd like to know?" Midoriya asked.

"We should be good for now. Would you mind keeping us informed if you hear anything?" Aizawa replied as he stood up, the others following suit. "With the league attacking UA we're on high alert right now."

"No problem. Though I never would have guessed that you would become a school teacher. Hizashi I could see but you never struck me as the type." This drew a chuckle from the other two teachers.

Hizashi patted his old friend on the back "He's certainly different than when he was younger that's for sure."

At that moment Midnight remembered something from the meeting. "Midoriya mind if I ask you a question." Seeing him nod she continued "You picked a strange name for your quirk. 'Bandit's Secret'" She said making quotations around the two words. "What exactly does it do?"

At this both Aizawa and Hizashi turned to the greenette to see if he would actually give a straight answer.

Midoriya smiled and remembered when the two would try and goad him to tell them. "That's a secret" He replied getting two groans of frustration from his two male friends.

"You're still saying that? It's been years man…" The blond man trailed off though the smile on his face after hearing his response let him know he wasn't upset about it.

"Well it's been fun but we need to get back to UA to report." Aizawa began.

"We should hang out soon like back in the old days. We can go to that restaurant near where we used to live that has the katsudon you like." Hizashi offered.

"Sounds good. Here take my number so you don't have to be reaching out through the hero network all the time." He replied. Midnight who'd been quiet during their talks walked up next to the green haired man.

"So does that offer extend to me as well?" She asked as her right hand twirled a strand of her hair.

"Of course. Call me whenever you need me." The man replied.

"Don't tempt me with words like that." The woman replied after she finished putting his number in her phone. The three soon saw themselves out leaving the man by himself. Midoriya began grabbing all the empty glasses and washed them before putting them away. Seeing as he had no plans for the rest of the day he decided to get some training in.

He had developed a new technique with his quirk and wanted to make sure everything was working well. Later in the night he'd go over the files Giran had sent him about the potential new recruit. Everything from quirk to other special abilities were sent his way. He was interested in reading over them.

Two days later

Walking down a dimly lit street was Midoriya dressed in a black suit. Unlike his shirts the back of his jacket didn't have St Peter's cross though. As he walked towards the building where the meeting was supposed to take place he glanced around briefly, having felt eyes on him.

He quickly looked at the small circular mirror that was at the corner of the street and found that two men were indeed trailing him. They weren't doing a very good job however as they didn't even noticed he'd seen them. They didn't look like much, two men probably in their mid twenties who looked like they belonged to a small time gang. They probably saw him as easy pickings.

He smiled in amusement but quickly reined it in. He kept walking at a leisurely pace until he saw the building he was going to. A rather small house in a regular neighborhood, nothing out of the ordinary. He glanced again and saw that the two men were still tailing him, though they were staying a little further back. He walked towards the front door and entered.

The inside was dark with a bit of light entering but not empty. Two men were inhabiting the home, the first was Giran a middle aged man with grey hair wearing a dark suit and black shoes, though unlike him he didn't have a tie. Upon seeing him the man tapped his cigarette on the ash tray before putting it out.

The second was a much younger, relatively tall man with black hair. This was the potential recruit Dabi. He wore a dark blue jacket over a black shirt along with matching dark blue pants. The most noticeable characteristic however were the marks on the mans face under his eyes and mouth. It looked like he'd been burned and he then decided to stitch parts of himself together. All in all it gave him a pretty intimidating look.

"Good evening." Midoriya greeted. He turned to Dabi. "Thank you for coming. Midoriya Izuku, nice to meet you." He introduced.

"Dabi. So what's this about?" Dabi returned the greeting before getting straight to it.

"I'm putting together a group with the purpose of ridding the world of fake heroes and villains. Sound like something you'd be interested in?" Midoriya saw the mans facial expression change slightly and knew he had his attention. The young man stared back at him as if trying to see through him, searching for something.

"Go on."

"As it stands the world is full of heroes who take on this job for celebrity status, money, or both. In doing so they completely ignore those suffer due to their incompetence. Entire cities with criminal activity that doesn't seem to get better because the 'heroes' can't put the villains behind bars otherwise they'd have no one make them look good daily. Not to mention the villains currently running around causing havoc. I'm sure you've heard already…" He trailed off referring to the league of villains.

Dabi nodded. "The attack on UA. Yeah I heard about it."

"While ridding the world of fake heroes is the ultimate goal, as it stands this league of villains will have to be dealt with first." Midoriya continued but stopped as Dabi spoke.

"Where do I come in?"

"Giran wouldn't have reached out to you if you didn't share similar views. I'd like you to join the Phantom Troupe." He pitched, revealing the name of his group.

Dabi stayed quiet as he looked from Midoriya to Giran before finally speaking again. "Before I give you my answer I'd like to know, what's your quirk? We may share similar views but I won't follow someone I don't believe is capable."

Midoriya nodded. "Understandable. Perhaps a demonstration is necessary." His body glowed white and the familiar book was conjured into his right hand. When the book opened up to a specific page he held out his left hand and immediately the two men who were following him appeared in between the three of them.

The two looked around in confusion before their eyes landed on him. Before they could try anything however Midoriya spoke. "Stay still…if you move things are gonna get ugly for you." The two weren't as dumb as he believed as they knew they were outnumbered and their quirks wouldn't help them out of this situation.

"Teleportation. Rare but not all that impressive." Dabi said getting the two mens attention. Upon seeing him a little more closely all three could sense the fear in them skyrocket.

"Be patient." Giran commented. The pages began flipping again and stopped on another. This time the surrounding area began to glow and three light blue orbs materialized around them before stretching. The orbs stretched and began to take the shape of long fish made out of bones.

"These are indoor fish." Midoriya began as he noticed everyone watch the fish 'swim' around the room. "They can only be materialized in a sealed room and feed on human flesh." He explained. Looking down at the two younger guys he could see their eyes wide with fear and could tell their heart rate was increasing.

"While they feed their victims don't feel pain or even bleed. They remain completely conscious as well. When they disappear however, you'll feel the effects. So I'll ask you once and I hope you answer me honestly. Why were you following me?" He asked with no malice.

One of the two admitted that they were going to use their quirk on him to take his appearance then commit a series of robberies to become rich. This got the green haired mans attention.

"Interesting. What's your quirk and how does it work? Show me." He ordered. The young man didn't know it but the process of his quirk being stolen was now initiated. The man explained that his quirk was called 'Convert Hands'. He had two arrows on his hands one on each. The arrow on the right hand would have the person he touched take on the users appearance. While the left hand would have the user take the targets appearance. If touched by both, both people would switch.

After the explanation the man tapped Midoriya's shoulder with his left hand and to their amazement he became an identical copy of him. One thing Midoriya took notice of immediately was that even though the man looked like him he still had the arrows on his hands, making it easy to tell the original from the copy. After being content with the demonstration the man deactivated the quirk and returned to normal.

"Amazing." Midoriya closed the book and to the two's relief the fish disappeared. This was something Dabi took mental note of. Finally he held the book forward towards the 'Convert Hands' user. "One last thing, place your hand over the hand print of the book. Do it and you'll be released unharmed." The man didn't hesitate and touched the cover.

Just like with the young woman from the other day the man's body was coated in white aura before it faded away. "You're free to go."

"That's it?" The other man who hadn't been spoken to asked only to receive an elbow to the gut by his partner.

"Yup. That's it. Just know if I catch you trailing me again…" He trailed off letting the threat hang. The two didn't waste time and ran to the door and booked it out. Turning his attention back to the two others in the room he spoke. "Well?"

"The book grants you multiple abilities, however they disappear when you close the book." Dabi analyzed.

"Oh it does more than that. The guy didn't know he just made a donation." Opening the book again Midoriya raised his left hand to show the same arrow the man previously had.

Now Dabi was shocked. He knew the book had abilities but he never thought about how they'd gotten there. He smirked. "You can steal quirks and seal them in that book. Alright, I'm in." He agreed.

Nodding Midoriya closed the book allowing the symbols to disappear. "Glad to hear it. One more thing." He said as he unbuttoned a couple buttons on his shirt until he had enough space to pull his right arm out to reveal a spider tattoo high on his upper arm. It was a twelve legged spider, six on each side with a number 0 in the center. "I hope you're not afraid of needles because you're gonna be getting one of these. Where you put it is up to you as long as the spider is the same, but you'll be putting a number 3 in the center."

"Got it." Dabi replied. Giran smiled knowing he would be getting paid quiet well for successfully bringing in a member.

And I'll stop there. What did you guys think? The Phantom Troupe is up to four members including Midoriya. If you guys have any suggestions or ideas feel free to let them be known in the reviews or through a PM. I'm not sure what the next story to be updated will be so I don't want to make any promises. Anyways that's all for now.