Hey guys! This little story is something that's been rolling in a head for a bit, ever since i got started in Destiny. I've always been fascinated by Exos (they're the coolest looking by far) and the lore of Destiny. While i can't promise regular updates (distance learning summer collage takes a bit of time), since all of this COVID crap is going on I'm still going to have extra time on me, so i do plan on continuing. Anyways, enjoy!

Chapter 1- Why

People are always jealous of us. Of us Guardians. The children of the city always dream of being us, blasting the bad guys, then saving the day and dancing afterward. Of exploring the galaxy, visiting beautiful planets, and protecting the city in style. They love the idea of being deathless- even if they know it isn't true.

They don't know what it's actually like. And how could they?

Sure, many of us have a blast. Live our long lives, collect our gear, die, revive, and kill our bad guys. Some of us are content with just that. And the people think we have everything.

In reality, we have nothing. In reality, we're just a shadow of our former selves. Sure, we have all of these awesome powers, but we don't know what made us who we are. We don't know why we are the way we are. The experiences that shaped our very being and beliefs disappeared. Just… gone. And the hole is cripplingly enormous. Some can cope by stuffing the hole with stuff, some can compensate through friendship with their fire-team, but some of us… just can't.

Where it began? Pbthpth. I don't remember where my ghost found me. Some wreck of a spaceship floating out in the middle of nowhere. I just remember opening my eyes, seeing a floating, glowing ball happily beeping away, and thinking, deeply and sincerely- what the hell?

I didn't know who I was. Why I was- in the body of a robot. Yeah, it took me a bit to except this whole Exo thing. Like I said, I didn't know anything. I didn't know my name, how I ended up in the ship, or what a Guardian even was. Or what the Light is, who the Traveler was, nothing.

Do you get it? I knew Nothing.

And at first I didn't have time to ponder. Me and Beeper got thrown right into it- I was technically only two months old when the Red War happened. Peh. Excuse my French, but that was a shit show. I had just gotten used to being an electro-charged Jedi or something when I lost my light. Had it, then it was gone. Poof. Maybe that short acquaintance is what helped me survive after. Most of the other guys were completely crippled. I at least felt kinda normal.

But I digress. We defeated him, in the end. Ghaul. The Traveler finally awoke, and as did possibilities. Seemingly infinite possibilities.

And for a while, I was content with just possibilities.

Then I met Ana Bray. My fellow Hunter had run into some trouble with uncovering a Hive-infested Golden-Age facility on Mars. One that apparently she helped run back when she was… well, normal. Well, when I say 'normal' I mean pre-light. Ana is a little- unique.

But it got me thinking. That facility was the birthplace of my body. My blue-and-white robot body with a big o'll 22762 on the chest. That relization is what got me thinking. Realizing how empty I was. And then I asked myself the question that still haunts me- who am I? Or more accurately, who was I? I don't really give a damn where my Exo shell came from. What i care about is where I came from. That question made me aware of a void in my soul that I was shocked I'd missed.

That question is a Guardian's biggest opponent, in my humble opinion. You can't shoot it. You can't remove it or avoid it. Some try ignoring it, some attempt to answer it. And that's what Ana was trying to do. Find out who she was, what her life before was like, and why she did what she did. She was trying to connect with her past.

By the way? There's a reason the Vanguard discourages inquiries like that.

Anyways, this is my story. This is the story of a Guardian that didn't find fulfillment in just killing, looting, and dancing. This is a story of a Guardian that was missing a part of his soul- and his heart. Interpret this story how you wish. My name is Krix-13, and I am a Guardian of the Light. And if you want to hear the whole thing, I suggest you grab a chair.