It had already been a month since Satine had taken the twins to Mandalore, Ahsoka had resumed training and had returned to the field.

The Council had learned of its decision to entrust them to the Child Welfare and even if not everyone agreed they respected her choice.

While in the training room with her Master, and practicing light saber, Ahsoka practiced Jar-Kai with two sabers in reverse handles "Shien" with her form of combat IV: Ataru, a classic of green color and a small yellow green shoto while Anakin practiced his form of combat V: Djem-So with his blue color, while she had the advantage over him she seemed lost in thought, so he took the opportunity to destabilize her and made her fall to the ground.

"Snips !" he told her, made her look up at him immediately, taking her out of her thoughts, Anakin had noticed that since she had abandoned the twins, although she would never recognize it, she seemed elsewhere and preoccupied.

It had already been a month since Satine had taken them to Mandalore, and he received regular updates from them through Obi-Wan.

According to him for a few days, Caesar ate very little and had stopped gaining weight which slowed his growth.

But he hadn't yet told Ahsoka about it, while waiting to find out more, he focused on his Padawan on the ground. By holding out a hand to help her get up. "You were not focused ! What were you thinking about ?".

Ahsoka looking at him. "Nothing at all !" she replied exasperated, walking away she turned her back on him.

"Nice try Ahsoka, you can lie to yourself, to Padmé, to Obi-Wan or even to the Council but you can never lie to me, I know you too well !" he said to her with a mischievous smile.

With her back turned, she sighed and gave in, "I don't sleep well at night ! I have nightmares !" she confessed, turning around. Worried Anakin puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's about the twins, isn't it ?".

Looking at him she ends up nodding. "What are you dreaming of ?" he asks her.

She looked up at him, and he could feel her discomfort. "That they are all alone, when I took them in my arms they were cold ! They were no longer breathing ! They didn't move anymore, Master !" she said to him panicked.

Anakin saw that she was troubled and pulled her into a hug trying to calm her down. "Hey ! They are in good hands, your twins !" he reassured her.

She was on the verge of tears she bit her lip so as not to cry, but she could not stifle a sob in her voice, unfortunately Anakin noticed it. "I feel like it's my fault ! Did I do this, Master ? Did I do that ?" she asks him.

Anakin still holding her in his arms trying to appease her thoughts and fears by gently stroking her back lekku. "Snips, of course not ! You have nothing to do with it !" he assured her.

She bit her lip trying to stifle her tears. "So why does it haunt me like that ?" she asks him.

"Because abandoning your baby is not trivial, Snips. Over time, it will get better !" he assured her.

They remained thus for a few moments entwined in each other's arms. He gently broke the hug once it had calmed down a bit and forced her to look him straight in the eye. "Snips, why didn't you tell me ?" he asks her.

She looked away and looked down at the floor she sighed closed her eyes and took a few seconds to calm down.

"Because a Jedi was not supposed to cry we are supposed to put our emotions aside and meditate for releases them through the Force and it is forbidden to have any form of attachment !"

Anakin crossing his arms in front of her could sense that this was not the only reason. "Snips … Hey ! Look at me !" he said, grabbing her chin to force her to look at him.

"I'm not the most conventional Jedi ! I don't want you to think that you can't come to me if you feel the need, I'm not going to be mad at you or lecture you it's natural, whatever they may say about attachment, okay ? We are Jedi, but we are above all living beings who all have the right to crack and cry from time to time although they want to make us believe we are not robots without emotions ! Ok ?" he asks, smiling at her. She nodded and gave him a small smile.

"But Ahsoka I want the real reason, it's not just the code, it's just a pretext !" he asks her.

Ahsoka sighed she should have known she couldn't hide anything from him and gave in. "I didn't want to cause you more worries you are enough about me lately and then I thought it would end up disappearing !" she said to him.

Anakin put a comforting hand on her shoulder, and she looked up at him. "Ahsoka, it is my duty to worry about you and to look after you ! Of course, I worry because I love you and that I care about you ! You mean a lot to me !" he told her.

"I love you too, Master !" she replied.

They smiled at each other knowing exactly how he felt for each other: brotherly love and in many ways also paternal love.

No longer receiving any response from her, he noticed that she was lost in thought. "Ahsoka, you seem concerned ! What is it ?" he asks her worried.

She looked up at him and sighed. "It's just that ... the more I dream about it, the more I feel like it's real like something really serious is happening !" She confessed to him.

When he was about to answer him, his communicator put this beep:

"Skywalker, Here."

"Anakin, this is Obi-Wan, I should talk to you ! Are you with Ahsoka ?".

"Yes, she is next to me ! What's going on ?"

"Perfect, I'm waiting for you two in the hangar !"

"Why ?"

"See you at Twilight ! We are leaving immediately !" .

"Where are we going ?"

"I'll explain everything to you on the way !"

"Understood, We're coming !"

Anakin cuts his communication link and turns to Ahsoka. "On the way, Snips !".

She nodded and the two of them left the training room, passing in front of Obi-Wan's quarters, heading for the hangar where the Twilight was docked.

The Jedi Master is already waiting for them inside. "Welcome aboard !" he wished them.

"Master, what's going on ? Where are we going ?" asked his Former Padawan.

"I'll explain everything, Anakin starts the ship !"

Anakin nodded and took off the Twilight. Once entered hyperspace. Ahsoka still standing with her arms crossed oblivious to the situation noticed that the Jedi Master was staring at her with concern.

His Former Padawan, tired of mystery and guessing seeing the way his Former Master looked at his Padawan, decided to break the silence.

"Master, where are we going ? How long are we going to stay in hyperspace ?" he asked.

"In two rotations we will be on Mandalore, we will stay about four hours in hyperspace !" he replied.

"Why are we going there ? Is this a Council-mandated mission ?" Anakin asked him.

"No, the Council is not aware it is for personal reasons !" he replied.

"Is there a problem with Satine ?" Ahsoka asked him.

"No, not with Satine !"

"But with whom ... ?" she stopped immediately, understanding why the Master was looking her this way. "Is it the twins ?" she asked him.

He nodded in response. "Satine called me to tell me that she had taken Caesar and Ashla to the Hospital !" he told them.

"Why ?" she asks him.

"Apparently they refuse to eat for a few days !" he explained to her.

Ahsoka stunned nodding negatively. "What no, it's not possible ?" She felt dizzy for a moment and decided to sit down. "As in my nightmares, I felt it !" then she looked up at the Jedi Master."But what happens to them why they refuse to eat ?" she asks him.

"Apparently from what Satine told me they are suffering from your separation, Ahsoka ! It happens in the nursery or when a child is separated from his parents !" He explained to her.

The young Jedi breathed heavily and panicked, ignoring Anakin's words asking where she was going, Ahsoka got up without saying a word and went to the mess hall to be a little lonely there.

She couldn't believe what he had just told her: they are sick and it was her fault because she rejected them and ignored them, knees bent against her chest she did not even notice her Master sit in front of her and Obi-Wan handing her a cup of tea. "Here. This should help you !" he said gently to her smiling at her she looked up at him and accepted it although she was unable to smile. "Thank you." then he went to sit opposite her next to her Master.

Having finished drinking it she placed the cup on the table and didn't notice the worried looks of the Jedi installed opposite her.

"Ahsoka ?" he asked, worried about her silence.

"It is my fault if they are sick !" she said to them, breaking the silence.

"No, Snips ... it's not ..." he started trying to take her hand, but she pushed him away and interrupted him.

"Yes, it is my fault if they are sick ! Because I rejected them ! You said it yourself, they suffer from our separation ! It is my fault !" she said to them, biting her lip so as not to cry.

Anakin got up and went to sit next to her by passing an arm around her to try to comfort and reassure her. "Hey ! Snips, it's not your fault ! You made a choice for their own good !".

"Anakin is right Ahsoka it's not your fault !" Obi-Wan said to her in a compassionate voice.

"How is it treated ?" she asks him, looking up at him.

Obi-Wan said nothing getting up in turn going towards them and crouched down to get to her eye level.

"Ahsoka, you are the only one who can help them !" She looked up at him looking at him. "That's why we're there, for you to go see them and try to feed them ! That might be help them if they can sense your presence, hearing your voice !".

Ahsoka looked away, bit her lip, then looked up at him. "And if I don't come, what will happen to them ?" she asks him.

"They'll letting starve themselves, they need you, Snips ! They need their mom !" Anakin explained to him.

She looked up at the two Jedi and finally nodded.

Despite Obi-Wan and Anakin's words trying to make her feel not guilty, she couldn't help but feel guilty and worried dead for him and her head was bubbling with questions:What exactly is hospitalism ? Why couldn't they just be happy with Satine on Mandalore who would be better with her rather than herself.

They land on Mandalore and go directly to the hospital. They find the twins's room quite quickly, they enter the room and see Satine who was holding him, she approaches them, greet them and kiss Obi-Wan but her attention turns to the young Togruta who had eyes fixed on Caesar then on Ashla in her small bed who smiled when she saw her mother.

Satine smiles at her. "Ahsoka, I'm glad to see you !".

The girl smiles back at her. "Hello, Duchess me too !".

"Did you wash your hands ?" she asks her.

She nodded negatively and washes her hands with a hydro alcoholic solution.

Then Satine looked at the infant and whispered to him: "Look at Caesar, look at who came to see you !".

Ahsoka worried turning to her Master. "I don't know if I'm going to get there !".

"You're going to get there, Snips, they need you !".

Then motioned for her to settle down. She nodded and settled into an armchair and Satine placed Caesar gently in her arms, giving her the bottle, then the young mother looked at her baby and smiled, preparing to feed him, whispering sweet and comforting words. "Hey ! Caesar, you have to eat to grow well !"

He started to cry, and she became discouraged turning to her Master. "He doesn't want to, it doesn't work !"

"Keep going, Snips, try again !" he said to her.

"Listen Caesar, you have to eat okay ! You need it !" her voice begins to break. "Why don't you want to eat ?" then she bites her lip so as not to cry.

"We will try again later, okay, do you want to try with Ashla ?" Satine asked her.

Ahsoka took a few seconds to calm down and nodded. Satine retrieved the infant which she placed in the little bed then she retrieved Ashla and placed her in her mother's arms.

The young mother looked at her daughter in her arms before removing her lollipop and recovering the bottle that Satine hands her. "Hey Ashla, you need to eat, Okay ? You need to grow !"

Ashla started to cry as for her brother after the third attempt she got discouraged and looked up at her Master. "She doesn't want to, it doesn't work !"

Obi-Wan tries to reassure her. "Ahsoka, don't forget that they are Force sensitive ! So they feels that you are afraid !" he explained to her.

"Obi-Wan is right, Snips. Don't give up !" said her Master tried to reassure her.

The young Togruta nodded negatively and looked up at her Master and Obi-Wan. "No, stop, you see that there is nothing to do anyway I do everything wrong with them ! They don't even want to see me ! I should not have come !". Then she hands it to Satine "Take her ! Sorry ! I can't do it !" and gets up.

She heads for the door but her Master grabs her by the arm "Ahsoka ..." he said in a compassionate voice, she looks up at him bit her lip so as not to cry "I can't ! Leave me alone, I need to be alone !" she said to him and despite all her efforts to keep her "Snips ..." he begged her she looked up at him and managed to break away from his grip and fled from the room.

Obi-Wan could sense the concern of his little brother. "Anakin !" he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at. "You should go talk to her !" Anakin nodded and went after her. "Ahsoka !" he called her.

Once they leave the room, the twins start to cry. "It will be fine !" she said to her, rocking her without success.

Obi-Wan approaches them and calms the infants thanks to the Force. "Hush !" he whispered softly.

Then he looked up at his partner. "You're okay ?" he asks her.

She nodded to his response. "Yes, it's just that …"

"You are worried about Ahsoka ?" he asks her, having read her mind.

She nodded. "Don't worry ! We knew it would be difficult ! Anakin will find her and talk to her !" he said to her.

"Why is it so hard for her ? Anyway I mean how she can feel nothing for them ? It's her kids." she asks him.

"She is young, she is barely 16 years old and suddenly finds herself propelled mom overnight unwittingly, she is lost ! You know during the nine months a bond is created between the baby and his mom but there as she made a denial of pregnancy this bond was not woven !" he explained to her.

"Do you think she will ever be able to love them ?" she asks him.

"I can not tell you !" he replied.

Ahsoka fled from the hospital and collapsed in a corner against a wall with her knees bent against her chest, her arms crossed and her head in her knees, she burst into tears.

"Ahsoka !" she heard the distant voice of her Master, but she did not answer.

Anakin wasted no time in finding her. He saw her sitting in tears. He approached her, pulling her into a tight embrace, massaging her back in small circular movements.

"Ahsoka ... I'm begging you ! Talk to me !" he asks her.

After a few minutes, she looked up at him, and he saw his face spotted with tears. "What's wrong with me ?" she asks him.

"Why do you say that ?" he asks her concerned.

"I do everything wrong with Caesar Ashla !"

"Snips, you made a denial of pregnancy at seventeen years old it is normal that you are lost ! You could not perfectly assure !"

"I feel like a monster !" she said to him in a broken voice.

Anakin stroked her cheek to capture her gaze. "Hey ! Snips ! You're not a monster ! You're the most dedicated person I know !" he said to her.

"So why can't I do it with them ? Why can't I get attached ? Why can't I even feed them ?" she asks him.

"Do you remember Obi-Wan said it happens to babies in nurseries !" he replied.

"It happens to them because I left them !" she looked away. "And even when I come back they don't want to eat !"

"So don't give up ! Do you remember what I told you on Teth during our very first mission together ?"

She thinks about it and remembers this flashback. "I don't see why you won't just listen to me ?" asked Anakin.

"I do listen to you Master, I just don't like being treated like a youngling !" she explained to him.

"You must have patience ! What are you trying to prove anyway ?" he asks her.

"That I'm not too young to be your Padawan !" she confessed to him.

Anakin stood up. "Ahsoka ..." then put a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up at him. "A very wise Jedi once said: "Nothing ever happens by chance" ! It is the will of the Force that you are at my side ! I just want to keep you in one piece !"

She nodded, "You said that nothing ever happens by chance ! That it is the will of the Force that I am at your side !" she replied.

"Exactly, every thing, every moment happens at a specific time ! Maybe it was not the right time !" he said to her.

She looks away from him. "They know that I am not a good person !" she said to him.

"Don't say no matter ! They don't judge you !" he assured her.

She looked up at him. "They are letting themselves die because I have abandoned them ! ... Because I'm not a good mother ! ... Do you believe it ?" she asks him in a broken voice.

"Hey !" He grabbed her chin to force her to look at him. "No, not for a second ! You are strong, you are courageous and stubborn as hell you are not one to give up !" he said to him.

"I let them down !" she told him.

"You made a choice for their own good !" he assured her.

"It was what I said to myself but it was just a pretext as well !" she confessed to him.

He released his grip on her chin but continued to look at each other.

"Except that you knew it would be difficult for you and yet you went back to see them ! You put too much pressure on yourself give yourself time !" he advised her.

"Time they have no more !" she said to him, collapsing in sobs.

He dragged her into a tight hug, stroking her back lekku trying to calm her fears and tears. "Snips, you'll get there ! You're the only one who can do it ! They need you ! Don't give up !" he encouraged her.

She found comfort in his words. And looked up at him, and he wiped away her tears. "We go back ?" he asked her. She nodded at his response, and he helped her up and the two of them headed to the twins's room.

They walked through the door and saw Ashla still in Satine's arms with Obi-Wan by her side who looked up at them.

"Everything is okay ?" he asks them.

"Yeah, It's fine ?" replied Anakin.

"How is she ?" Obi-Wan asks him.

"She's lost, but she's stubborn as hell, so we could say it's okay !" he explained to him.

"I wonder who she can hold that from !" he said to him.

Anakin rolled his eyes. "Oh, very funny !" he replied.

"You also are stubborn as hell, impulsive and take malicious pleasure in disobeying orders !" he explained to him.

"Like Master, Like Padawan !" Anakin told him with a mischievous smile.

She washes her hands again and approached Satine.

"Are you ready to try again ?" she asks her.

She nodded and settled into the chair, Satine puts her back in her arms and hands her the bottle, then her eyes riveted on her she addresses her.

"Hey ! Ashla ..." she turned her head as she brought the bottle to her mouth.

Ahsoka biting her lip started to panic and get discouraged but thought back to what Anakin had said to her: "They need their mom ! Don't give up !" Her voice started to break and couldn't stifle the sobs in her voice. "Listen, I'm sorry okay, I thought I was doing what was best for you and your brother ! ..." a tear ran down her cheek, and she looked up at her, looking into hers. "I didn't have a mother, so I didn't know how to be one ... but I don't want to lose you or your brother ! So, you have to eat, okay ! We're going to try again it's important ! We're going ? Come on !".

To her great surprise, her baby began to suckle the bottle, relieved, she looked up at Anakin, Obi-Wan and Satine smiling at her, remaining moved by the scene.

Then, staring at her daughter who continued to eat, she smiled at her. "It's good, my baby !" she whispered to her.

Anakin continued to watch her he was so proud of her he was sure she could help them. The young mother continued to look at her daughter after having finished her bottle which ends up falling asleep, Satine passed her son to her who also agreed to eat and got up to put them both in the little bed which she placed next to her before seatting in the chair to observe them.

Her Master approached her and put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him, and he wiped away her tears. "I'm proud of you, Snips, I was sure you would get there !" he assured her.

Ahsoka watching the bottle. "I can't believe they almost drank everything !" she says.

Anakin smiles at her comment. "At the same time after having swallowed nothing for days, they must have been starving !" he explained to her.

Ahsoka continued to rock them and whispered to them. "I'm surely not the mom you dreamed of having but it seems that I am a little anyway ! And after what happened, I realize that you need me ! So I'll do my best to make up for it and do it right ! If you want me as mom ?" she asks them.

Anakin having heard it cannot help smiling at her words. "Snips, what do you want to do with them, now ?" he asks her.

She turns to him, Obi-Wan and Satine who were still in the room. "After what just happened, I realize that they need me that I am their mother ! So I would like Caesar and Ashla to come home with me !" she explained to them.

Obi-Wan smiling, pointing to the twins in their small bed, sleeping. "You want to keep them ?" he asked her.

Satine speaking to her. "Is that what you really want ?" she asks her.

The girl turning to her nodding. "Yeah, I know it sounds contradictory after all I said, but I feel a powerful connection between us, and I can't ignore it whether I like it or not, so I want to be close of them, and I want to know how they are !". Looking at them all speechless, but smiling. "You understand ?".

Anakin gets up to come and sit next to her and take her hand. "Of course, Snips ! And we're going to help you with Padmé, it's going to be okay this time !".

Anakin, with Ashla, and Ahsoka with Caesar got up going towards Satine thanking her for taking care of them and let her carry them to say goodbye kiss them on the forehead and give them back to their mother.

Satine and Obi-Wan kissed and said goodbye to her promising to contact her as soon as possible. Then they leave all five Mandalore, Anakin brings them into hyperspace where they will stay there four additional hours to return to Coruscant.

Ahsoka was in the co-pilot seat alongside her Master with her baby still in her arms and her daughter in the baby basket, calm and asleep. She closed her eyes, and dropped gently into Morpheus's arms losing track of time. Until she felt a hand on her shoulder gently shaking her she opened her eyes and met those of her Master smiling at her. "Here we are, Snips !" he said to her.

She wanted to stretch but realized that she still had her child in her arms instead she got up and left the Twilight having accosted in the hangar, with Caesar followed very closely by Anakin, holding the baby basket with Ashla and Obi-Wan who returned to the Temple. While Anakin and Ahsoka returned to Padmé with the twins.