New Secret Report up in my profile. Instead of every two chapters, I decided to release it every new chapter to keep up with the pace. You'll need to figure it out before a certain point in the story, where everything is revealed. Go check it out.

WARNING: One more complaint about updates whether it's PM or review, I WILL NOT UPDATE THIS FIC FOR A MONTH. Cross that line, I'll make it two months and so on. Try me.

Discord link: [discord . gg / 4y5QVPj]

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, Highschool DxD, or any of its characters...

The moment Sora opened his eyes, he was still in the same position from where he was before fainting; sitting on the floor, and propping himself on his elbows.

Okay, this was weird. The last thing he remembered was seeing something white and then blacking out. Something was definitely going on, he could tell. "Huh? I'm still here? But I remember…" He blinked a few times and took a quick glance at his surroundings, where he noticed that there was nobody around. No Rias, no Akeno, Asia, Koneko, even Kiba! Irina and Xenovia weren't there either, and even that green-haired exorcist who was with them. The whole clubroom was totally empty, and he was the only one there.

Sora began to chuckle in a sarcastic manner while bearing a deadpan expression, because he didn't believe this illusion one bit. "Wait a minute, this can't be real… I clearly remember that I was—" he tried to speak in his thoughts, only to get cut off when he heard a very familiar voice.


His eyes widened upon hearing his name getting called. That… definitely sounds like Kairi, but… wasn't he supposed to be all alone here? He turned his head to the source of the voice, where his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and his face exploded into a burst of red. In fact, if looked upon closely, it could be said that he seemed scared and was about to make a run for it.

"K-K-K-K-K-Kairi, w-w-w-w-what are you…?!" he sputtered, before quickly turning his head away and even covering his face with one hand. Oh yeah, THIS was the reason why he blacked out. He could remember that now, and he was wondering why he wasn't waking up. This was just a dream, right?! There's no way this was happening! "Wake up already! Come on, wake up! Wake up! This isn't real! This isn't real!"

Kairi was on all fours just in front of Sora, unaware of her pink minidress hanging by her backside and in the process, revealing her white panties to the poor boy. She turned her head innocently to face Sora, who looked like he would rather be anywhere else but here.

"What's gotten into you?" she asked cluelessly, tilting her head a bit.

"K-K-K-Kairi, w-would you please m-m-move away a bit…?" he stuttered, feeling as if he could explode in embarrassment at any moment. "Don't even think about it! Kairi will kill me if I even dared to peek on her!" He continued to cover his face to prevent himself from even being tempted to peek. Easier said than done, perhaps a result of the constant craziness he had to endure while in this world. "I-I-I-It's just… y-y-your p-p-p-p-panties… a-a-are showing… I can… s-s-see them… " Sora was willing to bang his head against the wall now, if it meant getting this out of his head and to save himself from further embarrassment.


Kairi looked confused for a moment before she finally realized the position she was currently in. "O-Oh…" she blushed deeply, although not as exaggerated as Sora's reaction. Despite this, Kairi slowly flashed him a smile and wiggled her butt at him. "D-Do you like it when I do this?" she asked in a teasing manner, even though it greatly embarrassed her.

That made Sora's eyes almost bulge out of their sockets as he had no choice but to look at the redhead, purely dumbstruck while his face could be likened to a steaming tomato. Did he just hear what he thought she said? No… she couldn't have said such a thing… right?

"W-W-WHAT?! W-WHAT ARE YOU—" Unfortunately, the only thing that his small outburst did was make him get another eyeful of Kairi's panties and catch the girl while she was… shaking her bum at him.

Oh dear, his pure and innocent view on Kairi was now ruined with this sight, as it quickly burned into his mind. Literally, a mental image of Kairi smiling at him just cracked like a mirror and shattered into a million pieces. There was no way for him to forget this anytime soon, even if he spends hours hitting himself on the head for what happened.

While his heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest at any moment, Sora quickly pinched his nose to prevent an impending nosebleed. He turned his head to the side again, not wanting to stoop to the level of a pervert even if this was just a dream. "K-Kairi, please stop doing that… y-y-you're really not thinking straight right now…" Well, that was a stupid thing to say, even for him. He was obviously not talking to the real Kairi, but he treated it as if she was.

That's just who he is, unable to keep himself from helping another person if he could.

The expression on her face turned sad, and somehow Sora could feel it even though he wasn't looking at her. "Y-You don't like it…? But… that girl with red hair like me… she always does this to you, doesn't she?" she asked with her blush becoming deeper, trying once again to get the boy's attention by wiggling her bum and even moving a bit so that she was closer to his face.

Sora's eyes widened as he could feel how close Kairi was to him now, and it caused his face to explode in embarrassment. Also, how the hell did she know about Rias? "H-H-How am I supposed to answer that…?!" he stuttered while shutting his eyes tightly. Through this, he was able to utter his next words more properly. "This isn't like you, Kairi… you're not supposed to be this way. Besides, I don't even know why Rias always teases me like this all the time…"

Silence followed for a few moments after Sora released a deep sigh when he was done speaking. A sad expression washed over Kairi's features once again, before a mischievous and somehow seductive glint flashed in her eyes, a teasing smirk forming on her face.

"But… what if I want to do this with you, Sora?" she asked in a perfect combination of being shy and teasing at the same time.

Okay, it was impossible for him to ignore the girl although she said those words. Her voice wasn't helping one bit, either. It's like he just wasn't able to resist her no matter what! It was enough for the spiky brunette to snap his eyes open, having caught off guard with Kairi's question.

"What…" he tried to voice out his confusion, only to be cut off when he felt himself being pushed down towards the floor. It took him a few seconds to notice that Kairi was completely on top of him, straddling his hips the same way when she… kissed him earlier. "K-K-K-Kairi…?!" The boy's eyes widened to ridiculous proportions and if possible, his face became redder when his childhood friend leaned down that their lips were almost touching.

"I want to do this with you, Sora." Kairi spoke with a teasing smile, resting her finger on the corner of his lips. "...Huh?" The girl suddenly widened her eyes when she felt something twitch on her lower regions, prompting her to take a quick glance while Sora was already panicking and covered his face with his hands.

"Oh no, I hate this! I hate this, I hate this! Kairi's gonna think I'm a pervert now!" Sora thought to himself while shaking his head furiously, completely forgetting that this whole scenario was supposed to be only a dream.

Kairi's cheeks turned pink when she realized what she felt underneath her, before it slowly morphed into a teasing grin. It seemed like she wasn't even affected that much, to the point that she grabbed Sora's hands and removed them from his face so that they were staring intensely at one another once again. While Kairi had a… sultry look on her face, the boy seemed horrified of what his childhood friend would say to him. Looks like he was still thinking that Kairi was now disgusted with him, poor guy.

"Looks like I got you all excited, lazy bum…" she teased, which snapped Sora out of his fear-induced state. Kairi's smile turned into a small grin as she continued to speak in the same teasing tone. "Hmm, do you like it when I do this?" As she spoke, she began to move her hips back and forth slowly, grinding against the… 'thing' inside his pants…

Sora could have sworn he was already dead out of pure embarrassment and simply talked to Kairi as a heart by now. Yep, his brain has truly left the building. So much for saying this was only a dream. "K-Kairi…! Y-Y-Y-You shouldn't be doing this…! T-T-This is wrong! W-We can't do this!" he sputtered with a scarlet red face. He was doing his best to prevent another twitch down there, but Kairi was just making it hard for him.

"Is it wrong if I want to do this with the lazy bum that I love so much?" The sultry look on Kairi's face disappeared and was replaced with a genuine smile, making Sora forget about his embarrassment as his eyes widened in surprise. Not only that, but his violent blush seemed to have calmed down somewhat upon hearing those words.

It reminded him that he had yet to give a response to her sudden confession the moment they saw each other again, and he felt bad about not having anything to say simply because it wasn't the appropriate time for it. Well sure, the meeting with the exorcists was important, but still…

"Kairi, I—" he tried to speak, but got silenced when the redhead placed her finger against his lips.

"Don't say anything else," she winked and caused Sora to blush once again. "I just want to spend this moment with my lazy bum."

Sora couldn't speak, not after hearing Kairi refer to him as 'her' lazy bum. The redness on his cheeks intensified because of it, and it only became worse when Kairi closed her eyes and began to lower her face towards his, aiming for his lips. At this point, the spiky-haired keyblade wielder only closed his eyes shut, feeling that there was no way things could get any worse than this.

Yes, a part of him was secretly hoping for Kairi to kiss him…

"I-It's not like that…!" Sora jolted awake from his slumber to the point that he sat up on the couch where he was resting with such speed that he almost looked like a machine. Taking deep breaths, he noticed Rias sitting next to his feet with Koneko beside her. The two girls were looking at him in both surprise and concern, having caught off guard with his sudden outburst.

The boy blinked at seeing the two girls, clearly remembering that they weren't there just now. He looked around, and realized that everyone who was supposed to be in the clubroom was here. Asia, Akeno, and Kiba were all looking at him in concern. Even the three exorcists somehow looked worried for him.

He took notice of Kairi bearing an expression that showed she was the most worried out of everyone inside the clubroom. However, the moment that their gazes met, the redhead quickly blushed and looked away. Sora raised an eyebrow at Kairi's embarrassed look, before it finally hit him.

Yep, he resisted the biggest urge to facepalm when he remembered that everything he saw moments earlier was just a dream. Not only that, he also tried his best not to blush, because the scenario in which Kairi kissed him on the lips… it actually happened as well as… seeing her panties.

That image was burned into his mind, and there was no way he could get rid of it, unless his memories were wiped. However, the world will end first before that even happens.

"I can't blame her," Sora thought to himself with a deep sigh, now managing to calm down after reminding himself that what transpired was just an event in his mind. "Still… what was that dream all about…? Please, Please tell me I'm not turning into a pervert…" he internally pleaded, not wanting himself to be degraded into scum.

Despite that, he couldn't bring himself to blame Rias and her abnormal habits, which was most likely the reason for this.

"Are you okay?" Rias asked, leaning towards her pawn for a bit with a worried look on her face.

"Y-Yeah," Sora nodded while taking a few deep breaths. "I just… had a little surprising dream, that's all. I'm sorry if I disturbed anything important." As he said those words, he willed himself not to think of anything else that would make him remember that dream, otherwise he wouldn't be able to take it.

"On the contrary, you didn't disturb anything. The meeting hasn't even started yet," Rias stated calmly and caused Sora to look confused. "I didn't want the meeting to start with one of my servants in an unconscious state. But now that you're up, I suppose we can begin."

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen." Sora hung his head in shame, feeling all of this was his fault.

"It's not your fault," Rias sighed and patted his shoulder before sending him a curious look. "Although I have to ask, are you aware of what caused you to faint just a few minutes ago? If not, then it would likely be for the best if you don't know," she said, crossing her arms.

Sora blushed for a few moments, the memory of Kairi kissing him quickly flashing in his mind before he shook it off and nodded slowly. This caused Rias to sigh and gestured for her servant to do what he needed to do before they could continue. The boy gulped nervously as he turned towards his childhood friend, bowing his head in shame.

"I'm sorry, Kairi! I-I didn't mean to do it…! It was all just an accident, I swear! P-P-Please don't be mad…" he muttered the last part to himself, all while hoping that Kairi would hear him out and understand.

With an equally red face, Kairi gave him a slow nod before turning her gaze away. "I-I-It's okay… I know you're… n-not the kind of person who would… d-do something like that on purpose…" she muttered softly, but enough for everyone to hear. She slowly looked back at him while twiddling her fingers in embarrassment, which apparently made her cuter. "B-Besides, uhm… I wasn't being careful, so… I'll take some of the blame too."

Xenovia looked like she was about to speak up, thinking about apologizing because it was her carelessness that got the two childhood friends into an embarrassing situation. However, Griselda sent her a look that seemed to say "you've done enough", causing the bluenette to stay her hand.

"She doesn't hate me… I'm glad." Sora breathed out a sigh of relief as he smiled slowly, and only a few seconds later, Kairi bore a smile of her own (although she was still blushing). These two just trusted each other so much that they couldn't stay uncomfortable with one another for very long.

While nobody could notice it, Rias also found herself smiling at the interaction between her pawn and his childhood friend. If this was any other scenario, she would be jealous and most likely intervene but for this case, there was no need to. Besides, she wasn't heartless to deny Sora his wish of getting back together with his friends, even if it was a girl who had the same feelings for him as she did.

Little did she know that she was slowly changing for the better, all because of her beloved pawn.

Griselda smiled at Kairi for a few moments, before she cleared her throat. "Well, now that that misunderstanding has been dealt with, I believe we are now more than fitted to start this meeting between us?" she asked, crossing her arms and looking at Rias.

"I couldn't agree more," Rias nodded in agreement to the exorcist's question. With this, the atmosphere inside the clubroom became more tense and returned to its serious tone from when the four visitors arrived. Almost immediately, Sora and Kairi fixed themselves and sat properly on their respective seats, while Kiba returned to his glaring expression that was directed towards the exorcists.

"Before anything, I want to ask just what is a human like Sora still doing here?" Griselda asked as she gestured towards the boy who sat beside Rias. "I was under the impression that we are only supposed to be meeting with a group with devils, unless there is something important that we should know about?"

Even if she was speaking with one of the best exorcists of the church, Rias didn't want to show any sign of weakness. This was her territory, not theirs. "That's a question that I should be asking you. Why is Kairi with you today? Is she an exorcist like you, or something else? There is a reason why Sora is here, but I will only give you the answer once you give me yours."

Xenovia was about to speak up and lash out at the crimson-haired devil for her blatant disrespect, but Griselda raised her arm to stop her before she could get the chance.

"Why should I do that? Are you planning to do something that involves Kairi in some way?" Griselda asked with the tiniest bit of suspicion in her tone, while hiding a smirk to herself.

"Nothing as drastic as that. I simply want to know the reason why, and I'm sure that Sora wants the same." Rias shook her head before gesturing towards her spiky-haired servant. To confirm her words, Sora gave a nod. "As you saw a few minutes ago, the two share a deep bond with each other and if I had to guess correctly, Kairi landed in this world after Sora did. She went here with three other keyblade wielders but here she is, with three exorcists instead. Sora will want to know how that came to be."

Griselda's smirk grew wider, but managed to hide it from everyone else. This girl, despite being no older than 19, already knew how to make smart arguments in order to turn everything in her favor. No wonder she was the devil in charge of this town.

"Very well, I shall tell you. What is it you want to know?" Griselda nodded, causing mixed reactions from her companions. Xenovia was flabbergasted that her guardian just gave in to what the devils demanded, while Irina just looked uneasy with all this. Kairi wondered if Griselda was going to tell them about her being found by Gabriel in Heaven, but that would also mean giving away the truth to the two younger exorcists.

Rias shrugged her shoulders. "Just how Kairi managed to end up travelling with you three. Something tells me that you didn't encounter her only recently."

"Kairi was left under my care by a dear friend. Obviously, I can't leave such an innocent girl somewhere safer and because she was insisting to let her help us, I agreed to let her join us for this mission. Because of that, she ended up accompanying me and these two all the way here to this town for an important mission that I wanted to discuss with you today." Griselda explained with a kind smile. That wasn't a lie, Gabriel was a dear friend to her and Kairi did want to help them retrieve the missing Excaliburs. "Is there anything else you wish to know?"

The Gremory girl pondered over a possible question she could ask, before she noticed Sora keeping his gaze solely focused on Kairi after hearing Griselda's words. She could've sworn she saw a look of worry flash in his eyes. This gave her an idea.

"Am I correct to assume that you've kept her safe until now? Sora will be pleased to know that his childhood friend was in safe hands ever since she was transported to this world, but is she?"

"We went through a little dilemma recently that I will bring up later on but besides that, Kairi is safe. After all, she is perfectly capable of defending herself since she is a keyblade wielder like Sora."

Nobody noticed it, but Sora had let out a massive sigh of relief upon hearing those words. "Thanks for keeping her safe for me," he thought, sending Griselda a look of gratitude before turning back towards his 'dearly beloved'.

"I see," Rias nodded. She then noticed her pawn gesturing towards himself and the exorcists, causing her to take a deep breath because she knew what he meant. "Alright, I suppose it's my turn to explain a few things to you, especially Kairi." Rias massaged her forehead a bit, before continuing in her words. "I will not sugarcoat it any further, so to put it simply, Sora is a devil. To be more precise, I reincarnated him into a devil when he arrived in this world. He is now a part of my peerage as my pawn."

That caught the exorcists and Kairi off guard and caused them to widen their eyes, especially the two teenagers whom Sora met yesterday. Sora was a devil? How could that be? There was no clear sign or proof of the boy being the same as the other people inside the clubroom. They could clearly sense the aura of a devil from everyone else, except for Sora. As far as they knew, he was only a human.

"T-That can't be, Sora-kun is just a human," Irina spoke up with a confused expression. "We can clearly tell him apart from everyone else here, and he's the only human here like us. All of you are devils, but not him. We met him yesterday, but we didn't sense anything from him even until now."

"You met him yesterday?" Rias repeated, before sending a disapproving glance at the boy, who only looked down in shame and sighed. There was no hiding his mistake now. "Why didn't you tell me about them?" she asked.

"I…I didn't know they were exorcists…" he shrugged his shoulders slowly. He wouldn't regret helping them because it was the right thing to do, but the fact that he went against Rias' orders made him feel uneasy. "I saw them while I was walking around town yesterday and I just wanted to help them because they needed it… I'm sorry."

Rias sighed and shook her head. She should've expected this, but she wasn't surprised that her pawn ended up helping a pair of exorcists in some way. She liked that trait about him, but he really needed to tone down the kindness, even for just a bit. "We'll discuss this later on," she finally spoke, patting his shoulder a few times.

Unfortunately, Xenovia took Rias' words as desperate lies to trick them and was quickly affected. It didn't help that the redhead seemed like she was threatening the poor boy. "If any of you even try to harm him, I will not hesitate to put all of you down!" she threatened, narrowing her eyes at all of them. She wouldn't let a bunch of devils get through the skin of a pure and innocent boy like Sora, even though he could already defend himself.

Meanwhile, Kairi only stared at Sora with a blank look. Strangely, she didn't look shocked that her childhood friend was a devil but rather, only curious and somehow worried. If he was really a devil, then… was he feeling okay? From what she learned through Gabriel's words, devils were creatures of the dark, which already means that Sora was part of the darkness now. That wasn't a bad thing if it only meant utilizing its power like what Riku does, but this was another scale. It's like he was a Heartless in human form. Kairi knew how Sora was like if he let himself give in to darkness, but looking at his expression right now, he didn't seem like he was bothered…

She trusted him enough to think that Sora made this decision on his own, and for good reason. It's impossible that the devils here forced him to become one, because Kairi didn't believe that they would do that. Gabriel personally told her that she believed that not all devils are evil, and of course the kind and caring redhead would also think the same. The fact that Sora seemed so comfortable around these devils was proof. Furthermore, even if they did try to force him, Sora had his keyblade to defend himself.

Many questions were popping in her head at the moment, but the majority of them were simply regarding Sora's mental state and condition. First things first, though… is he really a devil or not?

"Xenovia calm down, that's an order." Griselda scolded with a serious expression. The bluenette gritted her teeth in frustration, wondering how her guardian could remain calm about this until now. Reluctantly, she remained in her place and allowed Griselda to take over. "I beg your pardon," the older exorcist spoke in a conflicted tone as she looked at Rias. "...but did you say that Sora is a devil? Not to disclaim your proclamation, but being exorcists of the church, we can tell a normal human apart from other supernatural beings, which includes devils." Griselda gestured towards herself and the other two exorcists with her. "I speak for the three of us when I say that Sora is a normal human to us. Would you mind showing us proof of your words before we continue?" She sent a quick glance at the young redhead with her. "Kairi would want to know what truly became of her childhood friend."

The Gremory girl locked eyes with Griselda for a few moments before closing her eyes. "Very well," Rias nodded and turned to Sora with a knowing look.

The boy quickly got the message and stood up from his seat, having a conflicted expression on his face before managing to calm himself down. There was one good way of proving he was now a devil, and… it might be a bit freaky. He was a bit worried of what would be Kairi's reaction once she sees it, but he knew that he would have to tell her this the moment he made his decision.

A pair of dark, batlike wings shot out of Sora's back, causing Kairi and the three exorcists to widen their eyes in shock. Irina nearly fell out of the couch due to having been caught off guard with what just happened, while Xenovia and Griselda were able to stay in place. Their eyes, however, could only mean that this was something they never saw coming, mainly because they were confident in the claim that the devils were simply making themselves look strong by stating that Sora, a powerful keyblade wielder, was a devil. They were exorcists, why would they doubt their own abilities? It was just impossible for such a kind and innocent boy to be a creature of the dark, an enemy of the church. The very same boy also happened to possess a weapon of light, the same as the members of the church.

They never would have thought it was real.

Compared to them, Kairi's shock was way less, but enough to say that she wasn't truly expecting it. Still, it answered the question in her mind on why Sora was here with them, and why he somehow knew about these devils. Kairi was also the first to snap out of her shock, and she immediately found herself locking eyes with Sora. She quickly noticed the worried look on his face that seemed to say 'are you angry with me', causing Kairi to flash him a warm smile which was enough to make him feel relieved for now. It almost made her want to giggle to herself, finding it really silly and heartwarming at how Sora can quickly change his demeanor when he's around her.

That's one of the reasons why she loved that lazy bum.

At the very least, he was safe and Sora didn't look depressed or anything like that. She could already tell just from observing how Rias Gremory interacted with him.

Griselda was able to snap out of it next, and hid her surprise behind a mask that showed intrigue. She couldn't believe that her skills as an exorcist was somehow fooled with this, but instead of lashing out, the woman wanted to know more. "Well, this has become interesting… assuming that my eyes aren't fooling me, it appears that your words have some truth in them. Surely, there must be an explanation for this?" she asked Rias, just as Sora retracted his wings and sat back down. "I have no doubts in my abilities as an exorcist to take back what I said about not sensing anything coming off of Sora."

"There is no need to take back anything, I understand why you would say that Sora is only a normal human and no, it's not because of his kindness." Rias said, shaking her head. "Quite frankly, we experienced this exact scenario in the past. Alright well, the reason you can't sense that Sora is a devil, is simply because of the light that inhabits his body. Since Sora's childhood friend is with you, you must know that people like her have the ability to use weapons of light called the 'keyblade'." The crimson-haired girl turned her attention to Kairi, since this was something that she needed to know. "When I reincarnated Sora into a devil, he retained the ability to utilize his keyblade and other powers. You aren't able to tell that he's a devil because the light inside him masks the aura of a devil which is present in my kind."

Kairi blinked in realization, glancing at Sora as it all clicked in her mind. "S-So that means…"

"In other words, you see Sora as a normal human while for us, we see him as a devil. The reason for that is because light can harm us, therefore the only thing we can sense from him is his devil aura." Rias turned her attention towards Griselda once again. "It's a convenient way of hiding his nature from members of the church like you."

"No way…" Irina breathed out, turning her attention towards the spiky brunette with her mouth agape in shock. Those words, as much as she wanted to refute and deny them, they actually made sense and it explained why Sora was here. She couldn't think of any argument against it. "Sora-kun… is really a devil…?"

Acting as the final nail in the coffin, Sora decided to respond to Irina's question by nodding his head slowly, while keeping his gaze on Kairi the whole time.

And there we go. Sora has a little dream about Kairi, and he finds out that he's slowly being corrupted by this new world with 'dirty' thoughts. Damn, I fear for him when Kairi starts to become more aggressive, because we all know she'll do whatever it takes to get his love. As for the next part, I wanted this chapter to be about Sora's true nature being revealed, and that's what I did. Next one should be interesting, because it will be the bulk of the meeting, covering everything about what needs to be talked about.

If you think it is slow-paced, not my problem. I rather do shorter chapters than longer ones, anyway. That is, unless certain circumstances are met.

Goodbye… and good night! BANG! *too sweet gesture*
