The earliest memory Kaida could ever recall was being carried away in the cold, dead, snow of her clan's home country. She remembered being almost two years old and had fallen asleep in her yukata after her bath, waiting for her mother, Haruno Mebuki, to come teach her how to put on her fancy kimono for the New Years festivities that night. Her twin sister, Haruno Sakura took her bath before her and their mother had helped her with her fancy kimono before taking her to where they would greet their grandfather, Lord Haruno Kaname.

Kaida remembered something had happened the night before, which caused her to stay up all night. She didn't remember ever falling asleep, but when she woke up by being immediately brought outside, Kaida knew something was wrong. She didn't recognize the woman carrying her; she didn't have the green eyes of the Haruno and Kaida couldn't recall seeing the woman in the village.

She remembered screaming for her grandfather, her mother, and her father, Haruno Kizashi. She remembered a hand muffling her screams, gripping her face hard enough to leave bruises. She remembered hearing her mother's panicked cry.

She remembered the woman stumbling to the ground, her grip going limp as her head slid off from her neck. She remembered being pulled into the warm chest of her father before she even hit the ground, blood covering her small body. She remembered her father dropping, dropping, the sword he forged his skill and fame as a deadly shinobi and an even deadlier swordsman with to hold her to his chest.

Kaida remembered something awakening inside her. She didn't know what, but it burned deep inside her. Her mother called it the Will of Fire one day when she wouldn't give up in her shurikenjutsu training. Her father called it something else.

She is Haruno Kaida, member of the Dragon Clan; Haruno. Made from Iron, forged in Fire, and carried by a maelstrom. She'll show the world what it truly means to be from the Clan of Dragons.

Yo. Hope you all like the new story! This prologue(?) is a little vague, but I still hope you all enjoyed it!
