(Hey, guys here's the next chapter to our Megaforce revamp. Just a note some titles might change and we'll be adding new episodes that weren't in the actual show. Also, some episodes from tv will be scrapped like, "Who's crying now?" NOOO lol, that's an unnecessary episode. ENJOY!)


"Our world was once a safe and happy-oh shut up!"

The place Gia called home was nothing more than a glorified prison and the warden hardly ever was in the kindest of moods. The house was placed in the heart of the suburban metropolis just one of the equally eye-catching residences. From the outside it appeared that all was right in the world, there was never a storm cloud in sight, yet Gia felt like a caged bird once she opened the front door of her bedroom.

There were few pictures that lined the walls of the hall, mostly recent photos of her and her parents feigning happiness. There were hardly photos of Gia in her youth. It was those recollections that she wished to stay buried. In the pictures, Gia looked to be the happiest girl in the world but in truth, no one knew about how hard her parents would force her to skip meals and practice for hours. Her mother was a former pageant girl and a vicious competitor. She didn't just win but always went out of her way to establish dominance on the field. Her mother had a chance to compete in the Miss Universe Pageant, but an injury ruined her career. She thought her whole world had come to an end but that all changed when Gia was born.

Since she was two years old Gia was conscripted into the world of beauty pageants. Her father served as her manager and her mom was her coach. Neither one would let her sleep if she didn't walk away with the top prize.

What initially started as a means to unite their family quickly became the chain that Gia was forced to carry. Since she decided to put the pageant life behind two years ago, things at home haven't been copacetic. Her parents still carried a grudge about her decision. when her father spotted her. She descended into the kitchen to scrounge together a swift bite to eat. Seated at the table her father spooned portions of warm oatmeal into his mouth whilst he flipped through the daily paper.

A glare of tension locked on to Gia, she too returned the expression. This was their norm, very little words spoke mostly harsh stares and impulsive actions.

"If you want a ride to school I'm going to be leaving in 5 minutes," her father spoke.

"No thanks."

"You're gonna take the bus? Because if that's the case you're 15 minutes behind schedule before you would have been ready before 7."

"If school started at 7 I would have."

"But it starts at 8:30 and yet you haven't put your clothes on, it's 8:00 now."

"Dad, if you actually check the time instead of guessing, it's 7:45, and the school is only 10 minutes away. "

"And how long does it take you too even get out of bed, 30 minutes?"

"I don't take that long..." Gia spat, it was a bold-faced lie. Back when she was a slave to his whims she was always present upwards of 15 minutes before the agreed-upon time. Her father dreaded any form of hesitation or delay. With the knowledge that Gia was now deliberately procrastinating pried open a deep wound. The face of her father contorted into a pit of fury but he hid it well.

"I am not overreacting, I just thought that you would want to show your teachers some respect. How does it look if you showed up late?"

Gia rolled her eyes, under normal circumstances she would have been halfway to the school by now. Her father continued to berate her about being late eventually Gia had enough and stepped out the door. Her father clamored after her.

"Where do you think you're going we aren't finished talking!"

"By the time you finish Dad, I will actually be late,"

"Come straight home after school, you and I need to have a serious conversation."

Gia crossed the threshold of her home into the open air, her front door slammed behind.

"I'll be waiting right in front, don't be late!" He shouted.

The daily struggle of her parents weighed heavily on Gia's mind. They used to be so cool when she was younger but now they're more like boa constrictors. Any instance of a normal life Gia would hope to have has been snuffed out by the pressures of her folks. All they want is for their little girl to return to the suppressive lifestyle she's come to dread and that's not who Gia is anymore.

A week had passed since the Megaforce Rangers stepped foot on to the suburban area of Major Soul City and it had been a week since the reality of Troy's life was revealed. The thermonuclear emissions that seeped from his hands in times of high stress were not from this world. Now what about him, was he not from this world? More so he somehow played a role in this grand cosmic order of good and evil. Hardwood county was now a victim to the ambush of evil and Troy was more confused as to ever about who he was. For hours after Gosei's revelation, Troy attempted to ring his father all to no avail. It was questionable rather this reason was intentional or not.

"The abilities you have are not of this world. They are of a rare occurrence only seen once every few hundred years. It was said that the last person to have these powers greatly tipped the balance of good and evil. I am not sure yet what these powers will mean for you, only that you are of great importance."

The voice of Gosei did nothing but multiply the implicit confusion Troy already had. What did he mean how could one person freely manipulate good and evil? Gosei was unclear if the dreams were relevant to this situation. It was no secret that Troy was adopted, but to think that he might hail from another planet all together was more than his mind could process.

It was probably all a lie.

That would be the stance Troy took. For all, he knew he was taken in by a decent family from the Safe Heaven Adoption Agency. His meltdowns were the result of his emotions being out of check. No one had to know anything else. Troy was 100% normal

His father knew more than Troy ever did, now that his father was gone, there was no way to question him. His mysterious powers were the driving force behind his many expulsions, but just last week a new ability struck. The scar Creepox had created had healed in a blink of an eye.

Creepox...just who was he exactly and from the looks of it, the creature wanted more than to fight Troy but to capture him.

But why?

Troy pondered these thoughts alone at lunch. No one dared to sit with him, nor even bother to look at him. No one knew who the new kid really was. All they could understand was that he was a controversial mystery.

Barely touching her own tray of food, Gia monitored the red ranger from afar. Across from her, Emma nibbled away at her salad.

"Why are you looking at him for?" Emma asked mid-chew.

"I'm just wondering Emma," Gia stated.

"Wondering what?" Emma quizzed, "Why he's sitting all alone? He should sit alone." Her eyes squinted in disdain, she still carried resentment from his harsh interview.

"Oh come on Emma, I know you may not like him but he deserves to have friends too." Gia implied.

Emma was now glaring and Troy, her face upturned with contempt.

"What's going on?" Gia asked.

"What do you mean?" Emma jumped, startled.

"Well, it's just not like you to get so worked over one guy. You're the sweetheart, you never let the darkness conceive you."

Emma sighed, "well to be honest Troy did get me really upset...and not because he's the leader, that's already decided. When I interviewed him he said some mean things to me."

"Is that why you're wearing long pants today?" Gia's eyes were as sharp as ever, hardly anyone noticed that Emma was now wearing long pink jeans rather than her pink shorts. Typically these bottoms wouldn't have seen the light of day until winter, but Troy forced her hand.

"You noticed?" Emma said slightly, "that's one thing he said. He said 'those shorts are a millimeter above the length requirement. You are a total rebel'." The tone of Emma's voice was a mocking resemblance to Troy.

"What?" Gia blanched.

"He made it seem like I was, 'one of those other girls'." Emma whispered, "I'm nothing like Kim Orbin or Alex Bailey, not even Tasha."

"What did you ask him?" Gia pressed.

Emma bit her tongue coyly.

"Emma." Gia insisted.

"I asked if it was true that he injured students at his other school," Emma confessed.

"Emma," Gia sighed. It was pretty cut and dry as to why Troy behaved the way he did. It was a defense mechanism. For too long people have defined his present on the dark parts of his past and that was something Gia could relate too.

"Gia, he hurt several students from multiple schools and doesn't deserve sympathy," Emma responded.

"I know Emma but don't you think that was a little personal?"

"What?" Emma shrugged her shoulders defensively, from her perspective there was no fault in her logic. The loneliness Troy felt was something of his own doing. "Everyone needs to know."

"But we don't even know what really happened or why it even occurred," Gia said.

"They said it was a girl."

"They?" Gia sighed then speaking softly to her friend, "Emma come on that's not your story to tell. Neither is it any of our business."

"...You seem pretty passionate about defending him. It seems like you guys are running on the same wavelength." Emma poised

"I just think that people are judging him before they get to know him."

"...I'm not the only one upset by a guy am I?" Emma noticed the outpour of emotion from Gia only masked the inward turmoil. Gia stood silent as her gaze sifted. The curve of her hand hovered in front of her lips. This was a sensitive matter not best to be hashed at school.

"Problems at home again?" Emma interfered.

"No..everything's fine." Gia's hand tightened into a fist.

"Was it your dad again?" Emma guessed.

"I said everything is fine." Gia insisted

"If I could tell you my problems you shouldn't be afraid to tell me yours, that's what friends are for."

"It's nothing I swear."

Though her words were bitter Emma saw right through Gia's facade. There was something deeply rooted that left her greatly miffed. The endearing stare finally breached Gia's stone defenses, she exhaled and gushed her inner turmoil. "Look nothing changes in that house. It's nothing to worry about, just the usual. I haven't had a genuine conversation with either of my parents in almost two years. When we do talk it always erupts into an argument about what was. I left that life for a reason, it wasn't about us being a family but more so about me winning. On top of that, Jake has been texting me non stop, that guy doesn't seem to have an off switch. With Troy most people regard him as some sort of demon, I think it's obvious he's trying to put the past behind him. Why should I contribute to the belief he already has of himself, I'd rather be apart of the solution."

Emma didn't see it that way, she only went with what people knew not what she was able to find out herself. Emma judged him off of rumors and decided whether he was a good guy or not by the way he presented himself.

"What solution?" Jake blurted as he and Noah arrived at the table with trays in hand. Jake squeezed himself next to Gia unannounced while Noah took a suitable space next to Emma.

"I hope we're not interrupting your conversation," Noah apologized. "I tried to tell Jake not to disturb you."

"Oh don't worry, we might as well get to know each other now rather than later," Emma replied.

"So what are you guys talking about?" Jake gleamed eagerness built in his chest.

"Oh nothing just girl stuff," Emma shrugged with a smile. Jake's head bobbed, his joyous expression unchanged. He then marveled at Gia who had her jaw clenched tightly. It was annoying to how persistent he was if only he could leave her alone.

"I was talking about Troy..." Gia stated, hopefully, that will get Jake to take the hint.

"Oh him? Why?" Noah asked.

"She likes him." Emma mocked with a smile.

"No, I don't," Gia smirked.

"You do?" That caught Jake off guard especially when Gia's cheeks turned red. The embarrassment on her face persuaded his position to change, "Wait, yeah no she doesn't."

"Ah, I could see, the red suit screams fire!" Noah couldn't help but chuckle.

Jake was beside himself. Gia had to not like the new kid because Jake was so much better than him, even though Troy was the kid everyone will talk about and the red ranger of their team. Jake was special in his own way, "Black screams something too!"

"Like what, dryness?" Gia questioned.

"...I'm not dry, see I brought water," Jake panicked as the bottle of water from his tray crackled at every gulp he took. He gasped for air once the bottle was empty.

"I think you're going to need more." Gia was just mocking Jake from every corner.

"Anyways," she continued, "it's just, Emma, you know what I mean. You thought the same when we were 6. You didn't understand until you heard my story."

"What story? I will like to hear it." Jake smiled only to make Gia roll her eyes.

Noah took note of this as he looked back at Troy, all alone and eating. "Huh, didn't Gosei say he had met adversity. It was kind of strange Gosei knew so much about him. Who knows what Gosei knows about us too."

"Oh boy, if that's the case then there's somethings I hope he didn't see," Jake said.

"Oh like when you-"

"Don't say it!" Jake demanded.

Noah chuckled, "Heh, as a matter of fact, Tensou says Gosei wants us all to gather later today at the base. He wants to show us some new tactics."

"Ahh, more training?" Jake complained, "First we'll learn the elements of working as a team and more teamwork strategies. Next, it's going to be the value of friendship is the best weapon to defeat our enemies, like COME ON!"

"Aren't you a soccer player? Teamwork should be in your blood," Gia asked.

"Um...Yeah...I mean it is...I think," Jake shrugged.

"Stop complaining," Noah snickered, "But you have to admit those Megazord simulation drills were pretty awesome."

After putting it to thought, Emma realized what needed to be done as she gazed at Troy, "Hmm I get what you mean Gia, and the only way we can form the Megazord would be with Troy. Maybe I should try to not be so critical. I mean if we are going to protect the earth, he needs to be a part of it. I should slow down on his past and focus on reconnecting with him in the future."

It was hard to admit but something had to be done. The first confrontation with Troy wasn't the best one. Hopefully, this will be better and all she had to do was be nice to him. Before she could begin her trek across the cafeteria a new girl approached Troy. It was obvious she was of the popular crowd. Her fierce eyes struck terror into the heart of anyone who looked at them. Emma eased herself back into her seat not wanting to cause a scene.

The rangers all watched. The confrontation was a spectacle to behold.

"Hi, Troy..." A female teenager had greeted him and as he looked up, the female smiled with contempt to get his attention. Her friends were watching too, silently cheering her on to speak to Troy even more as he looked back down to his tray.

"My name's Nancy, what's your name?" The teenager was of tan complexion, her hair of silk blonde. No matter if she tried to seduce him or not with her short skirt, Troy's slice of pizza was much more enjoyable to look at.

"What?" Jake squealed at what he was seeing. Troy was just sitting there not even trying and already the girls were falling all over him. If only he had that spark and then maybe Gia wouldn't push him to the side.

"Oh yeah, Troy, right..." Nancy giggled as she took a seat across from Troy. She folded her legs to block her skirt from rising, "I tend to forget what I say at times. Too bad my head's still attached huh?" She giggled again but was no answer from Troy.

"Um, how are you? How's your food?" Nancy asked. Troy's fingers dipped into the tomato sauce of his pizza as he took a bite. He made little to no eye contact and spoke no words.

"Are you eating healthy? If not I could-"

"Okay, what do you want?" Troy finally responded as he licked his lips. Graved by her presence and bothered by her interruption.

"Oh my god, you said something to me!" Troy talked to Nancy and that made her squeal as she looked back her friends, "The girls said you wouldn't say a word to me but my god you did."

"Huh?" Troy thought sarcastically, his facial expression impassive which matched his feelings, "..would me telling you to scram help?"

"Ohhh..." She started to smile brighter, her hands clamped on to the table. She took a glance at her friends then back at Troy and her smile was overjoyed, "this has to be the best day ever! Not only did you give me one sentence but we are actually having a conversation!"

This girl had to be kidding.

He should have just kept his mouth shut because when he opened it-it gave the other girls-the friends of Nancy the confidence to confront him.

"O.M.G Troy!"

"Will you like to go with me to the mall?"

"Or join our Soccer club?"

"You're so cute!"

"Do you need me to get you some more Milk?"

There were like ten of them or maybe 20 or even 30. Troy couldn't count how many female students Nancy had brought behind her. He just wanted to eat his food for crying out loud, he didn't think he would be a victim of fangirls even though he was pretty much a celebrity in this school.

"...Hmm, I need two cartons in fact, but the lines a bit on the slow side so don't waste your time." Hopefully, that will draw them away, all of them in fact.

"I'll get it!" One girl offered but instead, they all rushed behind her. It was like a madhouse in the lunch isle, pushing and yelling, all of this for Troy could get a carton of milk. Troy could have used this opportunity to leave but his pizza slice was more important and as a male student sat at his empty table he stood back up immediately after. Other students had to warn him who he was sitting next to and urged him to depart from the table. They thought they were saving the student's life which Troy declared the rumors about him as they spread faster than a virus.

"I'm going to go talk to him," Gia was done watching and with Troy all alone it was the perfect opportunity to talk since it seemed Emma was now having cold feet.

"Um, do you think it's a good idea?" Jake was worried.

"Yes, I'm sure," Gia responded. "What's with everyone's anxiety?"

"It has nothing to do with that. I mean... you're just going to bring more iron to the fire." Jake proclaimed, surprising Gia. For a guy as shortsighted as he was he had some common sense. To think she thought Jake's brain was transported into Noah's brain that day that Noah said robots will out last out all humans.

"Well, in this case, I'm saving them both," Gia said boldly as her chair screeched across the tile floor. Gosei was right about her ferocity because once she got an idea in mind she was committed and determined to see it through to completion.

"Wait, Gia." Jake pleaded but it was too late, the tigress was on the prowl.

"Hey." She approached Troy putting on a friendly face expecting him to return the look. Troy descended deeper in isolation as he raised his walls. With his body language communicating that he did not want to be bothered. Gia remained persistent as she forcefully placed her hands on the table in front of him. Troy looked up from his plate, a total of three seconds before returning to his lunch.

Troy definitely did have the fury of a dragon.

"You know you don't have to sit by yourself, if you wanted you could come sit with us," Gia offered. Disregarding the comment, Troy took another grand bite of his pizza. Gia sighed, her initial attempt to break Troy's stone exterior fell on deaf ears. From the far side of the cafeteria, the clicking of heels and the squeals and laughter of girls drafted towards the table.

"Troy!" They giggled hustling toward the brooding male like a swarm of cockroaches.

"We...I got your Milk!"

"And some more pizza too!"

The girls were at war with one another. They pushed and shoved their way to the front of the herd and brought with them several cartons of milk, bottles of juice, and many varieties of pizza. Some tried to be unique and bring him sandwiches and chips, cookies, and smoothies, everything the cafeteria had offered. As they approached the table their dreams and aspirations were instantly shattered by the sight of Gia.

"What are you doing here?" Nancy snapped her tray of food clattered on the table, "You already have all the guys falling for you. Let us have somebody."

The other girls in the conglomerate host also threw down their trays and formed up around Nancy. Their unified glances were enough to reduce the structure of anything to zero, but Gia had experienced worse. Compared to the predatorial nature of pageant moms and their spoiled brats, these wannabes were relatively ranked low.

As if Troy wanted anything to do with them in the first place. He reclined at the table, his plate now devoid of pizza. Many of the girls watched to see if Troy would accept either of their offerings but he paid them no mind. Their very presence was more irritative than a welcome company.

"Can you go away?" He requested nonchalantly. Some of the girls were dismayed that he didn't consume the food they presented to him, others just didn't want him to turn them down.

"I think you guys better listen to him, from what I heard Troy is not the joking type," Gia urged.

"Who are you his girlfriend?" Nancy scoffed, "You don't know anything about him, so why don't you go take your lonely promiscuous self elsewhere."

Troy's lip curled as his face cracked into a crooked smile. Finally, something interesting was happening and he had a front-row seat.

"I'm just his... friend," Gia responded, "and promiscuous did you just look that up? Great job, you know how a dictionary works. You, licentious floozies, were interrupting his meal. If you had a brain in that empty space you call a head, then you might have the intuition to read the situation."

"...Whatever..." Nancy huffed.

The whole cafeteria was silent as the onlookers watched the intense staredown. Nancy had never been pushed into a corner like this. She looked to Troy who was minding his own business and then back to Gia who remained determined. She turned her back and walked away defeated, her entourage behind her.

Gia then sat across from Troy.

"You okay?" She asked looking to him.

"Was I not supposed to be?" Troy rebutted.

"I'm just asking, the first few days of school can be challenging especially since you're the new kid," Gia added.

"Well, in that case, everything is intact. The girls did no harm." Troy said sarcastically.

"...Look, I know you may not like us but if we're going to be working together we would really like to get to you know you better and don't worry about Emma. She promised she'll be nice."

Troy's lips remained sealed, his guard was still raised as he tried to interpret Gia's game. Too many times did he allow himself to be congenial and too many times did it all come to naught. Adjusting his bag which was slowly making its way off his shoulder Troy stared at Gia. The uncompromising yellow ranger returned the stare. Too many guys have approached her with the tough guy look, all to only be an act.

"Whatever your rough past was, move forward with it. Next time come sit with us and be a human for once." Gia said.

Be a human for once? Troy rose an eyebrow at that, "So then what is it like to be human? Crying when you can't use the internet? Trolling on the internet? Laziness? Or eating because I already got that covered. Or having a convo? We are having one now," Troy then began to mock the previous girl, "because O.M.G that doesn't seem human enough."

"Look I'm sorry if I offended you. I was trying to be considerate. Everyone knows you as the new kid," the volume of her voice went low, "the new dangerous kid, but you know that's not true."

"and what do you know about me?" Troy pushed away from the table, his backpack slung over his shoulder and his empty tray in hand. He trailed toward the nearest trash receptacle with Gia behind him. Her arms were crossed over her chest in defiance of his ploy to distance himself as Gia followed him to the trash can.

"Well I hardly know anything duh, we just barely met and-" she then whispered to him, "and we just become power rangers and you're already sitting on the sidelines. From all the years I've seen them they were always together-a team-"

"Okay look," Troy turned to her as he spoke sternly, "our relationship right now is only business, not friendship and that's what it's always going to be. Get it right." Troy stormed out of the door brushing past one of his classmates. Troy continued on his way unintentional to the person he bumped into, Roy. Roy gleamed a face of joy ready to receive attention from a horde of females, however, they weren't interested at all. They were too desperate for the attention of someone else.

Gia sighed, her mission of peace was now burnt to crisps as Troy gave her no type of leeway. Gia knew he wasn't coming back, it was going to take much more work to get through to him. His body language screamed that he did not care. Looking over to her friends, Emma shrugged, relaying the message that she tried to warn Gia, but the yellow ranger's defiance got the better of her. Jake bit his lips wanting to sock Troy for turning down Gia whereas Noah was off in his own world not paying attention to the situation.

At the tone of the last school bell, Jake would normally run a few drills on the soccer field, but ranger training was now the only thing on his agenda. He strolled the halls with his mind at work visualizing all the different combinations he could pull off with his powers. What he was most eager about was his partner; Gia. They were both grouped into the same element of Earth which perfectly matched her personality. She was so grounded in her morals, not easily moved or swayed by the flirtations of other suitors.

The Megaforce Morpher was such a strange device, due to its immense size it was much of a burden to carry around. However, Gia knew the consequences of not having it could essentially put herself and her team at a disadvantage. Though the Morpher did not have immediate use, it did have prospective use.

This situation magnificently reflected Gia's own upbringing. Her parents were so obsessed with her immediate use, that her prospective use was lost in the mix. Her alleged promiscuous behavior stemmed from other people's failed attempts to woo her. Since she started High School, Gia has always been the center of attraction, a standard blessing, and curse. If she's learned anything from her past it's how to dismay people. It was through her words and actions that her reputation as a rare jewel grew.

The yellow ranger was so beguiled by the complexities of her abnormally large transmutation device that she did not hear Jake drawing near.

"Hey, Gia," Jake's pulse quickened to exponential rates as he tried his best to keep his cool.

Gia sighed with relief. "Oh. It's only you." Never before had she closed her locker so fast in an attempt to hide the compacted version of their tiki faced mentor.

"I guess I had worse reactions," Jake chuckled, leaning on the locker next door.

"I don't want any random kid to see my Morpher." Gia defended as she slid the device into the front pouch of her yellow book bag.

Jake understood, "I just wanted to ask if I could walk you home...after training that is." The starry-eyed black ranger asked.

"Why you afraid to walk by yourself?" The ferocious yellow ranger quipped. The insult took Jake by surprise causing his confidence to waver, but he swiftly righted himself.

"No. Um, I just wanted to ask you...you know about this weekend," Jake stated as the two exited the school. They crossed the grassy fields of their school grounds making their way to the backroads of Hardwood County.

"I'm worried Tensou, these Rangers are strong yet they have not attained their full potential." Inside the command post, the Megaforce Rangers' mentor, Gosei hummed.

"Don't sweat it Gosei, give them time. Believe me, I wasn't so sure of my algorithm but I'm actually starting to warm up to these guys." Tensou said.

"I know Tensou but when the full force of the Armanda comes their only hope to defeat them is with the power of the legacy. These Warstar insectoids are only just the beginning and the Rangers need to be ready. My biggest concern is that boy, we need to keep his identity a secret or at the very least use his abilities to our benefits."

"But wouldn't that throw off the structure of balance if our enemies find out-,"

"That's why it's imperative that they don't find out. Not even the other rangers shouldn't know about his apparent connection to the universal Morphin grid." Gosei said cutting off his robot assistant.

"If you ask me I don't think the Rangers would understand anything." Tensou whimpered.

"Understand what?" Troy entered brashly with his bag slung over one shoulder. He dropped it to the floor as he approached Gosei.

"Oh, Troy! Hi! You're quite early. How long have you've been standing there?" Tensou asked wheeling behind the red ranger.

"Welcome Troy, your teammates will be here shortly, we've been tracking their location ever since you all left school," Gosei replied.

"More stalking...isn't that nice. As a matter of fact, since I meant to be early I have more questions, that freak Creepox, when we last fought he seemed to target me specifically and he said something about some sort of bounty on my head? What is he talking about?"

"Troy, I have told you that your powers are not of this world. There are species out there who pride themselves on capturing individuals of great renown. You being more than an average human makes you stand out as an essential target for these individuals."

"Yeah, no kidding...So I am an alien?"

"I'm only trying to do what is best for you, Troy. I hope I don't dissuade you from continuing to lead this team."

"You don't get it, I have been dealing these powers for years, ever since I was a kid. My dad didn't want to tell me anything and it appears that you don't either. Why is it that the only people who seemingly know what's going on with me don't want to tell me anything!" Troy was getting angry as his hands began to smolder.

"Oh boy!" Tensou squealed as he rolled himself behind one of the control consols.

"I understand your frustration Troy, and while I don't know why your father chose not to tell you of your past I do know that whatever the case, your safety was his number one priority as it is mine. I still don't know the full range of your abilities, and as I come to learn more I will inform you of my findings. What I only know is you are the equalizer and such powers as yours must be kept secret from the public eye."

Troy puckers his lips when the door to the command center slid open and the excited voice of Noah echoes in from the hallway. The blue ranger walks in accompanied by the pink ranger Emma who was too distracted by her camera to fully contribute to the conversation.

"...And I was thinking about how Gosei teleported us here the last time and was trying to figure out a way to enable our morphers access to that same level of warp technology."

"That's great Noah, it sounds interesting," Emma responded.

"It's more than interesting, it's fascinating, and I was also trying to come up with a way to condense the size of our morphers in order to make them easier to carry and conceal."

"Sounds amazing," Emma said still filtering through her photographs. Her smile soured at the sight of Troy.

"Glad you could make it. I see Gia and Jake are going to be a little late." Gosei said.

"Gia's not here yet? That's not like her at all. She's always pretty punctual, even if she's fashionably late," Emma said.

"Jake, on the other hand, has a short attention span. I wouldn't be surprised if he got lost on the way over here," Noah added.

"We'll run the drills without them," Troy said as he began to walk toward a doorway on the opposite side of the room.

"Shouldn't we wait for them? I mean we are a team, it would be a great way to develop our chemistry," Emma said.

"I don't mind waiting, it'll give me a great opportunity to finish up on the new com devices. I drew the plans up last night and I figure with the stuff we have here, I can have them ready before they arrive." Noah said.

"If you wanna wait then fine, I'm going to practice," Troy said stepping out toward the rocky shores of the beachside training area.


"I could carry your books for you if you want?" Jake offered courteously.

"Wow, how retro of you," Gia smirked, she passed her bag to Jake who nearly dropped it the moment it passed into his hands.

What was in this thing Mjolnir? Jake's shoulder creaked and threatened to be free from the socket.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Gia probed with the tennis courts to their right.

"Well since we're teammates now, I thought maybe we could get to know each other better...socially," Jake added, he strained under the weight of both he and Gia's bags.

"Talking at lunch wasn't enough?" Gia was not at all allured by the black ranger's surfaced attempt of befriending her. More than likely He wanted the same thing that every guy wanted, a date.

Why was she not surprised.

At least Jake had the decency to at least try and win her interests most guys just act all bold and expect her to come after them. They only saw her as a prize to be won.

"Well that's different, I mean, wouldn't you want to get to know me? Especially since we are partners," he added.

"Different How? I wasn't talking to you before, I'm somewhat talking to you now, that looks like an improvement," Gia quipped again, she was two for two and Jake couldn't rebuttal.

"Well I mean Gosei said we control the same element. I thought it would be awesome if we met up some time and practiced, You know see what we can do."

Gia scoffed to herself, there was no way Jake could be this blunt with his request. Most guys would usually try and flaunt their assets, but there was a certain sincerity about Jake that was rarely ever seen. Though she never knew him personally Gia had heard a lot of rumors resulting around her partner. She has heard that he is a major try hard. He aspires to associate with the popular crowd but oftentimes falls flat on his face. He's so focused on his image that he fails to see his own dorkiness and so far that puts him ahead on her list.

"Hmmm, that sounds interesting. I think that might be pretty beneficial for us as a team, I mean who knows we can do some special earth attack or something," Gia shrugged.

Jake's heart stopped for half a beat, his deepest passions had just been birthed into reality. He must have been dazed for a while because when he finally snapped back Gia was already several feet ahead of him.

"Ttt-that's exactly what I had in mind. Then maybe afterward we can head over to Ernie's and get some ice cream? I was really digging that cherry-berry thing you guys ordered last time."

Gia sighed and halted her pace, she turned to look at Jake who's face was glossed in smiles and joy. She had to burst his bubble and it was best that she did it while their partnership was still young. God only knows how difficult it would have been if they were already close.

"Look, Jake, you're a cool guy and all but- "

The two of them strode off the school grounds in the direction of the command center. Amidst their walk, Gia's eyes continually monitored the horizon. Her eyes detected a black dot in the distance, she gripped Jake's arm and urged him to hasten his pace.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm fine, just keep moving and don't look back," she instructed.

Behind them a black BMW remains parked in the distance, this car had been in pursuit of them since they had left school.

"What's going on," Jake wondered.

"Gia!" The car screeched to a halt beside them. She rolled her eyes and fought the urge to look at her father in the eyes.

"Where are you going? I told you I was going to pick you up," her father said.

"And I said I didn't want you too."

"You've been like this for two years now, enough is enough."

"Enough for who? Are you tired of work already? You want me to compete again so you could get rich?"

"Of course not, I want you to do this for you."

"That's an amazing lie, I almost believed it."

Her father sighs, "I remember after you won your first trophy, you had the biggest smile on your face. When asked what you wanted to do, you said you wanted to go to big mouse world." He chuckled, "We took you and you had the time of your life."

"That's not how I remember it. The only thing that comes to mind is the boring kiddie rides, the strict diet, and the endless photoshoots."

"You were a champion in the making, your mother and I both agreed that the best thing for you was to make sure nothing ruined that vision. We'd hoped that by now, you'd be preparing for your next competition,"

"Gia, who is this guy?" Jake interjected.

"Don't worry about it, let's just go!" Gia demanded, dragging Jake away.

"Hold on, I'm not through talking to you!" Her father called.

Gia kept charging completely blocking out the voice of her father.

"If you're going to keep acting like this Gia, I hope you have another place stay. I didn't want to play this card but your attitude has gotten way out of hand. Either you come home with me right now, or find your stuff in a bag on the porch."

"Twist tornado, activate!" Troy and Emma shut their Gosei morphers, summoning a cyclone of red and pink energy. The twister spun upward, over open waters, and dispersed in the air.

The rangers trained beyond the coast of their headquarters on the private rocky shores. Gosei had an optimal view of the playing field via optical drones scattered about.

"Excellent, Troy, and Emma, your mastery of the wind element is increasing all the more. However, there was a slight difference in your synchronization," Gosei's voice boomed through the drones.

Troy mocked, "I know it wasn't my synchronization."

"Me?" Emma's jaw dropped. She thought he was going to be cooperative, "Excuse you! I had my card inserted just before closure. You, on the other hand, decided to rush everything!"

"Enough you two, arguing is not the answer when you could achieve so much more with chemistry. You must learn to trust one another indefinitely," Gosei seized the useless argument.

"Defense stream, activate!" Noah shouted as he angled his morpher downward. The ground trembled and a geyser of water rose.

"This is too easy," Noah gloated. Working alone could be a forlorn misfortune but it was also in Noah's favor to focus without the circumstances of conflicts.

Why couldn't Emma have the same element as Noah or at least have an element of her own? Sharing the element with Troy was a nightmare when the guy's ego was greater than the wind. Emma had to be alert but rational with Troy, she didn't know much about him, only what she heard and of course of what she was seeing. If they were to be a team she had to learn all she knew about him but how could she know anything from a guy that kept his personal life as tightly compact as a wine bottle. At lunch, Gia commended that they should give Troy a break and build up their trust even if it would cost her to be thrown to the side. Just 2 months ago, that's all Emma felt once her mother left this earth which hit her hard leading into her first month of school.

Emma wasn't as strong to handle it then so how was she able to handle it now?

Now she was a power ranger and if this unexpected strength could get back her into school, she was going to use it to work with this jerk of a ranger. Nonetheless, for Gia to say they should give Troy a break she wasn't doing a good job at managing that. Gia had her own problems to deal with and Troy shouldn't be one of them. This was going to be Emma's job and whether he liked it or not she was going to get him to buckle under his self-pride.

As a matter of fact, Gia was nowhere to be seen. An hour later and no sign of her existence, she knew time was precious in these peril days. Emma hoped everything was alright as she tried to text her best friend. Worried about not only what had happened to her but if she only knew of her tardiness and Emma knew what happened if Gia was ever late to anything.

"Wow, you guys seemed to be working hard," It was a relief when Emma heard Gia's voice. The yellow ranger, however, was not alone when she arrived with Jake. The two of them proud to have finally arrived at the command center.

"Gia! Oh, thank goodness you came." Emma ran up to Gia who was slowly placing her bookbag with the others beside a small hill. "I can't do it, he's too irritating." Emma complained, "I gave him a chance and he won't cooperate."

"Give it time Emma," Gia smirked, "he'll probably grow on you. He's probably just nervous or something."

"Twist Tornado! Activate!" Troy commanded as a crimson cyclone spun over the open waters.

"Aha, got it." He then spoke with a serious tone, "Didn't need ya after all."

"We are supposed to do it together, Troy!" Emma yelled.

"Troy, the object of this session is not to see how swiftly you can unlock your powers but rather to strengthen the bond between you and Emma," Gosei said.

"Yeah Yeah, I know that.."

Tensou then spoke to Jake and Gia, "Well now you two are here, the Rangers are practicing how to handle the attack cards. You two wield the rock crush, defense stone, mega-quake, and the ro-plant card. We are going to start off with the ro-plant card."

Jake grew excited as he took out his morpher. Gia also freed hers from the front pouch of her bag. Noah, Troy, and Emma stood off on the hill. "Aren't you guys going to join us?"

"No, we've been here for like an hour and already master through the process," Noah said.

"What?" Gia gasped.

"..I tried to call you," Emma shrugged.

Gia sighed, "I was...busy, my phone was in my bag and so was my morpher. It so bulky to maneuver around without anyone noticing it."

"Not to worry I have been working on a solution for that," The robotic assistant cheered.

"Tensou are they ready?" Noah asked.

"Oh yes, the rendering process just completed. They integrated with the teleportation system perfectly." The roving machine said as a panel on his back opened to reveal five silver broaches shaped into the symbols of the Megaforce elements. Extending from behind the symbol was the image of crossing swords.

"Pins?" Jake asked unsure of the applications that came with Noah's invention.

"They're not just pins, they're our new communicators. I realized that our morphers are much too large to function as effective relay devices, so Tensou and I created these to make everything more accessible. No longer do we need to struggle with keeping our morphers hidden. These function as secure comlinks and give us quicker access to our morphers," Noah explained as each ranger took the pin corresponding to their elemental symbol.

"Uh cool," Gia said pinning the new comlink to her lapel.

"Ro-plant, activate!" The ground erupted with tremors, roots, and vines grew rapidly from the earth ensnaring the largest boulder present on the beach. The vegetation constricted as the boulder was pressed into dust. Jake was more concerned about the power cards everyone raved about. Initially, the card was a dull gray tone and absent of any design. Just like his morph card, the gray swiftly changed to an attack card labeled Ro-plant. The image was that of an earthquake and the sprouting of what looked to be a beanstalk.

"Whoa...that was awesome!" Jake gleamed, the thrill of the destruction sent adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Gia, you have to try it," Jake said offering her the ro-plant card.

She snatched the card from Jake and placed the card on the open mouth of her Gosei morpher.

"Ro-plant, activate!" Gia exclaimed closing the morpher shut. Unlike Jake, not a single plant bloomed nor did the ground began to shake.

"Defense stone, activate!" Jake screamed as a conglomerate of rocks were assimilated into a wall in before him.

"Yeah, Jake! You are on a roll!" Noah cheered patting his friend on his back. Jake's joy was contagious as even Tensou was cheering.

Gia was greatly disturbed, how was it that Jake was using these abilities so swiftly she wondered. She attempted to activate the ro-plant card once again, but like before the enchantment failed.

"Gia, you mustn't be so swift to climb the ladder, alone you can do so little but together you can accomplish much more," Gosei said.

"C'mon Gia I'll help you, let's try the ro-plant again," Jake said.

Gia was frustrated at how difficult this task was. Troy and Emma were able to unleash their attacks with ease, even Noah had little to no trouble. That was nothing compared to Jake, the fact that his goofy self somehow managed to crack the nut in the power cards greatly affected the yellow ranger.

"Ro-Plant, Activate!" Gia and Jake shouted. The symbol which crowned Gosei's face shined brightly from both their morphers. The ground erupted into madness, jagged stones protruded from the ground, wild vines lashed randomly and indiscriminately. The entire coastline would have caved in if Gosei hadn't interjected to calm the chaos. That was not supposed to happen. When Jake performed the technique, the devastation he caused was controlled. Yet in Gia's case, nature did not seem to want to respond.

"What was that!?" The yellow ranger barked. "C'mon Jake, take it seriously!"

Since Jake executed complete control in performing the attack, the least he could do was guide Gia on how to do the same. Unless that discovery was a mere stroke of luck.

"Okay Gia, I'm with you, let's try the megaquake," Jake suggested, "I"ll go first."

He summoned the card and anchored himself firmly. "Megaquake!" Jake angled his morpher toward the ground. At his command vibrations emitted outward. Spires of stone created during the ro-plant assault shattered. Everything in front of Jake felt the tremor but those behind him were safe.

"Very well done Jake," Gosei was pleased.

"What can I say, I'm talented," he blushed. "C'mon Gia, let's try it together. Keep your feet planted, steady your breathing-"

"I don't need you to explain, this is not rocket science."

"Megaquake, Activate!" They both enchant slamming their morphers shut. The ground surged like ocean waves. Ripples rolled outward flattening everything in sight. The tremors split the cliffside and nearly leveled the firm footing of the earth.

Another chaotic debacle.

What was going on here, what was Jake doing wrong? Everyone else seemed to be executing their attacks flawlessly, but for some reason, Jake and Gia could not seem to do it.

"Jake are you even trying!" Gia demanded.

"I am Gia, I am," Jake responded confused.

"Maybe you guys should try a different combination?" Noah suggested, noticing the tension.

'Maybe I just need a new partner ' Gia thought to herself.

"Enough!" That was twice Gosei needed to intervene. He had expected that Gia would be able to manage the power of the cards but instead Jake was the one who prospered. He reasoned that the source of this conflict must be centered around their unity, he must test them on their bonds. "We will now move to a different scenario. Tensou, prepare the program."

A grid of teal light spread across the beach as a collection of pixels depicted groups of citizens lie captured in pink nets. In the center of the scene, five UFO-like ships congeal into a single body.

"Gia, Jake, you two are the first on the scene. Your objective is to hold off the enemy until reinforcements arrive. Keep in mind the safety of the civilians behind you. You may begin when ready. Today's lesson is all about unity, and given that the two of you command the powers of the earth your bond must be the most stable. I would like to see how you two will function in the field. The others are to watch until I say otherwise. " Gosei said as the scene came to life.

The monster was a jellyfish esque creature with a round circular shell covering most of its upper body. Gathered in peach-colored nets, clusters of simulated civilians struggled against their bonds.

"Try not to screw this up," Gia said raising her morpher. The two of them placed their cards in the open mouths of their morphers. They spun their arms in a circular fashion and placed their palms on the bottom portions of their morphers.

"Go-Go Megaforce!" They seal their morphers shut and transform into the yellow and black rangers.

Zipping through the air the gold and purple laser blasts rebound harmlessly off the rounded shell of the monster. The energy was directed downward which left smoldering scars on the surface of the land. Echoes of laughter came from the insectoid creature as he ridiculed the two rangers on their cohesive efforts. Drawing his hands to his sides the loogie foot soldiers emerged from mucus-like goop.

"Stay close to me and keep your blaster holstered, we can't risk a misfire injuring somebody," Gia commanded with Jake nodding in agreement.

"Whatever you say, I'll follow your lead," the black ranger chimed readying himself to fight.

Taking off into the air, Gia vaulted herself over the heads of a group of loogies catching them off guard. With a swift sweep of her leg, the green ooze-men were down with others coming from behind her. In their hands, the minions were armed with their oddly shaped cutlass daggers. Inverting their daggers to where the blade was aimed down, the laser function was now active. Rays of green energy exploded around Gia's feet, while the girl dipped and dodged the blasts. Gia summoned her tiger claw and ran the sharp edge across the loogies dispatching them with ease.

Jake had never fought a day in his life and ever since he became a power ranger, he realized that every day he will have no other choice but to settle matters with his fists. He was still getting a hang of these new powers which meant he wasn't quite comfortable with using them. Keeping true to his word Jake followed closely behind Gia and sprung into the air. Summoning his snake ax, Jake clamored into the fray hacking down loogies.

He swung his ax aiming for the grotesque eye located on the center of their chests. Clearing a path through the droves of minions Jake spotted a squad of loogies lining up to fire upon Gia. Acting quickly he raised his ax and slammed downward sending a shockwave which quickly deteriorated the enemies.

Gia nodded in approval as she finished off the last few loogies. With the footsoldiers now dispatched the two rangers drew their attention to the monster.

"Well that was entertaining," the creature said having waited patiently to engage the rangers. He was intrigued by their battle prowess. "Let's see if you can keep up with me!" He bellowed as his body separated into miniature UFOs.

The ships flew around the rangers firing yellow beams of energy. The two were at the creature's mercy as they could not reach him with their weapons.

"We have to do something, we can't just sit here and wait. I know just what to do," Gia said brashly as she reached into her belt and retrieved a gray card that instantly changed.

"Are you crazy, you couldn't get those to work before, what makes you think that we can get it now?" Jake asked.

"Now's a good of a time if any to try," Gia said emerging from her hiding space. Inserting the card into her morpher, the five UFOs whirled overhead once more.

Rapidly doing the calculations Gia knew exactly where to aim her rock so that all five UFOs would be taken out.

Arriving on the scene morphed and ready Troy led Noah and Emma into battle. The red ranger had summoned his dragon sword and had his Megaforce blaster at the ready. Upon their arrival, loogies were summoned to keep the three at bay.

"You guys rescue the people, leave the loogies to me!" Troy ordered he then turned his attention to Gia and Jake. "Do not activate any cards, not until everyone is out safely."

Yet Troy was left on deaf ears when more loogies came in for the attack. He raised his Megaforce blaster and fired a series of bursts at the lime green men. In an instant, four of them were defeated. Troy reeled his sword back and began to hack and slash drawing a bulk of the foot soldiers away. With a majority of the forces out of the way, it was a lot easier for Noah and Emma to work. Alternating at each group of people, one would play defense neutralizing the few loogies that persisted to stand guard, while the other would work to undo the bonds of the victims.

This plan was working perfectly, with each minute another group of citizens was freed. The last batch was positioned directly beneath the cliffside, this was going to be a piece of cake when suddenly.

"Gia don't!" Jake pleaded.

"Rock Crush. Activate!" Gia screamed slamming the morpher shut. There was a weird tingling sensation passing through her arms. The symbol atop Gosei's head glimmered as a boulder erupted from the earth. Gia launched the boulder sending it hurtling toward the UFOs who easily dodged the ground to air assault. Laughter can be heard from the five ships all of which prepared for another strafe.

The boulder exploded against the face of the cliff as the fragmented portions rebounded towards the unsuspecting ships.

"Gia no!" The voice of Noah shouted, but it was too late. The impact of the boulder destabilized a portion of the cliffside damaged during the megaquake causing it to give way. What Gia did not see was the few groups of people who were trapped and huddled beneath the cliff. Noah dived in with Emma at his heels using their bodies as shields. Before Noah, Emma, and the civilians could be buried alive the voice of Gosei spoke. "End Scenario!"

The teal grid once again spread over the beach as the civilians and monster all vanished. The cliff fell with a resounding crash sending a cloud of dust into the air. At the point of impact, Emma and Noah were instantly transported near Gia and Jake. The whirling light faded with the pink and blue rangers looking up to their allies.

"Noah, you alright?!" Jake yelled with his suit vanishing off of him. Extending his hand he helped the blue ranger to his feet. Noah's glasses were speckled with dust as he brushed the dirt off of him.

"I'm fine man nothing's broken. There's no blood or discoloration," Noah replied removing the dust from his glasses.

"Emma, I'm so sorry," Gia said but the pink ranger was silent. She stood taking several deep breaths. For an instant all she could see was darkness. Emma expected to wake up either at home in her bed or to be greeted by her deceased mother. To be brought ever so close to the jaws of death stirred up the anxiety, Emma had thought she had locked away.

"I'm okay Gia," Emma replied sweetly as she rose to her feet.

Trotting to join the group Troy appeared with his Dragon sword resting on his shoulder. His suit dematerialized as he applauded sarcastically. "Very impressive, you nearly killed Noah and Cindy Sunshine."

"Shut up Troy, Gia didn't mean to do that!" Jake defended. "It was an accident!"

"Heh..I'm sorry did I awake venom of the snake?" Troy responded with much sarcasm in his voice.

"Wow, using my own roll call against me. I didn't see you doing anything to take out those UFOs. Honestly, you should learn how to lead better!" The black ranger screamed.

"That was harsh Jake," Noah said cutting in.

"Well it had to be said, I hate how he thinks he can just do whatever he wants just cause he's red," Jake said.

"I don't need you to fight my battles Jake, I am perfectly capable of dealing with them on my own..." Gia stood up to Troy, "Troy, you have no right to ridicule me about my actions, heck you're so antisocial that even when you had the opportunity to actually be somebody you refused."

Emma bit her lips tight. She knew she shouldn't have told Gia about the details from her interview with Troy, but the information was just so rich. Emma had sworn Gia to secrecy, all of which was no longer relevant. Troy was smirking while Gia was going off on him, he still had one more card up his sleeve to play.

"Say all you want but remember who activated the rock crush card. Especially when I ordered you not too.." Troy said smugly.

"I-you did say that..." The brief look of satisfaction vanished as Gia's emotions ranged from joy, to shock, to anger, and lastly sadness. Twisting on her heels she marched away from the group. Her eyes were becoming puffy and red with tears, never had she been so disrespected. She wanted to take her morpher and throw it towards Troy's head, the only thing that stopped her was the fact that she might need it.

The red ranger's face was still lit with delight while his team all shared shrewd expressions.

"Someone should go after her," Noah suggested.

"I'll go, she's my partner," Jake said.

"No it should be me, she's my best friend," Emma retorted.

Before another debate could erupt Gosei interrupted calling the four to return inside.

Observing the pleasant lives of the unsuspecting people, the moth creature Malkor sits on his throne. The door to the bridge slides apart allowing Vrak to enter. He bows before the admiral reverently.

"Greetings Admiral, I have been observing the specimens on this planet and I believe I've come up with a sure and sufficient way to devastate them," Vrak explained as Malkor shifted amused.

"Go on," he called motioning for Vrak to continue.

"The dominant species on this planet are weak and lazy. My scans indicate that the environmental damage they have inflicted has already poisoned their world and corrupted their bodies. If we were to enslave them, we would only be dooming ourselves. I suggest we purify them, drive out the toxins that exist within their genetics. What better way to purge them than with ice and luckily I have the perfect clone for the job," Vrak said as the doors slid open.

Entering the space, the creature had the head of what looked to be an arachnid of sorts with orange legs gripping its extended humanoid neck. The creature's body was composed of jagged points and edges all of which were razor sharp. Lastly sprouting from its back two wings which resembled snowflakes.

Admiral Malkor nodded approvingly as the creature turned to make its exit. Things have just gotten colder.

Creepox lay in the medical bay of the insectoid spacecraft. One-eyed winged creatures known as zombats tended to the X shaped scar on his chest. The mantis monster spoke several curses many of which revolved around Troy.

The door slid open and in stepped Vrak looking skeptical. "That's quite an injury I'm curious to know what caused it."

"That doesn't concern you Vrak," Creepox responded.

"Oh but it does, being that it is my creation that is tending to your wound. Maybe the Admiral would like to hear about this, we were both curious as to where you have been."

"The admiral does not need to concern himself, he knows where my loyalties lie. As for you Vrak I have reasons to believe that your loyalties are divided."

"Tsk tsk, information is a dangerous commodity, the source of your information wouldn't be some infamous swashbuckler now would it?"

Creepox fell silent.

"The way I see it, the only treachery comes from you, and if the admiral were to learn of this I'm sure it would be your head rather than mine," Vrak said.

"Let's agree to disagree Vrak and leave this between us."

"Very well, but tell your little friend to keep his nose out of my affairs."

"Vrak!" Admiral malkor called.

"See you soon Creepox, rest well."

(We really hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to comment!)