Chapter summary: Leo wonders if his baby brother will ever be the same again. Donnie becomes a personal guard, Casey gets his arm twisted, Splinter has a word with his son and Raph asked Mikey to stay. Or, the one where Mikey kicks butt again and a much-needed hug is given.

Disclaimer: I do not own TMNT. If I did, Mikey would have ended up as a mess and three older brothers not knowing how to fix it.

Note: Last chapter, thank you to everybody who has been reading this story, following and adding this to their fav list. I know it's been updated quickly. But hey, if you have the plot in your head might as will keep on going. Future reviews are always welcomed.

"Hey buddy," Leo said.

Mikey is here. Mikey is alive, Mikey is well, granted Mikey lost an eye that had to be cleaned and stitched, but he is alive. Unmoving and his one good eye looking right at Leo, but here and alive. Leo liked to think that he knows his brothers well and the old Mikey would be milking them for all its worth. This wasn't old Mikey though, that Mikey had died a year ago and had been replaced by a much colder, filled with anger and fear Michelangelo. A Mikey that seemed to be debating if he could run and leave the lair right now, or if he had to attack Leo in the process just to escape.

"You had us worried there for a minute when you went back to sleep."

Leo tired not to think about the time where Mikey had first woken up, mumbling about how Mikey had to leave and how he hadn't at all proven himself and he isn't what the family need. They did it this time they really caused all this. One where Mikey self- esteem was so low. To the point where Mikey couldn't even see his own strength even after killing the Shredder himself. Which was another ball for Leo to catch his baby brother had killed the Shredder with what appeared to be eased. Moving so fast that none of them could stop him even though the point of them rushing out there was to try and stop Mikey from killing the Shredder. To try and keep Mikey childhood in tack, they failed.

"I know what you're what thinking Mikey," Leo said.

He ignored the part of his brain telling him to just say it, just say how much they had missed Mikey. Just admit it right here that the family had missed their little ball of light, missed their youngest child, and that their sorry for yelling every bad word, how they used to blame him for every mistake Mikey would pull. Just admit it. Admit it here where he is still here, admit it here where Mikey isn't fighting them, admit it here where there is that one percent Mikey would listen to them.

Admit it! His mind yelled.

"You're thinking about leaving again. Try not to, Donnie and everybody else wants to see you. He's sleeping at the moment he didn't want to, but April was able to convinced him. Raph is as will and sensei over there."

He gestured to where his father was sitting in a chair. He is surprised Splinter had not awakened yet, but Leo knows this is the first good sleep Splinter had for a while. Knowing that everyone in his family is safe and well, knowing that everybody in his family is all under the same tunnel.

"Not much has changed," Leo said.

Mikey just kept looking at him and Leo does not know if Mikey is even listening to him at all. This is so wrong Mikey should be whining about his injuries he should be protesting at the very idea that he is even in bed rest at all. Mikey is still and Leo is worried, he still ignored the part of his brain telling Leo to stop talking about small things and just say sorry.

"Karai somewhere around here."

Leo will admit though he had lost track of her somewhere between the lines of, yay his baby brother back and oh his baby brother is seriously mentally damage.

"And, I think you know about him. Casey Jones just went home he's Raph friend, but he said he'd come around sometime today he really wants to meet you to. I think he has a lot of questioned to ask you so be prepared for that Mike."

Of course, Mikey at least have some idea on who Casey Jones was if Casey word was to go by on anything, about Mikey threaten the human a while back. Mikey looked so ready to leave just then and there and Leo wonders if he should be ready to call the family for back up. Even if Mikey was not in the best condition to run Leo knows from past fights that his little brother has a nasty mean right hook.

Admit it, he thought. Admit it already stop being a coward and admit it. Leo thinks.

"Mikey, are you listening?"

Mikey one eye looked up at Leo and there's something in there that reminded him of his old little brother. Something that seemed to be joking with him as if saying, dude off course. Leo feels the grace of a small smile on him at the idea.

"I'm really sorry."

Raph makes a point.

We can't keep it up. If you only end up using us for that protection to try and kill us with it.

Leo nightmare seemed to have joined forces with reality his words he had said to his baby brother way back than that caused Mikey to run away is playing in his mind. Keep it together Leo.

"I know now that you would never do such a thing and you, we're right. You never asked for our protection. We protected you because we wanted to Mikey. We should remember that instead of blaming it on you if one of us got hurt because we had been protecting you."

Leo is sure he is crying by now because he started to understand. Tt's during this very moment of his life. This key moment could either get Mikey to stay or send him running and Leo feared that Mikey would run even if he wasn't full healed. He needed to think this through to be mindful of his words, one wrong step, one wrong word and Mikey be back to trying to fight them again knocking them all down to the ground and running. Only for them to wake up the following day with bruises on bruises because their little brother was clearly going easy on them.

Do some extra training at home. Until you learn to grow up, you can't be on this team anymore.

"Nii-san why you crying?" Mikey asked in a faint whispered.

Leo pretty sure he lost it than and cried harder and an apart of him started to think Splinter was awake, but stay still to let the two of them have this moment. A moment where Leo lets go of everything, he had been holding this past year. A moment where Leo is letting go of all the worry and all the tension that had been in his body for this past year. A moment where Leo can just cry into his little brother arms and after he had let his tears fall, he refused to let go of Mikey. Even if he careful in not to hurt his little brother anymore with the bear hug, he is given his sunshine. Leo refused to let go of his baby brother fearing if he did, he would just wake up and this was just a new way for his dreams to laugh at him.

"I think I messed up bro," Mikey said. "Messed up big time. Did I really fight Master Splinter that one time?"

Leo just nodded.

Master Splinter had gone up with them willing to try and find Mikey and talk some sense into the youngest. It had been four weeks since Mikey had run away during that time Mikey had been left alone to his own thoughts. Any words their father try to say to convinced the youngest to come home failed. It only went downhill where they wouldn't give up the chase and would chase Mikey all over New York if they had to just to bring him home. Mikey not wanting to go back knocked the three of them out and Master Splinter had told them about the battle between them. Donnie was slightly surprised that nobody was severely injured that day.

"Yeah, you did. Looks like I might need to train more to catch up with you," Leo said.

Mikey snorted at the thought, but didn't say anything his eye looking at the door.

"Please don't leave little brother. We need you here we really do."

"I'm not worthy enough to be here. I went out to prove myself Leo. I need to go back and do it until I have."

Leo can feel his anger burning through his body, not blaming this on Mikey but blaming this on himself. If he could travel back in time, he would happily go back to that one day where those words had been said and punch his past self in the face and take Mikey away from there.

"Michelangelo," Leo said.

Leo is looking in Mikey one good eye with the intention that Mikey is going to listen or else.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that ever again. Understand? I know I messed up we all had, but you are worthy enough to not only be a part of his time but also this family."

He glared at his little brother that his jaw slightly dropped in shock and Leo hopes that this is enough to get through Mikey thick skull.

"But I."

"No butts, you can kick ours in seconds. You've pretty much destroyed the Foot you killed the Shredder you brought back Master Splinter daughter and did I mention that you can kick our butts without losing a sweat. You we're worthy enough to be part of this family back than and even more so now, if anything Michelangelo you really had proven yourself to be a ninja and more."

Mikey appeared to be crying this time and Leo started to panic because maybe his baby brother thought Leo was upset at him and yelling at him which was not at all meant to be the case. So, Leo just hug his little brother close to him and tell him that everything will be okay and how much that they love him and oh, please don't leave again.

Little does he know Master Splinter is wide awake and watching the two with a bit of hope because maybe, there a chance that his son will finally stay at home.

Donnie is a personal guard.

He isn't spending too much time in his lab anymore unless he had to and even if he does, he makes sure to get things fix quickly so he can go out and spend time with his brother. Since it took Donnie awhile to understand that family is important and he can fix things and comes up with new tools later. Right now, Mikey needed someone to watch him just in case because Mikey hadn't gone back to his old self overnight. (Not that many of them had thought he would.)

In fact, Mikey is a little more unstable mentally wise. He can take things a little too far while training in the dojo, he keeps his eye on the entrance of the lair and tucks away his emotions. So, much so that you only know he's mad at you whenever the object in Mikey hands snapped from being broken into two from his anger. So, yes, his baby brother is a little unstable and Donnie isn't too sure what Mikey is thinking in that head of his.

It does not matter though Donnie is Mikey personally guard. He's going to be around to wrack both Leo and Raph over the head with his staff if needed to, and stop them from their fighting. Since fighting seems to be a trigger for Mikey more than ever for his baby brother always seemed ready to bolt out of here and run. If only Donnie could get Mikey to open up a little more than maybe Donnie be able to understand him again. Since Mikey refused to speak to anybody since he arrived home and the only turtle, he would open to was Leo.

Which was unfair. (No, Donnie wasn't at all jealous that Mikey could feel comfortable around Leo. That's silly. Alright he might be a little.) Only because Donnie remembered a year ago Mikey would always talk to him about his problems. He's also a little upset that nobody in the family seem to be able to give Mikey a good challenge anymore only Karai is able to match Mikey in the dojo. Those two-training sessions are tense so much so, Splinter would always be around to stop the pair. If he thought they we're going to kill each other.

On the good news it's been a week and Mikey had stayed in the lair and hadn't left yet, he's moving around and is too stubborn to stay on bed rest longer than he needed to. Bad news, Donnie had to deal with Casey Jones since Casey was coming back. He would have arrived here a couple of days ago, but the human said he had gotten called up and had to stay with family. Donnie didn't like Casey for two reasons, one Casey liked April and two Casey was currently talking to Mikey at the very moment.

"Casey don't ask him so many questions," April warned.

Sitting on the couch as Mikey is staring at nothing but a blank screen which is odd since Mikey should be watching one of his cartoons and Donnie wonders if he could find his baby brother shows, as his only little brother deals with a Casey Jones.

"Don't worry red. I have this all under control, by the way I'm Casey Jones. We met before where you threatened me, remember?"

Mikey ignored the human finding Spike much better to look at. Raph didn't normally let anyone near Spike, but Mikey latterly and Donnie supposed it's a sort of comfort for his little brother. The only thing in the lair that does not speak. Which was a lot to think about, but Mikey isn't too fond of sound anymore another reminded that Donnie had messed up.

"Hey, I'm speaking to you."

"Jones leave Mike alone," Raph said from behind.

As Casey was waving a hand in Mikey face and Donnie was ready to hit Casey for it.

"I'm going to hit him if he keeps this up," Donnie said to April.

"I'm just trying to get to know him. Making sure he isn't up to something funny."

Mikey glared at Casey and before anybody could stop him Mikey stood up and twisted Casey arm behind his back. Casey is groaning in pain and is placed on the television set like a doll.

"Leave me alone," Mikey said in a cold tone.

Before marching out of the room and Donnie followed right behind his little brother, like Mikey personal guard that he is. Donnie won't admit it, but he is very proud of his baby brother Casey was getting annoying after all.

Mikey stopped walking though and he turned to Donnie, the next thing Donnie knows a blade from Mikey kusarigama deadly close to his neck. His little brother isn't at all mentally stable and yet, Donnie does not expect it to be anything else as of this moment in time. Mikey is still healing and Donnie can see it in his baby brethren's eye that Mikey is still trying to understand them. Almost as if he just didn't understand why they let him stay this long at all.

"Why are you following me?" Mikey asked.

"Because you're my only baby brother in the whole world and I love you," Donnie said.

Mikey placed the blade a little closer Donnie is not afraid. If Mikey had wanted them all dead, he could have killed the turtles ages ago.

"Come up with a good reason Dee one that isn't a lie."

"I'm not lying Mikey. You are my only baby brother in the whole world and I do love you. In fact, I love you so much and I'm so very proud on how far you came."

The blade slowly goes down and Mikey is listening Donnie is cheering because Mikey is listening.

"I know what I said back then. And, I know now it was the worst thing to ever say to you Mikey. It really was. Yes, I was stressed and over work but that gave me no right to take it out on you. Especially when you didn't even ask for my protection at all."

The blade is gone, the weapon itself is no longer close to Donnie neck or even in Mikey hand tuck away in his weapon belt. Mikey one eye scanned Donnie up and down almost as if Mikey was trying to sense a lie. Donnie goes in for a hug and Mikey nuzzles into his shoulder tears rolling down and Donnie does not mind because his little brother is here. His only little baby brother is right here in his arms safe at home.

"I love you otouto. You are everything I could ask for in a brother and more, and I'm so very proud of you."

Donnie wasn't lying.

Master Splinter is staring at his youngest son he is also staring at all of his children. His daughter stood on his right with her arms crossed over her chest and his three boys stood in front of him. While his youngest stood on his right looking at the floor instead of his brothers. Casey and April had just left so Casey could get his arm checked to make sure Michelangelo had not broken any bones in the human male arm. His youngest son had twisted Casey arm on purpose, Splinter is aware that his son is still healing and something like this was bound to happen.

There's been anger in Michelangelo good eye for the past week.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself Michelangelo?" Splinter asked. "It's not a very nice thing going around and twisting people arms."

"To be fair," Donatello pointed out. "Casey was being annoying."

"And, he was right in Mikey face for the whole time," Leonardo said.

"I did warn him," Raphael commented.

He's still waiting for Michelangelo answer though.

"He was up in my face," Michelangelo said. "I say be glad that I didn't kill him at least you don't need to tell Raph he lost his new pet."

Splinter ears go down and sadness took over his body once again. He was finding it hard to adjust to the new version of his son. If his old son was here, he would not be having this conversation at all. It was unlike Michelangelo to look down on anyone, but this Michelangelo is still hurt. Splinter still sees the lining in his son good eye the gears in his son head turning and thinking if he should leave. Master Splinter wonders though why his son still stays in the lair.

He may be watched by the family a lot more now, but Splinter knows from past experience that his son could easily take them down. Leaving with only one answer somewhere in his son mind Michelangelo wished to stay here.

"Follow me Michelangelo to the dojo. I wish to speak to you alone."

His other three sons exchanged nervous glances. This would be the first time since Michelangelo had left his oldest sight Leonardo is always checking in, Raphael watches from a distance and Donatello seem to have become a personal guard. It is his daughter though that speaks up.

"Are you sure that's wise?" she asked.

"It will only be a short time my children and Michelangelo you are not in trouble I just wish to speak to you alone."

Don't leave.

Master Splinter can feel it around his son energy Michelangelo is ready to leave almost as if his baby boy thinks he will be yelled at or lecture.

"Come along my son you will see your brothers again shortly."

Master Splinter walked ahead his eyes looking back though just to make sure his baby boy is following him. The orange mask turtle is, but his brothers seemed to also be following the youngest, like a shadow. One glance from the old rat though is enough to get his boys to stand down just for a little while.

They arrive at the dojo and Master Splinter does not stand in front of the door. He stands away from it. Showing his son that he can leave the room and he isn't a trapped animal he can leave and return back to his brothers if he wished to. Or, at worst return back to the streets.

It's the offer that counts for Splinter feared if he stood in front of the door his youngest would only grow nervous, wanting to run away, finding a reason to leave the lair.

"My son, you do know you can come to me or any of your brothers if you need to?"

He waited for an answer Michelangelo does not answer right away he just twiddles with his fingers and refused to meet his father eyes. His son is home, his son is healing, but his son is still hurt.

"You will not bother us my child if you speak about what is on your mind. You are allowed to tell us. I understand that you are opening up to Leonardo, correct?"

He leaves it at a question on purpose once again just so his son could answer. Either with words or a nod of his head anything would be better than seeing the fearful look in his child eye. He does not reply.

Tell him how you missed him.

His ears peeked up for a moment for he was sure he had heard Tang Shen voice.

Our son needs to hear it my beloved. He needs to hear it from all of you for his mind to stop overworking itself. He needs to hear how much he was missed for he believes he was not. Even now he thinks this is some awful joke.

While the first comment in Splinter mind was enough to cause the rat to denial about the possible thought, the second one he is sure that his beloved wife had just spoken to him. Even if her body is gone her spirit is still around guiding them all. He takes her advice.

"I have missed you my child."

His son glanced up at him and even though it pains Splinter to see his son eye missing and only one of them left, he knows at last he has his child attention. Michelangelo is listening.

"I've spent many nights to try and connect with your spirit Michelangelo. Just so I can tell you how much I love you my son. I always had and always will. While I do frown on the idea of you killing someone it does not stop a love a father has for his child."

"Even if I'm not worth having around?"

Splinter feels the guilt stab him in the back once again at his child questioned.

"Michelangelo you must not listen to those thoughts. You always we're worth having around even now. I'm very proud of you my child on how far you have come. If you forget anything please don't forget that you are worth my clan name or the love, I have for you as my son."

Michelangelo is crying once again something he had been doing a lot more than he used to. Master Splinter reminded himself that his son is still hurt and still healing, he should not be hurt or shock to see the tears in his child eye. He moved slowly placing a hand on his son arm and tucking him into a hug allowing his child to cry on his robe.

"You have already proven yourself my child."

Master Splinter does not wish to let his son go. He feared if he did Michelangelo would run away again and let, he can't help but feel thankful for his beloved is still speaking to him even beyond the grave.

He's staying. Tang Shen voice echoes through his mind.

Raph knows this is a bad idea a horrible, insane bad idea and he is just inching to go home. Which is odd in itself because normally Raph didn't mind being out and looking after the city with his brothers, but Mikey was home for a change and Mikey couldn't come with them. Since Donnie said Mikey was still healing and shouldn't be fighting anything or anyone. (Not that Mikey listened to Donnie advice as he trains in the dojo when he knows he shouldn't.)

So, yes Raph thinks being outside of the lair is an awful idea because that just means Mikey can leave without his brothers even knowing he had gone. Master Splinter and Karai we're both at home, but Raph still didn't trust her looking after his baby brother and he swears if she hurts him. Raph will not take kindly to that, so he is running as fast as his body will let him trying to get this mission over and done with just so he could go back home.

"Raph slow down," Leo ordered.

"Slow down? I ain't slowing down I want to go back home I can't have Dogpound out there mumbling about revenge."

Dogpound was the only last reminding member of the Foot that had taken it up to him to get revenge on his beloved Master. Not a big deal, it only ended up a big deal when Dogpound had threaten to kill Mikey the other night after passing a letter to an unwilling Casey Jones. Casey was okay just in shock of being capture for a couple of nights by a mutant dog.

"I know the reason on why we're out here Raph," Leo said. "But we need to stay focus and not blindly rushing in."

"And, why not? We're only dealing with Dogpound. Even Fishface left weeks ago after Mikey almost killed the guy."

Which was something Raph didn't want to think about. It was bad enough Raph still had nightmares over Mikey killing the Shredder and how he had failed in protecting his baby brother, but the thought of Mikey almost killing Fishface. Without them even knowing at the time was too much for him to handle. He only knows it now because Leo had told them, Mikey seemed to be slowly opening up to everybody in the family even Karai and his baby brother still hasn't said a word to Raph at all.

"Guys," Donnie said.

Donnie seemed to be looking at something over in the distance, something Raph can't see so he ignored it and goes back to talking with Leo.

"I know Raph, but we need to think this through. If we go in there, we only end up getting ourselves killed and that's something right now Mikey can't handle."

"Guys," Donnie called out again.

"That's why I want to get this over and done with. Give Dogpound a good lesson on not trying to kill our baby brother because he's crying over Shredder death."

Raph does not know what happened one minute he's speaking to his only older brother and the next thing Donnie is screaming and thrown away like yesterday trash, landing beside Raph.


Raph bends down to check on Donnie and his little brother is still breathing he sees red because nobody messed with his family. His sai are out and speaking of Dogpound is there standing on the rooftop where Donnie last stood.

"You mut."

He thinks nothing of it as he just runs up and does his best to move out of dogpound way.

"Raph look out."

He sees Leo jumping in the way taking a full pack punch and knocking the leader out cold as he lands beside a still Donnie. Raph turned around for only a second to see his brothers on the ground, but the second is enough for dogpound to pick him up by the throat.

"Turtles," Dogpound said. "Where is Michelangelo?"

Raph is not going to answer he just focus on trying to get out of the mutant grip before he ended up choked to death.

"Put my brother down."

It's not Leo that's speaking nor is it Donnie. Both mutants turn around to see Mikey standing on the building roof top, next to them. Mikey was not meant to be out. He was meant to be resting and Raph panic for a minute because he thought Mikey had tried to run away again.


Dogpound dropped him and for a moment Raph thought he is falling to his death, but his arm is caught and he is thankful that his little brother is here to save the day. He's helped back up and Mikey gives a mean right hook sending Dogpound to the ground.

"Mikey don't kill him, you don't need to kill him," Raph said.

Raph didn't want his brother to kill anybody else he couldn't stop Mikey from killing the Shredder but he could at least stop Mikey from killing Dogpound. Mikey seemed to be thinking about this even as Dogpound races towards them ready to kill both turtles where they stand. Mikey nun chuck is out and one good wrack over the head, is enough to take out the mutant turtle. For a moment Raph thought he had failed again his baby brother had killed again only Mikey just seemed to have laugh.

His old laughter had come back.

"Chill Raphie. Dog breath isn't dead, but he's going to be sore tomorrow."

Mikey leaning close to Dogpound.

"Dude, you might want to sit out for a couple of days and then you can come back and try to kill me. It's not going to work though I'll just beat you again and again."

Raph is proud of the fact that Mikey is glaring at the dog mutant.

"And, don't hurt my brothers."

Dogpound wakes up, like the mut he is his tail is down and he's running away as Mikey just stands and laughs at the mutant.

"Nice to have you back little bro," Raph admitted rubbing his baby brother head.

"Sorry for all the mess I caused," Mikey said.

"We're the ones that need to be sorry," Leo said.

Leo is waking up and he's rubbing his head while trying to help Donnie stand.

"Donnie, Donnie do you know who I am?" Leo asked because Donnie seemed to be space out.

"Leo," Donnie said. Pushing Leo away with a swoopy hand and Donnie almost looked drunk the way he walked. "Raph."

"Do you think his brain is alright?" Raph asked his older brother actually very worried about the way Donnie is reacting.

Donnie shakes his head and bumped into Mikey.

"Sorry Mr. turtle, I thought you were someone. Did you know you look a lot like my little brother?"

Raph is a little worried now and he hopes that whatever is wrong with Donnie will wear off. Mikey just seemed just as lost and looked at the two oldest before looking at Donnie.

"You okay bro?" Mikey asked.

Donnie shakes his head and he almost falls back on the ground, but Mikey catches his brother.

"You really do look a lot like Mikey."

"Bro, you okay?" Mikey asked again because clearly there's something wrong.

Donnie does not listen though there's tears in his eyes, Raph and Leo exchanged worried glances.

"I messed up, I'm sorry Mikey. I'm sorry for chasing you away."

Almost as if a spell had been removed Donnie comes back to his sense.

"Ow, my head. Alright Dogpound," Donnie looked at Mikey. "Mikey your meant to be resting?"

"Sorry guys, I got worried so I sneaked out when Splinter wasn't looking and Karai wasn't there."

"You came to find us?" Leo asked. "Are you sure you okay Donnie? You we're a little out of it back there?"

"Yeah, I'm alright just a headache. But Mikey you need to rest you shouldn't be taking on," Donnie does not finish. Almost as if he had just noticed what had just happened. "Mikey did you take down Dogpound on your own?"

"He sent him running to," Raph said.

"I know you guys don't want me on the team yet, but yeah I took him down."

"And, you're talking more," Donnie said.

Raph sees it there's something on Mikey face that he hadn't seen for a while a smile on his little brother, shinning so brightly. Raph had missed that smile he wouldn't normally do what he's about to do, but he does not care at the moment. What matters is his baby brother, he takes Mikey into a big bear hugged.

"Don't say that again shell for brains. You've already proven yourself to be a member of the team and part of this family again. Got it."

Get it into his head before Raph has to beat it into his head. He finds himself wrapped in not only Donnie arms but also Leo's because his brothers are also reminding Mikey that he is needed, he is loved, and he isn't worthless and he has nothing left to prove because he does not need to prove anything at all. Mikey returned it, he actually returned it and Raph is just happy that his little brother is slowly coming back.

"Just stay Mikey, stay for us," Raph whispered in his brother ear.

"Alright Raphie, I'll stay."

Mikey is still hurt, but he is here and he is healing that's all it really matters.

Note: Oh, wow that's over. It was meant to be a one-shot but I noticed after chapter 1 it had to be longer. I also wasn't expecting people to actually enjoy it, but I'm glad you all did. Thank you to those that have reviewed the story, followed and fav. Feel free to check out my other stories I mainly write one-shots and sometimes chapter length stories.