Chapter 2. Warmth

Another afternoon full of emergency meetings and calming down angry riots passed and Zuko had just about enough of it all. He needed a break. Just a small one. He slided against the wall and tried to move about as secretly and silently as possible. During his time in the earth kingdom, prince Zuko had learned more than a few skills to stay sneaky. To be honest, Zuko had always been able to stay silent after his rebuke against his father. Something about speaking up had become frightening to him for the longest time.

He thought back to his moment with Ozai in the bunker on the day of the eclipse. That fateful day, where everything changed for him, his father and the world. The day he changed sides. He had finally been able to speak up to the horrible monster that defiled his face. The man who still had to guts to call himself his father. His heart had leapt to his throat the moment he entered the room. The strange feeling of the lack of fire in his soul made him woozy and a little disoriented. It was like he was a completely different person. Someone he wasn't supposed to be. The one reassuring thing about it, was that his father was utterly powerless.

When the so called firelord at the time called off the guards, Zuko had to stop himself from shaking. That was it. The moment he had dreamed of. Where he would be able to truly say what he had held in his heart all those years. He was finally able to break free from the abuser. Finally able to let go. That was...until he mentioned his mother. Oh how badly he wanted to press his swords against the evil man's throat. But he couldn't. Not until he spilled his secrets. It had all been pointless. He regained his firebending not long after and shot a bolt of lightning at his own son with the intent to kill.

He thanked the spirits that his uncle had been in his life. Not just for that moment, but for every other. The true father he needed. The man who taught him how to redirect lighting. It had taken Zuko some time to realise why being able to redirect lighting fit him so perfectly. The power of nature's deadliest weapon, didn't belong in the hands of the abused. To be able to redirect it however, was something that only the truly powerful could do. The people who survived.

Zuko pinched the bridge of his brow in an attempt to calm his mind. It had been days since he was able to properly clear it. It had also been days since he had seen a certain waterbender. Maybe it correlated. Maybe it didn't. Thoughts of her flooded his mind. About the way they met, about their fight in the southern water tribe, about the times she defeated him, healed him, fought with him and cared for him. He was finally able to get to the place he had been searching for in his attempt to sneak out.

His mother's garden. It had always been his favorite place in the palace. A true place of peace. Where they would sit together and feed the turtle ducks. When he could still somewhat get along with his sister. His father never set foot in the garden after she disappeared. But that was probably a good thing. When Zuko returned to the palace as prince, he immediately ordered for the garden to be restored. He was happy to see the results now that he reigned as firelord.

He sat down next to the pond in between a few bushes in the attempt to relax. He got into a meditative position and tried again to clear his mind. A soft giggle from somewhere close by immediately broke his concentration. He looked around to see where it was coming from, but found nothing. He sighed, got back in position and tried again. The giggle returned.

''Who's there?'' the firelord said in a calm voice.


Zuko froze in place. That sweet feminine voice was one he would recognise anywhere. The bushes rustled to his side and low and behold, a beautiful waterbender passed through.

''Hey! What are you doing here?'' she asked innocently.

''What am I doing here? This is the private royal garden. I think I should be asking you that question.'' he snorted.

Katara's cheeks flushed a little at the revelation.

''Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I had no idea I was not supposed to come here. You should really put up a sign you know! Some commoner could just walk right in here.''

The little pout on her face tugged fondly at his heart.

''Duly noted. So what were you giggling about?''

''I wasn't..'' she started, aware that he was once again teasing her relentlessly. ''Fine, I was playing with the turtle ducks.''

She huffed down beside him on the grass and started drawing circles through the blades.

''Huh. They usually aren't too keen on humans. What did you do?''

''Well I guess they've just never met a decent one.'' Katara said with a wink.

Zuko swore he could see the explosion that erupted in his head when she did that, but on the outside the only thing he did was sigh.

''What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?'' she asked, her bubbly expression suddenly turning solemn.

''It's just…'' he started, unsure how to continue.

'' know you can tell me right?''

She placed one of her delicate hands on top of his. Her smile was warm and sincere. It was just like Katara to care so much so quickly.

''My mother was probably the only decent person in this palace.'' he sighed.

''What about you? And your uncle?''

''The only one who hasn't made any mistakes.'' he continued.

''Oh Zuko, that's not…''

''Katara, I won't lie to myself that I haven't made any mistakes. I have and that's okay. I have learned to live with the version of me in the past. I also...don't want to lie to you.''

''You don't?''


He turned his hand around and wrapped his fingers around hers.

''You're special to me Katara.''

He could swear her pupils dilated a little when he said that.

''Thanks Zuko. That means a lot coming from you. Tell me more about your mother.''

His stiff expression relaxed, and a warm smile matched hers. He told her about his childhood. About his days spent playing next to the pond with his mother. When he thought everything was safe and amazing. That's how his mother made him feel. That's how Katara made him feel...but he didn't tell her that. She hung on his every word, nodding or laughing at some things. Giving a reassuring squeeze to his hand at others. It amazed him how he was so easily able to tell her everything. Even the feelings he had locked up for so long, splurged out like a desperate waterfall. That's what Katara did to him. That's why he loved her so.

After some time and many talks, Katara shivered slightly against his arm. She had been leaning against him for some time, without much thought behind it besides being comfortable together. Zuko then noticed how much time had passed. The sun had set and the sky had turned a purple hue. Without the heat of the sun, a cold breeze passed by, chilling the lady in his arms ever so slightly. He figured he should help her out. He slid his arm passed her back and placed his hand on her shoulder. He increased his body temperature ever so slightly to accommodate the waterbender.

Katara didn't flinch. She didn't move away. She just sighed and snuggled up next to him. It was a dream come true.