Hey guys, here's a new Greg / Morgan story for you all to enjoy! It takes place during the crazy time we're going through right now: the corona pandemic. There's no spoilers, so just enjoy!
Greg wasn't sure how he was feeling when he watched Morgan sign the last bit of paperwork. On the one hand he was incredibly happy that they had finally managed to catch the serial killer that had first terrorized Las Vegas and now the small town of Port Angeles. On the other hand it did mean they now had to return home to Las Vegas, something he wasn't really looking forward to.
Of course going home had nothing to do with Las Vegas. It had everything to do with the fact that he wouldn't be seeing Morgan so often anymore. Yes, he saw her at work, but that was all. It wouldn't be like it was here, where they had spent almost every moment they were awake together.
Greg had been thrilled when Russell had given him and Morgan permission to travel to Port Angeles when the local police there had requested their help. When the request came in, he and Morgan had been working on the case of a serial killer in Las Vegas for two weeks already. He had killed more than ten people, but suddenly seemed to have stopped. Greg and Morgan had thought he was done, until the call came in that he was now killing in Port Angeles, a small town next to the Canadian border. After a not very long discussion with Russell and Ecklie, Greg and Morgan had travelled to Port Angeles to help the local police and together, they had finally managed to catch him.
But that did mean they'd have to go back to Las Vegas. Greg looked at Morgan, who smiled at him. "You ready to go?"
He nodded, even though he was everything but ready to go. He wanted to stay here with Morgan! Everything had been so great the past few days: they had laughed together, they had enjoyed several meals together, they had taken walks together when they had to wait for evidence to be processed or for the interrogation to finish, but mostly they had talked. There had hardly been a moment of silence between them, they always found something to talk about. Except one thing of course: how they felt about each other.
Greg was always doubting whether or not Morgan liked him as much as he liked her. She had definitely enjoyed his company the past few days, that had been obvious, but did she see him as just a friend or possibly more? He had hoped he'd be able to find out while being here, but so far she hadn't said anything and he was way too shy to ask.
"You wanna walk up to the harbor one last time before going back to the hotel?" Morgan interrupted his thoughts.
"Oh, yeah, sure!" he quickly nodded. He fought the urge to take her hand as they walked over to the Port Angeles harbor, where the ferry to Victoria in Canada departed. Morgan sat down on a bench, her eyes on the water. Greg sat down next to her, careful to leave some space between them in case anyone would see them and comment on them not keeping distance. He knew he was supposed to stay at least six feet away from Morgan, but when they had travelled to Port Angeles Morgan had said he didn't have to keep away from her if they were together. In public, yes, but if it was just the two of them he was more than welcome to get a little closer, she had said. She had said it rather matter-of-factly, like it didn't mean anything, but to him, it definitely did!
Morgan shook her head. "Isn't it crazy how the world has changed around us and yet everything seems the same to us? I mean, the entire world is in lockdown and yet here we are, still chasing after criminals!"
She sounded a little down, Greg noticed.
"Criminals don't just stop because there's a virus going round," he softly reminded her. Morgan agreed. "But still… We're doing our jobs and everything around us has stopped. I mean, look at that ferry: there's hardly anyone on it!"
"That's because you're only allowed to leave the country if you have a good reason," Greg reminded her. Morgan rolled her eyes. "I know, I remember how much paperwork we had to fill out to be able to travel here, outside our own state! It just feels… weird! I mean, if there weren't any restrictions we could just get on that ferry, go to Victoria and go whale watching there!"
"Whale watching?" Greg repeated. Morgan nodded. "Yeah, there's usually orcas swimming in the waters around Victoria. You can take a boat tour to see them, it's something I've always wanted to do. When I was still living in L.A., I once spotted some orcas there. It was a rare thing, apparently, but I still remember how much I loved it. I had hoped we'd see one here, but so far I haven't even seen a dolphin!"
Greg looked across the water, but there was nothing to see. He turned back to Morgan, who had suddenly sounded a lot happier when she was talking about whale watching.
"Ah, well," Morgan sighed. To Greg it seemed her moment of happiness was gone already again and that she was back to feeling down. "We best get back to the hotel and see when we can catch a flight back to Vegas. You coming?"
"Yeah, I'm coming…" Slowly, Greg stood up while a plan started to form in his mind. The way Morgan had sounded, had really gotten to him and he badly wanted to cheer her up. As soon as they were back at the hotel, he used his phone to get the information he wanted and to make all the necessary arrangements. When Morgan knocked on his door, wanting to know if he had managed to book a flight, he gave her an extra happy smile. "The first available flight is two days from now!"
"Two days?" Morgan repeated. "Why are you so happy about that?"
"Because I found out that with our CSI badges we can cross the border," he explained. Morgan gave him a confused look.
"Did you know there's a guy in Victoria who rents out cabins on islands nearby?" Greg continued. Morgan still looked confused. "No, I'm not that familiar with people in Victoria…"
"Since pretty much no one is allowed to travel he was only too happy to rent us the cabin for two nights," Greg told her. "For the next two nights we're going to spend our time on an island that is known to be passed by whales very often…"
"What?" Morgan stared at him. "We're gonna be whale watching?"
Still smiling, Greg nodded. "Yes! The cabin has a filled refrigerator and filled cabinets, so we don't have to buy any food. We would be telling a little lie as I told the guy we had to stay there to sort out some police business, but if you want to go whale watching… you can!"
"Greg, that's…" Morgan seemed at loss for words. Then she looked at him more seriously. "But what about Russell? We can't exactly tell him about this…"
"I can tell him that with all the corona rules and restrictions there aren't any other flights to Vegas now," Greg suggested. Morgan shook her head. "He can easily check. No, Greg, I'd love to go, but we can't. We have to go back home and… why are you showing me these pictures? Is this the island where we would be staying? Are orcas really coming up that close to the island?"
Greg just couldn't stop smiling. He saw how much Morgan wanted to go and that she was about to give in. He found another photo and showed it to her. She looked at him. "Then again, with all the new rules and restrictions things aren't always showing up right on airport websites. Should I call Russell or do you wanna do it?"
"I'll call, then you can pack," Greg smiled.
"Deal!" The smile on her face told Greg enough. She loved his idea! He hadn't been sure at first, because he knew there were so many travel restrictions right now and it of course wasn't fair towards the rest of the team. But he just couldn't go back to that just yet, he so badly wanted to spend more time with Morgan alone. And now they'd have at least two more days together.
Just as he was getting out his cellphone, Morgan rushed back into his room and surprised him by giving him a hug.
"Thank you," she whispered in his ear. As she moved back, her eyes locked with his and he felt his heart starting to beat out of control. He wanted to pull her close and kiss her so badly that it almost hurt. But as he saw a blush appearing on her cheeks, he let her go.
"Right, I'll, eh, go pack," she quickly said before hurrying out of the room. He couldn't help but let out a groan of annoyance. How was she really feeling about him? Why couldn't she just tell him? Because you are not telling her either, he reminded himself. Right… He shook his head. He'd never work up the courage to tell her, he just knew it. If something was to happen between them, it had to be her making the first move.
Greg quickly called Russell and told him about their flight.
"Really? No earlier flights?" Russell said.
"Sorry, with the corona rules and restrictions…" Greg lied.
"Right, I see. Well, I guess we'll have to go a few more days without you then," Russell decided. "Stay safe!"
"You too!" Greg hung up and looked up at Morgan, who had entered his room with her suitcase. She smiled at him. "Ready to go! What did Russell say?"
"Oh, nothing much," Greg simply said. "Don't worry about it. Alright, let's go to the ferry!"
As people weren't really allowed to travel, there weren't many people on board the ferry. The people who had checked their passports when they boarded had quickly accepted their story about having to go abroad for some police business and let them board. As the boat left the harbor, Greg and Morgan found themselves a place on the deck outside to look at the water. About halfway through the crossing, they finally spotted something.
"There!" Morgan called out. "It's an orca, look!"
Greg saw a tiny black triangle in the distance, but he believed Morgan right away. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. She looked so happy!
When the ferry arrived in Victoria, Canada, Greg used his cellphone to find the guy who would take them to the island. Captain Mark, as he called himself, was only too happy about them staying in the cabin that he talked almost non-stop.
"There's food and water for at least a few weeks, so if things come to the worst, you'll be safe there!" he joked. "Alright, here we are! Now, in the cabin there's a radio that you can use to contact me directly. There is cellphone reception on the island, just no WiFi, you knew that, right?"
"Yes, we did," Greg nodded. He helped Morgan out of the boat and then grabbed their bags. "Thanks, captain Mark, we'll see you in two days then!"
Captain Mark gave them a final wave and then turned his boat around. Greg quickly caught up with Morgan, who has already walking towards the cabin. It wasn't a big cabin: there was a small kitchen, a small bathroom and a living room and bedroom in one. There were two beds, one on each side of the cabin.
"Which side do you want?" Greg asked Morgan. She pointed towards the one on the right side. "Mind if I take that one? I think that one has a better view of the water!"
"Sure!" Greg put her bag on the bed and then put his own on the other bed. He turned around to find Morgan has already walked back outside again. He followed her and saw she had taken the binoculars that had been hanging inside the cabin next to the door.
"Yes, there!" she called out, an excited tone in her voice. "Look, there they are!"
She gave Greg the binoculars, which he used to see what she was pointing towards. In the distance, he spotted three orcas. He quickly gave the binoculars back to Morgan so she could watch.
"They've gone," she said a few minutes later, sounding disappointed.
"I'm sure they'll be back," he tried to cheer her up. He got his cellphone out of this pocket as he felt it vibrate and he saw he had several missed calls from Russell.
"Hi, Russell, what's up?" he asked as he answered.
"Finally, I've been trying to reach you for hours!" Russell said. Greg looked at Morgan, who was watching him now.
"Sorry, we're so close to the Canadian border the reception is sometimes really bad," Greg quickly made up. Morgan covered her mouth with her hand so Russell wouldn't hear her laughing.
"Yeah, of course… Look, listen, I have some bad news," Russell continued. "One of the persons you worked with the past few days has been confirmed to have the corona virus."
"What?" Greg called out. He put his phone on speaker dial so Morgan could hear what Russell had to say.
"Yes, the Port Angeles police just called me to tell me as they couldn't reach you," Russell said.
"But… what does this mean for us?" Greg worriedly asked. "Does this mean we have it too?"
"No one knows," Russell said. "But as long as no one knows you have to stay in quarantine for two weeks!"