Jaune was excited, so very excited. This was the day he was moving into Beacon academy as a new teacher, if it's okay to brag he was also the youngest Hunter to ever become a teacher at Beacon. Using his aura to steady himself on the bullhead he was almost jumping in his seat. Jaune was a graduate of Vacuo's very own Shade Academy his original team, team JYPC (gypsies) graduated top of their class thanks to Jaune's brilliance, Yizzy's speed, Philips brute strength, and Celina's great drive to be the best. He smiles to himself thinking affectionately about them as he rubbed a necklace with his old group insignia on it. Jaune took his bag and opened it with the idea to try and read a little as he still had about a half-hour ride ahead of him.
Jaune pulled out his latest copy of Modern science monthly and flipped it open to an article he already knew by heart.
Dust in a modern society
Since the beginning of time, we as a society have heavily relied on the substances we refer to as Dust. Now Dust is an incredible material as it is manipulatable, malleable, and powerful. In addition to our, Aura, Dust not only allows us a greater height of power but also a greater height in our technological advancement. Though the means of Dust Chemistry we have reached heights in our modern society that without Dust we could never have hoped to possibly reach. I talk of not only our advancements in weaponry but also the achievements we find in our medical, industrial, and social cultures. Dust has opened many gates that would have remained completely closed in its absence. When we look at Dust Chemistry we observe the many great things that have come from its advancement such as the way breakthroughs with Electrical dust radicalized the way we produce and distribute electricity on an industrial level. Whereas in our medical field research with Ice Dust has proven new methods of treatment with cases like deadly fevers in infants slowing the mortality rate with Temperature related deaths to a crawl. And finally, in probably the most observed aspect of dust research, we look at the advancements that have been made in Dust related weaponry, I myself use a weapon that heavily relies on dust infusion to be used to its full potential. In many cases, Dust is paired with aura and unique semblances in order to heighten one's combatant abilities, while in other cases unique Dust compounds may be used to make a round fly a longer distance, more accurately, or even to make it explosive. The Hunters and Huntress' take a big focus of our society in the fact we glorify and look up to them as our protectors. Please understand I do not mean any disrespect against our protectors as I myself was an active Hunter for a few years before returning to school to receive my doctorate and I still accept Hunter's missions while I'm free from my research. Now as I was saying we look to the hunters and often think of their usage of dust before considering any other applications of dust usage. As a society, we have heavily connected dust to our battle against the creatures of Grimm and I believe that to be errored. I think that our culture is too combat-focused and we often overlook the advancements made in different fields of study as much of our Dust resources are devoted to the advancement of weaponry. We as a people must make the radical change to rebalance the table of Dust research and turn our attention from the battlefront to the homefront. The industry that is dust is heavily laid on our culture in our everyday lives in many of our jobs and in the way we view the world as a whole and with all the jobs the dust industry has created (As controversial, as they can be. I will not be expressing my opinion of that in this article) I feel that most of them have been directed at the Weaponry aspect while the other industries still struggle to keep their heads above water. If we look at the advancements we have made in dust in the last 100 years we will notice that over 87.75% of them have been in Weaponry development leaving only 10.6% in technological aspect and a measly 1.65% in the medical field I personally find this astounding. It is a reflection on our world that that much of our research in Dust has been devoted to the advancement of weapons, I am not saying that the advancement of weaponry is a bad thing per se but we should rebalance the way we conduct research in order to better our future and prolong our culture as war will only bring us to ruin.
Dr. Jaune Arc PhD
Jaune couldn't help but feel giddy as he looked over his own work with excitement. He felt the right to feel excited, after all it's not every day you can say you have an article in the most prestigious scientific journal not just that but get front page it was all very exciting. As Jaune was still basking in his happiness the pilot told him they would be landing soon so he put away his journal and pulled out his scroll alerting the headmaster he would be arriving soon and would require some assistance moving some of his equipment. After texting Ozpin he noticed he received a message from his mother it was a picture of his dad and sisters holding copies of the journal with the message reading
{ I'm so proud! Therese a doctor in the family now} she said
He quickly texted back { I have a Ph.D. in DCE and normal DC (Dust Chemical Engineering, and Dust Chemistry) so if you need medical attention I would be no help :p } he says chuckling to himself then his scroll pinged again with his mother reply
{ that's why we have your uncle, dear} he reads then begins to laugh as only his mother can make him.
The bullhead lands and Jaune grabs his carry on things before thanking the pilot and exiting to find Ozpin waiting there for him and a small group of staff ready to help take his stuff from the cargo hold.
"Hello Mr, Arc oops forgive me I meant Dr, Arc," he said before taking a sip of his cocoa and extending his hand which Jaune took quickly shaking it.
"It's an honor sir, and just Jaune is fine. I may have a doctorate but I don't care about the title all that much," he said with a smile adjusting his coat.
"Very well Jaune, I look forward to having a man of your intelligence teaching my children," He said with a small smile
"If i remember correctly you said the last dust chemistry teacher left to pursue her research and get married?" Jaune asked trying to understand his predecessor better
"Yes professor peach left at the end of the last year after announcing she was engaged, i swear I had only seen the women 4 times the entire time she was here," Ozpin said reflecting on his own possibly poor decisions before looking at Jaune and sayings " I assume you already know the courses you will be teaching?"
"Of course sir, all dust chemistry-related courses and advanced combat," he says proudly.
They continued to walk towards the building Jaune having to tell the workers to be careful with a few delicate things and large cases of dust. They reached the chemistry lab and Jaune smacked his forehead on the door frame as being 7'2 was super inconvenient sometimes.
Jaune was very tall but he was no beanstalk as he had a well-built body with a swimmer like physic not overlay bulky with muscle but no one would say he was weak, on his old team Jaune was the second strongest just behind Philip. He wore a simple blue button-up shirt with rolled-up sleeves and Khaki pants he had a nice zip-up coat on but soon to be replaced by his lab coat on his feet he normally wore his brown heavy-duty lace-up combat boots, on his hands, he wore light, brown leather gloves and finally he always had his glasses on due to years of studying in the dark and some bright chemical accidents his eyes had required correction and it was nicer than contacts because they replaced safety glasses oftentimes.
Jaune observed his lab, it had many rows of counters with sinks for every two seats and in the front, he found large electronic blackboards as sophisticated machines he would use and a large set of three counters he would use for demonstrations. He immediately fell in love with his new room and to make things even better Ozpin Showed him a room just off it with a full lab in it that he could use for his personal research and have students work in.
"I hope this is to your Liking," Ozpin said sipping his drink again
"This is more than I could have hoped for. I am truly excited to start my classes," Jaune said, starry-eyed. " Now for where I will teach my combat class, where would that be?" he asked
" oh that is in the Near the gym a few halls down," he said leading Jaune out of the lab and to the area he would use for his combat classes he was teaching only 3 classes for that 1 for the first years 1 for the 2nd and 3rd years combined and 1 for the 4th years, and for dust chemistry, he was teaching 5 classes 1 for the 1st years 1 for the 2nd years 1 for the 3rd years and 2 for the 4th years. In total, he would teach 8 classes a day but that was fine as each year started their school days at different times giving him brakes in between his classes, his schedule was 4th-year dust chemistry followed by the 2nd years then he taught the 3rd years DC then advanced combat with the 2nd years followed by the 4th year's combat class and finally finishing out the rest of the day with his 1st year students going from combat class into DC.
After being shown all his classrooms Jaune was told he had the remainder of the week to organize them however he wanted.
Now he was finally shown to his living quarters where he found all his living possessions waiting for him by the door as his research material was brought to the chemistry room. He looked into his room and found a small living place with a television, a bookshelf, and a sofa with a coffee table next to it, a full bathroom, and a bedroom as he had no need for a kitchen due to all the meals being prepared by the cafeteria.
" Is this your weaponry?" Ozpin asked, looking at a large black case with the golden Arc family insignia on it.
"Yes my weapons are in there would you like to see them?" he answered
"I would very much like to, If I remember hearing about you correctly your weapon is quite unique," Ozpin said looking rather eager. Jaune smiled and took the case setting it on the Long Coffee table then unlatched it revealing all his weaponry inside was a sword hilt it was gold with a blue grip and it had a dial on the grip but no blade attached with a unique crossguard one side having a blade attached to it and another dial placed on the crossguard and the pommel of the blade being a diamond shape. The top of the hilt had what looked like a sophisticated locking mechanism on it, also in the case, there was a long large silver rectangular scabbard with gold detailing on it had an opening on it that looked to match the locking mechanism on the sword. In addition to those things, there was a full arm covering made of metal on the index finger there was a button and yet another dial. And finally there layed two twin silver square barreled revolvers in a chest holster.
"These weapons do they have names?" asked Ozpin intrigued by the contents of the case
"Yes the scabbard and hilt are named I.B.S the interchangeable blade system, The arm armor in called Infragilis that's Latin for unbreakable and the revolvers are named Judicii ( judgment) and Poena ( punishment)" Jaune said taking out the I.B.S
" So how does the I.B.S I believe you said you said work?" Ozpin asked
" So the I.B.S works how it sounds, the scabbard houses different blades I use for different situations such as a large broadsword blade a typical sword blade, a rapier blade, and a long dagger blade," he says putting the hilt to the Scabbard then turning the dial on the crossguard a click is head and he pulls out a rapier blade now firmly attached to the hilt. "Now when I use the blade I have dust stored in the hilt and when I turn the dial on the grip a certain type of dust will coat the tip of the blade making it much more deadly," he explains turning the dial on the hilt then a yellow tint lines the edge of the blade as electricity crackles off it. Ozpin stood impressed for a moment before asking
"You developed this in your first year as a hunter in training?"
"I did, it took a full year to perfect though," he said sheepishly
" how about this armor here?" he asked looking the metal arm protection in the case
" oh yes that," Jaune says, removing it from its case and slipping his arm into it, it covers his entire arm and shoulder. He presses the button on his index finger and the entire armor rearranges itself into a solid looking shield with the Arc family crest on it then he turns the dial on his finger and a black Hugh speeds over the face of the shield " this shield is covered in a layer of dust so if you hit my you'll take damage from it you'll get shocked, burned, frozen, or even flung back by my different types of dust" he says admiring his own work before pushing the button again and taking off the armor then closing the case.
" I am very impressed Jaune, I hope you'll be here for many years to come but if I heard correctly you're now engaged? Does that mean you will only stay a year with us?" Ozpin asked
"I am engaged, but my fiance is in the military so even after we are married she will be required to be away for long periods of time so it won't require me to leave this job," he said once again thinking about his future wife with excitement.
" I am relieved to hear that. Please text me if you find yourself in need of anything but for now, feel free to organize your room and rest, we will have a staff meeting tomorrow so I will send your fellow teacher Professor Goodwitch to fetch you when the time comes. Have a goodnight." Ozpin says as he exits.
"Have a goodnight," Jaune says before closing his door.
After about an hour of cleaning and organizing, Jaune showers and prepares to sleep, finding the pleasant surprise of an extra long bed to match his height. He lays down looking at the clock seeing that it's almost 9:40, he takes out his scroll and begins to massage his Fiance
{Hey, I finally got settled into Beacon. You busy?}
{No not right now I was just getting ready for bed, how is it? Is it everything you hoped?} she responded.
{Oh definitely, it's amazing here, I'll send you pictures of my lab after I finish setting it all up, I can't wait till my students arrive and I get to start teaching.} he texted back
{ It's cute how excited you are for this.} she texts
{But anyway enough about me, how was your day?} askes
{ Oh, my day was the same as it always is slow and a lot of paperwork, I don't even have another mission yet. I want to hear about your living quarters, are they up to my standards?}
{They are pretty great though I don't have a kitchen so that sucks, and are you sure you want to hear about my day? I don't want to ignore you}
{Jaune, my love, Since we started dating you've always been interested in my day no matter how mundane it was, for once be a little selfish and tell me about you. Part of the reason I agreed to marry you was that I love hearing about your days too but we always focus on me so let's just talk about you.}
A while passed
{are you okay? I didn't offend you did I?}
{no, no nothing like that I just can't come up with a way of telling you how much I love you, Winter}
{Oh stop it you silly charmer, just tell me about you.}
{Okay well, today my Article was put in Modern science monthly. Did you see that? Oh I was so happy some of my fellow researchers even emailed me congratulations on it.}
{ I was able to get a copy, I'm very proud my future husband is an article publishing doctor. but my father messaged me telling me how disappointing it was I am marrying you.}
{I'm not sure if that means anything to me or not, when we were first engaged he was all like Hell no you can't marry this loser and now he totally hates me… so really what has changed?}
{ don't let it get to you my father is just upset you're not going to benefit him don't listen to him}
{gods if you were here right now I would hug you so hard I would break a few ribs}
{Ha ha I miss you too.}
{ but anyways I wonder how teaching will affect my research.}
{ well I would imagine you'll have less time to work as you will have to plan lessons and grade assignments.}
{yeah that makes sense, but I really hope I get some free time as I'm really close to a break through}
{oh really in what?}
{Dust chemistry}
{... that's not funny Jaune}
{really I thought it was hilarious}
{ I swear sometimes you can be so weird.}
{you know you love me *insert eyebrow wiggle*}
{well obviously I do or I wouldn't be engaged to you, but really what are you working on}
{So I can't explain it all since it would take far to long but I'm working on a new treatment for schizophrenia}
{that does sound complicated.}
{ it is, I've been spending the last 3 months working on it.}
{ well I hope it works}
{me too.}
{So did you hear my sister is going to beacon?}
{Weiss? Really? I thought she would have gone to Atlas.}
{She was going to but she couldn't be around our father any longer so she decided on Beacon.}
{ah that sucks I'm sorry your father is so cruel to you. But hey on the bright side my little sister Jane is coming to beacon too so maybe they can be friends.}
{maybe, I hope Weiss decides to make friends, please watch out for her I know she likes you already so at least she can talk to you if she needs to}
{ I got it, I will look out for her. After all, when we're married she'll be my sister-in-law}
{thanks, I love you}
{ I love you too and don't worry I will make sure she is okay.}
{just remember not to give her special treatment.}
{Win, I'm gonna be a teacher that would be unethical. I will treat all my students equally}
{just making sure darling, Okay I should get to sleep I have to be up early tomorrow and you probably have to be up early too.}
{your right I do, I have a staff meeting in the morning then I have to organize my classroom.}
{have fun with that, Good night darling I love you.}
{Night Win, I love you too. I'll text you tomorrow.}
{Okay I get off early tomorrow. I'll talk to you then. Love you night.}
{Love you too. Sweet dreams.}
With that Final text Jaune puts his scroll on the charging stand shuts off his lamp and falls asleep dreaming about his new class, his soon to be wife, and for some strange reason a pink fluffy unicorn.
The next day Jaune woke up, got out of bed and hopped in the shower before dressing in his usual attire before placing his new teacher ID on his belt and strapping on his twin revolvers… Just in case. He then found his way to the cafeteria and ate a quick breakfast of fruit and eggs before returning to his room and collecting some papers and books he was going to bring to his classroom office. He heard a knock on the door and assumed it was the Professor Goodwitch Ozpin had mentioned before. He opened the door and sure enough, he towered over a blond woman a few years older than him wearing glasses and holding a riding crop.
"Good morning Professor Goodwitch I presume," Jaune said smiling extending his had to her, she took it with a smile before saying
"Yes I am, and you are Dr, Arc I can only guess."
"Yes that would be me but feel free to call me Jaune, Titles don't mean much to me," he said scratching the back of his head.
"In that case, please call me Glenda as we will be working together for hopefully the next few years."
" I personally hope so, Glenda," Jaune said smiling broadly before ducking under the door frame and walking with his new colleague to the meeting room.
In the meeting room he met the rest of the teachers, he found in the room he only had one fellow doctor that being Dr, Brarthalamue Oobleck Ph.D. he also met Peter Port and a few other teachers he knew he would never remember the names of but that didn't matter much as they worked in different departments of the school than he did so he would probably never even see them anyways. The meeting, for the most part, was just going over the school handbook and going over the school policies for both teachers and students. Finally, as the meeting ended teachers were given class lists existing of 2nd, 3rd and 4th years as they still didn't know who was going to pass the initiation and become students. After that they all ate lunch together and conversed. Jaune being the only new teacher this year was berated with dozens of questions about himself and many of them about his life as a hunter. Being the polite person he is he kindly answered them asl as he ate a sandwich and some apple juice (his favorite meal). Finally, after they all cleared out of the room and went off to prepare for the coming school year did Jaune get to go organize his classroom.
Jaune spent hours cleaning and storing new beakers and other glass items they would use that year before dinner time was upon him so he left for the day and went to the cafeteria finding Professor Port and Dr, Oobleck sitting down to eat when they noticed him and invited him to eat with them which he happily obliged. They all obviously had very different tastes in food Port eating a large steak with beans and potatoes with gravy, Oobleck eating salmon and yogurt with his usual cup of coffee, and finally, Jaune eating a spicy chicken curry with a pear.
"So Dust Chemistry how long did you have to stay in school for that?" asked Dr. Oobleck
"Well I got my masters and first doctorate while I was still an active hunter and that was about 4 years with my advanced program " Jaune explained before taking another bite of his meal "But then I realized that getting my second doctorate in Dust Chemical engineering would be too difficult to earn while still accepting Jobs but that doctorate only took 2 1/2 years I the advanced program again." he finished explaining
" What made you decide to give up active hunting my boy, a young man like you should have had at least a few more years still in you," Port said.
"Well um, I was originally going to continue as a full-time hunter only pursuing dust studies as a hobby. But During a mission that went wrong my entire team save me was killed in the line of duty… I never could look at hunting the same way after that so I began to earn my masters and doctorates and now I teach here in an attempt to prepare my students for the job they intend to do," said Jaune with a sad smile remembering all the good times he had with his friends
"I'm sorry please forgive me I didn't know," Port said with a sympathetic look
"It's okay you couldn't have had any idea," he says "let's move onto a new subject shall we? Dr. Oobleck if I'm correct You and I are the only ones with doctorates on the staff."
"Yes, that would be correct although I must say I'm impressed someone so young has two doctorates, that's one more than I have," the Doctor says to his fellow Doctor they all share a laugh about that and continue their conversation talking about miscellaneous thing sand accomplishments they have made in their lives before they dismissed themselves and went to bed.
The next week passed quickly as Jaune prepared his lessons and his classroom all in the first 2 days leaving the rest of the week to work on his research and talk to Winter, even getting some planning in for their wedding. Finally, the week was over and students came to the school. On the first day, 1rst years would be participating in initiation while the 2nd 3rd and 4th started normal classes. Jaune put his lab coat on as 4th years started to enter the room he almost shook with excitement and finally when all his students had entered he started his new class.
"Good morning class! My name is Dr, Jaune Arc and I am your new teacher."
A/N: Heyo what's up. Did you like this? Was it good? Just a warning this story is not my main focus right now and since it has longer chapters it will take longer to write for so this story will be the one I update the slowest behind my other stories. Like and follow so I can see if this is worth pursuing thanks. btw some dude is convinced I wrote this story as a copy of another authors story (Total dipshit). this is not true in the slightest as I had no idea it even existed but I must admit I'm thankful because thanks to him I got to read a great story. while a do admit our stories do share some loose similarities I in no way based my story off his. but I would suggest you go read some of his content as it is all incredible and fun to read. so go check out Coeur Al' Aran. and yes Jaune will be very different in this story it's fanfiction deal with it.