Hi everybody! XenoBlaze here with another fanfic. This time its Naruto x Sekirei. I love Sekirei. I watched the anime though and was upset that it was canceled after Pure Engagement. This story has a concept that no one has thought of, so I guess I'm the first. I also want to thank KingBeasta for the advice. If you haven't, check out My Dear Ashikabi. Now, let's get to it.

As usual, I own nothing.

It was a dark and stormy night in Shinto Teito. Thunder and lighting raged on and rain continued to fall. For this night wasn't a happy one. In a small home, was the sight of a tragedy. The windows were broken, furniture was either destroyed or ruined and the was were covered in blood. A small red haired child with blue-violet eyes and a red dress (formally white) is seen covered in blood and clutching a sword. Her tearful eyes unmoving of the scene in front of her. A bunch of men in black armor carrying guns lay dead on the floor. And in the middle of the room are the bodies of a yellow haired man and a red haired woman.

The childs name is Naruko Uzumaki. And this was the night she lost her parents.

Cue Sekirei by Saori Hayami

-12 Years later-

In a local casino there are lots a people huddled around a table. Everyone had stopped playing their games just to watch this one poker game. A man with auburn hair worn in a mullet-like style with a single hair hanging down in the middle and purple eyes sits at one side of the table holding his cards with a smug expression. His clothes suggest that he comes from a wealthy family.

Across the table is a fair skinned young girl with red hair and blue-violet eyes holding her cards with a neutral expression. Her hair is tied up with a flower-like hairband. Her hair bangs, however, are not tied up with her hair. She wears a pink long sleeved sweater over a cream-colored undershirt, light blue capris with an orange stripe on each pant leg and brown sandals.

Both players have a mountain of poker chips. "I'll admit, I never thought I'd end up playing against a little girl in the end." The man says. The girl stares at the man. Not giving the slightest bit of emotion. The man looks at the girls face before his eyes slowly travel to her large chest. "Must be my lucky day. Playing against such a cutie." The man says with a grin. He then locks eyes with the girl. "How bout we make this interesting? I win, I take you out for a night on the town."

The girl continues to stare at the man before she gives a small smile. "Sure." The girl then pushes a bunch of chips forward. "But it'll cost you another five hundred." The girl says. The man looks at the girls chips before looking at her again. He then pushes the same amount of chips forward. "Your on." The man then shows his cards. "Four kings and a ace."

The girl looks at the mans cards. She then closes her eyes with a sigh. "Hey, don't beat yourself up about it." The man says. "Look at it this way, you get a handsome consolation prize." The girl puts her cards down. "Its sad." The man grins. The girl then flips over her cards. "Because I have four aces and a king." The mans grin morphs into shock as the girl collects her chips. "Tough break." The girl says with an eye smile. She then leaves the table to collect her winnings. "Double or nothing?" The man says weakly as he watches the girl leave with a sway in her hips.

A hour later, the red haired girl exits the casino with a small metal briefcase. She stands still for a few moments before she burst out laughing. "He he hahahaha! The look on that guys face! Priceless!" The girl says while wiping an imaginary tear. "That'll teach him not to bet against Naruko Uzumaki." Naruko looks to the sky to see that the sun is sitting. "Guess I was out longer than I thought." Naruko hefts her briefcase over her shoulder. She then starts walking. "Better get home before nee-san starts calling."

Night has fallen as Naruko continues her trek home. As she passes by a park, she sees something strange. Or more specifically, someone. There sitting on a bench, is a woman with short brown hair and blank grey eyes. She stares at the ground with a depressed expression. What's strange is that the woman is only wearing a bloody lab coat.

Naruko looks at the woman for a moment before she shrugs her shoulders. She then walks up to the woman. "Excuse me. Are you alright?" The woman twitches slightly before lifting her head and Naruko gasp.

Apon the womans forehead is what looks like a tattoo of a bird on top of a few magatamas with a yin-yang symbol in the middle. "That's...!" Naruko thinks. "I am...broken." The woman says with a neutral voice. Naruko frowns for a moment before she kneels to be at eye level with the woman. "What makes you say that?" Naruko says. "My mark...is proof. No one...wants me."

Naruko looks at the woman with pity. She then brightens up slightly. "Well, you won't know for sure just sitting here. If you want, you can come home with me." The woman's eyes widen slightly. "I can get you some food and give you a warm place to stay." Naruko says. The woman continues to stare at Naruko. Not seeing any ill intent in her eyes. Only a warm smile. "You...want me?" The woman asked hopefully. Naruko stands up and holds out her hand to the woman. "I wanna help you. If you'll let me."

The woman stares at Naruko's hand before she slowly takes it. "Oh. By the way, I'm Naruko. Naruko Uzumaki." Naruko says. "Ah... I am...Akitsu." The brunette says. Naruko's smile brightens. "Well, ready to go home Akitsu-chan?" Akitsu blushes slightly before nodding her head.

"Sorry, but she'll be leaving with me. Not you." A voice says.

Naruko turns around to see a slim teenager with brown hair. He wears a white formal attire that suggest he is wealthy. Next to him is a tall man with messy silver colored hair and grey eyes. He is equipped with a sword. His outfit consists of black pants and a long sleeved shirt of the same color with crisscrossing bands of leather forming an 'X'. The sleeves near his shoulders has a single band around them. Sitting almost lazily on his waist is a belt tied together by a leather string. The only other distinguishing features about his clothing is the black fingerless gloves he wears, and the orange scarf he wraps around his neck and shoulders.

Naruko gently moves Akitsu behind her. "Really? And who are you suppose to be?" Naruko says with a neutral tone. The boy smirks. "Someone playing the Game. And means to win." Naruko narrows her eyes. "Now, if you'd kindly hand her over. It would be wise to do so." The boy says casually. "And if I say no?" The boy chuckles. "Well, I won't be responsible for what happens next. Mutsu."

The man-Mutsu steps forward. He stares at the two girls in front of him. He then zeros in on Naruko. "Why does she seem so familiar?" Mutsu thinks. "I ask you...please step away from the girl. I don't wanna have to hurt you if necessary."

Naruko keeps her eyes on Mutsu. "Akitsu-chan?" The brown haired woman perks up slightly. "Do you wanna go with them?" Naruko says. Akitsu replies by simply holding Naruko's arm tightly between her breast. Naruko raises an eyebrow at the action but is otherwise unfazed. "Looks like she's staying with me."

Mutsu sighs before drawing his sword. "Then you leave me no choice." Naruko eyes the man's sword before focusing on Mutsu. "You seem like a nice enough guy ttebane? You sure you wanna do this?" Naruko asked. Mutsu settles into a stance. "I'm sorry. But I can't go against my Ashikabi's orders."

Naruko closes her eyes. "I see." After a moment Naruko's eyes snap open. She then quickly turns around and scoops up Akitsu in her arms. "Hold on tight!" Akitsu blushes before Naruko shifts the auburn haired woman onto Naruko's back. Naruko hands Akitsu her briefcase as Mutsu charges forward with a slash from his sword. However, he only hits air, indicating that Naruko dodged. Mutsu then looks to his left to see Naruko escaping with Akitsu. However, Mutsu frowns while narrowing his eyes. Because to him, it looks like Naruko is disappearing before reappearing in another spot.

"Mutsu! She's getting away!" The boy exclaims. Mutsu then vanishes in a burst of speed and reappears in front of Naruko. Naruko's eyes widen as Mutsu slashes her. Naruko gasps as she slowly falls backwards. Mutsu looks away in remorse. Taking no joy in cutting the red head down. However, Mutsu's face morphs into shock as he feels a weight on his arm. He looks to his right to see Naruko perched on his arm with Akitsu still on her back!

Naruko then vanishes in a burst of speed and reappears on a tree branch with Akitsu in tow. Mutsu and the boy then turn to the tree. "Looks like I'm just too fast." Naruko says playfully. "How did she...?" The boy says dumbstruck. Akitsu looks at her savior with awe as she feels a burning sensation within her. "This warmth. Can it be?" Akitsu thinks as her blush darkens. Naruko turns her attention to Mutsu and stares at him with a grin. "Later hon!" Naruko says playfully as she turns around and vanishes with Akitsu.

After getting over his shock the boy marches up to Mutsu. "What was that?! How did she escape?!" Mutsu glances at the boy. "I'm not sure." The boy narrows his eyes before they widen. "You don't think she was a Sekirei, do you?!" The boy eyes widen more with excitement. "I want her Mutsu! Her and Scraped Number! I must have them for my collection!" Mutsu stares at the spot where Naruko vanished. "I don't know if that girl was a Sekirei. But she's definitely not normal." Mustu then recalls something as Naruko's words echo in his mind. "You seem like a nice enough guy ttebane? You sure you wanna do this?" Mutsu narrows his eyes in thought. "Ttebane... I know that verbal tick. But from where?"

In an alley far away from Mutsu, Naruko and Akitsu appear in a burst of speed. Naruko then sits Akitsu down. She then puts her hands on her hips. "Phew. I think we lost them." Naruko then turns her attention to Akitsu. "Are you alrig- Huh?" Naruko looks to see not only Akitsu still clinging to her arm, but that the woman is breathing heavily with a dark blush. "Akitsu?" Naruko says in confusion. "Ah. It's...you." Akitsu leans towards Naruko. "I...don't know how...this is ...happening. But...it's you." Akitsu's face gets closer to Naruko's. Their lips almost touching. "Ashikabi-sama." Akitsu closes her eyes and kisses Naruko.

For a moment nothing happens. Then suddenly Akitsu emits a blue light around her. In a flash, blue ice-like wings sprout from her back. The mark on Akitsu's forehead then shatters. "So warm. I...never thought I would feel this way. ...Ashikabi-sama. I'm...so happy." Akitsu thinks while holding herself as tears of joy form. Akitsu then opens her eyes. And is greeted to a shocking sight.

Just as Akitsu is emitting a blue light, Naruko is emitting a red one. Naruko closes her eyes as she moans a little. In a flash, crimson wings sprout from Naruko's back. Akitsu look on in shock and confusion. After a moment, both Naruko and Akitsu stop shining and their wings vanish.

"Ashikabi...sama?" Akitsu asked in confusion. Naruko opens her eyes and smiles sheepishly. "Looks like I've got some explaining to do." Naruko says as she scratches her face. Before either girl could comment, they are interrupted by the sound of music coming from Naruko's pocket. Naruko takes out her phone as the song "Just Bleach" plays. The music shuts off as Naruko answers.

"Hello?" Naruko says. As the person on the other end of the phone call talks, Naruko's expression turns to one of slight fear. "Uh...hi nee-san. ...Look I know it's late, but I can explain! I...!" Naruko trails off as the person on the other end talks. Akitsu watches the scene with her usual stoicism. Naruko's shoulders then slump as she sighs. "Okay. I'll be right there." Naruko ends the phone call.

Naruko then turns to Akitsu after pocketing her cellphone. "Ah...is everything alright Ashikabi-sama?" Naruko looks at Akitsu with a small smile. "It's alright. My nee-san just worries about me. That's all." Naruko holds out her hand. "We've both got some explaing to do. But for now...let's go home." Akitsu stares at Naruko's hand before taking it. "Yes...Ashikabi-sama."

The two women vanish in a burst of speed. Just as a figure steps out of the shadows. This figure is a dark-skinned woman with jet black hair. She wears a bikini top beneath a small hooded shawl, a buckled sarong and leather knee-high boots to complete her black attire. The woman smirks. "How interesting."

Masion Izumo. A boarding house home to weirdos. At least, that's how one of the tenants views it. To Naruko though, it's been her home for the last twelve years. The people who live in Masion Izumo are actually nice. As well as the sweet landlady who owns the place. ...At least...she is on the surface.

"So, Naru-chan. Would you mind telling me why you are home so late?" A woman with purple haired woman says with a sickeningly sweet smile. Her target? A scared Naruko and a cowering Akitsu. "N-now Miya-nee, I told you I can explain." Naruko says with a stutter. Miya countines to "smile" as a demonic Hanya mask appears above her head. "Well? I'm listening." Naruko becomes even more unnerved and Akitsu cowers behind her while still clinging to Naruko's arm.

"Ah. Scary." Akitsu says. "Miya-nee, you're scaring Akitsu-chan! Calm down, please!" Naruko says. Miya heeds Naruko's plea and the demon mask vanishes. She then opens her eyes. "Well?" Naruko sheepishly scratches her face. "Well...I sorta kinda...winged Akitsu-chan." Miya stares at Naruko for a moment before she hits Naruko on the head with a ladle that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Naruko holds her head in pain while Akitsu looks at her Ashikabi with concern. "Owie..." Naruko says.

After punishing Naruko, Miya asked for the full story on how Naruko met Akitsu. Miya lectured the girl for gambling. Again. And to add insult to injury, Miya took half of the money Naruko won. Said it was for their "rainy day fun".

After that, Miya prepared dinner. The other tenants were out for the night and wouldn't be back until later. Akitsu ate her food and savored every bite. Almost like she was afraid that it would disappear. Naruko and Miya looked at the girl with pity. It seems that the former scrapped number still had her fears of her whole experience being a dream.

After a bath, Miya gave Akitsu some clothes to wear. Naruko thanked her sister figure and resolved to buy Akitsu her own clothes tomorrow. After the night they had, Naruko and Akitsu went to bed. With Akitsu still clinging on Naruko's arm while they slept. All while Miya was trapped in her thoughts. "So, it's begun." Miya turns to look at a picture of herself with a man with gray messy hair, a man with spiky blond hair, a woman with straight red hair and a younger Naruko. "Takehito. Kushina-sensei. Minato-sensei. I've been preparing Naruko for this since THAT day. Now we'll have to see if what I've taught her is enough to survive this twisted game."