Chapter Twenty Seven

Disclaimer: I own nothing that belongs to the creators of Inuyasha!

Thank you to: Guest, RubyGemGreen, Kagz419, PouringRain-BlazingStorm, Kiwimari, Tiggs1990, Huggies90, Wondla Master, loserbopeep, MarshWolffe, FearOfFalling, Symone1234, JumbledThoughts, Hina714 for your reviews! This update is because of you!

"The way that you spoke to Miroku before…you really care for him, don't you?" Sango asks softly as we sit in the hot spring, the warm water soothing our sore feet and muscles from travel. When Shippo and Inuyasha had caught the scent in the air, Sango and I immediately leapt at the chance to have a long warm soak in the water and to get clean. I look up, pausing from running conditioner through my hair. Frowning slightly I nod.

"I didn't really have any friends back where I am from." I explain, having already spent the last half hour further elaborating on exactly how I had come to be here, and how the jewel had been shattered by my hands. "So you all mean a lot to me." Finishing with the conditioner, I offer the bottle to Sango. She hesitates, before taking it with a curious look on her face. "Just squeeze some of the conditioner out onto your hand and run it through your hair from root to tip." I explain, leaning back against a warm rock and allowing the product to soak into my hair. Sango does as I instructed, a look of wonder on her face as she runs her fingers through her hair.

"Inuyasha is more than just your friend, though, right?" Sango asks as she continues to run her fingers through her hair, spreading the conditioner. Then, like me, she sits back and allows it to soak in. I flush at her question, looking down at the water below.

"It's…complicated." I murmur honestly, feeling a sense of weightlessness I hadn't felt in a while talking to another woman that wasn't Mayumi.

"I noticed." Sango agrees dryly, before standing up and twisting around to place the conditioner by the shampoo on the rock behind her. It's then that the large scar on her back comes in full view.

'I can't believe she had to go through her brother turning on her like that, and then dying right in front of her.' I frown at the thought, chest aching for the woman across from me. 'She's so strong, both physically and emotionally.'

"Miroku and I have both seen the way that you two look at each other." Sango continues on as she turns around to sit back down in the water, leaning back against there rock behind her. "Inuyasha is always protecting you, and you are always protecting him. You work like a team."

"Well, like I said, it's complicated." I sigh softly, running my fingers through the water in front of me. "I mean, after all, I'm housing his dead ex-lover, and his other dead ex-lover is currently haunting his every step." I lean my head back against the rock, looking at the star filled sky through the clearing above. "It makes dating in junior high seem like a cake walk." I mutter lowly to myself. I tilt my head forward then to look at Sango once more. "What about you and Miroku?"

"The monk?!" Sango asks, sounding completely caught off guard as a flush graces the bridge of her nose. "I don't think so!"

"I mean, despite his perverted nature, you've got to admit he's kind of charming." I shrug my shoulders, grinning at her widely. Sango sputters in disbelief.

"Charming?! That would be the last way I would describe that lecher!" She clearly denies, her gaze narrowed at me now in annoyance.

"Well, if nothing else he's at least handsome." I add with a sly grin, watching the red grow brighter on her cheeks.

"Don't let Inuyasha hear you say that." She grumbles back to me, playfully splashing water my way. I laugh, lightly splashing her back before we both settle once more.

'This is nice.' I can't help thinking after our exchange, leaning back to look at the stars once more. 'I really like Sango, and it's great finally not being overrun by testosterone in this group.' After a few more minutes we both decided it was time to get out of the hot water, and we rinse our hair clean. Sango immediately wrapped herself up in the towel, still unsure of Miroku's wandering eyes, but I couldn't find it in me to care at that moment. It was too hot for a towel in my opinion, and I figured I would dry off faster. I get another glimpse of her scar, but this time Sango notices my gaze and sighs.

"It did not heal well." She murmurs regrettably, and I instantly feel bad for staring.

"I wouldn't be as strong as you if I had to go through what you did because of Naraku." I admit, looking forward as I sit comfortably on a smooth rock, just my feet in the water. "We'll make him pay for everything he's done." I add firmly, Sango nodding in agreement. She reached around, grabbing a large stone and tossing it casually in her hand. I look at her in question, but she motions for me to be quiet.

"Did you follow the deeper points of our conversation, you peeping toms?!" Sango suddenly shouts, causing me to stiffen as she throws the rock behind us into the bush. A squeal sounds from where the rock had disappeared off to, and it decidedly wasn't one of the boys. I grab my towel in hand a press it against my front, following Sango to look. We find a poor monkey knocked out on the ground.

"Jeeze, Sango! Poor little guy!" I frown at her playfully, and she gives a sheepish shrug.

"Hey, what's with all the ruckus?" Inuyasha's voice can suddenly be heard as both the men appear directly over where the monkey was laying. I stare, stunned as Inuyasha's gaze goes from Sango to me, his own amber eyes locking on my very nearly naked form. In a split second I watch his eyes grow darker, into almost a molten gold as his gaze intensifies and slowly drags from my face, down past my shoulders, and all the way down to my ankles. Realization hits me like a brick wall.

This was the first time he had seen me like this since we had first met back in the village.

'Back when he had called me fat and ugly.' I remember with embarassment, even though knowing my body had somewhat changed since then. I was still a bigger girl, with fat still heavy around my stomach, hips, and thighs, but I far more toned now from hard travel than I had been back then. Inuyasha couldn't really see anything other than what the towel left uncovered, by open back end facing away from them, but it didn't staunch the heat that took over his eyes, and it sent a delightful shudder down my spine and directly to my core.

"Well, well…" Miroku's simper brings both of us out of our locked gazes. Horrified, my face felt on fire as Sango moved quickly, even in her towel, and landed punch after punch on both of the men's heads. It was actually pretty amusing to watch Miroku and Inuyasha crawling away pathetically as Sango breaths heavily in rage over them, hands clenched tightly into fists and her glare deadly.

"Maybe it's time to get dressed." I grumble, still embarrassed at the show I had not only given Inuyasha, but Miroku as well. Sango nods in agreement, heading towards the tree that our clothes were hanging in. As we get dressed I find my eyes drawn back to Sango in the heavy silence, her gaze distant and solemn. Somehow I knew she was thinking of her family. 'The Shikon Jewel has meant nothing but sadness and pain for so many people. Sango had to watch her Father and Brother be killed right in front of her because of it.' I frown deeply as I tie the belt around my pants. 'The world would be better without it.'

By the time we step back into the camp Shippo is curled up under my blanket, fast asleep. Kirara has also gone to sleep by the fire, Sango moving her own bedding to be closer to her companion as she rolls over, her back facing the monk that was currently resting with his eyes closed against a tree. Miroku opens his eyes, just barely, to gaze at the woman across the fire, a small, genuine smile gracing his handsome face before he closes his eyes once more.

Then there was Inuyasha.

Swallowing, I nervously look towards him from where I now stand at the foot of my blanket where Shippo was still sleeping soundly. He was sitting with Tessaiga against his shoulder across the fire, looking at me with this intense gaze over the flames. His handsome face was fully illuminated, the shadows caused by the fire sharpening his jawline. Ever so slowly, his gaze rakes over my form from top to bottom, before coming back up to lock eyes with me once more. The hottest, more devilish smirk I had ever seen him make slowly grows on his face, my core clenching at the sight. As if he knew exactly what he was doing to me, his smirk widens before he turns his gaze back down to the flames in front of him. It was like I was suddenly freed from some sort of invisible restraint, and I could finally move on shaking limbs to crawl under the blanket with Shippo. I turn away from Inuyasha, holding the fox demon protectively to my chest as I did most nights.

I could still feel his heated stare on my back long after I fell asleep.

As usual I wake up on my own before the crack of dawn. Carefully extracting myself from the little fox demon in my arms, I shift out from under the blankets, carefully sealing the boy back in to keep the residual heat for him. It was a chiller morning, and the fire had long since gone out after Inuyasha no doubt fell asleep last night at some point. I glance around the camp, before my gaze lands on said half demon currently fast asleep on a low hanging branch of a nearby tree. I shake my head with a small smile, rubbing my arms with my hands to warm them against the early morning bite in the air.

'How on earth can he sleep so peacefully like that?' I can't help asking myself, watching his ears twitch reflexively in his sleep. 'He looks so relaxed.' Inuyasha's handsome face bore no signs of stress, his full lips slightly parted as he breathed softly. Chewing softly on my lower lip as my own tingled in memory of his kisses, I turn away before I can get too lost in the feeling. Walking carefully, so as to not wake up the group, I grab our small pot to make some morning tea before we packed up camp. Sango usually woke soon after I did, and she would start a fire before I returned. I only had to walk a few yards to get to a stream flowing through the forest. That was one of the many benefits to living during this era; clean water wasn't ever too far away.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Inuyasha's voice comes from behind me, sounding tired as he yawns almost directly after announcing his presence. I nearly roll my eyes, figuring I should have known better than to believe I could leave the camp without waking him. Turning towards the half demon, I'm caught up in how adorable he looked as he rubbed the sleepiness from one of his eyes with the heel of his hand, his clothing and hair still slightly rumpled from sleep.

"Just gathering some water for the tea." I explain, showing him the small pot.

"I could have done that." Inuyasha insists with a frown, surprising me slightly. Since when did Inuyasha want to have anything to do with cooking? Even just to boil water?

"It's alright. The stream isn't far and the pot doesn't get too heavy." I reply. "But thank you." Turning I lean over, dipping the pot into the stream to gather some water.

Suddenly a light burning sensation steaks across my ass, the smack echoing around us both. Frozen in wide eyed shock, it takes me a moment to realize what happened.

Inuyasha just smacked my ass.

Standing slowly, eyes still wide, I turn towards the half demon to see him smirking at me and looking entirely happy with himself. My mouth falls open slightly. 'Out of all the things to expect from him, that was hardly on my list.' I think in disbelief. The gesture was so juvenile…human…normal, that I could hardly believe it just happened. "You just smacked my ass." I accuse him with disbelief. He nods, smirk widening.

"I did." Inuyasha full admits, clearly not at all embarrassed or regretful. "Been wanting to for a while, actually." The pot drops from my hand.

Say what now?

"Can you blame me?" He asks after clearly seeing my shock, shrugging as if it wasn't his fault. "I mean, every time you bend over it's been hard not to." I roll my eyes, crouching down this time instead of bending down to grab the pot I had dropped. How typically male of him.

"Well, considering it's not your ass to smack." I mutter disdainfully as I stand, sighing heavily in annoyance seeing I would have to fill the pot again.

"What did you say?" The low growl catches me off guard, my back stiffening as I look up towards Inuyasha once again. Gone was the playful smirk from before, and replacing it was something I had only seen on his face during a handful of situations.

Utter possession.

"Y-you heard me." I state, sounding far weaker than I had wanted. It was true! He was still hung up over not one, but two ex-lovers! He had no right to think he had any claim over me right now!

"I did." He agrees, taking a step forward, his amber eyes sharp. "I just wanted to give you a chance to correct yourself." I blink in surprise hearing the tone of command in his voice, the one that pulled at my very being to obey.

'The pull of a mate.' Mayumi whispers softly to me from within, and I stiffen further, but find I can't argue with her statement.

After all, what else could it possibly be?

'But just because I feel that way, doesn't mean Inuyasha feels that way solely for me. I can't forget that!' I think desperately to myself as he takes two more steps to fully close the distance between the two of us. We're nearly chest to chest, the scent of pine overwhelming my senses as he stares down at me with a burning intensity. My response is snippy, even for me.

"Why would I need to do that? You've already established that even though you apparently care for me, I'm not your's." 'Not yet, at least.' I add inwardly. 'Not until I know you won't go running back to Kikyo.'

"Clearly you don't understand." Inuyasha's voice rumbles low and soft in his chest, his hand slowly creeping out to grip my hip, before every so slowly running along it and towards my back. This was different, he was different. It was like the demon side of him had suddenly taken complete control over his actions. "I want to be your protector, your companion…" His hand runs slowly down till it's cupped over the center of my ass. Before I can protest he grips it firmly and uses his hold to pull me in flush against his strong body, his other hand going to the base of my neck. "And I want to be the only one that gets to touch you like this." He murmurs huskily, tilting his head to run his nose along my jaw towards my ear, clearly breathing in my scent. My eyes widen and my entire body trembles at the inferno racing through my veins, hands gripping tightly to the material on the sleeves of his kimono.

"S-so you don't want me to be interested in anyone else?" I question, voice shaking as I tried to keep my wits about me, despite the burning heat taking over. "You don't want another man to touch me?" A snarl rips from his mouth, by back going ramrod straight at the sound as as his arms tighten around me.

"No, definitely not." He growls low in his chest. I could feel the rumble against my own with how tightly he was holding me to him. I swallow thickly, everything in me begging me to not say what I know needed to be said. To just ignore it and let him do whatever it was he was going to do with me, because it felt so exciting right now in the moment.

"Yet…you're allowed to pursue Kikyo if you wish?"

He stiffens at that, and I know I've broken whatever mood he had been in. I want to cry with regret as he pulls away from me, letting me go and looking at me with eyes filled with mixed emotions. Some of the heat from before was still there, the possessiveness, but there was also regret, and guilt. It felt like a knife to the chest as I turn away from him, kneeling down and dipping the pot back into the water. There was a rustling of leaves behind me, and I knew he had leapt into the nearby tree and was gone. Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I fight back the tears of pain, taking deep breaths to keep the hurt at bay as much as possible. I had done the right thing, said the right thing, I know I had.

'Inuyasha needs to learn to respect your desires for him. You did well.' Mayumi agrees gently, and I honestly find myself comforted by her support.

I just hope I don't push him too far and drive him straight into Kikyo's arms.

As we continued on our way later that morning, I couldn't help reflecting over what had happened between Inuyasha and I as I stared at his back. He has hardly even looked at me since, and when he does, I swear I see nervous embarrassment on his face.

'He let his demon side take hold this morning, that's why.' Mayumi responded to my inner thoughts. 'Inuyasha usually has pretty good control over his demonic responses. With me he hardly let that side take over. Apparently he's having trouble keeping it at bay with you.' She finishes dryly.

'What's that supposed to mean?' I ask, confused.

'Inuyasha is gentle and sweet, if not a little shy with women typically. His human side dictates that response.' Mayumi explains. 'What you saw this morning, and even a few times before, was his demon instincts taking over. He gets possessive, commanding, and almost rough, but never to the point of hurting you.' Mayumi pauses, hot excitement bursting from her presence. 'It happened only a few times when he was with me, but when it did it was…thrilling to say the least.' She giggles, before giving a hot sigh. I, meanwhile, was doing my best to not look too flustered at the thought. I mean, under different circumstances, what happened this morning would have been…hot.

"Hey, look! Somebody is coming!" Shippo exclaims from where he was sitting on my shoulder, bringing me from my thoughts. Inuyasha and Miroku are both at the ready in front of us, the man stumbling our way.

"Something is wrong." I frown deeply, before gasping when the man fell to his knees, clearly in pain.

"I can smell blood on him." Inuyasha frowns, the man dropping onto his front soon after.

"Well what are we waiting for?!" I frown, Shippo jumping from my shoulder as I take off running towards the wounded man. When I got closer I could see the puddles of blood trailing behind him. Paling as I see the blood soaking through the back of his kimono, I kneel down at his side. The others soon come to surround us as I open my hands over the man's back, about to push my energy through into his wounds. Inuyasha's clawed hand reached out and gently grips one of my wrists, stopping me. Eyed widening, I follow the arm up to his face, his own eyes grim as he looks from me to the man.

"He's gone, Yua. There is nothing you can do." Inuyasha informs me softly. Looking back down at the man I frown sadly, Inuyasha letting go of my wrist so I could bring my hands back.

"He's just a villager." Miroku states in wonder as I stand, still looking down at the bloodied body.

"He's not the only one who has been killed around here." Inuyasha informs us solemnly, and I feel my heart drop into my stomach. "The air is filled with the sick smell of blood, and the blood is fresh. There has been a slaughter."

'No…not another village.' I think to myself in disbelief, glancing towards Sango as I remember the carnage left in her home by demons. Sango is looking down at the body, her eyes almost calculating, obviously taking in the wound on the man's back. We took the time to quickly lay the man to rest on the side of the road, before racing towards where Inuyasha's nose directed us. When I saw the smoke rising ahead, I felt like a rock had dropped into the pit of my stomach as my thoughts from earlier were all but confirmed. When we run into the middle of the village, the bodies start to appear.

"A massacre!" Miroku exclaims with horror, all of us stopping to look at the scene in shock. Shippo turns sharply, jumping into my arms and hiding his face in my chest. I frown, running my fingers through his hair soothingly as his little body shakes against my own.

What a thing for a little boy to see. Not once, but twice now.

Inuyasha turns, his amber eyes quickly seeking the fox demon out in my arms, his gaze softening for a moment as he saw the boy whimpering in my arms. His gaze slowly moves up to my own, and I know even if he is hard on the kid, he feels the same as I do about Shippo's exposure to horrific scenes like these ones. Turning his head back around, his nose wrinkles in disgust, no doubt the scent of blood and decay overwhelming to him.

"Is anyone left alive?" Shippo whimpers against my chest, his little hands gripping tightly to my top.

"Let's find out what happened." Miroku states solemnly, Shippo slowly pulling away to look up at me now. "We'll split up and search."

"Good idea." Inuyasha readily agrees, clearly as eager to get to the bottom of this and find the person responsible.

"Hold it." Sango's commanding voice speaks out. We all look to her curiously as she crouches down to grab a rock, standing and throwing it at the doorway of a nearby hut. The explosion that follows is almost instantaneous. I push Shippo's head back into me to protect him against any flying debris, closing my eyes as the shock-wave from the blast washes over us so powerfully that it nearly sends me backwards onto my ass. When the light fades I slowly open my eyes, looking towards Sango as my heart races.

What the hell had that been?!

"Don't move an inch." Sango orders firmly from where she stands. "Traps are set everywhere. One step and your leg might be blown off."

"How did you see that?!" I can't help exclaiming in shock, Sango's face never revealing anything but calm collection.

"Years of training." She answers simply.

"What? Traps are buried underground?!" Shippo asks nervously as he grips onto me tightly once more, looking around with wide fearful eyes.

'Just like land mines.' I think to myself, mind racing.

"Beside all the dead bodies?" Miroku asks in disbelief, glaring around the clearing towards all the bodies that littered the area.

"Probably." Sango agrees solemnly, and I feel anger course through me.

"That's absolutely sick! Who would be so cruel as to kill these people and make their very corpses death traps to others?!" My eyes narrow as I look around the village, at all the bodies laying out in the open on the ground.

'I can think of only one person who would be so disgusting as to use the bodies of the dead in such a way.' Mayumi speaks up lowly, anger clearly in her voice. 'Naraku.' My eyes widen at a that.

'Are you sure?'

'Almost positive.' Mayumi states. 'He wouldn't have done all this himself, I don't think he would degrade his abilities to killing humans and digging mines. It would certainly be something he would plan, however, and have one of his minions complete the task.'

"Whoever has done this as made it so if we try to help anyone who might still be alive, or bury the dead, we get blown up too." Miroku growls, hand clenching around his staff so tightly that his knuckles were going white.

"This heartless bastard doesn't deserve to live." Inuyasha proclaims, gripping onto the handle of Tessaiga. "Let's find him before he makes another move!" My eyes widen at that. Though I appreciated the genuine enthusiasm to make whoever did this pay, he clearly wasn't thinking again.

"Inuyasha, if we move, we die." I reiterate patiently, holding Shippo tighter to me.

"If he thinks I'm the kind of guy that's just going to stand still and take it, he's got another thing coming!" Inuyasha argues, running forward before any of us could stop him. He heads straight for a nearby hut, drawing Tessaiga and cleaving the home in half. As if he had sensed the person all along, someone jumps from the destroyed building and sends what looks to be some sort of large sickle weapon his way. Inuyasha blocks the blade with his own, the fighter pulling the sickle back with the chain it's attached to. Catching it in their hand as they land, we can finally get a better look at what we were facing.

"Is he the one?" Inuyasha says to himself, and indeed it was a boy. My eyes widen in shock as I take in the little warrior, looking no older than my own cousin, Sota. He was dressed in a uniform that resembled the Slayer uniform Sango wore, except instead of pink armor he had yellow armor attached to his uniform with aquamarine colored ties. He wore a mask, the only thing visible on his face were his brown eyes, cold and unfeeling. It was chilling to see such a deadly expression on such a young boy. His hair was black, tied back in a ponytail away from his face. I was drawn back to his eyes once more, there was something so familiar about them, even with the cold expression.

"He couldn't have killed all the villagers! He's just a young boy!" Miroku states in response to Inuyasha's question.

"Look at the chain he's got and all the blood on his body. He's covered in it!" Inuyasha argues, and as I survey the boy more, I can see that he's right. "The kid has gone insane!" He then redirects himself towards the boy. "You massacred a whole village! Why did you do this? What are you after?!"

'No, this can't be…he's only a kid.' I can't help still thinking, despite the glaring evidence otherwise. 'He wouldn't be strong enough to take on this entire village, to create all this destruction, would he?'

'He's a Demon Slayer, Yua.' Mayumi informs me grimly. 'Look at Sango's expression.' I frown, looking over towards Sango. My mouth drops open in shock as I see her eyes watching the boy with disbelief, her entire body trembling. 'She knows the boy.' Looking at Sango now I knew Mayumi was right. I gasp, eyes widening as I look at Sango's brown eyes once more, before looking to those of the boy now standing in front of us. Though empty of emotion, the uncanny similarity was still there.

'B-but how can that be? She said he had died back in the ambush at the castle?!' I think to myself in shock.

Was the boy standing in front of us really Kohaku?

"It can't be Kohaku…" Sango whispers to herself, obviously still in shock. Before I can ask her to repeat herself, just to make sure I had heard her right, the boy takes off and Inuyasha tries to pursue him. No sooner had Inuyasha taken off to follow him, then the half demon stepped on a mine. He dodges just in time, flying backwards and landing as the explosion fades in front of us.

"Kirara!" Sango shouts, the cat demon jumping up into her hand. She launches Kirara smoothly into the air where the demon transforms into her larger form, Sango jumping up to grab a hold of her fur. "GO!" She shouts, and before any of us can move to stop her she's flying out of sight at Kirara's side in the direction the boy had disappeared. Despite the clear danger of the mines, Inuyasha follows, this time making it out of the village successfully. I look towards Miroku, seeing the worry I felt reflected in his own eyes as he looks towards me.

"Sango thinks that was her brother, Kohaku." I explain, Miroku's eyes widening in shock.

"How is that possible? Sango said Kohaku had died in her arms." Miroku argues, frowning deeply.

"I know." I nod, frowning deeply. Shippo looks from Miroku to I, worry for his new friend on his face as well.

"What if it's a trick?" He asks. "Like the puppet Naraku made of himself?" My eyes widen at that thought, Miroku stiffening further as worry for the female Demon Slayer rolled off of him in waves. The silence is tense as we can do nothing but stand there, unsure of where more mines may be laying under the ground.

'But you could create a barrier and use your aura to detonate them.' Mayumi strategizes, and my eyes widen in shock.

'Are you crazy?!' I think in disbelief.

'It's the only way you're going to be able to get through this village alive. Besides, what if some other people come here thinking they can help? They'll end up being blown to bits too.' I pause at this, realizing that Mayumi was right. This would continue to be a danger even after we left to others who wouldn't be able to defend themselves. I quickly explain my plan to Miroku, and even though he hesitates, he eventually agrees to the idea.

"Alright guys, here we go." I frown opening my hands and creating a barrier around us. I close my eyes in concentration, before pulsing my aura outwards. Even though I don't see it, I can feel the ground around us shaking, along with the energy of each blast as it hits against my barrier and fades. After a few moments it all stops, and I slowly open my eyes and swallow back the bile that rises in my throat seeing the absolute destruction of the village. Very few buildings were left standing, some bodies now missing after the blasts.

'Nobody was alive, Yua. Don't be worried about that.' Mayumi assures me as I lower the barrier, the thought having strayed into my mind as each mine went off. 'I wouldn't have suggested this course of action if I had felt any other living life forces in the area.'

'I know.' I murmur in response. Though there have been things done and said to shake my trust in Mayumi lately, I still knew deep down that she'd never purposely harm anyone of innocence. Ever.

No sooner had the dust dispersed then I saw the familiar blur of red and silver racing back towards us from the forest. Inuyasha skids to a halt, eyes wide as he looks towards Miroku, Shippo, and I with worry.

"I saw the explosions from the forest! Is everyone alright?!" He exclaims, breathing heavily. I blink in surprise at the look of concern on his face, his hair messed up and wild from racing back towards the village. As his gaze lands solely on me, I feel warmth spread through my chest at the clear relief to see Shippo and I in one piece.

"Yua set the mines off while protecting us so no one else could get hurt." Shippo explains as he turns his head towards Inuyasha smiling. I gently let the fox demon down, running my fingers through his hair once before standing back up straight. When I lock eyes with Inuyasha this time the worry is gone, and replaced with frustration.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." Inuyasha growls deep in his chest, my eyes widening as I feel that familiar pull to his commanding tone. In a daze I nod, chewing nervously on my lower lip.

"Where is Sango?" Miroku's question snaps Inuyasha out of it, and he turns towards the monk with a frown.

"She followed the kid through some sort of spirit shield. I wasn't able to follow." Miroku tenses further at that, concern clear in his eyes.

"Takes us to the barrier. Perhaps Yua and I can get us through." Miroku states, Inuyasha surprisingly nodding and turns so the monk could climb on his back. I rush forward with Shippo, grabbing the fox demon and setting him up high in the middle of Inuyasha's back, before I climbed on opposite of him to Miroku. I feel Inuyasha's familiar grip on the underside of my thigh, but it's firmer and more sure than usual as he takes off into the forest. I do my best not to blush as I can feel the movement of his thumb rubbing in circles on my inner thigh.

'It's been so long since I've ridden on his back like this. Even longer since he's touched me like he is now.' I can't help but be inappropriately distracted as Inuyasha jumps from tree to tree. Finally I can see the glow of the barrier as he lands on a branch closest to it.

"We're here. Now, get off my back." Inuyasha snaps. It's clear he's putting on a show for Miroku and Shippo, as when I move to do as he asked his hand squeezes my thigh tightly once before letting me go. For balance I grip onto Inuyasha's sleeve, Shippo thankfully staying on his shoulder as I dealt with the dizzying height. Inuyasha looks towards me for only a second, his eyes softening as he no doubt remembers my fear. He doesn't say a word, though, and turns his gaze back to the barrier just as quickly.

"So you saw both of them enter the spirit shield and pass through?" Miroku clarifies.

"Yeah." Inuyasha replies confidently.

"We think that the boy Sango is following is her brother." I explain to Inuyasha now we had a chance. He looks towards me in surprise.

"Are you sure?" He asks doubtfully.

"Sango whispered his name before taking off." I reply, frowning. "Not only that, but the boy clearly came from Sango's village." I pause, hesitating. "He has the same eyes as Sango, Inuyasha." I finish softly, Inuyasha's eyes widening momentarily, before narrowing once again and turning back towards the barrier, his gaze much softer than before.

"Did you notice if he had a Shikon Jewel shard embedded in his back?" Miroku asks solemnly, and I mentally kick myself for not thinking of looking for it sooner. "We've experienced that one before." I shake my head, shoulders slumping.

"It's Naraku's same old trick. He forced Sango to fight against her will in the same manner." Inuyasha remembers, looking towards the monk as he speaks.

"Do you think Naraku is manipulating Kokahu in the same way?" Shippo asks curiously, leaning around more to look at Inuyasha in question.

"Sango is probably aware of what is going on. But why did the shield allow only her to pass through?" Miroku asks. "I've got a bad feeling about this." He adds grimly, his hand once again tightening around his staff to the point I was sure it would break in two.

"We've got to try and get through it." I frown, raising my hand up with my palm facing the barrier, my other hand still gripping onto Inuyasha's sleeve. I concentrate my energy, forcing my aura outwards against the barrier, gasping when the meeting of my energy to the spirit barrier causes a shock to snap against my hand and through my body. I stumble, falling backwards and nearly out of the tree if it weren't for Inuyasha's quick reflexes. He grabs me around the waist, pulling me back up and against his side firmly.

"Are you alright?" He frowns in concern as he looks down at me. I nod, frowning as I don't take my eyes off of the barrier.

"It didn't hurt, not really. It was just a shock. I wasn't expecting the barrier to be that strong." I answer honestly.

'You could wear it down over time.' Mayumi coaches me from within. 'Though I would suggest you get your feet firmly planted on solid ground before you try again.' She adds dryly.

"I want to try again." I murmur, looking up towards Inuyasha. "Can you take me down to the ground?" He frowns, but nods, picking me up into his arms against his chest. I nearly gasp, stomach fluttering.

He had never held me like this before.

Smoothly Inuyasha leaps down from the tree, the shock of landing on the ground hardly felt as he shifted me in his arms. He lowers the arm cradling just under my knees to the ground so I can stand, his other arm braced against my back to ensure I have my balance before he lets me go. Clearing my throat as I blush, I quickly turning towards the barrier and set to the task. The same shock happens as I do, causing me to hiss slightly at the discomfort. It wasn't unbearable, but it wasn't exactly the nicest feeling in the world either. It was like being zapped over and over again by static. What felt like hour passes, though in reality it was only minutes, before suddenly the barrier disperses before us. I gasp in shock, looking at it wide eyed.

That hadn't been me.

"Yua?" Miroku questions from behind me.

"That wasn't me. The barrier was lifted by someone else." I reply, hands shaking as I felt a familiar coldness washing over me. There was only once presence that mad that affect.


"Look! There's Sango!" Shippo points, and suddenly the mists clears to reveal her, walking towards us with an unreadable expression on her face. Shippo bounds towards her, Sango stopping short as her eyes widen seeing him. She looks up towards the rest of us, as if only just noticing we were there because of how deep in her thoughts she had obviously been. Kirara leaps forward to meet Shippo, nuzzling her nose against his chin as Shippo runs his fingers through her fur.

"Sango?" I frown, stepping forward cautiously. She still seemed in a daze.

"Was that your brother?" Shippo asks innocently, and in an instant the Demon Slayer's face hardens.

"That was not my brother." She states firmly, her voice cold. Shippo looks taken aback, looking over towards me sadly as Sango's expression softens slightly in regret for snapping at the boy.

"Well, the important thing is that you're okay." Miroku approaches her, reaching a hand out towards her, hesitating as she seems to shy away from him. He slowly pulls his hand back. "This whole incident with the traps and the barrier. Was Naraku behind it all?" Sango looks to him, nodding solemnly. I gaze at her with worry, though it was obvious Naraku hadn't laid a hand on her.

'So Naraku is using Kohaku.' I frown, making the connection with his presence and Sango's reaction.

"I see, then you must be exhausted from the encounter." Miroku continues after her confirmation. "Let's return to the village and get some rest, okay?" He turns to lead the way, but Sango stops him.

"Wait, Miroku." Sango exclaims, looking down sadly towards the ground as Miroku turns to look at her curiously. "I beg you, please perform a service to honor and commemorate the dead." The guilt on her face was undeniable as she asked this of the monk, and with the expression on Miroku's face, I knew he saw it too. Wisely he didn't comment on it, simply nodding his consent.

When we returned to the village Sango looked on in disbelief at the destruction left in the wake of setting off all the mines. When I explained to her what happened, she hesitated, before finally speaking.

"Kirara would have been able to sniff the explosives out. It's part of her training." Sango informs me, and I groan heavily, hanging my head.

Well, that would have been nice to know before I destroyed the village even further!

After that we set to the task of burying the bodies, which lasted well into the evening by the time we finished the mass grave. The sun was just setting as Miroku and I worked at digging out the last of the dirt, with me holding the basket to carry what he shoveled out.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking happened between Sango and Naraku?" I ask softly, unable to keep it to myself any longer. With the look on Miroku's face earlier, I felt confident in discussing it with him. Miroku pauses, looking at me solemnly as he nods.

"Indeed. No doubt Naraku has revealed he is using Kohaku like one of his puppets, manipulating the boy against us, against Sango." Miroku sighs, standing up straight then and leaning on the shovel. "I couldn't even imagine being in her place right now, in her very mind. What she must be thinking…" He trails off, turning his head to gaze in the direction Sango was, knelt down with her back towards us and currently praying over the bodies. His eyes soften with genuine concern.

'He really cares about her.' I think to myself, not for the first time. 'If he didn't truly care he would be over there trying to take advantage of her. Instead he's offering her space, though he clearly is concerned.'

"Sango is the type we need to give some space to." I murmur softly, looking down at the dirt in the basket I was currently holding. "She'll tell us exactly what happened when she's ready."

"I agree." Miroku nods, sighing heavily. "I just can't help but worry."

"Me too." I offer him a kind smile as he does the same for me, before I stand, struggling slightly with the basket of dirt.

"Here, allow me." Miroku insists, grabbing the basket from my hands. It was true that the dirt was rather heavy, and I was getting tired from lugging it from the mass grave. Then again, Miroku must be just as tired with having to dig the majority of the grave himself. Inuyasha had helped to break ground before he had moved on to helping Sango pull the bodies from around the village to the one spot just beyond where we were digging.

"Are you sure?" I question as he takes it with a nod. I sigh, allowing him to help me, watching as he turns around to dump the dirt out onto one of the growing piles surrounding us. I stand without the hindrance of the extra weight, and looking around the enormity of this grave causes a lump to form in my throat.

'We've had to bury so many people in these recent weeks, and it won't stop until we destroy Naraku.' I frown deeply, hands clenching tightly into fists. "What are we going to do about Kohaku the next time we see him? What if trying to take the shard out ends up killing him like it almost had Sango?" I can't help asking the monk as he turns back to me, however, it's not his response that I get.

"We'll have to deal with him like we have anyone coming in our way." Inuyasha replies, his voice so assured that it even shocks me. My mouth falls open, eyes wide as I look up to him standing above us, shoulder supporting his shovel.

"You can't mean that." I frown then, shaking my head. "Inuyasha, Kohaku, puppet or not, is Sango's brother."

"We can't make exceptions." He argues lowly, gaze hard. "If it comes down to us or him, it's going to have to be us."

"And what makes you think it will come to that?" I demand angrily, trying not to raise my voice for Sango to hear. God forbid she knew of this conversation, or the way Inuyasha was speaking about her little brother. "He's just a boy for fuck's sake!"

"It doesn't matter. Boy or not, jewel shard or not, he's responsible for slaughtering this whole town." Inuyasha replies firmly, and I'm astounded by how black and white his views are on this matter. Then again, he'd always been like that. Either you were right or wrong in your actions, there was no grey area.

"You expect Sango to kill her own brother?" Miroku asks, barely concealing his disgust at the half demon.

"If she can't, then I will have to." Inuyasha replies, frowning, before directing his gaze up over us towards the woman in question. "Hey, Sango, you got a problem with that?!" I'm nearly blown over by this, unable to believe the insanity spewing from his mouth.

Was he really so incapable of sympathy?!

Sango throws him the coldest glare I had ever seen coming from her as she looks over her shoulder towards us. Inuyasha seems hardly phased, but honestly that was the stupidly cocky part of him. If he had any good sense about him, he'd be running for the hills right now.

"I can't believe you." I mutter, shaking my head and turning away from him. I brace my hands on the ground at my hip level, lifting myself out of the grave. "You really can be such an asshole sometimes." I snap over my shoulder, before walking towards the bodies to take over where Sango had left off. It was clear she needed space, and I wasn't about to invade on that, even more so after the anger Inuyasha just invoked. As I kneel in front of the bodies, I feel my resolve hardening. I wouldn't allow things to come to the point where we have to choose between Kohaku and us.

Sango was not going to go through witnessing her baby brother's death a second time.

Dun, dun, duuuunnnnnnn. Well there ya have it! I hope you enjoyed this update :) Next up, face off with Naraku!

See you guys on Sunday!
