Disclaimer: Nothing but the story is mine. BNHA isn't mine, KHR isn't mine, the characters aren't mine. They belong to their respectable owners.

Thank you!

Sawada Tsunayoshi takes a deep breath, forcefully keeping himself from running a hand through his somewhat-tamed hair. What were once nervous caterpillars in cocoons were now butterflies that were made of full-on anxiety, flapping around in the pit of his stomach. The nerves made him want to cry and vomit at the same time, and he couldn't think of a way to calm himself down but to breath. In less than an hour, the most dangerous moment of his life will occur, all because he suggested it. He was downright terrified.

"Doing this is important," he mumbles, grasping at his cup of water and taking a very small sip of it. By doing this mission, he could be helping a little girl, one around Lambo and I-Pin's age, one who had not ever experienced a proper childhood, like Fuuta. He would not let another child get hurt, especially if he could do something about it.

He was dressed in a white button-up shirt, covered by a dark-colored vest and tie, as well as shouldering a black cape, while black dress shoes adorned his feet. It was formal wear that Timoteo often wears, minus the mantle, and it was fitting for the role Tsuna was going to have to play as the heir of the Vongola Agency. In less than an hour, he was going to meet with the current leader of a Yakuza group known as the "Shie Hassaikai," or the "Eight Precept of Death," to negotiate a deal with him.

Vongola Agency is rumored to have connections with the mafia, seeing as how they're based in Italy, and they were true. However, not in a negative way. They used their connections for underground work, many of the Pro-Heroes or not-so-legal people working there for that reason. Unfortunately, no one on the outside of the agency knew about that, including the Shie Hassaikai. The plan was to offer the leader, Overhaul, to use their mafia connections to further their objective, and it seems like said man was interested, considering he allowed for a meeting between the two.

Reborn, his tutor and an Underground Hero who dealt with deadly missions that often required hits, had shot mannerisms and how to act during important affairs, such as this, into Tsuna's head until he could list everything by heart. Being the nervous wreck that Tsuna was and is, he could feel a bit of self-loathing building up for not being calm and collected like he was expected to be; he had an important role to play, and he had to play it well. Any information he could get might help the investigation and Eri, such as secure hallways and suspicious rooms, and if his fear got in the way, he would never forgive himself.

Suddenly, a door opens, interrupting Tsuna's mental study of the known information, and in walks his exhausted teacher, Aizawa.

"Aizawa-sensei?" Tsuna looks up from the brown coffee table that takes its place in the Vongola Agency's break room. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk you out of this reckless mission, Sawada," Aizawa discloses, angrily scowling.

Tsuna could help but give a breathy chuckle. "This mission is important, you know that, Sensei. I could get valuable information to help with the raid, with Eri."

"So that's the reason you're doing this," Aizawa breathes, his expression slightly softening. "For Eri."

Tsuna nods, humming. "She's so similar to my younger brother, Fuuta, and so young. No child should fear a day of living or know pain in that extent."

"I still believe this is irrational. You're only a student, you don't have any actual training or experience, and you're a teenager. You shouldn't have to put yourself in such high risk." Tsuna gently smiles at the expression of care from his, normally impassive, teacher. "I don't believe you should be doing this, and no one should expect you to."

There's a small twinge in Tsuna's chest. "Thank you for caring so much, Sensei." Tsuna peers over at the clock on the wall, noting the time. He stands, grabbing his black gloves from the table, and straightens his clothing. He looks up to meet the Hero's dark, stormy eyes, brown eyes replaced with amber ones. His resolve ignites, a potent and compelling calm washing over him, making his posture correct and his aura confident. "You're the best teacher I've ever had. But you have to let me do this, not just for myself, but for Fuuta, for Lambo and I-Pin, for Eri. I don't want to be dame anymore, and I want to help this little girl. I will not let myself be dame anymore."

He smiles, soft and gentle yet hopeful and courageous, and it's one that could never compare to All Might's because it was so different. Aizawa stares at his student with mixed feelings before sighing, bringing a hand to rest on the gravity-defying locks. He ruffles them, and there's a small upturn on his lips, barely noticeable.

"You're such a Problem Child, Sawada." Tsuna snorts. "Be careful. I don't want to be the one to tell those siblings of yours that their older brother, their hero, has died because of some reckless decision he made."

Hero, he said. Hero. Tsuna's eyes sting, but he blinks away the tears, allowing the comforting feeling to flow through his body and mind.

"Thank you, Sensei."

2.8 pages · 908 words

May 23, 2020

Sorry for any OOCness!

Sorry for not posting!

Just a little idea I had, though it didn't go out how I thought it would. I'm not sure if this could actually happen if it was a crossover and with my AU, but I think it'd cute, so who cares about what would actually happen, okay? I may post about my AU, I probably will, and explain some things so that this one shot makes sense. Honestly, the thought and idea of putting Tsuna into the BNHA world just as a mostly normal student, without being Decimo, is kinda cool, in my opinion. Idk why, it just is lol.

Hope you enjoyed! If you like BNHA, please check out my recent fanfic that stars a sarcastic and quirkless Izuku, called "Come Into My Office. Yes, The Restroom." You may like it! Bye!