
"Ah come on, kid. Lighten up!"

"No means no, old man. And I've just turned sixteen! I'm not even old enough to enter, nor be allowed to drink."

"Don't worry. I know a guy."

Dante was dragging a still stubborn Jaune, who had his arms crossed and didn't even move as his uncle forced him to slide along the ground. Soon, they arrived at the entrance of Vale's local night club, music blasting loudly with colorful light shining out.

As they were about to walk in, the two bouncers stopped them, asking for verification. Dante titled his head, a smirk on his face before speaking two words.

"Tony Redgrave and guest."

Their eyes lit up in recognition and apologized. They stepped away, letting them through. Jaune looked at his uncle with curiosity as they walked inside, being met with face full of funky music and the spotlight shining on their face. They strode towards the bar, receiving curious looks due to their choice of clothing and the guitar cases strapped on their back.

The bar was manned by a man in suit, cleaning one of his glasses. Uncle and nephew sat on the seats, with the latter looking a bit anxious as the man approached them.

"Tony. Been a while since you've visited. How you been?"

Dante smiled and crossed his arms. "The years have been kind to me. Been doing great. What about you, Junior? You been staying good?"

"Yessir. Everything's been legit for the past few months. I'm clean. No skeletons in my closet." proudly declared Junior.

Formerly, Hei "Junior" Xiong was an illegal information broker, dealing with criminals and lending some of his men to mobsters all over the kingdom of Vale. However, a little incident with demons who preyed on people like that forced him to re-evaluate his decisions after Dante saved his life.

He admitted himself to prison and ratted out any of the surviving criminals he used to deal with. He did his time, was put through community service and is now making do with running his night club, brokering information legitimately this time and loaning his men to be bodyguards to different sorts of stuff.

"That's good. Now, for why I'm here." He slung his arm around his nephew and patted his shoulder. "This is my nephew, Nero. And he wants a drink."

Junior raised an eyebrow, closely looking at the teen. "Isn't he a little young?"

"He is, but in our line of hunting? Well, who knows when we can even go home? So, age doesn't really matter in that regard. I'll have my usual, by the way."

The club owner flinched, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh. Uh, sorry, but we… just ran out of sundaes to serve."

The Legendary Devil Hunter groaned out in irritation, slumping. "Oh come on, seriously?"

Receiving a nod, Dante stood up from his seat, looking very disappointed. "I'm gonna go to a different bar, then. Just put my nephew's drink on my tab, alright?"

Dante walked out, leaving Jaune alone. The blond shook his head as his uncle pretty much just bailed on him. The Son of Vergil sighed, glancing back at Junior, ready to serve a drink. "Look, I...don't really have any idea what to order. The only thing I've been drinking is pop, root beer, juice and water. So, mind giving me something that you'd recommend to a first timer?"

"I got you. Coming right up."

As Junior went ahead to fix his drink, two girls sat besides Jaune. He glanced at them once, and it was immediately obvious that the two were twins, down from their looks all the way to their clothes, with the colors the only thing that differed. One wore white, while the other wore red.

"Anything I can help you two with?"

"Hello there, handsome~ I'm Militia." said the one in red.

"And I'm Melanie." said the one in white. "We were wondering if you wanted to come with us,"

"And have a good time~" purred out Militia.

Jaune suppressed the shiver that ran down his back, knowing that he's way too young for this shit. He shook his head, still not looking at them. "Ladies, as much as I'm flattered, I have to decline. I got my sights set on only one girl."

A frown crossed the twin's lips, disappointment written all over their faces. But they didn't let this discourage them.

"Oh. That's too bad." pouted Melanie.

"But our offer. Still stands." continued Militia, winking at the white-haired teenager. Jaune merely smiled and nodded. Finally, the two ladies left him alone, just as Junior returned with a drink in hand. The man slid the glass towards him, making him look at it curiously.

"Here you are, Nero. One Gin Fizz."

The cambion accepted the glass and nodded at the club owner. "Thanks." He took a sip, letting the drink run down his throat. Jaune lowered the glass and found himself sighing in satisfaction, liking it. "This is good."

"Happy to serve. Just call me if you need another serving." Junior walked off to go and tend to others.

Jaune was now left to his own devices, quietly drinking his Gin Fizz. The doors opened up, making him swivel around in his chair. To his disappointment, it wasn't his uncle. It was a blonde girl, about his age. And from the looks of it, she seemed to be armed. He quirked an eyebrow, but nonetheless, he kept quiet, wanting to see where things would lead.

The girl approached Junior, who had just dealt with a customer. The two of them talked, until it somehow led to the blonde crushing Junior's jewels, making him narrow his eyes in she was, she was interrogating Junior unjustly. The man had proudly claimed that he no longer dabbled or dealt with criminals in front of his uncle, who's usually a good judge of character. Meaning this act was unwarranted.

He wondered if he should intervene or not, until the blonde punched Junior into one of the glass pillars, crashing him into a wall.

"That settles it." he decided, as he finished his drink, slamming down the glass. Jaune drew Blue Rose and fired into the air, attracting everyone's attention, including the blonde. He stood up from his seat and walked up to the dance floor.

"Get everyone out of here. I'll handle her."

Junior's men just nodded and ushered out everyone inside of the club, who were all smart enough to know that a fight was about to go down, not wanting to be caught in the crossfire. He and the blonde met in a stand off, as the latter pumped her gauntlets while the former kept his gun trained at her. She had a smirk on her face, looking eager for the fight.

"And what's your name, handsome?"

"Sorry, but I don't give off my name just to anyone."

The blonde slipped into her battle stance, smiling at him. "That's too bad. Guess I'm gonna have to break that pretty face of yours."

Jaune merely smirked. "I wouldn't hold my breath."

The blonde dashed in and threw a punch. Jaune craned his neck and dodged it. He smacked her with the side of his gun and pulled the trigger. She jumped back, swerving around the shots. She cried out and sent herself flying into the air with her gauntlets. Her fist glowed orange as she dropped down for a dive punch.

Jaune released the empty shells of his bullets and reloaded, swiftly dashing back to dodge her attack. He swiveled around and shot at the blonde more time, who just kept on dodging. He blinked in surprise as she suddenly appeared before him. She jabbed him in the gut, following it up with a spin kick, then sent him into the air with an uppercut. She wound back her fists and shot out kinetic blasts that pushed him into the bar, as a bunch of debris fell on him, kicking up smoke.

The woman pulled out a pair of shades and put them on with a grin. "Guess you couldn't keep up, huh? Name's Yang. Don't you forget it."

She turned around to walk away, only to be surprised.

"I guess a gun just doesn't quite cut it."

The now named Yang looked up to see Jaune perfectly unharmed, sitting on the balcony leading to the DJ's platform.

"Sorry, Yang. Hate to break your heart, but I got a type and you just don't quite fit it." He turned to the DJ, a smirk on his face. "Hey, mind playing some tunes?"

The man obliged the Devil Hunter, flashing him an okay sign. Jaune's smirk grew wider as he jumped down, cracking his neck.

"Now we're talking. Let's make this party crazy!"

Yang fired off a few kinetic blasts at Jaune, whom merely sidestepped each shot, posing after each time. This started to irritate the blonde ever so slightly. There was nothing more annoying than not being able to hit a moving target...who was pretty much just four feet in front of her.

In a moment's time, her gauntlets ran out of ammunition, giving Jaune an ample opportunity. He rushed towards the distracted girl and straight up drop kicked her in the face, sending her back and forcing her to drop her ammo.

Jaune spun around and fired off a couple shots from Blue Rose, crashing her into a pillar. Yang pushed off the debris and pulled herself up, brushing off the dust on her body. He smirked and holstered back his gun.

"Let's get a bit serious."

He flipped back to the bar, where he left his guitar case. The Devil Hunter kicked it up into the air and opened it up, retrieving his blade. Jaune embedded Red Queen into the ground and revved it up. The Arc Devil cried out and charged at the recovering blonde. He struck her thrice on the chest and slammed his blade over her body, crashing her to the ground.

The blond dashed back and sent a rising slash, following it up with a rotating upward strike. He grabbed her by the arm and threw her back to the ground. Yang groaned, feeling her Aura get lower and lower. She reacted and rolled out of the way of Jaune's sword. She kicked up a couple of chairs and punched them towards him.

The Son of Vergil slashed the pieces of furniture to bits, distracting him enough for Yang to reload. Yang roared and threw a Superman punch at Jaune. He promptly raised his blade, blocking the attack as he stood his ground. The blonde pulled back and threw a couple of jabs at her opponent, who kept on blocking each strike with Red Queen.

Jaune surprised her with a downward jab, creating sparks that blinded her momentarily. He swept her off her feet and started rapidly hitting her with his blade, until he slammed her away like a golf ball. The Blonde Bombshell pushed herself up, getting frustrated. Jaune got a lot of good hits on her, while she only managed to pretty much scrape him.

"Alright. Time for the next level!"

She smacked her fists together, her hair erupting in flames, grinning. She broke through incredible speed and managed to get the drop on Jaune, separating him from Red Queen. Yang began to circle around Jaune as she smacked him around, almost like a ragdoll. She kept on slugging him like a boxer, giving no room for breathing.

With an uppercut, he was sent flying into the air. The blonde jumped after him and punched him back into the ground, creating a mini-crater on the floor. She shrugged as she started walking away. "Should've just let me be."

As Yang headed for the exit, she felt imminent danger heading for her. She turned around and was met with a fist to the face, making her take a few steps back. Before she could process what was happening, she received another strike to her face, being followed it up a few kicks to her side and ended with roundhouse kick, sending her on her butt.

Yang groaned, gritting her teeth as she slowly pushed herself up. She blinked, as Red Queen narrowly streaked pass her and was embedded into the wall. Slowly, she turned around and saw the sword stuck, but that wasn't her concern. What concerned her was the strand of golden locks that was jammed in with the blade.

There was no mistaking it, it was her hair.


The blonde pretty much blew up in a fit of rage, an explosion of fire scattered across the room as her eyes turned a blood red, reminding Jaune of himself when he Triggered. Although, he was pretty confused.

All that anger, for just her hair?

At an astonishing speed, she rushed at Jaune, fury burning in her eyes as she cocked back her fist. The cambion crossed his arms to block, but found himself pushed back by a considerable amount. Yang was immediately on him, throwing out a series of strikes, all of them zipping as him as he swerved around.

Jaune discreetly charged up Blue Rose and fired out the shot. The blonde roared furiously and fired out a burst of kinetic blasts, canceling out his attack. She went over to the glass column and shattered them to pieces, sending the shards flying towards the white-haired teen.

The Devil Hunter accessed his father's Dark Slayer technique and blinked around, phasing through the sharp fragments. Yang rocketed forward for a Superman punch but Jaune ducked under her and equipped Beowulf, kicking her in the stomach, making her gasp as the air suddenly left her body.

Pulling back, he immediately delivered a series of powerful kicks towards the blonde, before channeling part of his demonic energy into the greaves and sent her into the air with two rising roundhouse ricks. Following her up, Jaune roared and unleashed an aggressive spin attack, before finishing it up with a dive kick that crashed them back down at supersonic speed.

Yang groaned, feeling disoriented. He grabbed her by the head and slammed her down onto the dance floor with great force, embedding her into the ground. And it was enough to knock her out. Her hair lost its flames, her eyes closed.

Jaune dismissed the Devil Arm and went to pick up his weapon. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing as he stared at the unconscious blonde. "You were better than I expected. I would even go far to say that I underestimated your abilities."

"Seriously, kid?"

Jaune swiveled, seeing Dante stand at the entrance with his arms crossed with Junior, both an exasperated and slightly amused expression on the former's face with his eyebrow cocked.

"I leave you for a couple of minutes..."

In the end, Jaune and Dante didn't pay anything, with Junior insisting that he had been planning to remodel and renovate the club anyway. He just thanked them that no one got hurt. Yang was sent to a nearby hospital to get her home, the club owner deciding not to press charges.

Yang never forgot the humiliation she received that day and swore to get some pay back in the future.