A being, a creature whose skin was black. Not black like the skin of the angels which had sought to end man, no, but different black, a black that washed out all light and which seemed to glow with evil intent. This was no creature of instinct, no mindless beast prone to reckless destruction. This, this was death incarnate, the judgment of God in all it's fury.

One falls, eleven remain.

The first was a mad titan of strength and power, a being of destruction, the righteousness fury of a forgotten god.

The second foe to come shall arrive in most inopportune time, when mankind will be preoccupied with it's own enmity, then shall the second herald arrive, bringer of destruction.

Red, red like blood. A suit was dyed red with blood, a young girl, 14 years old, clutched at the socket from which her eye had just been removed. She pulled desperately at the controls of the titan she controlled, her rage would not allow her defeat.

But she was defeated, the apostles, with their wings and their pure white forms dove upon her flesh. Blood and guts flew as the white titans cruelly ate at the titan of the young girl. The girl screamed as her own stomach was torn apart, the apostles took flight, they looked more like vultures in such a form, with large wings that seemed to black out the sun.

The girl was resilient, she was a warrior to her very end, even as her machine could not move she willed it to, she struggled even with a lance in her head, she struggled despite how hopeless she knew,deep down, that it was. And she was slain,a dozen spears that descended from above to strike at her pinned form, each of them assuring her ultimate demise.

Luck, good fortune, is something which you are not easy to accept, are you?

Another image, another time. A sea that was bleached red, the apostles which had once slain the girl were now immobile ,their figures like that of a cross nearly 100 meters tall. In the beach stood a boy and a girl. She was being strangled, and he looked like he might very well kill her.

Then, almost as if by a miracle, she reached out her hand, softly caressing his face. "How disgusting."

The boy collapsed and cried, the girl stood quiet. When they next moved he stood to look at the gigantic body in the distance, the girl sat, not willing to get up herself. They would live until others returned, or did not, they did not.

Another image, a young boy once again. The same which had strangled the girl in the beach, but this time things were different, this time he was different, closer to the one which had the fortunate to not see her strangled, but not all the same.

He was watching, watching as his machine, his unholy titan, ripped apart the very flesh of the one he loved, the one person in the world he could be said to truly care for. He demanded, no, for once in his life, he begged for him, for his own father, to stop. He did not, the machine grabbed hold of the infected rod, the entry plug in which the girl stood, and crushed it beneath it's teeth, a rain followed. The boy would never forgive his father.

Another image, this one of the future ,his future, the future of the boy who had three ago saved the world. This was an image of what could be, not of what was, it was an image of himself, holding closely the blood-soaked form of she whom he loved. The Angel of free will stood beside him, his expression unreadable, yet the boy who held the dying girl in his arms knew well that the angel beside him held hatred within him.

Then, a void. Darkness. And a voice.

"Find it."

"Find your way."

"It's time to wake up."

"It's time to change."

"You have changed."

"Being human is more than just flesh."

"An ideal."

"A belief."

"A concept."


"Change yourself."

"You've already begun."

"Now you just need to end it."

"I am waiting."

"And I will aid you."

"Wake up"

Shinji lurched forward, being brought into wakefulness by his nightmares. He couldn't breathe, sweat was running down his neck.

Asuka made a sleeping complaint from her position within their bed, Shinji's eyes were wide and his breathing was erratic, his eyes turned toward her form, toward the eye patch that covered one of them.

He remembered the lances, descending to pierce her arm in half, he remembered the mass production Evangelions coming down and ripping apart her entrails, playing with their defeated victim. He remembered these things but they hadn't' happened.

Shinji brought a hand to his head. He couldn't ignore it, he wished he could, but he couldn't, this was something else, something odd...something which had felt so live-like that he could have sworn it was a memory.

Air, he needed air, fresh air and a clear head. The former would probably be easier to get than the latter.

Shinji made his way to the ship's deck, the cold air of autumn striking against his body as he shivered ever so slightly. It was cold, the sun was only now rising in the horizon. Shinji looked out toward it, the sight of it peeking over the horizon was something that brought back memories.

Memories of lost times, better times perhaps? Maybe not, he was happy then, but he wouldn't trade his life as it was now for anything.

"Hey guys."Kensuke said. "Since we're all awake do you want to see the sunrise?"

"I don't know...what if my dad yells at us?"Ever cautious Hikari Horaki said.

"I think it's a good idea, that sounds cool!"Touji said. Shinji looked up, a bit of hesitation in his face, but nodded anyways.

"We could."He said.

And thus it was decided,the group of four friends made their way to the top of Kensuke's house and watched as the sun rose in the distance. Kensuke was the first among them to speak.

"I wonder if we'll get to stay like this for a while."He said, Shinji looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean Kensuke-kun?"He asked, the boy shrugged.

"Well..what I mean to say is that I guess that sometimes bad things happen."Kensuke said. "So maybe one day we won't be friends."

"Nah."Touji said. "I'm sure we'll be friends even when things go bad, if not I'll punch both of ye!"

Hikari glared at him while Kensuke gave him an offended look.

"Why do you think it'll be us who'll make things bad!"Kensuke asked, crossing his arms.

"It's because you're both stubborn!"Touji said. "You're real pig-heads!"

"Look who's speaking." Shinji said. "You're also no better in that aspect!"

The conversation ended up going nowhere and they ended up getting caught by Hikari's dad, who scolded them for staying up so late.

Shinji sighed. "Sunrises and sunsets, I wonder why it is that I have so many memories associated with those..."

A few steps, marked by the recognizable clicking of heels, could be heard approaching him. Shinji turned his head back, raising a hand to greet the woman who was walking toward him. "Ritz."

"Shinji."She greeted back, walking up next to him and leaning against the railing. "How are you doing?"

"Could be better."Shinji said. "Can't sleep."

"Not even besides Asuka?"The doctor asked, Shinji shook his head.


"Why's that?"She asked.

"I don't know...or rather I do." Shinji said. "It's the nightmares. I just don't know why I'm having them. Started last week."

"When you arrived here."Ritsuko said. "Maybe it's the change of scenery?"

"Maybe..."Shinji said, eyes turning toward the sea below.

"Well, All I can say is that I hope you'll get better."She said, turning around to walk away.

"Ritsuko."He said, she stopped in her track, he didn't turn to look back at her.

"If there is something you have to do, even if you don't want to do it, should you?"Shinji asked.

"I don't know Shinji."Ritsuko said.

"Furthermore, even if I don't want to pilot Eva, should I?"He asked.

"You need to know that yourself."

"I know. Even so, I feel like a puppet being pulled along on strings by fate. My decisions, my sacrifices, none of that matters, nothing changed, the world is still twisted, people still put false truths and ambition over human life and each other's happiness."

"I thought the first child wouldn't show itself for quite a while longer." Ritsuko said with a hint of humor.

"It's...it's just not fair. I want to..i want to be happy, I want to live a peaceful life..but I also want to help, I want to make sure that others don't suffer because of the ambitions of others."Shinji said, hands clenching around the railing. "How is any of this fair?!..how is it just that one war ends only for another to start?..."

"One would think you would know Shinji."Ritsuko said, head turned forward. "The world will not be made fair by it's lonesome, those who seek justice will not act when confronted with the ambitious, that is why someone with both ambition and in pursuit of justice must rise up."

"Am I that person?"

"Maybe..maybe it's someone else. But one thing is for sure, no one will force you into that decision. I have no doubts that when the Seraphs attack you will be fighting them in your Eva, whether you decide to fight the other enemy or not however...we won't force you, you're not our soldier, not ever and certainly not now." Ritsuko said. "All I will say is that..if there is something you must do...and that you want to do as well...then it would be foolish not to do it."

Shinji nodded. "I see...thank you."

"No...thank you."

The Heracles was kneeling, it's white form covered in another layer of white, snow. Kensuke removed the helmet of his insertion suit as he approached the temporary camp set up by the Austrian forces, Drache and the rest of his crew were there, the old man dressed in a large overcoat.

"Ah, Kensuke, you did fantastic out there today!"Drache declared, Kensuke nodded, smiling at the man as he did.

"Thank you sir, since the .TRIDENTS are in retreat it's actually really easy to be out there." He said. "Thanks to all of your help of course."

"There is little need for flattery."Smith said. "Truth be told, you're impressive, you pick up fast when compared to most others."

Kensuke looked away, somewhat surprised at the compliment coming from the man. Some wrapped a hand around his shoulder.

"I bet I could still do it better than you though."Mana said in a joking tone, Kensuke blushed slightly from their proximity.

"M-maybe, but since I'm the one who can activate it you're stuck in the sidelines."Kensuke said.

"For now at least."Smith said. "With the data we're getting on Kensuke's unit we'll soon have functioning limiters, it will make the Vengeance system much less taxing on the pilot."Smith said, seeming to brag a bit about how quickly he'd managed to make that work.

"Even so, I would like to remain as the Heracles' pilot is possible."Kensuke said, looking at Drache, who nodded.

"Of course boy, even if we put on better limiters, going with less powerful like those you're using now gives you much better reaction times."

"All I gathered from that is that there are already limiters on that thing."Kensuke said. "I can't even imagine what it would be like without them."

"Too much for any human to handle, in theory."Smith said.

"In theory?"Kensuke asked.

"In practice it could work for a limited amount of time."Smith said. "With someone with much higher pain tolerance than you."

"Good luck finding a person like that."Kensuke joked.

"There probably are."Smith said. "The human body is incredibly resilient to damage, it would surprise me little if someone who had survived a traumatic injury and it's aftermath would be able to overcome the pain, the issue is that someone who's undergone such a great amount of pain is probably crippled or worse."

"A lack of hands makes someone a less than acceptable piloting candidate."Drache said humorously from the side.

"Well then I'm glad I choose to pilot.."Kensuke said, looking around. "Talking about that...where is Kurumi-san?"

"Getting a crush are we?" Drache joked, Kensuke immediately stepped back in surprise, waving his hands and letting his helmet fall in the process.

"Of course not, it's just that I haven't seen her today and I was wondering where she was."Kensuke said, his embarrassment only serving to cause the assembled group of people to laugh. Except Smith, Smith never laughed.

"Ah, you simply are far too easy to tease young Aida."Drache said. "My granddaughter is back at the mobile command center, she dislikes the cold."

Kensuke nodded. Walking toward the vehicle in question he couldn't help but feel odd. Things had really changed in the last week of his life, he'd become a pilot overnight, he was changing the world and it all felt so...weird, there was really no other way to describe it other than weird.

Opening the door to the white vehicle, essentially an extra-large caravan, Kensuke was immediately assaulted by a sudden onslaught of hot wind. When compared to the outside this place was practically burning hot but, in reality, it was actually quite pleasant when compared to any measure of 'normal' temperature.

He pulled at his collar, the insertion suit felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable to move around in even after a week. "Kurumi-san, are you here?"

She peeked her head from withing her room, her head and body covered in a blanket leaving only her frowning face to be seen. "yush."

Kensuke laughed slightly as he looked at her. "You're still like that Kurumi-san?"

"Of course I am,it's cold!"She declared. Kensuke couldn't exactly argue that it wasn't cold, but it certainly wasn't bad enough for the extreme measures she was taking, doubly so when considering the near-tropical temperatures inside the caravan itself.

"Don't you think you're overdoing it Kurumi-san?"Kensuke asked.

"No, not at all, it's very cold!"She said. Kensuke nodded.

"I guess you're right, it is very cold."He said. When it came to women ,which Kensuke didn't exactly have much experience with , he found it better to simply do as they say and pretend like they made sense, it certainly made his life much easier.

"How did things go today?"She asked him. Kensuke shook his shoulders.

"The same as the other days, I'm still getting used to piloting the Heracles but otherwise things haven't changed much." Kensuke said.

"Don't you find it hard?"She asked. "Piloting that machine?"

"No."Kensuke answered. "Not at all, it's easy actually."

"That's good..."She said, seeming to lack much to say and trail off.

"What about you?"Kensuke asked.

"What do you mean by that."

"Well, I guess I meant to ask what you do." Kensuke clarified.

"Not much, back at the base I spent my days watching TV and reading books, so not much has changed."She said, he nodded.

"That seems fun."He said.

"It gets boring fast."Kurumi answered.

"I guess it must be sad for you then."Kensuke said, she shrugged.

"Sometimes, most times it's just boring."She said, he nodded. Silence followed.

"I should be uh...heading back."Kensuke said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah, it's for the best." She said.

He turned around and began to walk away, opening the door before she spoke up again.

"Aida.."She said, he turned his head to face her. "Thanks for checking up on me."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

The chairwoman of the National republic of China, in power for nearly a decade, stood in her office, her eyes reading over a few reports with an amused look in her face. A man entered her officer, bowing slightly as he did.

"Have you heard General Tashiro? Drache's new weapon is putting the European media in quite a panic."Mo Wei, aforementioned chairwoman, said.

"That it has, chairwoman Wei."He said.

"It's a shame that they will hog all the glory for themselves on these early days." Mo Wei said. "And so soon before the Valiant Dawn's completion."

"It's a shame, yes, but it will make our own unit much more reliable, the data they have sent thus far has proven invaluable."Tashiro said.

"Hmm?"She asked. "I wasn't made aware that they'd sent any data yet?"

"It appears that their orbital station has reached the completion of it's communications array before schedule." Tashiro said. "They utilized it to directly give us the data, it's unlikely it could be intercepted."

"Hmmm, it seems that the world's status is shifting in our favor."Mo Wei said. "And here I thought Drache and his lackeys would prove a disappointment, I'm glad to have been mistaken. What did you come here to report anyways, Tashiro?"

"There are growing concerns over the increasing centralization of the Alliance's military."Drache said. "Many fear that we will soon become nothing more than another EFU."

"That's the point." The chairwoman said. "The integration of our puppets is an integral part in the completion of Eugene Drache's plans."

Tashiro was, for a few seconds, utterly silent. His eyes narrowed for a mere moment before he exhaled. "Very well ma'am, it shall be as you say."

Phillipe watched as a rocket struck one of the tanks in the distance, giving a disappointed sigh as the crews of the remaining tanks took a full thirty seconds to find the partisans that had shot it, thirty seconds in which they had managed to reload their rocket launcher and fire again.

"This is shameful."Phillipe said, eye nearly twitching from the sheer stupidity he was faced with.

"Weren't you the one who wanted an even fight?"Marianne asked, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"The fight's hardly even."Phillipe said in complaint. "The bastards got their hands on a machine a dozen times better than a TRIDENT, it's unfair in the complete opposite way now."

"Maybe not for long." Marianne said, handing him a document.

"What's this?"He asked, skimming it over.

"It's a statement by WILLE's leader, Misato Katsuragi."Marianne said. "They say that they will intervene if Germany is attacked."

"Even then..what the hell do they have besides their dysfunctional and oversized ship?" Phillipe asked.

"There are rumors that WILLE has actually kept the God Eva in a combat ready state." Marianne said, Phillip scoffed.

"There are rumors about all sorts of things."He said. "There's no way the UN would allow that to happen after the stunt Seele pulled with the mass production units three years ago."

"Maybe not."Marrianne said. "But you're also uneasy about it,aren't you?"

"I was there when the wings spread the first time..and the second as well."Phillipe said. "I saw it both times with my own eyes, those wings...there's no way in hell you can forget something like that. Whatever that Evangelion is..it's far past human limits."

"Humanity isn't known to listen to it's limits."Marianne reminded him. "Isn't that how we got your TRIDENT project approved in the first place?"

"There's a difference, at worse a TRIDENT blows up a small town with it's reactor. At worse an Eva causes the extinction of the human race..orders of magnitude and all that."Phillipe said.

"Even so, between the Evas and total defeat I would much prefer to have the Aid of the Evangelions."Marianne said.

"And I would prefer for the AHEAD project to go ahead." Phillipe said, not taking notice of the pun as Marianne chuckled slightly.

"Confirmation has now reached us that the odd machine spotted in the alps is indeed part of the Austrian liberation front lead by Eugene Drache. While its true nature and abilities are still classified there are rumors that multiple TRIDENT land cruisers have already met their end at the hands of this new machine of war. In other news the Brazilian prime min-"The television feed went dead with a click, Shinji leaning his head back with a sigh.

"Seems like things are getting bad."Asuka said. Shinji nodded.

"Yeah..."Shinji said absentmindedly.

"Something's bothering you."Asuka said. Not a question but a statement of fact.

"It's nothing."He lied.

"Nothing or nothing you want to talk about?"Asuka asked, a sort of humorous hint behind her voice. Shinji asked himself that question, he suppose it was the latter more so than the former.

"Ritsuko told me something." Shinji said. "That if there is something you want to do and that you have to do it would be stupid not to do it."

"I think I agree.. but I don't see how this relates to you."

"Do you think I should pilot Evangelion?"He asked.

"If you want to." She replied. Her tone was serious, it wasn't an encouragement, not really per say. Just what she thought.

"Even if it would mean hurting other people?" Shinji asked.

"You'll always end up hurting other people in some way or another." Asuka answered.

"I know but...isn't this different?"Shinji asked.

"I guess it is, the decision's yours you know?"She asked.

"I know...i know."He said, closing his eyes as he looked up. There is something I have to do and there is something I want to do...and there is...something I'm forgetting as well.

A helicopter came in for a landing, one of the upper armor plates of the Wunder opening to make way for a hangar where a multitude of VTOLS, airplanes and helicopters stood. As its blades came to a stop a man with shoulder length hair, now untied, stepped out.

"Good to be back.."Ryoji said, a smile in his face. Yui Ikari approached him


"I see you've returned."She said, Ryoji's eyebrow rose.

"And I see that you're here instead at your vacation home, what's the matter?"Ryoji asked. She turned around, toward the door leading further into the ship.

"Come, your wife wishes to see you."Yui said, Ryoji's eyes widened slightly.

"That can't be good." Ryoji said with a hint of sarcasm.

"It is not."Yui informed him. "Though for wholly different reasons than you seem to believe."

Ryoji's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he followed her through the ship. He had to say that he was impressed, since he'd last come some six months before the place was looking much better, live able even. Which was good considering the fact that it was mean to serve as the mobile headquarters to an entire organization.

Eventually they made their way to the bridge, below the waterline the soft blue of the waters in which that part of the ship was submerged could be seen. Misato was there, dressed in full uniform, cap and all, and looking like she would much rather be out drinking. That informed Ryoji,formerly known as Kaji, that something serious was going on.

He sighed. "So I'm guessing there's bad news."

Misato nodded. "There are, sorry for calling you back into such a mess."

"It's alright,"He assured. "What's the mess this time?"

"You've heard of the Heracles' activation haven't you?"Misato asked. Ryoji nodded.

"Pretty sure there isn't a soul with access to the internet or a TV who doesn't know Drache's got another big fuck off robot at his disposal. I don't see why that's much of an issue though, the original Atlas was only a bitch to deal with because it was possessed by an Angel."

"The issue isn't that the enemy has a new unit, but rather the timing of it all."Misato said, removing a picture from within her uniform and showing it to Ryoji. He looked at it, an odd spherical objective, almost egg-like in shape, could be faintly seen against a backdrop of stars.

"Is this...?" Ryoji asked. Yui nodded.

"This is the object classified as the second Seraph, it's speed is fluctuating highly, it's possible that it knows we have the methods to track earth-bound objects and making us guess when it will arrive." Yui said.

"Great..so we might be fighting tomorrow or next year," Ryoji said.

"It's not good, especially since this ship isn't ready yet, we were expecting at least another half-year before they arrived." Misato said.

"So, what's our plan?"Ryoji asked.

"We were planning a counter-attack against the Societas Erudotrium, if we manage to kick them out of the fight before they can become a hassle we'll be much more able to focus on the second Seraph's arrival." Yui said.

"Talking about that,"Ryoji said. "I have bad news."

"Spit them out, unless they're too bad." Misato joked. Ryoji actually averted his gaze, only serving to make the Major-turned-Captain to fear the worse.

" The Heracles and all mobile weapons of that stature..well, let's just say they aren't easy to produce."Ryoji said. "And no matter how secretly you acquire the things needed for them...well, someone will find out eventually.A little birdy in the alliance's told me that there's another few being made."

"In the alliance?"Misato asked, wide-eyed. He nodded.

"Yup, seems like they're just as scary as that one as well." Kaji said. "So if you want to do a counter-attack you ought to do it quick or else you'll end up missing the opportunity, the Alliance's preparing for war and no one even knows it."

"Thanks for the info Kaji." She said. A mischievous grin filled his face.

"Shouldn't that be Katsuragi now?" He asked. She gave him a playful punch in the arm as response. Yui, for her part, just smiled, this did remind her of her own marriage in an odd sort of way.

A fossil,a large one that stood before a man with gray hair and a robe that covered him from neck to toe. This man was a man with a face of the likes of which simply spoke of untold evils, the face of a truly twisted and evil man.

"It is sad, is it not?"The man asked, his voice was raspy, old, it felt like it penetrated into the ears of those of who heard it, it was not the voice of a good man but the voice of a monster who wore a man's skin. "This simple thing that stands before us disproves the dogma of so many religions..but...not of our own."

The man that stood beside him,a man with a scarred face that looked far too young for such an injury simply nodded. He was silent, silent but imposing, his build was strong, his shoulders large and his muscles visible even through the limits of his black clothing.

"Ah...but It is sad and good all the same."The old man said. "Because it is that...it is that that shall lead us into our ultimate victory."There was silence, for a few moments, silence and a feeling of smug superiority coming from the gray haired man. "As those that fail to see the truth..the message delivered onto us by god...they will all be burned away, cleansed to make way for our pure and perfect holy land, our Utopia."

"And that is god's will.."The man besides the old man, the man with the scar, said.

"Yes...I assume it must be...we were not given the privilege that the heretics were, the privilege of his holy scripture."The elderly man said. "It is because god knew...he knew that I would follow his commands without the need for written scripture, without the need for words..no,I feel the will of god in my very veins."

"You were chosen." The man besides the rambling old man said.

"Yes, I was chosen, and I am righteous."The elderly man began once more. "I knew I was righteous from that very moment, I knew from the moment in which I saw those wings spread themselves across the heavens two decades ago, and when they again showed themselves to the world three years ago, I was made sure, sure of the righteousness in my belief!"

A figure floated down to meet them, floated yes, for that power was one that was possible for the young white haired boy with red eyes which had descended toward them.

"I am sure that your dogma, or belief as you call it, was not altered by any other things,Tiberius." He said, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

Tiberius, as the old man was called, looked at the boy before him. "Silence Tabris!false prophet! You know not of what you speak, nor of the true nature of my righteousness!"

"If I am as you say a 'false prophet' then why is it that you keep me around?" Tabris asked.

"It is because I know the truth, you are a mockery of the true prophet. A cautionary tale that,through contrast, shall shed light on the truth of the prophet to come." Tiberius declared in his usual over the top manner, his raspy voice being marked by a flaring anger. Tabris, for his part, simply laughed.

"Your words shall ill fail to amuse me, my friend." Tabris said.

"I am no friend of yours!" Tiberius shrieked.

"Perhaps not." Tabris said. "Even so, I come with good news."

"News?What good news can a snake such as yourself hold within your tongue?"Tiberius asked.

"Oh, but these are good news, joyous ones in fact." Tabris said. "The project you request shall finally go ahead, that which lay beneath the oceans has been found, my fallen brother that was unrelieved."

"Do not call yourself brother of the righteous."Tiberius warned. "But...it is good, these are good news."

"Indeed it is." Tabris said.

"I shall leave, leave to speak to my advisors, and you two, you two shall remain, remain and watch this, watch what stands before you and introspect about your sin." Tiberius commanded, both men nodded as he made his leave.

The younger man, the man who had stayed silent for most of the 'conversation',if such thing could even have been called a conversation, sighed. "He grows in his delusions."

"I wonder why it is that you do not kill him." Tabris thought aloud. "it is not as if many would find out, and you are, after all, his heir."

The younger man looked at him with a horrified expression. "H-how dare you suggest such a thing? To kill my own father..."

"It would be a great service to the world at large, not to say..it is your wish as well,is it not?" Tabris asked. "I see into your soul, you cannot hide your heart from me."

"Silence."The younger man commanded.

"Kira."Tabris said. "It is a fitting name for you, to sound so much like the word killer. Perhaps that is why your father gave it to you."

Kira's eyes narrowed as he glared daggers at the man before him.

"Well, in the end all truths are revealed in that chamber."Tabris said. "When a man stands before the power to change the world he cannot lie to himself and, thus, nor to the world."

Kira was silent. His hands itched for a knife or a dagger to throw at the young man's face, the white haired pest that stood before him. But his orders were clear, he was to safeguard the boy, not to assassinate him, no matter how he wished it.

AN:This one's taken a while to come out hasn't it? Well, it's the regular old case of Writer's block which had me struggling to come up with a good solution to advance the plot, but I think I have figured it out, hopefully.

Well this chapter itself has some interesting things, especially in the way of foreshadowing, hope you enjoyed!