Waking up in a strange room with no clue where you are wasn't as weird as you'd expect. It was becoming such a problem that Happy had put a tracker on his shoe (which Peter had turned off and thrown into the water after the fiasco with Mysterio, you could never be too careful).

Before Summer it would have bothered him as much as it did now. Any room he woke up in that he didn't have any recollection of going into was proof for him that Beck had lied about his death. Of course, Peter realised that being constantly on the run would have worn him out, but it's not like there was anything he could do about it.

Gaining his bearings a bit more, Peter started to look around the room, scanning for any sort of possible glitch. The illusion, which Peter was sure it was, at least looked nice. It had fancy white sofas (he was scared to sit on them lest all the blood on him make them dirty), a coffee table with snacks, and a couple of loveseats floating around. The thing that drew his eye most was the other people around on the floor.

Beck was stupid if he thought that Peter would fall for his tricks again, especially when the man decided to include Mr Stark. Wait, ? Peter did a double-take to make sure that it was him. Then shook his head trying to stay focussed. 'I can't afford to get distracted by Beck's illusions. I need to figure out where the drones are so I can leave. I have to Beck and his crew before he does something else that threatens Europe.'

The boy was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear other people starting to wake.

"Underoos?" The young boy whipped around so fast that Tony thought he was going to get whiplash. The wary look he was receiving from his kid was just wrong. That look should never be on Peter's face, he was too young for that amount of distrust. "You okay, kid?"

He straightened, not saying a word. Tony furrowed his brow in confusion when the kid turned on his heel and walked away. He thought he'd been closer to him, maybe he was wrong. Tony's heart ached at the thought, so he put it on a back-burner. Noticing Pepper was there, he jogged to his fiancée.

Pepper looked up as Tony's feet approached her. She was more concerned about where they were than she was about how he had gotten back from space, she could ask later.

"Are you okay?" She couldn't help but ask, she had hoped that he wasn't one of the ones who had been dusted by Thanos but with him being in space, she'd had no way of knowing. "How did you get back?"

She must've said something wrong because Tony looked confused.

"Back?" He asked. "From where?"

"From the ship, you know, the one you took a one-way ticket to space on." Tony's eyes widened. His breath caught, that had to be what Peter was mad at him for. He'd had no idea. Tony couldn't even remember getting on a ship.

"I what?" He asked to make sure he was hearing right. Pepper blinked at him, unimpressed but unsurprised. She wouldn't have put it past him to have been drunk when he jumped aboard. But no, that wasn't right he'd stopped drinking when he met Peter. Tony had wanted to be sober so he could set an example for the young hero. So, why didn't he- oh.

She decided not to sugar-coat her question, "What year is it?"

"2018, Pep did you hit your head?" He looked at her, concerned.

"Okay, and what month is it?"

"Pep, you sure you're okay?" She gave him a look that told him to answer the question. "It's the start of February." She smiled at him and rushed into his arms holding him tightly. She buried her head in his neck as he hugged her back just as tight. If he was worried, he didn't dare say anything.

On the other side of the room, Rhodey was conversing with Sam. He was smiling. And walking. Without his braces. A confused Steve was talking with an equally confused Natasha. Clint was looking around the room, looking for an air vent to get out of here in no doubt. Bucky was just stood in a corner. And the kid was talking to Happy.

When Happy had woke up, the first thing he did was try to think about what happened. The second thing he had done was shake his head at himself, he had somehow managed to get himself into Peter's role of being kidnapped. The third thing he did was realise that he wasn't alone. Looking around he was shocked to see the young faces of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. The fourth thing he did probably should have been the second thing. He looked at Peter who was standing in a corner.

He approached the young man carefully as so not to spook him. "Peter?"

Happy's efforts were proven to be in vain, however, when Peter flinched and spun around quick enough to give Happy sympathetic whiplash. Peter started to relax, before realising what he was doing. He tensed again but before he could open his mouth, Happy was spitting out a random fact.

Peter relaxed again and hugged Happy. "I'm so glad this is real. How's May doing?"

"She's fine, she just wants you to come back."

"I've told you Happy, I can't go back until I find Beck and his crew. I have to deal with them and the footage before I can come home. You understand don't you?"

"Yeah, I get it, kid."

Suddenly Peter tensed again. Happy looked around, searching for danger but all he saw was Tony. His eyes widened in understanding. It looked as though Happy was going to say something to Peter, but Tony interrupted them. Happy gave a small smile and snook away to talk to Pepper.

"Hey, Bambino. You ran away pretty quickly before, you doing okay?" Peter was put off guard by the sincerity in Tony's chocolate eyes.

"Uh, um, yeah, I'm fine Mr Stark." He replied, unconvincingly.

"Yeah, and I'm a magician. What's wrong kid?"

"Nothing, it's nothing, Mr Stark."

"It's something. It scared you. What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm fine. Promise."

Tony gave him a look but dropped it anyway. "Okay," Tony said, clapping his hands and standing up to get everyone's attention. "Anyone know how we happy few got here?" Peter smiled for a moment, delighted that he was in the presence of his father-figure again. He caught himself before he started believing this was real.

Happy noticed and frowned at him from his side by Pepper. Peter couldn't bring himself to care, he'd been running too long to care what anyone thought.

"Stark, if we knew, we wouldn't be here," Sam spoke up. Tony rolled his shoulders in discomfort, seeing this Rhodey slapped Sam upside the head. Sam looked at the other man in confusion. The fellow hero pointed to where Tony was standing. Falcon followed the hand with his eyes and apologised sheepishly once he realised the discomfort he had caused.

"Um, is that TV supposed to do that?" Mr Stark gave a long-suffering sigh.

"What're you talking about kid?" Tony turned to Peter, only to notice the TV flickering. "Huh, good spot kid. I don't think it should."

Natasha gave a very judging look to the pair. Before she could point anything out, however, the screen flickered to show some writing.

'Hello everyone, some people are late in getting here so I'm going to hold off explaining anything until they arrive. So wait.'

Just then a flash of light entered the room, Peter looked away wincing. When the light receded, there was a man and a girl around Peter's age. There were also two of Peter's friends if Tony remembered correctly; Ted and MJ.

Peter's friends got up first. MJ was relieved when she saw Peter, no matter how dirty he was. She hadn't seen him since the bugle outed him. Ned looked at her when he saw his best friend. In a split-second, they made the decision to run up to him.

MJ jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. He hugged her back, Tony watched with interest as they whispered to each other. Obviously it was something good because Steve and Bucky were smiling at his kid. He glared at them, they shouldn't be looking at his kid with smiles. Okay, that was unfair. It was as much his fault as theirs, which was why he didn't speak up.

The man got up second, immediately going to greet Bucky before he turned to the rest of them. "Don't worry about her, she'll be fine."

Shuri was confused to wake up with people staring at her, speaking of which when did she go to sleep? Her eyes quickly combed the group for her brother. "What just happened?"

"That's what everyone's wondering."

"Hi everyone." The girl got up and headed straight to her brother. Before she could talk to him though, the screen lit up again; drawing everyone's attention to it.

"Now that everyone's here, I'd just to make sure you understand, some people here aren't from the same time. Particularly Peter and Happy. So no sharing anything about your times. You've all been brought here to watch a few movies. These movies will tell you about the future, or at least most of them will. I understand that this will be useless for some of you, but you guys need to watch. I promise this isn't some sort of trick. Enjoy. - Author."

"Huh, so we're just watching movies? Seems fun." Shuri said, dropping down onto one of the smaller sofas. T'Challa joined her. Everyone else shrugged and followed suit. Bucky, Steve and Sam were on one sofa. It was a good thing Steve and Tony hadn't tried to talk to each other yet; no one wanted another civil war.

Pepper sat next to Tony with her head on his shoulder, Rhodey sat next to them smiling, and Happy sat on the end of the sofa in case the kid needed reminding that things were real, Peter chose to share a loveseat with MJ nearby. Ned sat close to Peter, he hadn't seen his best friend in months but MJ and Peter were his OTP and he wasn't going to get in the middle of that.

Natasha and Clint sat next to each other in silence, a gesture of the solidarity and friendship the two still shared even after the war.

The TV started up once everyone was in their seats.