Hello everyone! Back with the next chapter and it's a big one so get ready! It took me a while to write this one and edit it cause so much happens and has to be explained. I also had to research a lot. I really hope you guys like it. This is a big turning point in the story. Ok I'll let you get to it.

Disclaimer: Don't own

Annabeth groaned. She stretched her legs, feeling the soft silk sheets underneath her. Her head buried itself further into one of the pillows on the bed as she tried to go back to sleep. She was unsuccessful. Once she had woken up, she was up for the day. She unwrapped the comforter from around her shoulders and blinked her eyes open sleepily. She yawned and brought a hand up to rub the sleep from her eyes, wincing when she touched her head. She must have slept wrong because she'd woken up with a headache.

She opened her eyes tiredly, sitting up in the bed and positioning herself on the side of the mattress. When her vision cleared, the first thing she noticed was the fact that she was still wearing her clothes from last night. Well that was odd. She stood up. Her head pounded as she walked swiftly over to her dresser. Only…it wasn't her dresser.

She stared at the white vanity and dresser across the room. Her room had grey furniture last time she checked. She turned around and stared at the bed she had been sleeping in. Only…it wasn't her bed either. The mattress was smaller, and the comforter was a soft pink color instead of her purple one. As she became more alert of her surroundings, she noticed more differences. The walls were pink instead of white. The closet was bigger. There was a cassette player on top of a desk.

This was not her room.

"Oh, good you're up. I was just coming to check up on you." A sweet voice came from behind her. Annabeth jumped and turned to face the doorway.

At the entrance to the room stood a girl who looked about the same age as her. She had dark brown wavy shoulder length hair that was close enough to be considered black. It was hard to determine what color her eyes were, but Annabeth settled on a shade of dark brown. She was wearing a casual fitted pink skirt with a navy-blue top and a white jean jacket over top. Annabeth had to admit it was a cute outfit. She wore a pair of pink plastic star dangling earrings and she had on dramatic pastel pink eye shadow to match.

"Uh…who are you?" Annabeth asked tentatively.

The stranger laughed upon seeing her confused expression.

"I'm Silena" She stuck out her hand and Annabeth took a hesitant step forward. Silena had a warm smile, one that made the muscles in Annabeth's shoulders relax slightly. She had no idea what was going on, but it would be rude to not introduce herself to someone who seemed nice enough to let her sleep in her room.

"Annabeth." She replied, shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Annabeth."

The blonde took another look around the room, trying to figure out how to put all the questions she had into one.

"Where…How did I get here?" She asked a moment later.

"We found you last night passed out on the ground near the docks. Rough night huh? I knew I couldn't just leave you there, so we brought you back to my place-"

"We?" Annabeth asked curiously.

"Me and my boyfriend Charlie." She supplied.

Annabeth nodded and allowed her to go back to the story.

"My folks are gone for the week, so it was a safe bet. I've had my fair share of drunk nights don't worry." Silena finished, leaving Annabeth even more confused than before.

The docks? How had she gotten to the docks? And last time she checked, her and Thalia hadn't been drinking last night. But then why did she have a headache? Thalia. An overwhelming feeling of fear consumed her as she looked back at the girl in front of her.

"My friend. Thalia. Did you happen to see her last night? Short black hair and blue eyes?" She asked hopefully.

Silena shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. It was just you."

Annabeth's heart started beating frantically as the memories came flooding back. She had been watching the meteor shower with her best friend. Their necklaces started glowing. She pieced the two halves together and then…she woke up in a stranger's bedroom.

She reached for her neck and her hand found the familiar silver chain between her fingers. She had definitely taken it off last night but somehow it had found her again.

Silena gripped her arm once she saw the troubled look on her face. "Maybe she went back home. Do you want to try calling her? You can use my house phone."

Annabeth paced back and forth across the carpet. She felt like her head was about to explode from the amount of strain she was putting on it.

"No, I…I should really be going. Thanks for everything Silena but I'll call her myself." She slipped on her converse and tied the laces quickly.

"Oh, ok. Well at least let me give you some Advil. I know how much a hangover can hurt." The darker haired girl offered.

Annabeth smiled gratefully, deciding not to trouble the poor girl with the mountain of issues she had right now. She was pretty sure a hangover wasn't one of them, but Silena didn't need to know that. She actually did have a headache though, so she wasn't going to turn down the medicine.

She followed Silena down to the kitchen and accepted the pills. She thanked her once again before she was out the door and walking down the sidewalk, leaving Silena confused and curious as to why she'd never seen the blonde around anywhere.

[Song Tribute-I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls]

She immediately reached for her back pocket where she usually kept her iPhone. Her breathing picked up when she came up empty handed. She patted her front and back pockets. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her windbreaker jacket. She sighed, having no luck in her search. Her phone was missing. The day just kept getting better and better.

She ran a hand through her messy blonde curls. She suddenly wished she'd stayed at Silena's and asked to borrow her hairbrush. Messy hair and slept in clothes were definitely not her best look. She retied the scrunchie in her hair and glanced up in attempt to gather her surroundings. She knew where she was. It was an old neighborhood about ten minutes from the docks. What she wasn't expecting to see however was the…ambiance that surrounded her.

To her left a group of boys maybe three years younger than her stood practicing tricks on their bikes and racing each other. She noticed two of them wearing light washed jeans with a matching jean jacket or vest. Annabeth never would have imagined that high school boys these days dressed like that. At least not when she was in high school. She shrugged; she was never up to date with the latest fashion trends.

As she kept walking, she heard laughter coming from her right. She passed a couple chatting aimlessly with their next-door neighbor in the middle of mowing the lawn. It was normal enough except for the fact that Annabeth once again noticed their outfits. The woman had a pair of slacks on with a blazer containing huge shoulder pads. She wore pearls around her neck and big silver earrings. Annabeth could only assume that she was headed out to work. Her husband wore a long suit jacket with a tie and suspenders. Their neighbor was a middle-aged man wearing a pair of bright green shorts and a white t-shirt tucked into it. The interaction would have been normal enough if the clothing didn't appear so…outdated.

Annabeth closed her eyes and shook her head. She needed to find Thalia and they needed to go home. Malcom was probably worried sick. She'd been out all night apparently and now she didn't even have her phone.

Trying to come up with the best plan of action, she finally decided to start her search for Thalia at the docks where Silena told her they found her. If Thalia wasn't there then she would have to borrow someone's phone and hope that her best friend still had it on her.

She walked further up and out of the neighborhood and headed straight to the pier. People didn't give her a second glance. On the other hand, Annabeth was having a hard time not staring. The public was most definitely not dressed in what was considered the current era wardrobe. They were dressed…well they were dressed like her. Loose jeans, scrunchies, converse. Annabeth blamed it on the fact that her head still hurt like hell and she was probably imagining what she wanted to see. Before she could ponder the thought any further, she heard a familiar voice from down the pier.

"Annabeth!" They shouted. She turned in the direction it came from.

Relief coursed through her veins when her eyes met the electric blue irises of her best friend. Thalia looked just as relieved if not more to see her. Annabeth noted that she too was still clad in her clothes from the night before and appeared just as confused as her.

"Thalia thank the gods! What the hell happened last night?" Annabeth asked frantically once she reached her. They stood off to the side to avoid the traffic of people walking down the boardwalk.

"You tell me! One minute there was a flash of blinding light and the next thing I know I wake up in some mattress store in the mall! Do you know how embarrassing that was? I tried calling your cell but I lost mine so I borrowed some random dude's-which by the way was an actual brick like come on get with the times man it literally took me ten minutes to figure out how to use it-anyways it told me your number was disconnected and somehow I found my way here. I don't know how exactly, guess I just felt like I really needed to be here."

Thalia took a deep breath once she had finished, having said that entire spiel without a pause. Annabeth took a few minutes to process the words.

Thalia eventually got impatient, demanding to know her side of the story. So, Annabeth told her everything. From when she'd woken up in a stranger's bed to meeting Silena to walking down an outdated suburban neighborhood.

"Well at least one of us didn't have to go through the humiliation of explaining why they were found sleeping on a bed in someone's store." Thalia admitted sarcastically.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Hey, I was supposedly found by the docks if you hadn't been listening. If it weren't for Silena that's where I would have woken up and a comfy mattress in a store sounds a lot better than hard wood if you ask me."

"We are so not arguing about who had it worse right now." Thalia said.

Annabeth nodded, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. "You're right. We need to just find your car and get back home." She muttered, taking a deep breath in.

"Agreed. It's probably still back at the warehouse. We'll take a cab and go from there. I found some money in this jacket I didn't even know I had."

Annabeth nodded. "Do you have your keys?" She asked hesitantly.

Thalia lifted a hand from her jacket pocket. A set of silver keys dangled from her fingertips.

"At least one thing went right."

They should have known that statement was jinxed.

The two best friends stood quietly in front of an old black 1987 Audi Quattro. They had made it to the old warehouse but the only car in sight was the one currently three feet from them. They searched the whole perimeter with no luck. Thalia's car was gone, replaced with the much older one before them.

"Just try it." Annabeth pleaded.

"No! That is most definitely not my car. That being said, there's no way my keys work for it." Thalia refuted nervously. A part of her was too scared of there even being a slight possibility that it was true.

"There's not even a remote for unlocking it like on the set of keys you have Thals!"

Thalia looked down at the keys in her hand. Panic consumed her when she realized that Annabeth was right. There were just two silver keys attached to a loop. Her car had a button you pressed to lock and unlock it. Annabeth gave her another nervous look and she caved.

"Ok, alright fine!" She yelled, rushing over to the vehicle and sticking one of the keys into the door.

Her pupils widened when the key was a perfect fit. She turned back to face Annabeth who was just as shocked as her.

"Annabeth…whose car is this and why the hell do I have their keys?!"

"I don't know" The blonde whispered fearfully.

The two girls stood stiffly in place, staring at the car like it was going to grow legs and walk away from them at any moment. With the way things had been going Thalia wouldn't be surprised. Neither one of them could come up for a logical explanation for any of it.

"Ok…I don't know what's going on but the one thing I am sure of is that I just want to go home so I think we should just get back to my place and try to figure it all out there." Annabeth proposed whilst continuing to stare blankly at the automobile.

Thalia nodded in agreement. "Ok, great. But just how are we supposed to get back there? I don't have any cash left."

Annabeth sighed, turning to her friend and hesitantly gesturing to the car and the keys still in Thalia's hand. It took less than a second to figure out what the blonde was implying. Thalia met her eyes once again in complete shock.

"Is Annabeth Chase miss 'there's always consequences for your actions' suggesting that we steal the car?"

Annabeth grimaced. "I'm not saying I'm proud of it, but we have the keys. Maybe…someone wanted you to have it? Besides, how else are we going to get back? Walk?"

Thalia pursed her lips, looking between her friend and the car. "Fair enough."

Once they got into the car and Thalia started up the old engine the radio turned on and the song "Drive" by The Cars played through the speakers.

"The fucking irony" Thalia voiced.

"Ok uh, well for the thousandth time…What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On." Thalia breathed once they stopped at the presumed destination, exaggerating the words to express her complete and utter confusion.

Annabeth sat next to her in the passenger side of their unknown car. She stared out at the scene in front of them refusing to advert her gaze. What they should have been in front of was Annabeth's house. The small condo she shared with her older brother Malcom. The place she'd been living in for years.

Instead, she faced a wide-open field of grass. Kids dressed in vintage clothes played soccer and parents talked amongst themselves. There wasn't a house or a condo in sight. Neither one of them could have gotten the location wrong. The address was practically engrained into their minds since Annabeth lived there and Thalia came over almost every day.

Annabeth didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to think or what to do. Where was her home? Where was Malcom? Where was their front yard with slightly overgrown grass and a small driveway?

"Ok, uh… we just…we just need to think. Try to connect the dots regarding everything that's happened to us in the last twenty-four hours." Annabeth reasoned, explaining her thoughts out loud more for herself than for Thalia's benefit.

"We were watching the meteor shower. The necklaces started glowing. I put them together. White flash thingy happens and then we both wake up in different spots. Me in Silena's room from being picked up at the docks and you in some store at the mall. I see people dressed in my style. We both seem to have lost our iPhones. You borrow someone's phone that looks way too outdated. We find each other at the pier. We find…a car that you just mysteriously have the keys for. We take it back to where my house is supposed to be but instead it's just a field. What does this all mean?" Annabeth voiced, trying to find any connection between the information. Thalia didn't say a word.

Suddenly, it hit her like a slap to the face. The outfits. Not having their iPhones. Thalia's description of using a 'brick phone'. The model of the car they were in. Her house being replaced by a field. Her eyes widened and she stared at her surroundings, taking a closer look at everything.

"What? What is it?" Thalia asked desperately.

"I'll be right back." Annabeth mumbled hurriedly before stepping out of the car and rushing over to where two women were talking as they watched their kids play together.

She didn't want to say what she was thinking out loud. There was no possible way she was right. It was downright ridiculous. These women were going to laugh in her face and tell her she needed to check into a mental institution when she finished asking her question. But she had to know. Even if there was the slightest possibility.

"Excuse me, Miss?" Annabeth asked one of the women when she was close enough. She turned around and her brown eyes met her grey ones. Annabeth didn't fail to notice their unique clothing consisting of loose t-shirts tucked into jeans with a belt and large silver buckles around their waists.

"Yes?" She questioned, pausing her conversation with the woman next to her.

"Um…this is going to sound really stupid but…I was wondering…well…uh what year is it exactly?"

The woman furrowed her brows in confusion after she heard the question. The woman next to her copied her expression. They were both clearly taken aback. The pause between her question and the woman's answer seemed to last forever.

"It's 1989" She answered carefully once she had processed the words.

Annabeth felt her heart stop. It was impossible. The woman in front of her was crazy. As much as she tried to convince herself all the details she'd been noticing since waking up started to make sense. Silena's cassette player. The jean on jean outfit. More and more images flashed across her mind.

"T-thank you." She said before running back over to the car leaving the two women to return back to their conversation.

"Why do you look like you just saw a ghost? Who was that woman? Do you know her?"

"Annabeth answer me!" Thalia shouted as she watched her best friend stare aimlessly into space. It was getting really annoying. Finally, she looked back at her.

"Thals…I think…I think we may have…travelled back in time."

"I still can't believe I agreed to this. I mean it's absolutely insane." Thalia spoke, bringing the blonde out of her thoughts as they continued to drive down the road.

"I know how it sounds Thals. I'm not even sure I believe it myself yet but what else are we supposed to do?" Annabeth asked hopelessly.

"Not head straight towards the creepy woman who started this mess that's for sure." Thalia complained.

Annabeth sighed. After explaining her reasoning to Thalia of why she thought there was a possibility they travelled back in time the two of them sat in the car silently for well over ten minutes. When her best friend finally spoke, it was to tell her that the idea of time travel was impossible. Thalia refused to even consider the concept which lead to them debating over what to do next. Eventually Annabeth managed to piece the puzzle together and proposed that they go back to the old vintage shop where they had met Hestia.

"We got the necklaces from her store. She knew a lot more than she was letting on. It's our best bet of figuring out how to get back to our time." Annabeth explained for the second time.

Thalia groaned. "Stop saying things like 'back to our time'. How are you so sure that we time travelled?"

"Look around you Thals. Do you see any cars that look even remotely like the ones from the 2000's? Not to mention the clothing and the radio stations. How else would you explain everything that's happened? I mean my house is nonexistent for gods sake."

"Well…maybe everyone just decided to make it national 80s day or something. Or maybe we're just hallucinating and this is all just a dream. One of your dreams probably. Wonder how many times you've dreamed of living through the 80s. So wake up Annie maybe it's-"

"Thals we're not hallucinating. And I'm pretty sure I'm not dreaming. Let's just get to the store and see if Hestia knows anything alright?"

Thalia reluctantly nodded, pressing her foot on the gas pedal in order to pick up speed. The two of them didn't talk the rest of the way there.

"I'm sorry but I've never met either one of you." Hestia muttered.

Annabeth shared a look with Thalia who was too busy glaring at the store owner to say anything.

Once they had arrived at the store, they walked in to find it a lot less cluttered than it was the first time they had shopped there. Annabeth knew it could be due to the fact that a lot of the merchandise from the 80's and 90's decades hadn't been donated yet. The thought made her shudder. She chose to keep the information to herself seeing as how Thalia still thought she was crazy. They found Hestia almost right away standing behind the back counter writing something down. If it hadn't been for the millions of other crazy events that had taken place since last night Annabeth would have been horrified at the fact that Hestia didn't appear to look any different from when they met her in 2020. Once again, she didn't say anything in front of Thalia, but she was sure her best friend had also noticed. It was kind of hard to miss. They had introduced themselves, but Hestia claimed that she didn't know who they were. That was all it took for Thalia to get fired up.

"Listen lady. You're the one who started all this with your philosophical words that made no sense and giving us the necklaces for free. I just want to go home, and I'm fed up with all this time travel nonsense that my best friend won't stop convincing me is real so whatever the hell you did you need to fix it!" Thalia said coldly, putting a hand down on the counter forcefully and waiting for a response.

Annabeth moved her hand away, pushing her to the side as she took a different approach at talking to Hestia who now looked like she was about to kick them out and call the police.

"I'm sorry about her it's just…we think you can help us….I think you can help us rather. You see we came into your store not too long ago. I found this set of friendship necklaces and you gave them to us for free. But…you told us they were special. Something about being in the right place at the right time or something. You also said you hadn't seen something like them in a long time."

An expression of curiosity appeared on the woman's face as she listened to Annabeth talk. "Can I see the necklaces?"

Annabeth unclasped the silver chain from around her neck and gestured for Thalia to do the same. She did so reluctantly. They placed the two pieces down on the counter for the older woman to see. Annabeth didn't fail to notice the way Hestia's expression changed from curious to shocked.

"What is it?" She asked when Hestia didn't say anything.

"These are Time Bond necklaces." She finally said, whispering so that they almost couldn't hear her. She looked back and forth between the two best friends. Almost as if she was analyzing them.

Annabeth met her eyes, relieved that she had recognized them. "That's what you called them when we met. What does it mean? What does this all mean?"

"It's a long story. But if they're what I think they are then…you might actually have travelled back in time." Hestia murmured. Annabeth's breath caught in her throat. Had she been right?

"How?" She asked tentatively.

Hestia pursed her lips, looking around the store to see if anyone else was inside. Luckily it was just the three of them. Slowly she walked over to the shop's front door and changed the open sign to closed before shutting the blinds. The action made Annabeth feel uneasy.

"You said you found the necklaces in my shop correct?" Hestia asked once she had walked back towards them. Annabeth nodded whilst Thalia stood off to the side.

"Yeah they were way behind some of the other jewelry and I picked up the box." Annabeth explained, waiting desperately for Hestia to start providing some type of answer.

The store owner nodded. "Relics of time like your necklaces…they only show up when they're meant to be found by someone. In your case, the two of you. If we really have met before then the reason I gave them to you for free was because you were meant to have them."

"But why?"

Hestia shrugged. "I don't know. It's different for everyone. Believe it or not you aren't the first people to come to me about Tempus Relics. They're very rare but they exist."

"Why do you keep calling them that? Tempus Relics?" Thalia interrupted.

"Tempus is the Latin word for time and relic is like an artifact. There are more pieces than just your necklaces. Some people find earrings, rings, bracelets-"

"You mean there's other people that this has happened to?" Annabeth spoke up.

Hestia nodded. "They're called Travelers. Been around for as long as I can remember. Before you ask, no I'm not one myself. I'm a Time Warden. Someone meant to help people like you in the past, present, and future. I never age and I can never die. That's probably why we've met before. I just don't remember it because it hasn't happened yet. When I gave you the necklaces you were 'potentials' meaning you had the ability to travel through time but didn't know it. Some people go their whole lives without realizing they have that ability."

Annabeth stared off into space. Trying to once again process the words she was saying. It was starting to give her a headache and she'd just managed to get rid of the last one.

"I need to know everything that's happened to you two since you got here. It's the only way I'll be able to figure out how to get you back." Hestia continued.

Thalia gave Annabeth a hesitant look. The blonde knew her friend was just being cautious. Everything this woman was saying sounded like it was taken out of a science fiction novel. Thalia was waiting for the hidden cameras to be exposed and for some TV show host to come out and yell 'you got pranked!' but sadly that didn't happen. Upon seeing the looks on their faces Hestia smiled warmly.

"You can trust me. I promise."

And so, Annabeth began explaining everything. Each and every small detail from watching the meteor shower up to walking into her store. It was getting kind of exhausting to review the facts over and over again. Hestia listened intently, stopping her every so often to ask her a question. Thalia continued to stay silent as she watched the interaction. Annabeth knew she was still trying to find any way to make sense of it all. She didn't believe Hestia, that much she was certain about. When Annabeth was finished, they waited for Hestia to give them the information they needed. After what felt like hours, her soft voice broke the silence.

"People don't think that time travel exists because they don't know where to look. Like I said to you in the future, it needs to be the right people and you need to be in the right place at the right time." She started.

"You need something extraordinary, something that doesn't happen every day. In your case it was the Perseids meteor shower. Only happens once a year and it comes from space naturally. No human interaction involved. You also need to have a Tempus Relic. In which case you were both wearing Time Bond necklaces, pendants that only work if you put them together. All that being said, the only way to get back is to use the same way you came. For you two that would be waiting for the Perseids meteor shower."

Annabeth nodded, slowly trying to grasp the impossible concept.

"How come we woke up in different locations?" She asked after a beat.

"When the flash hits it's unpredictable. The blast must have been so strong it blew you both in different directions. Make sure you're holding on to each other when you go back."

Annabeth felt like she had a million questions brewing in her head. Hestia didn't seem to mind answering them. Something she was very grateful for.

"What about my car? And our iPhones?" Thalia spoke up before Annabeth could say anything else.

"The flash can sometimes take other objects along with it if they're close enough. Your car must have been in its radius but since technically the type of car you had before hasn't been made yet it got replaced with a car from this era. Same thing with your phones. Hardly anyone owns cell phones here especially teenagers. Some adults have 'brick phones' as you described from your story, but iPhones, whatever those are, haven't been invented yet."

"But why exactly did we come back to this year? Why 1989?" Annabeth challenged.

Hestia smiled. "That's the last part of it. To travel you need to have made some sort of statement about where you wanted to go. A proclamation, an announcement, a wish."

A wish. Annabeth's memory flashed back to last night as she made another connection.

"I…I said I wished I could go back and experience the 80's." She said slowly.

"Then there's your answer. But there's two of you and the necklaces only work as a pair so Thalia you must have said something too." Hestia turned towards the other girl.

"I don't know what you're-"

"Beginning of summer." Annabeth cut her off, her eyes widening as she realized something yet again.

"What?" Thalia said confusedly.

"You said you wished it was the beginning of summer remember? You said imagine if it was June 1st and we had the whole summer ahead of us." Annabeth stated, looking at her friend who was slowly beginning to make the connection.

The three of them stood patiently waiting for Thalia to say something. When she finally did it surprised them both.

"There has got to be a logical explanation for all of this! I mean come on Annie you're the one who's supposed to see the science in everything. It's just not…it can't…until I see some proof, I refuse to believe that all this is true." Thalia argued.

Annabeth saw Hestia reach for something behind the counter. She placed it on the surface in between them and pushed it towards them so they could see. It was a newspaper and based on the way it was free from frayed edges and it wasn't yellow in color from age, Annabeth deduced it wasn't old.

"This is today's paper. And this…" Hestia said, pointing to the line at the top of the front page. "Is today's date."

The two girls followed her finger, reading the small black font printed at the top.

June 1st, 1989.

Dun dun dun! So what did you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Let me know. I love getting reviews from you guys and I especially want to know your reactions to this update. Obviously, there are going to be inaccuracies in this story. I didn't live through the 80s so everything I write about the era comes from things adults have told me, old movies, or things I've researched lol. I also chose 1989 so that I can include songs and movies references made in the late 80s. The more reviews I get the faster I'll have updates coming out so hit that button. Love you all!

